• Published 26th Dec 2016
  • 636 Views, 4 Comments

Of Love & Loss - frostgiant

  • ...

Let's Talk About It.

Author's Note:

If you like this story please press the like button. People aren't doing that enough.

Spike's head laid face down. His black shirt, purple dragon jacket, and green cargo shorts were tattered and filled with holes. His legs were chained to a metal bolted-down chair he sat in, and his arms shackled to the steel table in front of him. As he awakens and raises his head, he slowly turns left and right trying to get a better feel of where he is. It looked to be a large metal room. Aside from himself, the room was empty, he only saw the table in front of him, his chair, and another chair at the opposite side of where he now sat bound but without any sort of restraints. The rusted walls around seemed to be the color of dirty snow from the lack of cleaning and maintenance. The only other noticeable thing was a door on the far side of the room with no knob. Or at least not on his side.

"Where... Am I?" He asked himself beginning to rattle trying to break or loosen his binds. cue a large man in a jet black suit, black tie and shades big enough to cover his face walked through the door holding a small suitcase and over to the other side of the table but did not sit down.

"Hello Spike." He introduced, his voice deep and echoing off the walls. "Do you know why you're here?"

He sat up straight looking the man directly in the eyes. "I didn't kill her."

The mystery man stood as still as stone. "That's not what I asked you. Now, why are you here?"

"For the suspected murder of Twilight Sparkle." Spike answered.

The man turned, showing his side to Spike. "Theirs nothing suspect about it. We know you did it and I intend to find out why."

"I DIDN'T KILL HER!" Spike shouted banging his fist on the table.

Spike watched as the black suited man put down his suitcase and slowly walked behind his chair and out of peripheral vision. "Spike," He said calmly. "Do you know who I am?"

"No." Spike spoke looking forward.

The man smiled slightly. "Good. I'd prefer to keep it that way until my identity becomes relevant. For now, you may call me Mr. Suit, or just Suit for short.

Spike banged the table again trying to get Suits attention off himself. "I don't care who you are. Just tell me what you want and leave me the hell alone."

Suit walked back to the other side of the room and placed his hands on the table, leaning closer into Spike's face. "What I want is the truth, and I plan to get it from you any way possible."

As suit backed away and sat in the chair Spike only looked down to his hands almost in agony. He knew he was innocent but could't prove it. "I would never harm Twilight." He thought to himself. "Everyone should know that."

"Look Spike," Mr. Suit said speaking in a more friendly manner. "I'm not here to judge you. Thats for all those people on the outside. But me, and in here, well… I just want the truth. So why don't you just tell me what happened so we can all go home."

Spike took a deep breath. "Like I told every other person who asked me, I. Don't. Know. I wasn't their… And she needed me to be."

Suit could tell what he said was genuine, but it wasn't enough. He placed his suitcase on the table opened it and dug around inside. He threw some pictures he had inside onto the table. "Why don't you take a look at these."

Spreading out the pictures and picking one up, Spike quickly gagged at what he saw and dropped the photo, letting it fall back down in front of Mr. Suit. "What the fuck was that?" Spike covered his mouth attempting not to puke.

"That was Twilight," Suit said then gestured to the rest of the photos. "These all are."

Spike's eyes stayed shocked opened. "It can't be. Theirs so much blood, and body parts everywhere."

"You're handy work we believe." Suit said looking down at the pictures. "Do you see the claw and bite marks, the burns. All signs of a dragon attack."

"But it wasn't me!" Spike argued.

Mr. Suit rose up shouting back. "It had to be!" Look at the evidence. She was killed right outside of ponyvill in a secluded area. It had to be a dragon. You're the only dragon allowed in ponyvill let alone close to it, You know the area well enough to kill and hide someone there, and you have the motive. It had to be you!"

"Motive! What motive?" He questioned back. "And I can't even breath fire yet."

Suit quickly went back into his suitcase grabbing and trowing down some letters Twilight had sent to Celestia before she died. "In these letters Twilight talks about your growth. She said that you're change into adulthood didn't come without risk."

Spike looked confused. "I don't remember her sending those letters."

"You wouldn't." Mr. Suit responded. "She sent them behind your back after her worries started to grow… Six months ago. It says that with your growth your anger also grew. That you were getting more uncontrollably vicious. She goes on to say that when you got really angry you could spit fire with ease."

"Ok, so what," Spike said defensively. "I can breath fire when i'm angry all dragons can. But that doesn't give you motive."

Suit smirked with a grin that said I'v got you. "It does when you've been kicked out of you home by a near mother figure."

"What are you talking about?" Spike said, his face becoming cold.

Mr. Suit stood up and began to pace back and forth. "We know why you've been staying at Fluttershy's. In her last letters about you she explains how having you in the house has become hazardous to her, so she had to move you out. As far as possible. She says the first month at Fluttershy's was fine but the rest after that you two hadn't spoken at all."

"She didn't mean it like that." Spike talked low looking down.

"THEN HOW DID SHE MEAN IT!" He shouted at Spike.

He looked suit straight in the eyes, "I don't know."

"I know." Suit said wrapping his fist. "You were becoming a dangerous dragon and she no longer felt safe around you."

"I AM NOT!" He said turning red then breathing a deep ghoul of fire to the ceiling.

Suit stood still waiting for Spike to finish. "Of course you're not."

As Spike came to his sense he started to cry. Everything that had happened finally hit him, like a train running into a stone wall at full speed. He would be imprisoned for a crime he didn't commit, he would loss the last of his friends, and Twilight Sparkle… was gone.

"Like I said before," Mr. Suit began repeating himself. "Just tell me what happened. Or at least what you know. Tell me why Twilight called you hazardous. Why she had Fluttershy take you in. And Why you too didn't speak for five whole months."

"Ok." Spike Said sitting up and whipping away his tears. "I'll tell you. But the first thing you need to know is that this didn't start six months ago. It was nine."

Comments ( 4 )

Interesting i will follow this!

It is a little rough, but It is certain worth tracking.

7821352 rough in what way?

7821740 I'm not an expect of proofreading, but from what I can tell you have at least misused capital letters a few times. Plus I think you missed a few commas.

Either way, I suggest either getting proofreader or getting a grammar app.(Warning the app's free version has a few small problems)

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