• Published 21st Nov 2016
  • 1,311 Views, 29 Comments

Groom of the Moon - Lil Penpusher

As the Moon rises and hangs high in the star-filled nightsky, a human boy makes a wish. One that will change his life forever.

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A lonely Night

It's spring.
A cold breeze floated around in the streets, dancing around the light poles in the empty streets and knocking on the doors of the houses.
Water dripped down the trees, the water slowly forming puddles. It had been a rainy start into the spring. The Temperatures had been as cold as usual around this time, yet many people were still frustrated having to wear scarfs and gloves to protect themselves from the icey cold.

The day came to an end as the sun gave out a quiet yawn and lowered itself to enjoy it's deserved slumber, leaving the land in a shroud of darkness. However, the darkness could not stand firm for long, as the moon showed itself at the other side of the horizon. It pushed itself upwards, towards the stars, fighting off the darkness that threatened to consume the land without it's help as it rose into the sky.
Then, it reached it's destination, hanging as high in the nightsky as it could. Its light illuminated the streets, the fields, even the homes of the people.

But even though the moon brightened up the dark path of the people, even though it offered the breathtaking beauty of the star-filled nightsky, even though it protected them against the darkness...

They did not value it. They pushed themselves away from the moon's warming and guarding light. Instead, they put up their own artificial light sources to guard them. Instead of the moon, the light poles in the streets now made sure the ways ahead would be brightly lit. Instead of the moon, the floodlights would lead people to safety.
It seemed like the moon's service was no longer needed, like the creatures it had sworn to protect were the very creatures that now seperated themselves from it.
Yet...it was there. It would be there, no matter what. No matter how much people would try, there would always be a little corner left uncovered by their lights. No matter how much they tried, their lights would never shine bright enough to outmatch the moon.
The people didn't realize they needed it, but the moon did. It would always be there to protect them and light their way. They were only human afer all.

James looked outside of his window as he laid on his bed. Ever since his parents helped him renovate his room a few years ago, he had wanted his bed to be right next to his window. The sole purpose of it was so that he could look out of it during the night when he couldn't sleep. Unfortunatly for him, those times were plenty.

Like tonight.

James sighed, slowly breathing in and out as he watched the moon. It by now hang high in the sky, the stars seemingly formed up next to it, forming a truly beautiful sight. Unfortunatly, an this was much to James' knowledge, people would never get to see this beauty. They were too busy, too ignorant for such a simple thing like the moon and the stars. James, however, was different. He saw the true beauty of the moon. He saw the true beauty of it's nature, it's calming and wise light had enlightened many big people in the past, yet now the people feared the moon's wisdom more than anything else.

James had thought over this time and time again, how humans treat nature, how they treat their very own planet. They were chomping up the planet's ressources without any regret or caution. They polluted the air that they breath themselves yet they don't stop it. Things like that make James think. They make him ask questions. Questions like:

Why do we do this? Why can't we just stop? Stop the drilling for oil, stop the destruction of nature. Why can't we just stop all that, look around and say "What have we done...?"

Questions like that had plagued him for multiple months now. Ever since he saw a documentary on how forests and jungles are merciless being cut down by gigantic machines...he knew he couldn't live with that thought. Ever since he had sworn to respect nature and what it offers us, not just destroying nature and robbing it off of it's treasures.

There were so many questions he asked himself, so many questions that he simply couldn't answer. He simply had no answer to all this destruction. He searched ans searched, he thought and thought but...he would never find a real answer to any of the questions.

One day it had simply been enough for him though. That day he was tired of not having an answer for this cruelty against nature. So, with that in mind, he figured the following:

He was an alien, not one of them. He didn't fit in, didn't follow their way of destruction and greed. He respected nature and it's beauty while they cut down the trees and destroyed the green grasslands. No. He was not one of them. He was now sure of that. He was truly different. Though, with this first set of questions gone, he would now face a fully new set of questions:

What was he? Where did he belong? Why was he different? Was he the only one different from the others?

Those questions laid much heavier on James than the previous ones, despite his love for nature. Now it wasn't just about Nature and how people treated it, now it was about him personally, about his identity.

James remained on his bed as he thought back to all this. He watched as the moon pushed itself into the sky. And, even though these questions plagued him much, they were nothing when he looked at the moon. It had such a calming effect on him, like he suddenly forgot about the others and their problems. All that would matter in the end was he himself, not the others.

James felt how his jaw slowly opened as he watched the brightly lit nightsky. His eyes shimmered as the moon watched him, how he laid on his bed in his room, staring out the window towards the sky.

"Where do I belong?" James mumbled in a weak, quiet voice. "I don't belong here, I'm not like them." He continued, this time only thinking to himself.

The moon, much to his disapointment, showed no response. It continued down it's usual path, the path along the sky, down the horizon where it will rest until a new night beginns. And, although it was not time for the moon to disappear once more, James could feel that his questions would not be answered. Not tonight, not tomorrow.

A feeling of sadness and disappointment overcame James. He sighed as he now sat upright, still watching the moon as it made no move to help him in these tough times.

"I wish I could talk with somebody who understands me. I wish I wasn't the only one seeing things like this." James murmured in disappointment. His wish was merely part of the increasing disappointment and sleepiness in him.

James looked to his right, towards his alarm clock. 2am. It had gotten late. Whether James wanted to or not, he would need to go to sleep sooner or later. He figured it would only be a waste of time to delay his sleep further, the reason being that there was nobody to talk to anyways.

And so, with one last glance at the moon and it's nightsky, James rolled down his blinds and laid back down onto his pillow, grabbing his blanket as he did so. Thin shimmers of moonlight still managed to break through into his room through the window blinds. Now though, his room was mostly black, consumed by the darkness as the light of the moon was made unable to fight it. Still, the little might it had, the little bit of light that it could manage to fit through, it used it to fight as best as it could, leaving James' body in dim moonlight while his surroundings were completely darkened.

"I know I can't be the only one..." James thought to himself as his eyes were closed. "I know there's somebody out there who sees things like I do. I know there is."

Then, he fell asleep. His mind slipped off into the realm of dreams, a realm which all humans entered thousands of times in their lifes, yet nobody could truly figure out it's secrets, it's true magic.

Until one lucky human was visited by the Princess of the realm herself.