• Published 13th Oct 2016
  • 900 Views, 134 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! EQG 4: Nightmare's Awakening - Bahamut0

Burst Stream and Inferno did not return alone from Equestria. Nightmare Moon followed them and intends to bring eternal night to the human world. And she has great interest in Burst Stream.

  • ...

Duel 7: A New Day

Burst stirred as he woke up. But before he could move, he noticed Moon was holding him in a very....intimate position. 'I almost kinda feel bad having to wake her up.', Burst thought to himself. "Wakey, wakey sleeping beauty."

"Mmmmm. Good morning Burst!", Moon said with a smile. "That was some of the best sleep I've ever had. I guess today you're going to introduce me to the rest of your friends?"

"Yeah. No better place to start. They're some of the nicest people I know. So don't worry!"

"If you say so.", Nightmare said with a nervous smile as they headed to school. Burst caught his friends in front of the school and decided there was no better time to introduce Moon to them than now.

"Hey everyone! I've got a new friend for you to meet. This is Nightmare Moon. But she prefers to be called Moon. She's been staying with me for the past couple of days."

"H-hello.", Moon said nervously. "Sorry if I'm a bit timid. It's not exactly easy to make friends with a name like mine." Applejack was the first to walk up to her.

"If Burst says you're okay, that's enought for me! Welcome to our group sugarcube!"

"Pleased to meet you darling! By the way, that's a lovely outift you have!", Rarity said

"You're pretty nice for someone with such a scary name Moon.", Fluttershy said.

"I think her name's cool! So you a duelist too?", Rainbow asked noticing Moon's deck box.

"Yes I am. Burst here was my first opponent.", Moon said with a small smile.

"Burst. You are a chick magnet.", Inferno said with a joking smile. "Just hope Celestia's not the jealous type!"

"Come on Inferno! Not cool!"

"I'm gonna have to start on your welcome party! BRB!", Pinkie said.

"Is she always like that?", Moon asked Burst. "Yup. and we wouldn't have her any other way. Anyway, we'd better head in before the bell rings. I was hoping to introduce you to everyone, but it looks like we'll have to wait until lunch." Burst said as they headed inside. Meanwhile, Sunset was hitting it off with Golden Rise.

"So Pegasus is your adopted father? You've probably gotten all the best cards of every booster pack!"

"Yeah. But my favorite card is one that he made especially for me. Crimson Dragon. And its got a really good effect too! Maybe I'll show it off to you."

"Is this your cover for asking me out?", Sunset asked slyly.

"Nothing gets by you does it? How about after school today? Say at the duel park?"

"It's a date.", Sunset said as she walked off. As she headed to class, Sunset caught Pinkie dashing back and forth with different party supplies. "Hey Pinkie! I'm guessing you're throwing a welcome party for someone?"

"Uh-huh! Burst's new friend Nightmare Moon! But she likes to be called Moon because the first part of her name sounds scary but she's really nice! See ya!" Sunset couldn't believe what she just heard. The dark persona of Princess Luna was here. And apparently she was staying with Burst. Only course of action made sense to Sunset as she got out the journal Princess Twilight had given her.

"Dear Princess Twilight. This is an emergency! Nightmare Moon is in the human world! And for some reason Burst is friends with her! Bring Princess Celestia, Luna, bring the whole Royal Guard if you have to!", Sunset said as she wrote. Soon the day went on and lunch period arrived. Sunset went to meet her friends, but froze when she saw Nightmare Moon at the table! And she was talking with all of them! Even Golden Rise was chatting with her! Keeping a cool head, she went over and decided to join the conversation. "Hey everyone! Who's the new girl?"

"Sunset, meet Nightmare Moon. But we just call her Moon instead. She seems to like that better.", Golden Rise said. "I actually met her yesterday. Care to join us?"

"Sure!", Sunset said with an almost forced smile. As they talked, Sunset found it hard to believe that this girl was the same alicorn who tried to bring eternal night. She seemed so nice! 'This is just a trick! I'm sure she has something planned!' "So Moon. What kind of hobbies do you have?"

"Oh. I love dueling, movies, comics, and video games! How about you?"

"I love a good duel. How about we go at it right now? Just you and me."

"I'm game! Let's duel!"

Sunset: 8000
Moon: 8000

"I've got the first move! I special summon Guardian Eatos from my hand since I have no monsters in my graveyard! Next I equip her with Celestial Sword to boost her by 500 points! Your move!"

"I summon Darkness Knight! Then I'll equip her with Lunar Mirror Shield! Attack Guardian Eatos! Star Sword Slash!"

"You do know my monster has more attack points right?"

"Why do you think I equipped my knight with her shield? If she attacks or is attacked, she gains half of the attack of my opponent's monster!"

"Nngghh!", Sunset winced as she took damage!

Sunset: 6000
Moon: 8000

"Okay. No more holding back! I play Hand Destruction! We both discard two cards and draw two new ones! Now I'll banish the light and dark monsters I just discarded to special summon BLS! Now I'll use his effect to banish your Darkness Knight! Unfortuantely he can't attack after he uses this effect. I end my turn."

"My turn! I draw! Perfect! I discard a card to activate Cost-Down! If I have a dark monster on my field or in my graveyard I can special summon Night Queen Nyx! Now I equip her with Star Saber to boost her by 800 points! Also, she gains 300 attack for each dark monster in my graveyard! Take down BLS! Starlight Slash!"

"Lights out!", Nyx said as she executed a swift strike that took down BLS!

Sunset: 4900
Moon: 8000

"I haven't landed a single hit yet! Better go on the defensive! I set a card face-down and end my turn! Your move!"

"I draw! I play Mystical Space Typhoon to destroy your face-down! Now I'll attack you directly with Nyx!"

"Ngh!", Sunset winced as she took the attack full force!

Sunset: 800
Moon: 8000

"I set another card face-down and end my turn."

"I draw. I play the spell card Lunar Rays. This gives my opponent 1500 life points, and lets them special summon a monster in their graveyard. I set one card face-down and end my turn."

Sunset: 2300
Moon: 8000

"Awfully generous of you. Well then, I special summon BLS! Next I'll activate his banishing effect!"

"Oh no you don't! I activate my trap card! Divine Wrath! Since you activated a monster effect, I can discard one card to negate the effect and destroy that monster! Attack her directly for game Nyx!" Nyx fired a blast of magic that struck Sunset directly and she was knocked back by the damage!

Sunset: lose
Moon: 8000, win

"That was a good duel Sunset.", Moon said with a smile as she offered to help her up. Sunset was a bit cautious, but accepted her help.

"Thanks.", Sunset said as she got up. "I better get going. See you later." 'I might be wrong about her. But there's only one way to find out. Wait for Twilight to get here and see how things go from there.'

"Well Moon, I think it's safe to say you've made new friends today.", Burst said with a smile.

"Thanks Burst.", Moon said with a smile of her own. Then the loudspeaker went off. "Nightmare Moon. Please report to Principle Celestia's office." Moon wondered why she was being called as she went to Celestia's office. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes. It seems I got your name wrong. It's no problem. Just a quick change."

"Oh. Okay. There. And I prefer to be called Moon.", Moon said as she wrote her real name.

"Thank you. I'll notify your teachers about this by e-mail. You're free to go now." And with that, Moon left to meet back up with Burst and the others.

Meanwhile in Equestria....

Twilight was panicking as she showed Princess Celestia and Luna what Sunset had written to her! "What are we going to do?"

"Calm down Twilight. You, my sister and I will go the human world together. So far it seems like Nightmare Moon hasn't been up to trouble. Maybe this is nothing to worry about.", Celestia said calmly.

"Let''s hope so sister. Because if she is up to something, I'll end it myself."

Back in the human world...

Revenge. Ever since he was defeated at Duelist Knigdom, Sombra craved revenge on the one who foiled his plans. 'Burst Stream. If it weren't for you I would be the ruler of earth! And then you stepped forth to oppose me! I was to be a king! And with this new deck, I shall claim my right!', Sombra thought to himself as he saw an opening back to the human world! He made a break for it, and once he was through he found he had his body back. "Get ready Burst Stream! Soon, King Sombra shall claim his throne!