• Published 10th Oct 2016
  • 829 Views, 81 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! EQG Side Story: Burst gets a Girlfriend - Bahamut0

A story to bridge the gap between Yu-Gi-Oh! EQG 3 and the Yu-Gi-Oh! EQG 4

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Chapter 3: Confessing Feelings

'This is your one shot Burst! You'll never get another chance to tell her! You've fought evil monsters and duelists and even traveled to another world and back! So just gather your courage and act on your instincts!', Burst thought to himself as he went to Principal Celestia's office. She had requested to see him. As to why, Burst didn't know. But what he did know was that this was the best chance to tell her how he felt about her. And hopefully she felt the same way. "You wanted to see me?"

"Yes I did Burst Stream. There's something I would like to bring up.", Celestia said as she greeted him.

"Actually, there's something I wanted to talk to you about too."


"Y..yeah. You see, I've kinda been dealing with these thoughts that are running through my head. And...agh! There's just no easy way to say it!"

"Burst Stream. Please, feel free to tell me what's on your mind."

"I...like you."

"Like as in?"

"Like-like you. Do you remember that one time we dueled?"

"I do."

"Well ever since then, I've kind of developed feelings for you. You so kind and caring about everyone around you. And you're one of the prettiest girls I know. So the bottom line is I...I love you!", Burst nearly choked on those last words. Celestia was silent for a moment. And then she cracked a small smile.

"For a minute there I was worried that I'd have to go first."

"Excuse me?"

"I've felt that same way about you. You care deeply for your friends and family, and cherish your deck like it's a part of you. Not to mention you're pretty good looking yourself.", she said with a gentle smile. "At first, I was worried you'd reject me due to obvious reasons. I thought you might find it weird that I'd have feelings for you. Not including our age gap, the position of authority I'm in alone is quite intimidating."

"It looks like we were both worried for nothing then.", Burst said with a smile. "So...what happens next?"

"Depends. Are you free this friday?"

"Principal Celestia, are you asking me out?"

"I am. And please just call me Celestia. You are my boyfriend now."

"Okay then...Celestia.", Burst said with a slight blush as he walked out of her office. "....Yes! I did it! And she feels the same way!"

"Nice job Burst!", Blue Eyes said as he materialized. "Now that wasn't so bad was it?"

"You kidding?! I feel like the luckiest guy in the world!" Back in her office, Celestia's own duel monster partner materialized.

"You've got good taste in men Celestia.", Saffira said.

"Thank you Saffira. To be honest, I've had my eye on him since he was a freshman. It wasn't easy telling him."

"All that matters is that he knows the way you feel about him. And that he feels the same way."

"You're right. That is all that matters.", Celestia said with a fond smile. 'Now I just need to think of date both of us will enjoy.'