• Published 15th Nov 2016
  • 724 Views, 44 Comments

Ponymon Girls: Shades of Harmony - Lucky Ness

Fluttershy must defeat the Legendary Birds and Mewtwo with her new Pokemon friends.

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Fluttershy and the Mystery of Mew (Bonus Scene)

It had been a week wince Fluttershy had went on her quest when she woke up to an odd sight. There was someone who looked distinctly like her standing to the side of her bed. Fluttershy nearly screamed upon seeing herself before she remembered hearing from Sunset that there was another Fluttershy in the world that Princess Twilight called home. Thinking that this was her other self, she got out of bed and slowly approached before offering her hand.

"U-um, hello? My n-name's Fluttershy." Fluttershy says as the other Fluttershy slowly moves her hand forward and grips her hand.

"MEW!" "Fluttershy" says as she starts to change. It takes less than a few seconds for "her" to turn into a floating creature that resembled a pink catlike creature. Fluttershy looks confused at the Mew before she remembers that Mew can use Transform, allowing it to take the form of any living thing it wants. However, this confuses Fluttershy even more. Why would Mew want to take her form.

"Mew!" Mew says smiling at the confounded look on Fluttershy's face before flying in a loop around Fluttershy. It then notices the Pokeballs on her bedside table, sensing that there is something familiar in one of the balls.

"Mew!" Mew yells at one of the Pokeballs as Fluttershy walks over and examines the ball, realizing that Mew's clone is in the ball. Fluttershy remembers that Mewtwo once had an intense rivalry with the creature that it was created from.

"You recognize Mewtwo?" Fluttershy asks Mew. Mew nods and does a playful flip in the air before flying back over to Fluttershy as someone knocks on her door. Upon hearing the knock, Mew appears startled and uses Transform making it look like a nervous Angel. Fluttershy smiles as she walks out of the room and opens ther front door to see her friends on the other side.

"Hey, girls. What's up."

"Pinkie was thinking of heading over to Sugar Cube Corner." Rainbow says as Pinkie jumps up and down. "You want to come?"

"Sure, just let me get changed real quick." Fluttershy says as she turns around and sees "Angel" standing there with a mischievous look on its face. "You play nice with my friends, okay?" Fluttershy says to the "bunny" as she leaves the room. Once she enters her bedroom, and closes the door, she pulls out the shirt she wore to Camp Everfree and a green denim skirt. It only took her a few minutes to get dressed. However, once she returns to the living room, she sees that there is a confused look on everyone's face, except for the second Twilight Sparkle who has a playful look in its eyes behind the glasses.

Fluttershy sighs and looks over at the other "Twilight". "Mew! I told you to play nice." The "Twilight" looks downtrodden as it transforms back into the pink catlike creature from before.

"Mew!" Mew exclaims as Pinkie gasps in shock.

"You found a MEW!" Pinkie says unable to believe the sight before her.

"How did you find this thing, sugar cube?" Applejack asks as she turns to look at Fluttershy.

"It was standing over my bed this morning." Fluttershy says, starting her explanation. "When I woke up, it was there, and it looked just like me. I thought it might have been the other Fluttershy from Equestria, so I went over and introduced myself. It surprised me when I saw it change before my eyes." Fluttershy says as Mew Transforms into Rainbow, then Sunset, before finally changing back into Fluttershy.

"It seems like the little fella has taken a liking to you." Rairty says as the group of seven girls see Mew use Fluttershy's form to walk over to the shy girl.

"I guess you can say that I now know how our Twilight felt when she first met Princess Twilight." Fluttershy says as Mew jumps and Transforms back into its catlike form before nuzzling her. Mew then lands, sitting on the ground expectantly as Fluttershy and the girls move to leave the house. However, before Fluttershy can step over the threshold, she feels something pulling on her arm. She looks back and sees Mew there clinging to her arm.

"I take it you want to come with me?" Fluttershy asks Mew. Mew lets go and nods vigorously before flipping in joy. "Okay, you can come along, but we'll have to do something about your appearance.

"Mew!" Mew says as it Transforms into a perfect duplicate of Fluttershy.

"Um, maybe we should try something else," Fluttershy says as she walks back into her house to look for a photograph.


An hour later the seven girls enter Sugar Cube Corner alongside someone who looks like Fluttershy's brother, Zephyr Breeze. The group of eight quickly find a table and sit down while Pinkie gets in line to place their orders. Fluttershy turns to look at her "brother".

"Remember, you are my brother, Zephyr, and you're not supposed to speak." Fluttershy says as "Zephyr" nods and whispers "Mew!" as Pinkie returns with some cupcakes and drinks. She places one in front of everyone, except for "Zephyr" who gets a small brown spherical cake.

"I hope Zephyr likes his cake." Pinkie says before she whispers "I had Mrs. Cake make something akin to a Pokepuff for him." Pinkie says as "Zephyr" picks the cake up and tentatively takes a bite. It didn't take long for "him" to finish the pastry.

The girls sit and talk for a while. The entire time, Fluttershy looks concerned between the other patrons and "Zephyr".

"You have no reason to fret, darling." Rarity says to Fluttershy, trying to reassure her. "No one knows that 'Zephyr' here is actually a creature from another universe." Rarity says before she takes a sip of her drink. "And no one will ever know as long as 'he' doesn't talk or-" Rarity is cut off as the group notices someone enter the cafe.

"Or Zephyr enters the building." Rarity finishes her previous statement as Fluttershy's brother walks through the door, a bell chiming ass the door closes behind him.

"Get under the table!" Flutershy whispers to Mew as Zephyr gets in line. Zephyr notices the group just as Mew has gotten situated under the table, with the tablecloth obstructing Zephyr from seeing it. After Zephyr places his order he goes over to Fluttershy's table.

"Hey, sis!" Zephyr says before turning to Rainbow. "Rainbow Dash. What are you two doing here."

Fluttershy was about to answer, but was beaten to the punch by Rainbow.

"We're having a pleasant time by ourselves, Zephyr." Rainbow says a little harshly. "So could please go find somewhere else to sit?"

"Okay, just let me get my order and I'll be out of your hair." Zephyr says as he hears Mrs. Cake call his name. He walks over to the counter, picks up his order, and leaves the cafe.

"You can come out now," Fluttershy says as she leans under the table and helps "Zephyr" get back into "his" seat. "Zephyr" runs his hand over his forehead, relieved that he wasn't caught.

"That was close," Rainbow says as the group resumes their previous conversations while they slowly work on their cakes.


An hour later, Fluttershy is back home with Mew in her room. Mew flies over to her backpack and pulls out a Pokeball before flying back over and nuzzling Fluttershy's hand. Mew drops the ball at her feet and performs a little flip as Fluttershy realizes what it wants. She reaches down and picks up the ball as Mew lands on the ground, waiting for Fluttershy to throw the ball. Once she does, Mew jumps up and collides with the ball. The ball opens and Mew goes inside. Once the ball closes, it falls to the ground and a star emerges.

"Welcome home, Mew." Fluttershy says as she picks up the ball and puts it on the bedside table with the rest of her Pokemon's Pokeballs.

Author's Note:

As promised, here is the bonus scene featuring the missing Legend (I know Mew is now technically called a Mythical Pokemon, but I'm old school, so Mew will always be a Legenadary Pokemon to me). I might decide to make a sequel, but that will have to wait until after I have played Pokemon Sun and Moon. That way I'd have some extra scenarios to work with, as well as ~100 more Pokemon that I could sick upon Fluttershy.