• Published 14th Nov 2016
  • 323 Views, 10 Comments

The Perfect Pony - TheSadisticJudge

We both know isn't reality, this is a fantasy. Cobalt Fabric is the perfect pony in this fantasy, everything anyone could ask for. You are this perfect pony.

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Get Started on To-Do List

Cobalt Fabric => Get Prepared to Get Started on To-Do List.

You decide to do some grocery shopping, as your To-Do list dictates. You're absolutely sure you just need the necessities such as food, the harvest of quality cotton and wool, and maybe a few snacks, but you're sure your wallet can survive a donation to Sweet Apple Acres. Maybe Apple Jack will send you basket of goodies!

Maybe you can chat up a couple of friends on your way to the market, a quick stop to Sugar Cube Corner never hurt anyone, especially if it's to cross two bullets on your To-Do list at the same time; nobody ever said that you had to complete your To-Do list in order, you just feel better doing it in order. There's no perfect way to do it, that's why you're perfect at it!

You reach over to grab your wallet of bits, it's bigger in the inside to hold your massive wealth, but you end up tripping over your own hooves! You're so clumsy, but it's a quirky sort of clumsy. It reminds you of your mail mare, Ditzy, she's so silly!

After picking yourself up, you remember that you're an alicorn and you have no need to use your hooves! How silly of yourself, Cobalt Fabric, you forgot you uncannily excel at magic and levitation of objects!

You light up your horn, the aura was sparkles and hearts and the color deep purple. The bag of bits that's bigger on the inside to hide your massive wealth flies through the air and into your hoof as if you were catching a baseball, you also levitate your saddle bag onto your body, your haunches more like. It fits perfectly. Inside of the saddle bag is the delivery of pure gold fabrics to Rarity.

Speaking of hindquarters, your cutie mark is a cobalt rock being held in what seems to be a blanket made of blue hearts. It's absolutely beautiful, you couldn't ask for a better cutie mark if you tried! It's amazing the luck you have, it's like you have all the luck in the world! Hell, who are you kidding? You DO have all the luck in the world!

You are ready to go outside and do some grocery shopping!

Reader => Be Cobalt Fabric, Whom is Currently Outside, and Get Started on To-Do List.

You are now Cobalt Fabric, whom is currently outside of her small little shop, also known as her humble abode. You are heading northwards to town so you may reach the market section of town, which happened to be at the north entrance of town which happens to be on the other side of town.

You lived on the southern outskirts of town next to The Everfree Forest, as previously told, so you must walk long distances to and from your house.

No, thankfully, you haven't forgotten you're an alicorn.

You just aren't very good at flying, by your standards, and you don't want to exert all of your stamina carrying all this stuff around! That would be a complete waste of your energy and there's nothing kawaii about a heavily puffing alicorn that's breathing like she forgot her inhaler!

You have an image to upkeep, as the perfect model that all ponies must aspire to be and anything less just won't do! It just won't do!

Instead of all of that energy wasting, but time saving, flying, you decide to get a little exercise and briefly trot your way down to the market place.

You don't need to exercise, fortunately. You are blessed with the ability of having such a high basal metabolic rate, you almost rarely get fat no matter how much you eat! You don't eat all the time, you mostly spend that time working to earn your pay – even with your massive wealth, you still have to occupy your time.

You are quite the fast trotter, because you make it to town in little to no time at all. All those years of moving between Rarity's shop and your small little shop has made you quite the fast courier, although it would make sense to trust the movement of goods to your Mail Mare—pure gold fabric is something that most would try to steal.

It's not that you don't trust Ditzy, quite the opposite! You don't trust the security of the package; Ditzy is a lover, not a fighter, and that makes her prone to being robbed of your valued package! You have no enemies, thankfully, but it's better to not test Murphy's Law at all.

After walking through what seemed to be a paparazzi of ponies trying to be your friend, which they all pretty much are, you finally reach Rarity's house. You mustered up the courage to meet your crush, you go to open the door to find that it is locked.

This is an outrage!

You can't meet your true love and you can't deliver this package! This is absolute anarchy on your To-Do List, how are you supposed to do your job if the pony who does the rest of your job is out doing whatever said pony does!? You can't just leave the package by her doorstep, what if some random bloke decides to up and take it?

You come up with a solution just as the problem arrived.

Poof, the package along with the saddle bag was gone. It is now inside of her house, invasion of privacy aside, you have completed a bullet of your To-Do List!

You have gotten started on your To-Do list, well done you!

Author's Note:

This is the first story I have done on this site, please may I have a little leniency? :scootangel:

Haha, nah, go ahead and red-bomb it if you want. It's your choice.

That 'kawaii' bit was a joke on how all OC creators that I've seen always have to use 'Japanese' words to make them more validated as cute and 'sugoi desu' and 'lol so random rawr xD'. I actually have a few friends who do it and it's just annoying, so yeah.

I am preparing for sports related events and preparing to travel to be with family during Thanksgiving Break, meaning that the remaining chapters hang in limbo for a couple of days or two. Hopefully I can return soon to start working in a timely manner. I will eventually conclude the remainder of the story, trust me - the climax of the story will be quite the kicker.

If the events confuse you or you don't enjoy the story so far because of it's idea and/or execution, just give me time to fully narrate the finishing story. If not, then lay it in to me; I'm stronk enough to handle it.