• Published 30th Nov 2011
  • 1,531 Views, 23 Comments

Cursed Bonds of Loyalty - JavaChips

Rainbow Dash's loyalty is an amazing power, but could it also be a curse?

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Learning from History

Princess Celestia paced back and forth, taking the occasional look around at the group of worried ponies in front of her, getting her thoughts together. “Princess,” Twilight spoke up, “Whatever is going on you can trust us enough to tell us. We care about Rainbow Dash, we just want to know what's going on so we can help her.”
Celestia took a deep breath. “I'm afraid that it goes far deeper than that Twilight Sparkle. Back to a secret I've held since the Griffon Territory War.”
“What? What are you talking about?”
Celestia looked out the window, where she saw dark clouds on the horizon of the night sky. She sighed, ready to relieve part of the grief she'd been holding on her shoulders. “I'm sure you've studied up on the Griffon Territory War, correct?”
Twilight nodded, floating a book over to recite from. “The Griffon Territory War began with a direct offence on Equestria's eastern border, destroying a pair of towns. General Razorfeather had decided that the griffons deserved more territory than they had, and was not open to debate on the subject. Seeing no other choice, Princess Celestia sent out a battalion to hold back the griffon armies, but due to lack of air support the battles often went back and forth. Seeing no end in sight, Princess Celestia issued Canterlot's unicorns to create a magical amulet which would turn the battle in their favor. The result was the Griffon's Eye Amulet, which was awarded to....General Silver Streak. The amulet, in his hooves, allowed larger, more powerful storms to be created with less effort. The control of weather was Equestria's trump card in winning the Griffon Territory War. Princess, could this Silver Streak be related to Dark Streak?”
“I'm afraid it may very well be.” she agreed. “But there is much you don't know about the Griffon Territory War, a story that we've hidden from you, from everypony, for years.”
Celestia sat down, and the rest followed in suit, circling her as they listened. “It was a long time ago, I had known General Silver Streak for a long time, and I trusted him.”
Silver Streak led his battalion across the eastern sky. His second in command, Wispy Winds, wasn't far behind him. “Silver,” she said, “How many griffons do you think we'll encounter this time?”
“It's hard to tell.” he replied. “In our last battle we were outnumbered, but you never know in this-”
His thought was interrupted as a griffon brushed past him, leading a troop. Without second thought, Silver's group split into position and prepared for battle. Wisp went back to back with Silver, looking around the skyline. “Silver!” Wisp screamed. “Clouds on the eastern horizon.”
Silver nodded, pointing his hoof toward the direction of the clouds. The group of soldiers nearest the clouds were quick to go retrieve them, but the group was quickly set upon by griffons. It wasn't long before the rest joined in, and a dogfight began. Silver sighed as he bucked away a griffon from nearby. “This is going from bad to worse.” he said, a griffon dive bombing him from behind.
He was saved by Wisp, who flew in from below and bucked the beast out of the air. “You said it.” she said, brushing her silvery mane out of her face. “Escape time?”
Silver nodded and moved next to Wisp, holding her hoof. The two began flying in circles, building up a strong breeze, and eventually a tornado. The pegasus soldiers were wise to the trick and folded in their wings, letting themselves be taken by the tornado. The griffons dared not to pursue in fear of an ambush. As the ponies approach the eye of the storm, they opened their wings, escaping through the top of the funnel, moving above the cloud line that had formed near the top. Silver and Wisp were the last to flee through the tunnel. As the storm died down, the griffons searched the skies for the enemy troops, but they were gone from sight.
Dark Streak and Rainbow Dash looked into the mouth of the large cave, staring into the dark opening. “So, what's in here? Some sort of a shelter?” Rainbow Dash asked, staring over the edge of the entrance to the bottomless pit beyond.
Dark nodded, flapping his wings. “The Streak family has always had this secret cavern, only accessible to pegasi. It's a flight gauntlet, a series of three trials requiring two pegasi to fly straight into the mouth of the cave, through the various traps set to keep intruders out, and eventually make it into the inner sanctuary.”
Dark stepped forward and opened up his wings. Rainbow Dash, still feeling nervous about entering the cave, opened her wings with him. “When we get inside the cave will split off into two different tunnels, but it'll eventually cycle back into one. There's a major trap in each cavern, the first is a series of swinging blades, too many to maneuver through. Look for a lever on the wall on your side, that will be the switch for the trap on my side, and I'll do the same for you. We'll meet on the other side.”
Dash took a large gulp, nodding. Though she said she was ready, it was obvious from her shaking wings that she wasn't. Dark folded his wings in, stepping toward the rainbow mare. Her eyes were still staring into the pit as he turned it to face him. Her eyes went wide when he suddenly kissed her. The kiss was broken almost as quickly as it had happened, staring into her eyes. “Please, you have to trust me.”
Dash nodded slowly, smiling as she unfolded her wings again. Dark smiled and nodded to her, unfolding his own wings. The two arched back and lifted off, flying in. As the cavern separated into tunnels, Dash took a look over at Dark and sighed, preparing herself for the adventure ahead. She rid herself of fear as the two separated.
Silver Streak took a deep breath as he opened the door to the Canterlot Royal Courtroom. Trotting down the long walkway, he came to sit in front of the court. Four unicorns stood on either side of a regal throne, where Celestia sat. Though she was the one to sit there, it was clear from the starry cushioning that it was not originally intended for her. Celestia looked on the pegasus with concern, an expression she bore far too much in this time of war. “Hello again Silver Streak, are you ready to give your report on your last battle?”
“Your highness,” Silver began, bowing, “I'm afraid that it isn't good. The griffons are getting wise to our weather tactics. We couldn't even get the clouds over to us. We're going to need to change our methods or we're definitely going to lose this war.”
Celestia sighed. That was the last thing she wanted to hear. “I'm sorry to hear that Silver. Are you sure that you can't find a new tactic to turn the clouds to storm clouds?”
Silver shook his head. “I'm sorry milady, but making storm clouds is an incredibly delicate process, to do a single thing wrong could risk a stray lightning bolt, or maybe something worse.”
“There's no need to beat around the bush Princess.” a unicorn on her left said. “General Silver Streak, we've developed a new weapon for you.”
The unicorn turned and nodded to the nearby guard, who was quick to retrieve a box. The box was placed in front of Silver, and opened to reveal the item inside. A unicorn on the right of the princess used his magic to raise the amulet into the air as he explained. “This is our newest weapon, we call it 'Griffon's Eye.' It's been imbued with magic related to weather. We've done rigorous testing on it and have deemed it to be safe for military use. You have been chosen to wear this amulet.”
Silver looked over the amulet, staring at his reflection in the ruby. As he looked deeper, he thought he saw a cloud, billowing around in the jewel. “I....humbly accept this honor.”
The jewel was placed around the colt's neck, and he bowed to the court, unfolding his wings. “Thank you, General Silver Streak.” said another unicorn. “You are dismissed.”
Silver walked back down the walkway and out of the room, the giant doors closing behind him. Celestia sighed, feeling deeply guilty. “I wish there were some other way than that....that weapon.”
“It had to be done milady.” said a unicorn on her right. “It will end the war, and that is the most important part.”
Celestia hung her head, staring at the star print pillows on either side of the throne. “Luna was always so much better with political affairs.”
“That is why you brought us together, your highness.” explained another unicorn. “Please, trust our judgement.”
Dash breezed through the tunnel and landed on a large platform, finished with the first part of the gauntlet. Her wings hung down, tired. She looked around and saw that Dark wasn't there. Starting to get worried, she turned to the cavern exits and looked toward his. Her heart was pacing as she stared. Did she pull the lever too late? Too early? Or maybe he didn't make it that far. Every second felt like an eternity as she watched. Finally, Dark came flying out of the tunnel, panting as he landed. Dash wrapped her relieved hooves around his neck, smiling. “Good, you made it through.” Dark said, smiling.
Dash released his neck and nodded, still smiling. “So what's next?”
he led her along to the edge of the cliff, pointing down toward a stirring storm of black smoke. “We dive down at the same time, falling through the cloud. We have to dive and leave at the same time, otherwise the storm will return us to the entrance.”
Dash looked down, at the storm, feeling intimidated. “There's no rush.” Dark told her. “We can sit here for a little while if you're afraid.”
Dash shook her head, taking his hoof. “No, let's go.”
Dark nodded, smiling. “1......2.....3!”
The two dove down into the pit at the same time, falling into the black smoke. Dash looked over at Dark as he disappeared into the shadows.
Celestia smiled as she looked over the peace treaty, hoof delivered by Silver Streak. Taking a quill in her magical grasp, she signed the letter and sent it away to the Griffon King. Silver stood proud and tall, wearing the amulet around his neck. “Silver Streak, for your bravery in battle, you have my eternal gratitude.”
Silver bowed to the court, smiling. “Thank you all, I am happy to accept this gratitude, and this amulet.”
The unicorns looked between each other, confused. “General Silver Streak,” said the same unicorn which had placed the amulet around his neck, “You were not to be given the amulet as a war medal, your use of the Griffon's Eye was only during battle. We ask that you give it back now.”
Silver took a step back, surprised. He looked around at the serious faces of the court. Looking down at the amulet around his neck, he saw his reflection in the ruby again. He liked the way he looked in the stormy ruby, the way he looked wearing it. Silver shook his head, looking back up at the court. “No. No I won't give it to you, it's mine. You gave it to me.”
The unicorns looked at each other, then back down at the pegasus. “If you refuse to give it to us, Silver Streak, then you give us no choice but to take it by force.”
Guards began surrounding Silver, ready for their orders. The court watched him, waiting for his final answer. Silver took in a deep breath, as if to sigh in surrender. When he exhaled, black smoke billowed from his mouth, creating a smokescreen to allow him to escape. “Guards, stop him!” called one of the unicorns through the coughing in the black smoke.
Silver Streak had flown out of a window, being pursued by pegasus guards. Silver stopped in the air, glaring down at the guards. Nearby clouds pulled to him, darkening as they approached. As if by his whim, they began shooting lightning bolts at the guards, causing them to plummet to the ground. One bolt was deflected by a unicorn horn as it came close to her. Celestia flapped her wings, trapping Silver in a powerful binding spell. Silver struggled, but he was unable to fight her magic with the magic of the amulet. As Celestia approached to talk to the pegasus, she was caught off guard as another pegasus whizzed by her, taking the amulet from around his neck. Silver looked over and saw, it was Wisp. “Run!” Silver yelled.
She didn't take a second thought to it as she began to escape with the amulet wrapped around her hoof. Celestia watched as the mare got away, unable to chase, in fear of moving too far away from her binding spell. Silver laughed, feeling victorious as he was levitated back toward the courtroom.
The pegasi both opened their wings as they fell through the other side of the dark cloud, landing gently on the ground. The two smiled at each other, happy to be through another trial. There was a final trial left, and the two stared it down. “Cloud flying.” Dark said, stepping toward a corridor filled with storm clouds. “These clouds are enchanted, electrical surges are all over the place. We need to traverse the maze and avoid the charges of electricity, it's the same as flying through storm clouds.”
Rainbow Dash didn't hesitate as she stepped forward next to him. The two looked at each other and nodded in tandem, arching back on their back legs. With a mighty leap, they flew into the storm clouds.
Silver walked back and forth in his cell, taking the occasional stare up at the storm outside his cell window. He perked his ears as he listened to the sounds of the guards talking. “I thought the rain was scheduled for tomorrow, not tonight.” one said.
“They're probably starting early to get it over with.” another explained.
Silver smirked, sitting down in his cell, staring out the window. He set his sights on a particularly large spark in the sky, brushing his unkempt mane out of his face to watch it carefully. As the spark grew to it's maximum, he covered his face with his wing. The bolt shot straight down toward the prison wall, destroying it. The guards ran toward the source of the explosion and saw Silver staring up at a mare, an amulet around her neck. Silver stood up, smiling darkly as he approached the mare, and the two shared a kiss. The guards started searching their keys for the cell key, causing a racket. Silver turned toward the noise and saw the guards staring at him. He smirked as dark clouds covered the pair. “Tell the unicorns that their time is running out.” he said, disappearing in the black fog.
Rainbow Dash was the first to make it out of the labyrinth, Dark Streak not far behind. In front of the two was a giant gate, a depiction of two pegasi with crossed necks, their wings extended out. There was a small pedestal in front of it, a familiar embedding carved into it. “Pass me the amulet.” Dark said, holding out his hoof.
Dash slid the amulet off her neck, handing it to him. He stepped toward the pedestal, sliding the amulet into place. With a loud creak, the door slowly slid open, revealing a large room behind it. The two stepped in, as Dash looked around with awe. Dark's eyes were brought toward the center of the room, where a staircase led up toward a shrine. “So this is a hiding place?” Dash asked, staring at the empty room around her. “Where are all the provisions?”
Dark made his way toward the staircase. “I'll go pull the switch at the top of the stairs, that'll reveal the supplies. Wait here.”
Dash nodded, starting to explore. Dark smiled as he made his way up the stairs, ready for what was waiting for him at the top.
“It would be many years before I would see Silver Streak again.” Celestia continued. “He was caught by letting himself be chased to allow his family, Wispy Winds and two foals, escape. He had what we thought at the time was the Griffon's Eye Amulet, but later found out was a replica. We called off the search following that, posing the replica as the real amulet, making Silver Streak out to be a hero, passing the amulet off as a war medal, and disbanding the Unicorn Council. I only spoke to Silver Streak one more time after that, when he requested me personally.”
Silver Streak was hunched over, looking very old and thin. His mane had grown out of control, his wings tucked in at his sides. He raised his head as he heard hoofsteps approaching, looking across the hallway at Princess Celestia, being escorted by two guards. “Ah, Princess. I'm so honored that you have decided to visit.” he said sarcastically.
“I was told you wished to speak with me Silver Streak, what is it you wanted?”
“Come in here, I want to talk to you personally.” he said, smiling.
Celestia nodded to the guard to open the door, and she walked in, giving a shake of the head to the guards who wished to follow. Silver stood up carefully, trotting back and forth. “I'm at the end of my life Celestia, my final hours are upon me.” he told her, stopping in front of her. “So I've decided I want to share my final words with you. Come closer.”
Celestia leaned in and allowed Silver Streak to whisper in her ear. Her eyes went wide at the information she had been given. “What do you mean by that? What are you planning Silver Streak?” she challenged, staring down at him.
Silver didn't answer her. Instead, he sat back down, lowering his head. Celestia stood there for hours, ordering him to explain himself, but he never said a word.
“Silver Streak never said another word until his death.” Celestia said. “His last words were indeed the ones that he spoke in my ear. For the longest time I've never questioned them, the final delusions of a colt on his death bed. Now I'm beginning to wish I had payed more attention to those words, for they have come true.”
“Princess,” Twilight spoke up, standing to look at her mentor. “What is it? What did Silver Streak say to you?”
Celestia took in a deep sigh as she looked at the five worried mares in front of her. “I will return from the grave for you.”
Dark ascended the stairs, a dark smile on his face. It wasn't much longer before he was at the top, and his prize was in front of him. “All that work, all that effort to bring this plan together.” he said to himself, staring at the amulet in front of him. “Years spent following the key, searching for a pegasus who could complete the trials with me, manipulating her trust to work with me, it's all come to this grandfather.”
He took the amulet from it's resting place, feeling the power around his neck as he exhaled a small storm cloud. He chuckled softly to himself as it began to grow, evolving into a giant storm. “This is it, the beginning of your world.” he said aloud, watching his creation continue to grow. “A world without unicorns!”