• Published 20th Nov 2016
  • 426 Views, 4 Comments

The Return of the Ursa Minor - MyMindrigUniverse

The Ursa Minor has returned, bigger, badder, and with a few companions. It's now up to the combined efforts of Starlight Glimmer, Trixie, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, Discord, and all of Ponyville to protect their land. But without the Mane Six.

  • ...

Chapter Three: The Ursa Major And The Five Constellations

"So, I guess Pinkie Pie's 'senses' do work just as well as Pumpkin Pie's." Noted Discord as he and the rest within Twilight's Castle looked out the front gate.

There they found six immensely shaped beast's walking, or in one case flying, towards Ponyville no less than 2000 meters away. Appearing from the Everfree Forest.

"An Ursa Major? W-What is a Ursa Major doing with five other beasts....and why are they making they're way to Ponyville?" Starlight asked as she quivered at the size of the group.

"That....is not an Ursa Major, at least not completely." Assured Celestia. "It is barely an adult, at least in the late stages of it's teenage years."

"Adult or not, it's still huge!!" Screamed Trixie, showing even more fright than Starlight.

"She is right sister. That may not be a full Ursa Major, but it is still immensely powerful." Luna said as she joined her sister's side. "Plus, those beast's beside it are fully grown... In fact, those seem to be five of the strongest and most ferocious constellations there are."

"Which ones are they?" Starlight asked.

"The one that's flying is, Aquila The Eagle." Celestia announced."The one that travels to the right of the Ursa Major is Taurus The Bull. To the left of The Ursa is, Aries The Ram. Behind the Ursa is, Canis Major, The Great dog....Finally, the strongest of all and ahead of the pack is, Leo The Lion."

"I remember that old dog...not Canis, I mean Leo of course. It took a while to outrun him after I replaced his mane with Celestia's. It was enlarged of course." Discord chuckled at the thought. "I guess he really doesn't like any color that isn't yellow."

"I remember that too." Celestia said, now looking at her mane with a hint of embarrassment. "But now is not the time to laugh at the past, we must take care of the task at hand."

"Yeah Discord, stop reminiscing and solve our problem here." Came Trixie's voice as she hid behind Starlight.

"Wait!" Interjected Starlight. "How can we be certain that they come here with the purpose to destroy, I mean the last time we had any Constellation come to Ponyville. It was because it was angered or triggered by somepony. But we know that nopony would dare anger anymore beasts after that attack."

But before an answer came from her companions. She was answered by the Ursa Major itself.


And as the voice left the mind of everypony. The six constellations began to quicken their pace.

"There! They do want to kill us. Now can you snap your fingers and be away with them Discord?" Trixie loudly 'advised' (as she would put it).

"Oh, I am afraid I am not strong enough for that." Discord replied in a straight face.

However, everypony had a different reaction, even the two Princesses showed faces of stunned offense.

"What do you mean, 'not strong enough', you were able to topple Starswirl in a duel," Luna reminded, breaking the silence. "You can warp reality, make volcanos appear from out of thin-air. You can create an opposite realities for the fun of it. At base level, the only being more capable then you in power and magic, is The Tree Of Harmony!" Luna was now angry as she closed in on Discord.

"Yes...Well you see, I can't simply snap a being taller than myself out of existence." Discord admitted, which obviously took a whack at his pride.

"In fact, I can't simply wish away a living, talking, being from existence. Not even I can do such a thing. However, I can control and create anything that is not living, or strong enough to actually fend for itself. But that can wait, we must fight!"

"Wait Discord! Explain this concept further." Celestia commanded, obvious anger starting to find it's way on her face.

"We have little time Celestia." Discord suggested, trying to avoid explaining his only true weakness. "As we speak, those beasts are confidently strutting their way to us, ready to destroy everything and everypony within this village. We only lack immediate problem as they want us to feel their presence and to feel fear."

"That means the only way to save everypony would be you, but since you seem to lack the ability. We may need to know everything if we have any chance at accumulating any worth-while plan. NOW. TELL. US." Celestia's voice was now filled with such authority and power, even Discord, usually immune to other's ordering him to do anything, found the sudden urge to let out all his deepest secrets.

And after a few long moments of consideration, he finally gave in and explained everything. "I can warp reality yes, but I always find it fighting back. Each time I snap my finger or cast a spell. It feels like I am being resisted by another. Of course, I win in the end but it is still immensely difficult." He demonstrated by shifting a nearby house into a huge boulder, he then snapped his finger and it returned to being a house.

"Now, add another's will. Like a pony for example. I am now fighting two sentient beings at once. That is really hard, as no being on this planet, dumb or not, is willing to just give itself up to my will. I have tried, trust me, but it is just to hard for me."

"But, you are basically a god, you are above most beings, shouldn't our will mean little to what you are." Starlight questioned. Slightly intrigued at the rules of the Draconequu's powers.

"Don't underestimate the power of emotions, I thought this group would understand that more so than I." Discord let out a small smirk at his remark before continuing. "And the very will to keep oneself alive is no laughing matter. It is one of the strongest mental desires in the world, and feeling or emotion is in turn, also one of the strongest forces of power in the universe itself. Will is simply something I can barely control, now two at the same time, one of which is reality itself. Impossible."

"That is why I often manipulate something without a will of it's own. Tails, Manes, Horns, Wings. I can do that, but even that has it's limits. Something like size usually comes into play. I can wish away Twilight's horn, but not Celestia's. With her, I can only manipulate her mane. And if I were to come across an Ursa Major sized Unicorn. I would be lucky to simply be able to clip it's pointy toenails."

"Oh and teleportation is different too. That is magic were I simply move life forms, not re write its history. But that too, depends on size." Discord now pointed at the Ursa Major and group. " Those six are just too big."

"You say that emotion is a hard thing to control, yet I was told by Princess Twilight that you were able to change Fluttershy into a pony so much different from who she is. What about that?" Luna asked in confusion. Barely keeping up with the explanation.

While this happened however, the group noticed the panic from Ponyville begin as it now was loud enough to be noticed by Starlight and the rest. As it happened however, The Ursa Major and it's band of vengeful creatures were now 1000 meter away. Taking their time to allow true horror to spread all throughout Ponyville.

So now Discord's explanation was hastier than before.

"Oh but that is were you are wrong Princess. Fluttershy, surprisingly enough, has a small side to her that is quite vicious, she has shown that side of hers a few times, or so she has told me, and after each time, she tries to increasingly hide it with more effort. What I did to her that one time was simply enhance that emotional side of hers. Which is completely within my power. There is a bit of a difference between enhancing ones personality and completely wiping away somepony, emotion and all.

"So we now know what you can not do." Celestia said as she thought up possible counter measures with the information she just received.

"You got that right. Kinda' diminishes your cool factor doesn't it." Trixie mockingly added.

"At least I was ever cool to begin with, little pony." Retorted Discord, almost as if he was waiting for Trixie's snide comment.

"Enough, both of you!" Celestia commanded, returning from her thoughts, ready with a plan.

"The Ursa Major, on it's own is a problem. But five, even more powerful creatures along with it, that will be almost too much for even us." Celestia slightly lowered her head at the announcement. "But, we may not have to completely defeat these beasts. They mention losing something dear to them and that is why they attack. I need to find out what this is immediately."

"But we need to defend Ponyville. It is my- I mean our job." Starlight reminded.

"That is true, Starlight Glimmer, that is why we will need to split our forces." Replied Luna, readying herself as she drew upon her powers. "I plan on taking Aries and Aquila. Hopefully I may be able to hold them for as long as I possibly can."

Celestia then announced her take. "I plan on taking Leo an-"

"I don't think so princess." Discord interrupted with the happiest of grins. "I will take on Leo, I actually have more experience in fighting him, in fact, I could probably even get him talking about this little raid on Ponyville...." the Draconequu paused in consideration. "While i'm at it, might as well take the Ursa Major."

"Fine then, I suppose your reason holds water... I guess I will take on Canis and Taurus." As the words left the eldest sisters mouth. Power gathered within her horn.

"Wait, what about the royal guards." Trixie stammered, as this plan obviously meant her being left alone. "Why don't any of you warn them...wait, why aren't they even here to begin with."

"If we are to fall, they are what stands in the way of those beasts and everypony in Equestria. They should be weakened considerably by our duels at that point. Sheer numbers would win the day." Luna answered. "But that is a fate that won't come to pass. I swear upon it in the name of Equestria!"

Before anypony could react. The Princess of The Night vanished as she rocketed to the constellations. Who in turn, reacted by readying themselves, with the expection of Aquila. Who soared in the direction of The Princess.

A second after it departed from its own band of creatures. The constellation and The Princess clashed, and sparks of energy flew through the air in the colors of blue, purple, and black.

As the clash commenced, the sky let out a screech of pain as it withstood the combined power of the fastest being in the world and one of the most powerful ponies to ever live. And all within the city felt the immense force.

"Impatient to no end, couldn't even listen to the rest of the plan." Celestia whispered to herself before gazing upon Trixie and Starlight. "You two are tasked with journeying into the Everfree Forest and finding any clue's to what was taken from the Constellations. Go now and cast upon yourselves a spell that allows me to hear you from long distances. You are capable are you not Starlight?"

Holding back obvious terror and doubt, Starlight nodded, Trixie collapsed on her hind-legs.

"Then go!" Shouted the Princess.

And even faster than her sister, she bolted away from sight. Onward, to challenge the eldest of Constellations.

"So I guess it is my turn to act." Discord announced clasping his hands together in obvious excitement. " Oh, and don't forget, you two, no matter what anypony does to try and stop you in the city as you make your way to the forest. Ignore them, it will only make things worse."

Before a reply could be heard. Discord vanished and appeared at the edge of the city, 50 feet in the air and waving the huge Lion like being over to him, inviting its company.

Now, only two ponies remained at the doors to Twilight's castle. Each in understandable consideration. Especially Trixie, still frozen on the steps of the castle.

Now is the time to act. Make Twilight's decision a wise one. GO! And as the thought left her mind, she began to gallop through the town, casting the spell of private communication around her, as she moved.

Out of her daze. Trixie watched Starlight go, and quickly snapped out of her stunned silence and pursued Starlight.

"I am not about to let my best friend go alone! BRING IT YOU DUMB STARS!"

And together, the two ponies entered a city encased in true fear and panic.


Author's Note:

I hope my reasoning for Discord not being able to just simply poof the Constellations away made sense to you all, and hopefully can't be refuted by in-show canon. It took awhile of research and I didn't come across an event were he could simply wish away a being taller than him.

Oh, and in the next few chapter I do plan on following just one or two ponies perspective. So one chapter will be with Starlight and Trixie's journey to the Everfree Forest while another will be about Celestia taking on Canis and Taurus, and Luna will take on Aries and Aquila. Leaving the Ursa Major and Leo The Lion to Discord.

Prepare yourself, we about to go full anime in here!