• Published 30th Nov 2011
  • 2,819 Views, 39 Comments

The Human Tail - D'Koda

The 6 ponies who wield the elements of harmony have been captured by Discord! Can anyone oppose him?

  • ...

Chapter 6

Authors Note: Thanks to everyone who has given critiques, or praised this fiction. Truly, The support is overwhelming. I love you guys, and while I know its only a couple of people, its that couple of people more than normal who appreciate it. And that makes me happy as a person. I know I'm not the best writer, but you're helping me get better, and thats definitely the best gift of all; and its near Christmas! Which reminds me, Merry Christmas to all. (Note End)

It had been 24 hours since Rainbow was taken by Discord. There was still nothing that could be said. Still nothing that could be explained. Nothing made sense, and everything outside was slowly becoming chaotic. Discord had changed all the dirt paths into sap, all the trees had been petrified, and he'd finally taken control of the Sun and Moon, much to everyponys dismay.

Thomas, Twilight, and the rest of the group walked outside, and watched as Discord toyed with the Sun and Moon. They gulped, as the Sun fell, and then rose.

And fell.

And rose.

And fell again.

And then rose once more.

"Times up, my little ponies..." the familiar voice echoed, as Discord appeared in front of them. "...What do you plan on doing now? Are you going to give up the human, or are you going to be disloyal to the Element of Loyalty?" He sneered.

"We'll never let you have 'i-"

"I give in." Thomas interrupted Applejack. "I won't let Discord take Rainbow. His threats are inhumane and wrong, but you've known Rainbow Dash for a lot longer than you've known me." He took a couple of steps forward. "I let my parents down, but I won't let my new family down." He turned back and smiled at them all. "I'll miss you all, And thanks for everything, Twilight Sparkle." He smiled, knowing full well, he may never see these ponies, or home, ever again. A tear formed in his eye, and it eventually fell, as if time stood still around it.

The girls said nothing. Nothing could be said. Discord had won. They had lost. Equestria had lost. So why was Thomas grinning from ear to ear? Had he gone mad?

Nothing else could be said or thought about, because just a few seconds later, Discord took himself, and Thomas, far away...


Rainbow Dash, or whoever that pony was, paced in a room, waiting for Discord to show up. Her heart wasn't pure anymore, and one thing was for sure, she was in the deepest spell that had ever been cast upon her. Discords trickery made Rainbow a very cold pony, and to whoever had her, a great and powerful ally. Normally she'd be flying around and working on some new trick to show off to the Wonderbolts, but not now. She had one thing on her mind. And one thing only.


Discord appeared a few minutes later, giving Rainbow more time to think about just how this Pegasus would get his Just Desserts. "So, when can I show Twilight my thanks?" she said, coolly.

Discord shivered. He'd created a monster that was just as powerful, if not more powerful, than he was. "When would you like him? He's my gift to you, in honour of our new partnership."

Rainbow turned to Discord. "We're not partners." She hissed. "I don't want anything to do with you. This isn't for you: This is for Twilight. For Rarity. For everypony. The whole of Equestria."

Discord sweated a little. Rainbow was still as loyal to Equestria and her friends as ever before, if not moreso since he played his trick. It was backfiring fast, and he knew he had no control over this snowball of a plan. Nor any way to fix it. All he had, was to hope that the human could fix this. But then he'd come after him! But if she succeeded in defeating him, she'd find out about his lies and deceit, and then she'd be after him too! This was worse than stone imprisonment. He was forced into stone imprisonment. He's put himself in stone this time. And this time, there would be no breaking out.

Rainbow turned her back on Discord. "I want him now. Let him fall victim to a few pranks before I make him relive what he has forced everypony else to endure."

"O-of course. Expect him in a few moments." Discord said, before teleporting out.

Rainbow looked outside a Canterlot castle window and sighed. She knew this wasn't what anypony would want her to do, but what choice did she have? The answer was simple: none. She was backed against a wall.

"He will not stop." she said to herself, softly. "He'll keep going on his rampage. Only Discord and I can stop him."

Suddenly, there was a flash of blinding light, and Rainbow turned to look.

There was one pony looking straight at her. A pony she thought she'd never see again.



"Wake up. Now." Discord said, shaking the cage.

Thomas opened his eyes to find himself suspended in midair and surrounded by metal bars. He tried to get up, but found there was not enough room for this. He sat back down and just glared at Discord. "Remind me when I beat you, to never eat caged chickens eggs when I get home."

Discord snickered. "I love how determined you are. But its too late for you now. Rainbow is going to have so much FUN with you, and I can't WAIT to hear what she does" he said, smiling.

Thomas gulped. He had no idea what could happen, but he remembered the one thing that Applejack told him. "This is Discord, An' e plays his own rules." One thing was for sure. He was NOT going to like what was going to happen next.

Discord laughed. "Lets not keep the future ruler of equestria waiting!"

and with that, he took himself and Thomas away once more.


Rainbow sat, eating a cupcake. She knew the plan. But she had to play along. Just wait for Discord to show up.

Just. Had. To wait.

"Whats taking him to long!?" Rainbow demanded to herself.

"A-apologies!" Came a voice from behind. "Somepony didn't want to come quietly!"

Rainbow looked down at the pegasus with a smirk. "Hello there. Remember me? I think you do. Oh? This thing on my head? Its just the bump you caused me. But trust me, you'll wish you had this by the time I'm done..."

Thomas could do nothing. He was trapped in a cage. He just stared. "I-I don't want to hurt anypony" he sobbed. Wait, did he just say 'anypony'?

Rainbow Dash picked up on the wording too. But she stayed in character. She had to. She turned to Discord. "Leave us," She ordered, "I don't want you do see what I do to him..."

Discord smiled, in both happiness and fear. He nodded, and soon teleported, his infamous laugh rang though the castle, before finally becoming silent.

Without any warning, Rainbow used her newfound horn for the first time, and removed the cage, allowing Thomas the freedom to move around. "I don't have too much time to tell you anything, but first things first," she said,

"You're getting some flying lessons."

Comments ( 7 )

I personally, am unhappy with this chapter, in terms of quality, and timeliness. I intended to have one chapter per day, but with recent events and Christmas coming up, I've been forced to delay and deteriorate the quality. I wanted to do SO MUCH with this, but I simply couldn't.

This story will be wrapped up in 2-8 chapters time. I intend to have it finished before the 20th of December.

Whats this new plan? Why doesn't Rainbow have too much time? Find out whenever I get the next chapter done. Again, apologies for the lack of quality. I may go back to this story early 2012 and redo it, fix up the many errors I see in this.

Critiques are heavily requested as per usual. You guys do a great job with critiques, so please keep on going! Tear this chapter apart, because I feel its lacking in so many places.

Oh snap! By Odin's chest hair, you've got quite the story coming along.
I couldn't find much fault with this except for a slightly bare-bones plot progression.
No fluff in your sandwich, as they say. Why not fill us in on Discord's history?
Speaking of that sneaky bastard,I really like how you've potrayed Discord. Having him become subservient to one of his own creations... What a twist! Keep up the good work, mate.


By Merlin's Beard, this is a good story!

wait, what? ok, I'm lost and you should feel bad for it.

57203 Thank you very much on the Discord compliment. From the word go, I wanted to have him written well from the word go. I've never really written any character that is as evil or cocky as him, but at the same time, he's not stupid. He knows what he's doing, and even in the show, he stuffed up, causing his downfall. Thanks a lot. This means a lot. It means I got Discord right! :pinkiesmile:

Okay guys, I'm REALLY SORRY. But I accidentally deleted chapter 7 just as I was about to upload it.

I know I wanted to get this finished before Christmas, but I kinda stuffed up and broke that because I was running more for Christmas Gifts. Sorry.

I will try and get the chapter up tonight. And as an apology, I'll try and get chapter 8 and 9 done too. In fact, I'll get all 3 of them done, and upload them all in one hit!

Also, I plan to have this run for 15 to 20 chapters. So if you think we're nearing the final climax, you're wrong. SPOILERS!

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