• Published 28th Oct 2016
  • 670 Views, 90 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! EQG Side Story: Tricks and Treats - Bahamut0

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Duel 5: Castle Crashing

"Any ideas as to where Flutterbat's castle might be?", Gold asked. "Because I seriously doubt any of us have a clue."

"Easy. We look for place where dark clouds are gathering, and bats are flying about.", Moon said matter-of-factly.

"How do you figure that?", Inferno asked.

"You're talking to the former mistress of the night. I know Halloween cliches.", Moon said with a smirk. "That, and Burst and I have been playing Castelvania in the spirit of the season."

"By the way Gold. Who's the new guy? I can sense a strong dragon with him.", Burst asked.

"Name's Mercury Blue. My partner's Buster Dragon.", Mercury said as his dragon materialized.

"It is an honor to fight beside the legendary dragons.", Buster said with a slight bow.

"Well if all of us are ready to go...", Burst said as he spun his blasters before holstering them. "What do you say we go castle crashing?"

"Come back safe.", Sonata said as she kissed Ace to wish him luck.

" I got better things to do tonight than die.", Ace said with a wink.

"We ain't comin' back 'til Fluttershy is back to normal!", Inferno boldly declared. And with that, the group left to find where Flutterbat had made her roost. However, it appeared she wanted them to come to her. Namely because she texted them where her castle was located. "Well....that's convenient."

The group made their way to her castle where her home once stood. "Seems like she's been expecting us.", Burst said as the gate was already unlocked, and the main door opened on its own and a carpet rolled out. "Crimson red. How fitting." As they entered, a large bat swooped down from the ceiling!

"You are enemies of my master.", Vampire Bat sneered. "She shall reward me greatly for eliminating you!" Vampire Bat charged them, but was shot down by Sunset and Gold!

"You're not the only one who can get airborne!", Gold said as he fired another blast of energy! Vampire Bat let out an ear-piercing shriek and split into a whole swarm of tiny bats! Sunset caught onto this, and plunged her sword into the ground to create a barrier!

"Cosmic Flare Slash!", Sunset cried as she leaped into the air and brought down Vampire Bat with one strike! As Vampire Bat faded away, a crimson seal on the door was lifted. "Looks like we're moving right on."