• Published 9th Nov 2016
  • 453 Views, 1 Comments

Thunderstorm's Marble - Silver Topaz

After being visited by Cadance. Thunderstorm is shown who his true love is. But it comes at a price.

  • ...

A rocky start

Thunderstorm sat in his chair in the classroom. He wasn't really paying attention to the class, since his mind was wandering elsewhere at the moment. He had the necklace in his hand, he was staring at it and thinking about what had happened. He couldn't get it out of his mind "Marble", Thunderstorm thought to himself. He wasn't sure what to do or how was he supposed to do this.

Thunderstorm looked out the window of the classroom. He remembered the time him and Marble spent together before. He was kinda happy, he was going to talk to her again, maybe they could be friends again. Maybe if Cadance was right, they could become more than just friends. Thunderstorm's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the bell.

As the students started leaving to join their friends, Thunderstorm got up and got his bag. He had to stop by his locker, but after that he will try to speak to Marble. As he left the classroom he started thinking on how Marble was going to react, and what was she going to think.

It has been a long time since he talked to Marble. Four years to be exact and even then before he moved they barely talked, or even spent time together. Thunderstorm looked at the necklace in his hand again, "maybe this can fix that" he thought to himself.

Thunderstorm put the necklace in his pocket, and he kept walking. He reached his locker and opened it. He grabbed the books he needed for homework and left the ones he didn't need. He was about to close his locker, when something caught his eye. A picture frame lying in the corner of the locker upside down. He grabbed it and looked at it, the picture showed him when he was twelve, but he wasn't the only one in the picture. There were four girls and they all smiled as the picture was taken. Thunderstorm recognized the girls in the picture, they were the Pie sisters as he started calling them when they were friends.

Thunderstorm took the picture not even looking at it again. He closed his locker and started walking, curiosity eventually setting in he started looking at the picture again. He looked at it, and not paying attention where he was going he bumped into someone. He got up grabbing the picture and putting it on his bag, he then looked at the person he bumped into, as he wanted to help him or her get back up.

He looked at the person and said a name "Marble." Thunderstorm was surprised, he wondered if Cadance had anything to do with it.

Marble looked up, to look at the person she bumped into. She wanted to apologize for not paying attention at where she was going. "Thunderstorm," She quietly whispered. Thunderstorm looked back at her and decided to speak.

"Hi Marble," He said to her, however he was surprised at what happened next. Marble got up and started running. Thunderstorm surprised by this and not knowing if he did something wrong decided to go after her.

Thunderstorm ran after Marble, shouting her name as he was running. They ran through the cafeteria and through some hallways, until they reached the outside. Were Thunderstorm lost her when she went through the crowd that was formed outside.

"What was that all about?" Was all he could say. Why the crowd was there he didn't know. He looked and saw that they were talking about something but he didn't pay attention to what it was. He looked around for Marble but he didn't see her.

He decided to sit down on the steps of the entrance of the school. Thinking about what just happened.

"Hey Thunderstorm."

Thunderstorm turned around to see Spike. The closest person he had to a friend. He didn't refer to him as a friend, but it was still great to have someone to talk to.

"Hi Spike."

Spike noticed his attitude and decided to ask him what was wrong. Before he did however, he decided to get somewhere more quiet. After some walking Spike and Thunderstorm found themselves sitting on the bleachers in the back of the school.

"So what's up?" Spike asked him. Thunderstorm sighed and he went through the entire story. He told him about Cadence and the necklace, but he decided not to tell him about Marble.

Spike just stared at him. "So that's it?" Thunderstorm was surprised by his answer.

"Well you're taking this very well." Thunderstorm responded while looking at the necklace.

"Thunderstorm you'll get this done, after all I did."

Thunderstorm was surprised. Spike went through this.

Spike seeing his face decided to clear it up. "Cadence came to me too, how do you think I finally asked out Rarity?"

It actually made sense. Spike liked Rarity, but he never said anything. Until last year where he finally asked her out. Or so he heard that's what happened. He thought about what he said, but he still knew he had a lot of work to do. He hoped that he could talk to Marble without her running away. He then remembered Spike was there.

"So who's the girl the necklace showed you?"

Thunderstorm thought about it. Should he tell Spike about it, he could end up telling Pinkie Pie or one of her sisters. Thunderstorm eventually decided to answer his question. "It's Marble Pie."

"Wow you have a lot of work ahead of you." Spike didn't like Thunderstorm's chances here, but hey he could figure it out hopefully.

"You can say that again," Thunderstorm answered still looking at the necklace. He needed to know what to do.

Spike wanted to help Thunderstorm out. But he remembered he had a date with Rarity. So sadly he had to go.

"Thunderstorm I have to go I'll see you later," Spike looked at Thunderstorm and with the sad look he had on his face he decided to give him some words of encouragement, "hey I know you can do this, you have a lot of time so take it easy okay."


"Bye Thunderstorm." And with that Spike left.

Thunderstorm sat there still thinking. Did he do something wrong, or does Marble just doesn't want to be friends anymore. He sighed still wishing he knew how to do this. "Hi Thunderstorm."

A cheery voice said. You didn't need to be a genius to know who that voice belonged to. "Hi Pinkie," He said, he looked at her and she looked as happy as ever.

"Thunderstorm I just came to ask you a question." Pinkie greeted him.

"Go ahead."

"Do you know why Marble is acting really nervous."

Thunderstorm immediately was interested. "So, I made her nervous" Thunderstorm thought to himself. He sighed and he just decided to tell her the truth. "Well I tried talking to her, maybe that's it."

"Oh okay." Pinkie said and after skipped away. Thunderstorm sighed and decided to just go home. Before he left, he looked at the recently fixed horse statue. He knew what it was, he was beyond surprised to find out that it was a portal to another world. He looked at it a thought coming to his mind, "I wonder if there is a me in the other world and if there was was he dating the Marble from his world." A question for another day Thunderstorm though as he started walking home.

Thunderstorm was in the middle of his shower. After he got home he sat in his room and just watched some YouTube videos, and when the sun went down he decided to take his shower. Thunderstorm loved showering, especially since it gave him time to think. After some thinking he decided that the best way to handle his situation was to just try and talk to Marble.

While showering the necklace that Cadence gave Thunderstorm started to glow. Thunderstorm didn't notice it, and after a while he felt arms wrapping around him, and something on his back. Immediately startled he turned around to see Cadance, in all her naked glory. Thunderstorm's eyes went up and down her entire body as a scream escaped his mouth.

"Hi Thunderstorm see anything you like." Cadance said in a very seductive tone. Thunderstorm however didn't like what was happening and he heard a knock from the door.

"Thunderstorm is everything alright." Thunderstorm realized that was his mother and immediately panicked. He jumped on Cadance, not caring that their naked bodies were touching and he put his hand on her mouth to keep her quiet.

"Yeah mom, I just almost slipped." Thunderstorm hoped she would buy it. Now more than ever he wanted to get out of the shower. It didn't help that Cadance wouldn't stop moving.

"Oh okay, be careful."

"Okay thanks mom." Thunderstorm was relieved that she actually bought his excused. After getting Cadance out of the shower, finishing, drying himself with a towel and getting dressed and leaving the bathroom. Thunderstorm went to his room.

There he saw Cadance lying seductively on his bed. "Be gentle." Thunderstorm threw the towel at her face and stared at her with an annoyed look. "You're no fun" was Cadance's response.

"What are you doing here?" Thunderstorm asked while putting on a shirt.

"I'm here to check up on you, you know see how you're doing."

Thunderstorm sat on a chair next to his bed. "This is just great, she is going to come see me from time to time." Thunderstorm let out another annoyed sigh. "Look just don't get in the shower with me again."

"Fine." Cadance said while getting up and walking towards him. When she was right in front of him she decided to ask the question that was plaguing her mind. "So how did it go?"

Thunderstorm knew what she wanted to know. "Well, I bumped into Marble today."

"Yeah." Cadence said excitement filling her voice.

"I said, hi, to her."

"Keep going." Cadence was expecting something good.

"And she ran away." Thunderstorm finished looking at Cadence. Working really hard on trying not to laugh at her reaction.


"Just what I said, I bumped into her and I said hello and she ran away."

Cadence couldn't believe it. While she wasn't expecting Thunderstorm to be done already. She expected at least something. She loved seeing the progression in a couple's relationship. From the beginning to end, it was her favorite part from the job. She saw that Thunderstorm wasn't worried meaning that he had something planned, "Judging by the look on your face I would say you have something planned."

"I do, don't worry I got this," Thunderstorm replied to her while jumping on his bed and getting ready to go to sleep.

"Well okay good luck, I'm expecting some other results okay," Thunderstorm nodded. Cadence turned the lights off and left.

Marble brushed her long hair, as she was getting ready to sleep. "Hi Marble, can I talk to you." Her sister's voice came through the door.

"Hi Pinkie." Marble responded, in her usual shy voice.

"Marble I heard you ran away from Thunderstorm today." Marble immediately sunk down, trying her best to disappear. Marble didn't answer so Pinkie decided to keep going.

"Marble I think you and Thunderstorm should be friends again." Marble looked at Pinkie and Pinkie just kept talking. "I think it'll be good for you, I mean you were friends before, I think you can be friends now."

Pinkie looked at her sister. She knew Marble was very shy, but she also knew that it was Marble who started the friendship between her and Thunderstorm. "Look Marble I'm not telling you what to do, and I'm not going to force you okay, but I really think that rekindling your friendship with Thunderstorm is a good thing, so all I'm going to say is that you should at least try okay."

Pinkie made her way to the door, ready to leave when a voice stopped her. "Okay, Pinkie I'll try."

"What." Pinkie said hoping that she heard Marble right.

"I'll try to be friends with Thunderstorm again," Marble was immediately wrapped in a big hug.

"Oh my gosh Marble I'm so proud of you, you'll see you won't regret it," Pinkie let go of her sister and immediately left.

Marble sighed and smiled. "I know I won't regret it Pinkie," Marble thought to herself. She laid on her bed, though about the possibility of having a friend again. Which brought a smile to her face, as she drifted off to sleep.

Pinkie made it to her room. She looked around and saw Cadance sitting on her bed."So did you get her to try and talk to Thunderstorm."

"Yes." Pinkie cheerfully responded.

"Great Thunderstorm is going to try and talk to her again, I think." Cadance said while looking at Pinkie.

Pinkie gained a worried look for a second, "Do you really think this is going to work." Pinkie asked, she was worried, not only about her friend, but her sister as well.

Cadence walked towards Pinkie and put her hands on the pink girl's shoulders. "Pinkie I know this is going to work," Cadence disappeared after saying that.

Pinkie climbed into her bed and laid down and whispered one last thing before she went to be. "I hope it does."