• Published 29th Jun 2012
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The Jerk - Perception Filter

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Chapter 17

The Jerk
Chapter 17

I jerked up with a start and gasped in pain as my broken bones grinded all along my body and I coughed. That hurt too. As a result of the pain, I coughed some more. Thus began a coughing/pain cycle that lasted a few minutes and I finally fell over from lack of breath. I resisted the urge to cough again. I took a shaky breath and held my position on the stone ground for a few more moments then sat up slowly, using my one uninjured arm.

I was in a cave with an empty fire pit in the center and a howling blizzard outside. The heat had yet to dissipate outside, even with a smoldering fire, the cold should have found its way inside. I looked around and saw my armor sitting in a neat little pile at the end of the cave. I also spotted my small sack full of my shit and I crawled over to it weakly.

Looking around inside it, I found my few remaining stimpacks. I used them and felt relief wash through my limbs. I took a deep sigh and slumped back, trying to remember what happened. I had detonated the Fuck-Shit-Up-Inator, and I remembered bouncing and crashing, but that’s it. I tried again, but I the only other relevant thing was a flying lizard thing. I got up again and winced at the sore pain in my muscles, but it was better than broken bones.

I walked over to the entrance to the cave and found it was blocked by some sort of invisible forcefield. I touched it curiously and it rippled slowly. Not deciding to test how much it could hold, I went back to the small fire pit and slumped over. I felt sleep overtaking me and I obliged gladly. Right before I nodded off, there was a flash of white light and the lizard thing appearing before me.

I was too tired to fight it now, so I fell asleep before I could interrogate the thing.


Discord re-appeared in the cave, using the energy he gathered from his battle with the Changelings to spread some chaos and evacuate John from the battlefield. He was now gaining power at a steadily ascending rate. He now had enough magic at his disposal to heal John and he was about to do just that, but found he had used the last of his stimpacks to do it instead.

“You stupid asshole.” He mumbled as the human fell asleep. He relit the fire by tossing a pink cloud of cotton candy into it, and the flames roared as they consumed the sugar. After it was all gone, the fire inexplicably stayed up. He didn’t care, it was chaos. He sat for a few moments and gathered his thoughts, and was bored in moments. He had to be here when John woke up again to make sure he didn’t fall asleep before they could talk.

Discord found his thoughts being drawn to the mysterious armor he had pried off John and thrown carelessly into the corner. Doing the exact opposite of what normally would happen, they landed in a carefully organised heap. He went over to them and picked up the battered plates. They were scratched, blackened, and dented but they would still serve their purpose in combat. He was confused as to how the stuff had survived the explosion, and even more so on how the being had survived. It had roasted the Changelings alive, yet not affected him in any way, only flinging him backward.

He cast a small orderly spell on the plates, and it took most of his magical energy away for a moment. Contrary to popular belief, Discord could actually cast spells that weren’t set in chaos, but it took much out of him. The plates were made of some unknown metal, that was pretty much indestructable. He gave a confused frown, and cast the same spell on John. He gasped for air and fell to one knee for a moment before regaining his bearings. The spell had a different result on him. Most of his flesh was scar tissue, even his actual muscle was scarred severely. He was surprised that he was still able to move, as scar tissue wasn’t very flexible.

His bones yielded different results. As he had said before, his bones were metal, except for the marrow on the inside. His body had suffered several mutations, some more passive than others, yet all of them deadly in some way. Discord was shocked at how much abuse the human had endured, more than any living thing had a right to experience. Then, an idea came to him. It was dangerous, but it just might work.

If he could look into the human's mind, maybe he could get a more accurate experience on what he went through, so he could sympathise with him. He exhaled slowly and closed his eyes, and grabbed the man's head and poured himself into Johns mind.


“Sir, I suggest you comply. We don’t want any more incidents do we?”

“No. There’s no need for more violence, just let me bring it online.” A few moments passed as James began to type commands into the console.

“I grow tired of waiting.”

“Almost finished.” He said.

I watched the spectacle with a nervous look, seeing my Dad in there with those Enclave bastards, and yet I could do nothing.

“C’mon Dad. You can think of something.” I whispered under my breath, clenching my fists. I was silently observing what he was doing to the console and my eyes widened right before he punched the execute key.

“NO!” I screamed and I slammed my power glove into the glass, cracking it a bit. There was a small puff of smoke and all of the people in there began to double over and clench their heads as they fell over and died. My dad stumbled towards the airlock door.

“Run.” He coughed a little. “RUN!” My head went blank.

I stood for a moment.

“NO!” I screamed again and pounded on the door, cracking the class a bit more.

“John, there is nothing we can do. The radiation in there is lethal.” Said Doctor Li, in a controlled tone, yet I could feel her emotions frothing forth in her eyes.

“NO! I CAN SAVE HIM!” And I punched the glass again, it began to splinter even more.

“JOHN!” She shouted and slapped me. I was shocked. “THERE IS NOTHING YOU CAN DO! HE IS DEAD!” A tear rolled down one of her cheeks. “Believe me I am angry too, but he have to get out of here. The Enclave are coming and we don’t have much time.” I took one last look at the chamber longingly and slumped in defeat.

“Let’s get the fuck out of here.” I said and walked down the metal stairs, and as I did, I could’ve sworn I saw something on the far side of the room. It looked like some sort of lizard. I blinked and it was gone. Shaking my head, I continued down to the little manhole cover and dropped down into the sewers and waited for the rest of the scientists to drop down.

“C’mon guys let’s go.” I said, dejected.

“Who put you in charge? Are you just going to take the spot like your father did? Full of empty promises and dead dreams?” Asked one of them, Daniel Angicourt, said to me no moving.

“Fucker, my father just died up there buying time to save your sorry ass to get away.” If looks were capable of killing, he would have been vaporized on the spot. He blanched a bit.

“I-I’m sorry man. I had no idea! Honest.”

“Yea, sure fucker. If we have to sacrifice anybody, it’s gonna be you. Let’s get moving.” And I set, off not turning to see if they were following me. For a few moments, there was silence as we trudged through the filthy water. I heard a familiar rasp as I went around a corner, and I brought my power fist up in a fighting stance and intercepted a Feral Ghoul as it charged me. I parried its first attack and slammed my weapon into its head. It exploded in a shower of gore. I looked over my shoulder and once I confirmed that the scientists were okay, I kept walking.

I encountered several more ghouls that I dispatched in the same manner as the first, and as I rounded a small corner, I could’ve sworn something was hiding in the shadows in the far end of the room. I narrowed my eyes at it, and opened V.A.T.S. I then identified some sort of tall thing that was cloaked. I charged over to it, and threw my fist in its direction. Right as I was about to make contact, the thing revealed itself and I found myself with some sort of freaky mutant.

“What the fu-” I began but then something caught my eye about the creature. It seemed familiar. It seemed so familiar. It hit me right as I felt something tugging at my mind. I was dreaming.


I woke up with a start to see the thing in my dream standing over me holding my head.

“Oh fuck no.” And I torpedo kicked the thing off of me into the far wall. I approached its prone form and brought a fist up and was about to beat the thing to death when its eyes snapped open.

“WAIT WAIT!” It shouted in a familiar tone of voice. That was Discords voice.


“Yes, that’s me. As I was about to explain right before you attacked me.”

“You think it’s okay?!”

“What are you talking about?” He asked confused. I myself was a bit confused by the situation. I had imagined Discord to be another pony, only he was a weird mix of.... things.

He had some sort of talons for one hand, and a paw for another. He had a weird lizard tail, a goats head with two mismatching horns, and his feet were the same way.

I shook my head after taking a moment to respond. “You left me to die. Then you think it’s okay to go snooping around in my head?!? You’re lucky I don’t dismember you where you stand.” I said pointing a finger at him.


“NO! I am not in the mood for your bullshit explanations. Just tell me where the fuck we are, and where the Elements are.”

“Well....” He began and stopped.

“The Changelings have them don’t they?” I asked with a sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose.


“Well that’s fucking peachy. Just tell me where we are.”

“In a cave in the northern reaches of Equestria. Chrysalis is executing a nation-wide search for you and I this is the only place safe for now. You were unconscious for a few days.”

“Well that’s not too bad.”

“Aren’t you surprised?” He raised an eyebrow at me.

“Not really. I once spent two weeks in a radiation induced coma. I thought I was dead actually.”

“Really? Did it have anything to do with that purify-” I slugged him as hard as he could across the face.

“That’s for fucking with my head. I don’t want to discus it, and if you go in my head again, I will not hesitate to kill you.” A short moment of silence.

“Message received.” He said, rubbing his cheek.

“Good, now we need a plan on how to approach the situation.” I said, tapping my chin in mock thought.

“Well, we could start out with freeing the prisoners.” He suggested with a shrug.

“As good as that sounds, I can’t think of a way to get in. They have probably beefed up the security there.”

“Well I could always teleport us in.” I glared at him.

“Why the fuck didn’t you teleport us there the first time?!?!”

“Well in order to tell you, you will have to hear my ‘Bullshit’ Excuses.” He said with air quotes.

“Fine, make it quick.” I said, tapping my foot impatiently.

“I was breaking out of my stone imprisonment while you were running away with the Elements. That’s why I couldn’t help you.”

“What about the teleporting, man?”

“I’m getting to it.” He said. “I can only teleport when not imprisoned. Thus how we are here now.”

“Fine. Do you think you could teleport all the ponies in there out at once?”

“No, but if you can hold off the Changelings, I could do them in small groups.”

“Sounds like a plan. Get me in there.” I was suddenly hit with flash of white light in my eyes and waves of nausea. I suddenly materialized in a room that was akin to a bathroom, only smaller. It was a women's restroom but these things weren’t at the front of my mind at the moment. What was, was the nausea hitting my stomach. I vomited all over the floor and collapsed onto my knees.

“Sweet merciful fuck!” I yelled when I had finally stopped puking my guts up. “Discord, what the hell man?!? Why didn’t you warn me?!”

Sorry. I didn’t know you would react negatively to it.

“Whatever man. How close am I to the cells?” I said, waving him off.

Just outside on your left, not too far down. You will know when you see it.

I opened the puny door, squeezed through and found myself in ANOTHER long fucking hallway. It’s like these ponies built things like this on purpose. After all this was over and done, I was going to track down and violently murder whoever made this castle. But, I digress. I looked down the hallway and saw a guarded steel door not too far away. I cracked my knuckles.


All the ponies in the room jerked awake at once when they heard the guard yelling from the other side of the door.

“STOP RIGHT THERE!” He shouted, and apparently whoever it was, didn’t stop.

“I SAID HALT!” The guard shouted again and there was a loud clang followed by a snap and a scream of pain.

“MY SPINE!!!!!” The ponies winced.

The other guard shouted at that moment, “ARRRGHH!” They winced some more. “MY EYE!” There was another scream, from another guard. “MY BLOOD! HE PUNCHED OUT ALL OF MY BLOOD!” The screaming stopped abruptly. There was a loud pounding on the door, the clangs resounding through the poorly-lit room. If the ponies could have been exhibiting any less movement, then they would have not been able to move. The pounding stopped, and the sound of something walking away. They breathed a sigh of collective relief.

Then, the door suddenly burst open with a strange creature with white armor on was barreling the door down. It slammed into the ground, with the creature on top. It got up, shaking its head.

“Urrghh. That really fucking hurt.” It muttered under its breath rubbing the side of his head.