• Published 5th Nov 2016
  • 4,908 Views, 41 Comments

Equestria Girls 3: Carrie Sparkle - grl6p

*AU* In the human world, Twilight Sparkle or Sci Twi suffers from relentless bullying at Crystal Prep. But a little magic, a sudden act of kindness, and a horrible prank result in deadly consequences. Based off the book and film Carrie.

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Cinch Confronts Celestia and Luna/Cinch Gets Arrested and Fired

After what seemed like forever, Principal Cinch arrived at Crystal Prep only to find it mostly destroyed and several students lying on the ground, injured, helping others, or being treated for their wounds.

"My school! My beautiful school! What happened?"

Gumdrop walked up to Principal Cinch on a set of crutches, "Sci Twi got elected prom queen, but a Canterlot High student named Trixie Lulamoon and her older boyfriend Rough Rider pulled a horrible prank on her and then she turned into a demon and destroyed the prom."

“It was a shitshow,” Another CPA student, Melon Mint said from nearby as she was being treated for first degree burns by paramedics, “People were breaking trophies and props to make exits, there were kids jumping out of windows, Scott Green from CHS shat himself out of fear of dying, and Marco’s hair got burned off.”

“A lot of the people who showed up tonight are currently in the hospital.” Cold Forecast, who was wearing a sling and had a black eye and several small scars from the broken window glass, added, “Mostly they’re your students.”

“We’re all just lucky no one died tonight,” Varsity Trim, who had broken glasses and and was coated in bandages and bruises from the fall, added, “And I guess we’ve finally seen the error of bullying Twilight.”

Cinch was shocked and furious at the remarks and pushed the injured students away and turned her anger to Celestia and Luna.

"You two will pay for these damages!"

The two sisters burst out laughing.

Cinch yelled, "Don't laugh at me, this is obviously the works of dark magic!"

Celestia said, "This is your school, so Luna and I are not responsible for paying for the destruction of your property and your students’s hospital bills.”

“And we are also not responsible for your prized student turning into an angry monster and destroying your prom. That is responsible for your refusing to reach out to her and not putting up mandatory anti-bullying laws." Luna added.

"YOU TELL HER LUNA!" Lyra Heartstrings yelled as she high fived Bon-Bon.

Cadence walked up and said, "One of the CHS students gave us a suggestion that Twilight will be happier at Canterlot High so she will no longer have to face you or her bullies."

Cinch became furious, "YOU WANNA KNOW WHAT I THINK?!"

Microchip took out his phone and began recording Cinch's rant leading many students to stifle their laughter.

"Your school should have been destroyed, not mine! I always get what I want! It's not fair, Twilight has no say in this! I am the ultimate principal! You guys are worthless monkeys! I hate CHS, I hate my students, I hate my nephew, and I hate the world!"

At this point, everyone was laughing out loud.

“Stop laughing at me!” Cinch yelled as she began kicking on the floor and screamed, "I demand one of you back me up on this!"

Suri, who was partially bandaged to cover her second degree burns, said, "Back you up? Fuck you! You never even showed up to help us when the craziness happened!"

Jet Set whimpered, "I can't feel my legs!"

Marco, who’s now-bald head was entirely bandaged, whimpered, “My beautiful hair is gone!”

“In my opinion, you should be fired!” Upper Crust said, “A monkey would run this school better than you and at least they wouldn’t neglect their students during times of disaster."

“Yeah,” Gumdrop added, "You're worse than Umbridge!"

The other CHS and Crystal Prep students began chanting, "DOWN WITH CINCH! DOWN WITH CINCH!"

Luna said to Cinch, "Face it, you can't win."

Cinch calmed down and growled, "If none of you will back me up on this, I will take it to the school board!"

Celestia laughed, "Trust me, no one will believe you."

Cinch was about to lunge at the principals when she heard Robbie's voice,

"There she is Officer Silverstar! That's my aunt who failed to protect her own school."

Officer Silverstar said to Principal Cinch, "Ma'am are you the Principal of Crystal Prep Academy?"

Cinch said haughtily, “As a matter of fact, I am!"

“That’s all I needed to know.” Officer Silverstar said as he handcuffed Cinch, "Abucus Cinch, you're under arrest for letting your own school succumb to a demon, emotional abuse, corruption, and the endangerment of minors."

Cinch tried to struggle free but the police were stronger than her, "You can't arrest me! Someone has to take care of Robbie! His parents won't return for another week."

Cadence put her arm on Cinch as she was loaded away, "Twilight and her family will be more than happy to watch Robbie until his parents return. And we'll be his guardians whenever his parents go away again."

Cinch was loaded into the police car, "This isn't fair! I always get what I want! I'm still the principal of this school!"

"Not anymore Abucus."

Everyone looked to see Superintendent Chrysalis pull up in her black Polksvaggen Buggy.

Principal Cinch's eyes widened, "Superintendent Chrysalis, what are you doing here? How did you find out?"

Chrysalis got out of her car, "I saw the tweet one of your students made about what happened. And it wasn't long before Fuzzdeed posted an article about it. Soon, Channel 5 news got involved when their news chopper filmed the destruction and sent it to the studio so they could do a story on it."

Cinch became anxious, "I just hope that they blame Twilight for all of this! I was never even here when it happened!"

"Actually," said Chrysalis, "I was asked by the news station to issue a letter condemning you for your negligence and failing to protect your school."

Cadence chimed in, "So, you're saying?"

Chrysalis announced, "Principal Abucus Cinch has been running Crystal Prep Academy for over 25 years. But tonight is her last time as principal because now everyone in town knows that Cinch is a selfish woman who puts her own desires before her student's well-beings. It is my pleasure to say this,"

She got close to Cinch, "Principal Cinch," she then raised her voice and yelled at her, "YOU'RE FIRED!!!!!" Causing many people to jump.

Cinch started ranting, "THIS CANNOT BE HAPPENING!!!! I demand a lawyer!"

Officer Silverstar closed Cinch's window on his squad car, "Save your whining for the big house, Abucus. You're gonna be there for a long time."

The police car was about to drive away but Cadence stopped them.

"Before you go, I want you to take away Suri Polomare. She is the one who started the merciless bullying against Twilight and should be punished for her actions."

Everyone’s heads turned to Suri.

"What are you looking at?" Suri remarked.

Cadence brought up Suri to the squad car, "Suri Victoria Polomare. For your bullying of Twilight Sparkle, I have no choice but to expel you from Crystal Prep Academy."

"But you're not even the principal of this school!"

"She is now." said Superintendent Chrysalis as turned back to her students, "I'm now very happy to announce that the position of principal for Crystal Prep Academy will be going to Dean Cadence. She's exactly what a high school principal should be: kind, hard-working, and selfless. Congratulations Cadence."

Everyone began applauding for Cadence.

Suri was shocked at what she just heard. "NO! First I lost my best friend, my looks got burned off, and now I'm going to jail all because of what I did to Twilight?!"

"Of course you are." said Officer Silverstar, "Bullying is a severe crime. You'll likely be in juvenile detention for up to a year."

"Fleur, Upper Crust? Aren't you going to defend me?"

"Not after tonight." said Fleur as Upper Crust nodded her head, both of them having finally seen their former friend's true colors.

The squad car door was slammed shut and Suri was swearing and banging on the door.

"Thank you officer." said Cadence, "I bet jail time will teach both Suri and Cinch a lesson."

After the police car drove away, Cadence turned back to everyone.

"I'm very happy to accept this position. I promise I will make sure all of my students will work to become successful and help them along the way. I will also help prevent bullying and reach out to those who need it most!"

Everyone cheered for Cadence.

"We're very proud of Cadence. You'll make a great principal." said Celestia.

"Thank you."

Author's Note:

Hooray, Cinch has gotten her karma! I'm almost finished, now I have to deal with Trixie and Rough Rider and then a happy ending.