• Published 23rd Dec 2016
  • 614 Views, 5 Comments

The Act of when One Vanishes - Sonic rainbow

one who Rainbow Dash loves has dissapeared in a storm in Cloudsdale when she was little comes back........................................................................................................................................................

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Chapter 1: Todays the Day

Rainbow Dash is upstairs playing with her dolls and her siblings as it storms so hard, it's one of the biggest storms Cloudsdale has seen in forever. Down stairs Firefly has her Wonderbolts flight suit and goggles on about to go into the storm. A little Rainbow Dash came downstairs frightened with her older brother in tow.

"Mommy please don't go, I don't want you to go," Rainbow Dash sobbed as she was being embraced in her mothers hooves.

"I have to go sweetie, but you will always be my little Dashie. I love you," Firefly said, and with that she walked into the storm.

Rainbow Dash awoke with a jolt as someone knocked on the door. Rainbow grumbled as she lazily fell out of bed and answered the door.

"What do you want Thunderlane?!" Rainbow Dash asked annoyed. Thunderlane was always getting on her nerves.

"I was just telling you that you are late," he stated bluntly.

"Oh man I forgot that we were getting started earlier," Rainbow Dash said she ran and brushed her hair. In twenty seconds flat she grabbed Thunderlane's hoof and they were out of the door.


Rainbow Dash is not mad, she is pissed. Princess Celestia has changed the date of the Summer Sun Celebration to the week after tomorrow, and requested that it would rain today instead of tomorrow. Rainbow handed out the weather assignments for each group.

"So do you all understand what you need to do?" Rainbow Dash asked, in return everyone nodded. "Ok, any questions?" One brave pony raised her hoof, and it wasn't Thunderlane.

'So, it is a light rain and not a storm?" Cloud Kicker asked.

Rainbow Dash thought she covered that everything they needed to know was in the list!!! "LOOK ON THE LIST!!!! IT'S ON THERE!!!!!!!!," Rainbow yelled in an annoyed tone as the ponies scrambled to their hooves.

"Um Rainbow I understand if you don't want to say, but is today the anniversary of..."

"My Mother, yes. Now don't you have work to do?" Rainbow said raising her brow.

"y-yes ma'am." with that she walked away, and Rainbow Dash flew away to make sure that everything is awesome.

"It looks like everything good, so now it is time for a n. a. p."


When Rainbow Dash woke up, it was thunder storming. "I thought I told them Rain," She complained as the hard rain was hitting her. Rainbow Dash flew up to the cloud and tried to stop it. Rainbow Dash was bamboozled this must not be a normal storm, it almost seems like the storm 10 years ago.


Mommy please don't go in the storm, I don't want you to go!!


"SPIKE, Take a letter. Dear Princess Celestia, there is an unusual storm made by a magical essence in Ponyville and I'm worried that Rainbow wont be able to do anything about it. If you know a solution, can you please come and help. Your Faithful Student Princess Twilight Sparkle." Spike sent the letter, and a second later Celestia and Luna are here. "Celestia thank goodness you are here." As if on cue Rainbow Dash crashes through the door panting.

"Rainbow Dash, are you able to stop the storm? I've never seen such a storm before." Twilight panics.

"Twilight calm down, I can't really stop the storm I've tried and all of the weather ponies are at home. Even though I have seen this storm before I can't stop it. "Rainbow Dash said in a panicking tone. "And now everything is going wrong, everything is beyond my control and I just don't know what to do..." She breaks down sobbing.

Twilight comforts her sobbing friend, and Celestia decides to speak up. "So is today the anniversary of Firefly's disappearance, I'm sorry.

"I-it's ok-kay I-I-I-I-I-I've g-gotten over it," Rainbow said. Rainbow heard a faint scream and it sounded like... "OMG That Sounds Like SCOOTALOO," She yells and speeds away.


Rainbow is speeding to try and catch Scootaloo. "RAINBOW IT IS NOT SAFE TO GO OUT THERE," Twilight yells after her friend.


"SCOOTALOO!" Rainbow screeched, "YOU HERE?!"

"Rainbow Dash! " Scootaloo cried, the orange filly clutching onto a tree, "R-Rainbow! I'm so scared!" Dash bit her lip, her muscles aching as she trudged forward, the rain feeling as if it was starting to bruise her. While putting up with the pain, Rainbow marched over to Scootaloo, growing closer and closer with each shaky step.

"... Don't worry, kid.... " She seethed, "I've... got you - " Lightning crackled above them, and in complete and utter terror... Scootaloo let go of the tree. Because of her hollow bones and light weight, the wind carried her like a leaf with its odd and impossible strength.

"DAAAAAAASH!" Scootaloo screamed, her small body being thrown through the wind, "HEEEEEEELP!"

"SCOOTALOO!" Rainbow Dash yelled, "I-I'M COMING!" Rainbow stopped her wings and let the wind toss her after the little pony, the rain on her goggles nearly blocking her vision. Through the iron rain and the relentless wind, Rainbow followed after the orange filly, determined to save her little friend.
The wind suddenly tossed the small filly into the town, throwing her down an alley. Rainbow growled, her wings flaring out as she followed every single turn and curve. The storm seemed to play with her, throwing the orange filly into thin alleys. But after much trial and much exhaustion, Rainbow Dash was finally getting closer and closer to Scootaloo. But they were heading straight for Town Hall.

"DASH!" Scootaloo cried, tumbling through the air.

"HANG ON KID!" Rainbow Dash screeched, her single hoof reaching for her friend, "ALMOST!... GOT!... YOU!... " Her hoof was getting closer and closer... and was now only inches away.

But it was far too late. They were heading straight for a collision course for town hall. Dash managed to grab the small filly, bringing her into her chest and clutching her as the wind propelled them like a cannon ball... Dash closed her eyes and shielded the small filly into her chest.
Her life suddenly flashed before her eyes. Breakfast with Fluttershy, getting Daring Doo books from Twilight at the library, hoof-wrestling with Applejack at her farm, regrettably going to the spa with Rarity, pranking with Pinkie Pie, teaching little Scootaloo the ropes, being scolded by her mother... seeing her father's smile as he read bedtime stories to her, hearing her mother laugh at her ridiculous bed-mane, feeling her mother kiss her before she went off to school, and watching her mother turn away as she left the house to face the oncoming danger.

Her last words were "Mommy... Help me..."


"Rainbow Dash was abruptly shoved in the mud when she realized that she wasn't dead. Rainbow Dash looked under her wing and saw a frightened Scootaloo, then looked up to the sky. Rainbow Dash was wearing her moms old flight googles the only thing left.

Rainbow Dash say a pink blur first thinking that it was pinkie in the sky but she also saw blue.

The blur rocketed through the air, blowing past each powerful gust of wind and taking every single rain drop along the way. Rainbow watched the strange flying object centered in the middle of town, spinning as quickly as it could in a circle, fighting off the powerful gusts of wind and the bullet rain. Lightning cackled, but somehow it missed the flying creature as it flew around and around, in a tight circle. After a few moments, the blur made a small tornado of its own, and the cyclone continued to grow taller and wider as it spun in that strange circle.

The tornado, somehow caused by that one blur alone, rose straight towards the thick cloud. Rainbow watched, her jaw practically hitting the street as the dark cloud absorbed into the tornado, making it pitch black. At first, it seemed that the tornado was too small to take in the entire cloud and that it was inevitable... but the tornado continued to grow, absorbing the cloud little by little... and very soon, the rain that plowed over Ponyville began to thin out until the small glimmer of sunlight peered out from the edges of the massive thunder-cloud.

Ponies were walking out of their houses, glancing up at the sky to see the giant air-tornado take in more and more of the cloud until it finally had it completely engulfed. Twilight and the princesses were watching in awe. The whirlwind was completely massive, but it was all up in the air, not once touching the ground. And in an incredible display of power, the tornado blasted itself up into the atmosphere, making the dark cloud all but disappear as it rose higher and higher into the sky.

"Wait... " Rainbow blinked, "I... I know that weather technique... that tight circle... that air cyclone... and the wind blast. "

The blur suddenly blasted down from the sky, and suddenly its form came into view. It wasn't a strange, magical air creature... it was a mare Pegasus. Rainbow lifted her goggles and rubbed her eyes as she stared at the strange pony descending down into the street.

The mare was pink, with a blue mane, and two lighting bolts and she had a Wonderbolt flight suit on.

"Weh that was a lot of work, but I couldn't have done it without the turbo spectsparkwormchaser I named it after all of my kids. Firefly flies down where she sees Rainbow sitting staring at her. "Wow that was awesome how you saved that filly from hurting herself." She said to rainbow.

"Firefly," Rainbow dash chocked out, now Scootaloo was looking in awe.

"The one and only, also the most awesome pony in all of Equestria," Firefly boasts.

"Well actually that title is taken by Rainbow Dash," Scootaloo said proudly.

"Wait, Rainbow Dash? that's the name of one of my daughters," She said.

"Well she is right here."

Before Firefly can speak Twilight and the princesses come over. "Rainbow Dash are you okay?" Princess Celestia asked looking back and forth between Rainbow and Firefly that were at the time staring at each other.


"Dashie? No you aren't my dashie, but you are ," Firefly chocked out.

"Mom, we thought you were dead."

Author's Note:

well that happend.

Happy Holidays