• Published 20th Dec 2016
  • 399 Views, 2 Comments

Hoping This Finds You Well - Valiant Hearts

A letter attached to a parcel and a young stallion who is determined to deliver them.

  • ...

A Late Night Stroll

HELP!!! Somepony help me!

Solar's eyes shot open and he quickly rose to his hooves and put his saddlebags on looking for the source of the screaming.
He looked everywhere and noticed a mare with a red crimson eyes and a red multicolored mane.
From what you could tell she was running from something, but it didn't matter Solar knew he had to help.

Solar spring away from his dead campfire and ran toward the mare with a knife he purchased with the other supplies in his mouth.
"You alright?" Solar managed to say dagger-in-mouth. "Help me get it away!" The mare ran right passed him and he noticed a rose on her cutiemark and chased after her. "Away from what?!" And that's when solar heard it. grr...RARGH!!! Right behind them was none other than a Manticore, it's menacing teeth and glaring eyes pierced Solar's heart as he kept running. "Fuck..." Solar kept running and caught up the the terrified mare and flew up as he grabbed the mare around her waist and took her to the nearest building that he saw, which happened to be a cottage. "AHHH!!" The ear-piercing scream of the mare made Solar cringe as he made it past the manticore he landed safely with the mare and the first contact he had with her was a punch to the face, followed by a nose-bleed. "Ow...! W-what the he-..." Followed by a kiss on the cheek. "Uhh..." Solar kept his hoof over his nuzzle to prevent any blood from touching the ground. "Thanks...for saving me..." The mare finally spoke without a terrorized tone in her voice. "Why the hell did you punch me?!" Solar erupted from nowhere. "S-sorry, I just didn't expect you to do that, I got really scared and I overreacted and..." Solar held up a hoof. "It's fine..." He rummaged through his bag and pulled out a cloth to cover up the blood. "What were you doing this far away from town? He asked.

"So...you're a flower pony named Roseluck who is just looking for an exclusive rose that happened to match your cutiemark?

She only nodded with a look of sadness on her face. "I...I know it seems stupid bu-" Solar cut her off briefly and held up a rose that matched her cutiemark. "You mean this?" I was going to give it to a friend when I came back from where I'm going but if it means that much to you than you could have it. Dumbstruck by the actions of the pegasus Roseluck reached for the delicate flower and her eyes seemed to glisten at the sight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She embraced Solar in a soft hug and gave him multiple kisses on the face to which Solar responded with a face of crimson. She felt infatuated for a second and blushed as soon as she thought of her actions. "Hehe...sorry again about the punch." Solar smiled and chuckled it's no problem, I'm Solar Phoenix." Roseluck smiled and held out her hoof. "Roseluck, so where are you going?"

After a brief moment of explaining the letters and feelings Solar had experienced during his traveling Roseluck couldn't help but make a small squee followed by some cute sounds. "That's so romantic! Perfect for anypony's special some-pony!" Solar chuckled and rubbed his mane. "Yeah, I'm just trying to deliver her this package and these letters he sent but she never received. So it's my job to make sure that happens!"
Rose smiled and giggled. "That package must mean a lot to you and the soldier doesn't it?" Solar looked at her. "Of course it does, it's my job to make sure that this family doesn't feel the same way that I did a long time ago when..." Solar cut himself off. N-nevermind, I'm just trying to get this parcel to her it's not my business really but I can't help but feel connected to them.

"Sounds like somepony is getting attached!" Solar blushed at the comment. "I-I am not. I just happen to feel the same way as this other stallion. You know, father away from home makes it hard for any child to live their life without a manly tough role model." Roseluck smiled and ruffled his mane. "You really can relate can't you?" Solar sighed and nodded. "Yeah, when I was younger my father died of a heart condition...and that was years after my mother walked out, I was left alone with my brothers with only my dad who could barely support for us, then we were taken away from dad we stayed with a foster home and that was much worst. Out step-mom stepped in and help us reunite with our dad so we consider her our real mom...it stayed like that then..." Solar's mane covered his face and a tear or two were shed before Rose rested her head on Solar's chest making him feel tense slightly.

Rose then began nuzzling his chest making him breathe rapidly before gulping quietly to himself. "Shh..." Rose gave him a quick hug before backing off and wiping the tears off his snout. "Better?" Solar didn't speak, he only nodded and sniffled quietly to himself. Roseluck held out her hoof and Solar grabbed it and stood. "Let's take a stroll while the night is young. Solar smiled and looked up as he adjusted his glasses. "I'd like that..." And so they trotted along side each other looking up at Luna's moon and stars.

Some time later they couple found themselves on a hill sitting beside each other staring at the golden horizon as the Celestia's sun rose from the mountains. "It's been nice Roseluck, but I have to go now, these letters won't deliver themselves. Solar chuckled to himself as he stood up from his place and began taking off but was stopped by somepony grabbing his wing. "Hmm...?" Solar looked behind him to see a faint smile from where Roseluck stood. "Good luck" Solar smiled and took his glasses off before patting her on the head. "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll meet again someday in the future." Roseluck smiled and they nuzzled each other. "I'll be looking forward to that." Solar laughed quietly. "Me too" Roseluck smiled back and quickly gave him a quick peck on the lips before hiding her flushed and embarrassed face. Solar chuckled at the adorable sight. "Goodbye, Roseluck." And with that he walked away toward his next destination while pulling out another letter.

Dear Angel,

I have yet to receive word of our progress throughout our campaign to
drive back the enemy. I also regret the choice of our general's foolish decisions.
We have yet to return, alas the wait continues. Many thoughts have been dwelling through my mind
And I fear of what I may do, to myself.
I have been feeling angry toward the others and the only thing that could
keep me sane for much longer is you.

Warm regards, Your Soldier.

Author's Note:

This song for some reason goes pretty well with this chapter. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Gv1aVvPD1U

Or this one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZuCGqBDsOg

Thanks for reading again, let me know what you think and what you think should be changed