• Published 14th Oct 2016
  • 1,585 Views, 13 Comments

Animosity Is Magic - little-tweenframes

A new generation is at hoof, and a new threat is rising as well. Eight young ponies must make a serious journey past the ends of Equestria to bring the world back to the way it once was.

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Chapter 01: And Then There Was Cake

Author's Note:

Was gonna wait a week to post this but screw it I'm too excited
Characters in order of appearance:
http://fav.me/d8w1ks6 | http://fav.me/d8w1kt2 | http://fav.me/d8viotr | http://fav.me/d8yv1iq | http://fav.me/d8w1ktp | http://fav.me/d8vioty | http://fav.me/d8yv22e

Chapter 01: And Then There Was Cake

Ponyville, once always busy and full of cheerful, bustling ponies, had fallen silent. It had been many years since this change, and unfortunately for those who remember the past, this is considered the new norm. Windows were closed. Benches were empty. The café, though open, barely had customers sitting about. Those who were there were either falling asleep or already unconscious.

There was one pony still up and about though, a pale unicorn filly. She bounded across town, several bits poking out of her mouth. She seemed to take no notice or concern of the sleepy town around her. When she reached Sugarcube Corner, she excitedly opened the doors and ran inside.

Not surprisingly, the candy shop was empty. Even the lights were dimming. The unicorn filly stood up on her hind legs and peeked over the counter, spitting out her change. She stared wide-eyed at the cashier, who was fast asleep. She snickered, fell back on all fours, and took in a huge breath of air.

WAKE UP!” she belted as loud as she could, scaring the poor pink colt as he jerked awake, his head falling off of his arm and smacking onto the counter. He stared at her wide-eyed and immediately tried brushing back his frazzled Neapolitan-colored mane. It didn’t do much; the boy’s hair has always been a mess of curly locks, similarly to both of his parents.

“O-oh!” He stammered, “Hey, Pretty! What can I get for ya?” He coughed a couple of times, blushing at his unprofessional behavior.

Pomme Beau stuck her head high in pride. Pretty was a nickname her mother had given her, and she was always glad when she heard it being used by others. “Two chocolate muffins please!”

Sweet Tooth jumped behind the counter. “Okie Dokie Lokie!” Pomme couldn’t help but glance at his flank, where his fresh mint toothpaste Cutie Mark had just appeared days ago. He was a few years older than she, yet a pang of jealousy struck her.

“Where’s Miss Pinkie? I didn’t know y’all were allowed to work here all by yourself!”

After Mr. and Mrs. Cake retired, Pinkie took over Sugarcube Corner. Pumpkin Cake wasn’t much of a baker, and Pound Cake was soon starting his own family with Flurry Heart, his fiancée. When they were unable to work, Pinkie Pie and her husband, Cheese Sandwich, generally left the store to Hot Cross Buns, their eldest child. Sweet Tooth was only ten years old, and shouldn’t have a responsibility this big on his shoulders. Celestia knows Rarity or Applejack wouldn’t leave Pomme Beau completely alone.

“Oh, didn’t you hear? Miss Rainbow Dash had her baby today!” Sweet Tooth put together a paper bag for his friend.

Pomme blinked in realization. “That must be why Aunt Cheerilee walked me back from school today!” She blinked again. Although, momma’s always at the hospital anyway… “Are they still there?”

“Yeah. I had to stay here because my sister put me in charge and left. No idea why, though, but the last time I ignored her, we had a lot of angry customers…” He sighed. “Welp, what are you gonna do, huh?” The pink Earth Pony pushed the bag over to her. “Here are your muffins.”

Pomme let out a smile larger than life. “Thanks so much Sweets!” She grabbed the bag in her mouth and waved, rushing past him. “I should head out soon then, I’ll see you in school!” She rushed out the door, letting out an excited squeal at the thought of surprising her parents with something delicious to eat.

“See you!” Sweet Tooth sighed, staring at the door she left through. Golly, she sure is pretty. He frowned after the thought, scrunching his eyebrows. Seriously though… Where the heck is my sister?


Hot Cross Buns paused, surveying her surroundings. She had been searching throughout the Castle of Friendship, looking for a specific mare. She was growing tired; physical exercise definitely wasn’t one of her strong points. The chubby Earth Pony wasn’t sure if her plan was going to work after all, anxiety building slightly in her stomach. Maybe this was a bad idea.


Buns panicked, scrunching her neck in a way that made her look like she had ten chins. “Ffffffrick.” She whispered, peering out to one of the balconies. There she finally found the pony she was searching for all morning.

“I’ll never get this right!” Vespera, the prestige daughter of Twilight Sparkle and Flash Sentry, moaned in exasperation. Hot Cross Buns noticed a very, very faint blue glow emanating from her horn.

Buns stopped peeking and pressed against the wall. What is she up to? Her neck scrunched up yet again, and she clenched her teeth together. It can’t possibly be good.

“HEY!” The coral pony jumped up in surprise, and turned to see Vespera inches from her face. Her sky blue eyes burned into her. “You’re trespassing in my house!"

Hot Cross Buns scrunched herself even farther. She absolutely hated confrontation, yet she was thrown into it almost daily. “W-wait! Your dad let me in!”

“What?” Vespera looked taken aback, offended even.

“Oh come on,” she rolled her eyes, “did you really think I could sneak past such a high level of security?” Things had changed a lot since Hot Cross Buns was born. Nowadays, everypony needed to take extra precautions no matter what the cost.

“W-Well, I’ll have to have a talk with him later then!” With a humpf, Vespera recomposed herself. “Anyway… What do you want?”

Buns rolled her eyes. “Boy, you must be a handful.” She sighed. “Now…What was I here for…?”

Vespera frowned, wagging her tail impatiently.

“Oh pff, right!” Buns smiled. “Well, you see, long story short Rainbow Dash had her baby today, and I was kiiiinda maybe hoping we could throw a little get-together for her, or something.” She looked down in embarrassment, holding her cheeks in her hooves. “I know I’m nowhere near as good as my mom, but I’ve picked a few things up from her.”

Vespera sighed. “What do I have to do with…?” Her ears perked up suddenly. “Wait, she had her baby today? I thought Rainbow Dash wasn’t due for a few more weeks!”

Hot Cross Buns looked down at her feet. “There’s been a lot of premature foals lately.” She couldn’t remember the last time things ran completely smoothly in the medical rooms.

Vespera looked at her in disbelief. “How do you know, anyway?”

Locking her eyes back with Vespera’s, Buns crossed her arms. “Uh, hello? My sister works at the hospital if you didn’t notice.”

“Ah, she got the job?” Vespera leaned close. “When was this?”

“Tsk. Oh, I dunno. It may have been a few months with a party invitation sprinkled in there, not that you would know or anything.” Hot Cross Buns was fuming. You were there! Did you seriously not care enough about another pony so much that you forgot? Buns held her tongue.

The singular moment of silence they shared was disrupted at the sound of a faraway scream. The two mares ran back out onto the balcony in hopes to locate the sudden sound, which was followed by an “Incoming!

A golden Pegasus suddenly streamed past them, nearly knocking over both Vespera and Hot Cross Buns. She skidded to a stop, luckily in time to avoid crashing head-on into the side of the castle. Unfazed, the teenage Pegasus twirled back into the air, her long crimson mane trailing behind her. “Aha! Soon-to-be Wonderbolt Sunny Days sticks the landing!”

Buns chuckled; turning to see that Vespera’s hair was now full of volume and bushed out to the extreme. Vespera however, was not amused. “Why are you here, asshat?”

Sunny floated down to the ground, eyeing her peer sarcastically. “Glad to see you haven’t changed at all.”

Vespera countered her, “I can also see you’re just as lazy as ever. Have you actually tried out yet?”

Sunny smirked. “Are you jealous? How are your magic tricks coming?” She pouted pathetically. “Oh mommy, why can’t I be just like you?”

Hot Cross Buns looked back and forth between the two of them, breaking out into a sweat.

Vespera stomped. “How dare you come into my house and insult me like that? I ought to have you kicked out of Ponyville!”

The Pegasus scoffed. “Yeah, okay. It’s not like you have the authority around here.” She batted her eyes at the frustrated unicorn before turning away to continue. “Anyway, I’m here because I’m smart, and obviously care more than you do about Aunt Dash.”

“Is… Is this a bad time?” A new voice stopped the bickering girls in their tracks. A fairly large mottled stallion stood in the doorway, holding a basket in his mouth. He watched uncomfortably as Vespera made eye contact.

“Oh don’t act so surprised.” She brushed him off.

Hey!” Sunny flew up in front of the stallion. “Don’t you dare talk to my cousin that way!”

Vespera reared her head back in disgust. “I didn’t say anything offensive, jeez!”

The two mares started fighting again, and Hot Cross Buns felt like she was burning inside. Without a second thought she shoved herself in between Sunny Days and Vespera. The burning grew until she couldn’t hold it in.

“I wanted to throw a nice party for Rainbow Dash and you’re ruining it before it’s even started! All you do is come in and mess everything up! It’s impossible to talk to any of you!”

“You make me so ANGRY!” She slammed her hoof down so hard that she thought she felt the ground beneath it break. At that moment, everything seemed to shudder to a stop. Nopony spoke, or even seemed to breathe at this point. Hot Cross Buns lifted her hoof to see a clearly visible crack in the floor. She was unscathed, not a scratch on her. How did I do that? She looked up in horror to see all three of them staring at her. “I-I didn’t mean it…?”

“What, you didn’t mean to break my house?” Vespera jolted towards her. “Wait until my father hears about this!”

“Ugh, calm down already.” Sunny sat down and ruffled her feathers. “You’re being a drama queen, no point in beating a dead horse.”

At that, Vespera let out an agitated groan and stormed off, nearly colliding with Phoenix Feather as she stomped inside. “Watch where you’re going you Agoraphobic freak.” She snarled, before exiting the scene. “Careful, two steps and you’ll be outside!” Hot Cross Buns watched in sympathy as the pale mare immediately shied away with tears forming behind her thick-framed glasses. Vespera couldn’t even be nice to her housemate.

Pinkie Pie often confided in Hot Cross Buns when there was something she and the other Elements had problems that she couldn’t fully comprehend. Due to this, Buns often knew more than she should. Phoenix Feather wasn’t from Equestria, and she never knew her father. She lives within the walls of Twilight’s Castle, along with her mother, Sunset Shimmer. Sunset was a friend of Princess Twilight for many years when she returned to Equestria, and she had been staying in the castle ever since. All Buns knew was that her father was never in her life, and she keeps herself shut in. She’s never seen Phoenix Feather outside, or even up close.

Sunny Days and Applesauce both stood awkwardly, not sure what to do next. None of them had gotten the chance to know Phoenix Feather, and nopony had any inkling of an idea of how to stop her from crying. On top of that, Sunset wasn’t someone any of them wanted to mess with at the risk of upsetting her daughter.

“Uh…” Buns decided to take the initiative, “hello, I don’t think we’ve met.” How does mom make this look so easy? “You’re Phoenix, right?” The mare nodded, peering farther through the doorway. “I’m Hot Cross Buns, but most ponies call me Bunny.”

Sunny and Applesauce hung back as Buns ventured towards the shy mare. “Do you want to join us? I brought cake.”

Phoenix blinked at her, wiping her eyes “W-what kind- what kind of cake?”

Buns giggled. “Don’t worry, there’s a ton to choose from, c’mon.” She gently nudged Phoenix with her tail before heading back out.“

Phoenix glance back a couple of times before slowly following her out onto the balcony, though staying in the shade. “I-is there cinna-cinnamon?” She stuck out her tongue to steady her words, blushing. “Cin-nah-mon buns?”

She snorted, biting her lip to hold back laughter. Her stuttering is kind of endearing, I suppose. “Of course there are!”

End of Chapter 01