• Published 28th Dec 2016
  • 2,710 Views, 1 Comments


Button Mash tickles his mom.

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Tickle Mash (Pony Version)

Button Mash doesn't have any school today, so he's free for the weekend. He's been having a stressful week in school, playing video games and hanging out with Sweetie Belle. He woke up and yawned, he slowly got out of bed. He walked over to his door, slowly opened it, and left his bedroom.

Button went to the kitchen and grabbed some breakfast. He made a fruit salad and French toast, he learned how to make it in cooking class in school, he never fails in cooking. He sat on the couch and waited for his mom to come home, he's been thinking that he should tickle her, he always wondered if he's mother was ticklish.

His mom opened the door and entered the house. "Good Morning, Button.", she said. She was on a walk around Ponyville, visiting other ponies and eating out for breakfast.

Button got off the couch and stood in front of his mother. He didn't say anything, he smirked. This was the moment he would finally ask her.

His mom backed her head away a little and her eyeballs rolled to the right in confusion. "Uh..., Button?", Button's mom asked. "What's going on here? You're kind of making me uncomfortable."

"Mom, are you ticklish?", Button asked.

His mother blinked a few times. "Yeah, I guess.", she said. "Your father used to tickle me when we go on a picnic. Why do you ask?" Button's father used to sneak and tickle attack on his mother while they're at a picnic at the park.

"Because, I want to tickle you.", Button said with a grin. He's been waiting a long time to tickle her, he always has the guts to do something.

"Ok, Sweetie.", Button's mother said. "How are we going to keep me from squirming out?" Her age is over twenty and Button is eight years old.

An idea dinged into his head. "I got it.", he said. "Lay down on the floor and wait patiently while I get some tickle tools and duct-tape." He went into another room to find some stuff.

Button's mom found a spot on the floor and laid down on her back. She rubbed her stomach and wiggled her hooves while she waited for her son, she's not that into waiting for Button to come back.

Button came back with duct-tape, an electric toothbrush, and feathers. "I'm back, Mom.", he said. He went over to his mother's hooves and moved them into a 'y' position. "Now hold still, I'm going to tape them down five times." He grabbed the duct-tape and taped his mother's hooves down. "You ready, Mom?", he asked.

Button's mom's heart was beating fast, she widened her smile. "Yes, Hon.", she said giggling.

Button picked up a feather with his teeth, brought it over his mom, and tickled under her front hooves. Button's mom giggled and squirmed around a little. Button used his tail to tickle his mother's belly. His mom's giggles turned into laughs. Button went over to his mother's lower part of her body and tickled her left hoof. His mom's laughter increased ten levels high. Button grabbed a brush with his hoof and brushed his mom's right hoof. His mom's laughter became louder and louder.

His mom was having the time of her life. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! BUTTON!", she screamed.

"Just relax and keep laughing.", Button said softly as he tickled his poor mother's right hoof. He dropped the brush and walked over to his mother's waist. He hopped and sat on her waist, put his hooves to her belly and rubbed gently. His mother laughed softly. Then, Button tickled her harder causing his mom to laugh louder. Button got off her and grabbed his electric toothbrush. He switched it on and brushed his mom's belly.

His mom's head was damp with sweat and her eyes were full of tears. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I CAN'T BREATHE! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", she screamed.

Button stopped, because he knew his mother was going to pass out if he tickles her too much. He removed the tape from her hooves. "Can you stand?", he asked.

"I think so.", his mom said.

Button walked over to his mom, grabbed one of her front hooves, and helped her stand back up on her hooves. His mom's hooves were a little wobbly, but, she can stand easily. "What do you say we go on a walk to the park and let me show you the spot where your father used to tickle me.", she said.

"Sure.", Button said. "Why not?"

They both walked out of the house. Button's mom hoped for another tickle session to happen again.