• Published 11th Dec 2016
  • 736 Views, 4 Comments

The Break Room - TheEveryDaySparkle

Rainbow Dash is mad. Celestia has the perfect solution.

  • ...

A Visit to Celestia

"You wouldn't know cool if it bit you in the flank!"

Rainbow couldn't believe her friend had said that to her. Her best friend in the world said she didn't know cool. She was practically the coolest Pegasus in Equestria!

Rainbow knew she shouldn't be mad at her friend, but she just couldn't help it. All because she said that the design of one of Rarity's dresses wasn't cool enough.

Rarity had been furious with her. It appears she didn't know the one rule when it came to fashion designers. Never criticize an artist's work.

She was now flying above Ponyville, venting her frustrations on every innocent cloud she saw.

"Arrrgh! Why did she have to go and say that! I'm so angry I could...arrrgh!" She punches another cloud, ending its white, fluffy existence.

Unbeknownst to Rainbow Dash, her rampant anger did not go unnoticed.

In Canterlot Castle, one elegant and regal princess sat on her haunches looking out over her subjects. Out in the distance, she heard a sound.

"Huh? What was that sound, Luna?" Celestia asked her younger sister and fellow Diarch of Equestria, Princess Luna.

"I do not know dear sister. Could it be an enemy attack?"

Celestia simply smiled at her overly cautious sister. "Ahahahaha, no, my beloved sister." She placed a hoof on her shoulder. "I promise. As long as I continue to draw breath, no one who attacks this home of ours will prevail. Now, please, be calm, sister." She smiled wider and Luna relaxed.

Then, the sound came closer.

"There it is again, sister." Luna said, surprised.

"Yes, I hear it now too." Celestia scanned the skies for the source of the sound and saw...Rainbow Dash, flying their way and looking quite upset.

"There!" She said as she pointed at Rainbow Dash.

"The rainbow maned one?" asked Luna. "But why does she look so upset?"

"I don't know, sister, but i am going to find out." Celestia said, waving Rainbow Dash down.

Rainbow looked down and noticed that someone was waving at her. It looked urgent, and that made her slow down, forgetting about her anger for a moment as she alighted to the balcony where the princesses were.

"What is it Princess Celestia?! Is someone attacking Equestria?! Do you have a quest for us?! Is Discord Causing trouble again?!"

Celestia simply laughed again. "Hahahahaha. No, dearest Rainbow Dash. Although I do appreciate your concern, no. This emergency, has to do with you."

Rainbow Dash looked confused. "M-me, princess?" She was worried now. What could the princess possibly want with her? Had she done something wrong? Was she in trouble?

Celestia saw this and sighed. She was getting so tired of ponies being afraid of simply being in her presence. Was she really that intimidating? If so then that was something she needed to work on. "You are not in trouble, Rainbow Dash. I simply wish to know what is making you so upset."

Rainbow Dash stopped. "Well, why didn't you just say so?"

Celestia sighed again, but smiled. At least she wasn't afraid of her anymore. Seriously, it was like everypony thought she was a tyrant or something.

"Come with me, Rainbow Dash. You can tell me everything while we walk."

And that is exactly what she did. Every single solitary detail.