• Published 3rd Oct 2016
  • 405 Views, 1 Comments

Duality: Aria's Teacher - Duncan McDerpDerp

Aria relearns how to sing from a mysterious cafe worker who moonlights as a musician. Adagio and Sonata encounter someone who promises to restore their dark powers.

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Chapter 1: Free Coffee

They lost... Even after careful planning, hours of practice, as well as manipulating others, the Dazzlings proved to be no match for the Magic of Friendship. Their ruby pendants, once ripe with power, were now shattered pieces all over the stage at Canterlot High School. Any power of song the Dazzlings had possesed had been destroyed by their opponents, the Rainbooms.

Adagio Dazzle, the lead singer and mastermind behind the Battle of the Bands, sat backstage with her two sisters, Aria Blaze- who slouched in a chair, and Sonata Dusk- who sat near a table nervously. All of them were in shock, completely and utterly humiliated by their defeat. “It's- it's not fair! It's impossible! How could they have won?” Adagio said, her voice filled with devastation. Until now, The Sirens had used their dark magic to get everything they've ever wanted.

“Maybe their songs were catchier?” Sonata asked. She always had the habit of saying the first thing to pop into her head. This caused Adagio to growl at her sister.

Aria, who wore her purple hair almost always in pigtails, groaned and rolled her eyes, “It's called maybe your plan wasn't as solid as you thought, Adagio!”

“Don't be stupid, Aria!” Adagio retorted, “We simply underestimated the Rainbooms, that's all! Our plan was fool-proof!”

Aria huffed, “Yeah, fool-proof, but apparently not friendship proof!”

As Sonata listened to her sisters, she couldn't help but notice a rising tension forming between them. Wanting to help Aria and Adagio settle down, Sonata tried to peacefully wedge herself into the argument, “I thought your plan was okay.” She mentioned to Adagio.

Adagio frowned, “I don't need you patronizing me, Sonata! And I definitely don't need Aria insulting my leadership skills!”

“I'm just telling it like it is, Dagi.” Aria objected, “I mean, we followed your plan, it didn't work, and now not only are we stuck in this stupid world, but we're stuck here without our magic!”

“We can fix it!” Adagio grunted, her teeth clenched, “We just need to find a way to-”

Aria once again interrupted, “Why don't you ever listen to any of my ideas for once?”

“Or mine?” Sonata added, “You guys both should totally check out this one idea I got just yesterday! It had something to do with a-”

Both Aria and Adagio turned and snarled, “SHUT UP, SONATA!”

Sonata shrunk a bit, but she didn't back down from the conversation, “I'm just saying, it's not a bad idea.”

Adagio however didn't seem to care. Immediately, she began clearing some items off of the table that was placed backstage, and began contemplating a new scheme. “We need a plan.” She said, “There has to be a way to get our magic back. Honestly, I'd settle for using the Rainbooms' power against them.”

This sounded all too familiar to Aria. And if said familiar plan failed once, it very well could fail again. “And how is that any different from your last plan?” She complained, “If I were in charge, at least I would-”

“Well, you're not in charge, are you?” Adagio snapped back.

Aria stood up in frustration, “Maybe I should be! Then maybe for once, one of our plans will work for a change!”

Sonata once again intervened, hoping to reverse the the argument before matters worsened. “Maybe we should all go get some food and hang out for a while! You know, to think things through, and- not fight?”

“First of all Sonata, you don't think, so why would you want to think things through?” Aria quipped, “Second, I'm not going anywhere with her!” She pointed at Adagio, “She won't do anything unless it's done her way!”

Adagio's blood came to a boil, “Then maybe you should just leave... You want to be a leader so bad? Then go and start your own group somewhere else!”

Sonata's eyes witnessed Aria's face shift into a stunned expression. Aria had just been crushed by her sister's cold words. Sure, all three of the Sirens had been known to have their debates, but this was different. A peculiar feeling crept beneath Aria's skin... A feeling of rejection. Resisting any tears, Aria gritted her teeth, and nodded bitterly. “Alright, I will!” she shouted, and started heading for the nearest exit.

“Aria...” Sonata pleaded Aria to stay.

Aria whirled and glared at Sonata, “You heard her! She wants me to go, so I'm going!” Sonata's heart sank as she watched her sister slam the door behind her. Disappointed, Sonata looked over at Adagio, who had her arms folded across her chest.

“Don't give me that look! She was being rude!” Adagio barked as she turned her head and closed her eyes with pride.

“She's always been like that, Dagi.” Sonata answered, trying to be reasonable, “We've gotten through these fights before, but now...”

Adagio raised an eyebrow to Sonata, “But now what?”

“But now- we're away from home, and we have no magic. I've been thinking-”

Adagio cut her off, “Well, that's a first.”

Sonata's tone of voice seemed to strangely firm up, “Could you let me finish?!” she let out a sigh, “Look, I think we're all upset about what happened. And I think Aria takes it a lot harder than we do.”

Adagio's stern expression softened. Not only was she surprised by Sonata's unusually deep response, but she felt inclined to agree with her. She still wasn't willing to admit she was too harsh to Aria, but she began considering how her sisters and herself must be feeling after all they had just gone through. Adagio then caught herself, “Wait a minute, since when do you talk about things like this?”

Sonata shrugged, “Talk about what?”

“Ugh, never mind.” Adagio groaned, rubbing her forehead. “ I guess I could have been a little more patient with her. But she'll be back, won't she? We've had these fights before where she goes off somewhere, but she always comes back.”

Not this time... Aria thought to herself. She always does this to me! Well not anymore. You wanted me to start my own group Adagio, then you'll have nothing to say when I do! Aria was now a good ways away from Canterlot High, wandering through the downtown area. It was still dark out, and the streets were empty for the most part. Some buildings still remained lit, albeit poorly. Aria shivered as the ice cold wind ripped through her. This wouldn't have happened if she just listened to me for once! Every time, it always has to be her way! Well that went so well, now we can never get- All of her thoughts froze save for one. She realized that while banished to this world, there was still an open door for her and the Sirens to use their magic in weak amounts. When Equestrian magic showed up with the Rainbooms, she had been given hope of using her abilities to their full potential yet again. However, something within Aria's bored exterior longed for the chance to return to Equestria. Having her powers restored with the help of Adagio and Sonata really made such a dream seem possible. Not anymore. She thought. Because of her, because of them... I'm- stuck here for the rest of my life... Aria's eyes moistened slightly, but she still refused to shed any tears. It wasn't like her to to do something like that. To her, it seemed like a waste of time. Augh, why is it so cold out here? Isn't there a place that's open?

The wind seemed to pass right through the layers of fabric that Aria wore. She began checking the doors of local stores and restaurants, but it was no good. Despite the lighting, most of the buildings seemed to be closed up.
` “Oh come on!” Aria tugged at her pigtails, “Just one place! That's all I want, just one pla-” She stopped. Something had caught her attention. What was it? Aria glanced over to a small building with a dimly-lit sign. “Music?” The building appeared to be a cafe of some sort. It wasn't attractive at all, dilapidated and worn out, yet there was indeed music radiating from it. Aria rolled her eyes and sighed, “It'll do.” she said in her usual disappointed tone, and then headed towards the strange-looking cafe.

Aria approached the door to the cafe carefully. It was slightly rusted, and didn't look like it had been maintained at all. One of the windows on it was cracked, making the place seem even more unappealing. But Aria was freezing, and the music kept growing louder as she drew closer. Taking a deep breath, Aria pulled the door open, and stepped inside the cafe.

Inside, the cafe was illuminated with haunting dark red lights. Even to Aria, it felt- uninviting. There were only a few other people there, but that was probably a good thing. Aria may have needed to start her own singing group, but for that night, she just wanted to be alone. At least the room was nice and warm. She was sort of grateful for that. However, something changed when Aria had entered- the music stopped playing, and the people that were there sitting in their booths briefly shot a look over to her. Aria however turned away from them, finding an empty seat in the corner by the nearest window. After that short but awkward moment, the people returned to their usual positions and the music resumed.

What is this place? Aria wondered to herself. And what was up with those people? Ugh, do I even want to be here? Maybe I should just- no- I'm not doing that anymore! If anyone is going to apologize, it's going to be her. Either that, or I'm going to have a new singing group together. This place has live music, then some of these people might have talent. But what good is any of it without magic? I can't sing anymore, and even if I could, it has no effect on anyone! It's useless! But- if I'm stuck here, I need something to do or else I'll go nuts. And Adagio would still be able to see that I can lead a group just fine by myself! Alright then, I guess I should-

“Can I take your order, miss?” a voice said next to her calmly. The sudden sound of another person talking nearly made Aria jump out of her seat.

“Oh for- don't do that!” Aria said as she straightened herself out. She looked over to the source of the voice. It was a young man, working as a waiter. Strangely, he wore his hooded sweatshirt indoors, with his hood still drawn over his face, “What? What do you want?”

“I was asking if I could take your order, miss.” The hooded waiter repeated, “I'm sorry if I scared ya.”

“Pfft,” Aria scoffed, “You can't scare me that easy. But um- I don't really want any service right now, so you can go.”

Despite Aria's dismissal, the waiter persisted, “Are you sure about that, miss? I mean, we've got some specials that are still fre-”

“I don't want any service!” Aria yelled, standing to her feet and putting her hands on the table.

The waiter seemed to wither, “Al- alright miss. Just- let me know, if ya- ya know, change your mind.” The young man began to walk back to the kitchen.

Aria sat back down and exhaled, only to watch as the waiter took his time to walk away. He looks so pathetic. She thought, It's not even the kind of pathetic I enjoy, either. It's almost like he's waiting for me to call him back.... The more she looked at him walking, the more the moment seemed to get to her. She groaned to herself, and called to the waiter, “Hey you!”

The waiter straightened up and turned back to face Aria, “Yes, miss?”

“You guys serve coffee, right?”

It was hard to tell, but Aria noticed what very well could have been a smile on the young waiter's hooded face, “All day, all night.” He responded.

Aria rubbed her eyebrows for a moment, then made her request “Black, no sugar. In a tall mug.”

The waiter nodded, “Can do, will do, gonna do.” He then headed off to the kitchen to fetch the cup of coffee.

Okay, this guy is weird. Aria thought to herself. Why does he keep his hood up like that? I mean, it's not like I'd ever- oh yeah, right- but at least I had an excuse! What's his excuse for looking like a dork? The young man did seem rather odd in his appearance and his behavior, but he seemed to mean well. Not that Aria really cared, but it was somewhat unusual for someone to randomly approach her. Before she could think further, the young man returned with a tall cup of black coffee.

“Here ya go.” he said, laying the mug in front of her, “It's fresh- well mostly fresh, anyway. But it ain't cold.”

Aria didn't realize it, but she was slightly sneering at the drink, “Uh, thanks.” She said with uncertainty. What do I care if it's fresh or not? Her mind complained as she took a sip. I don't even really drink coffee! And it's not like they could actually make a go- She was caught off-guard by the surprisingly smooth flavor of the beverage. It was strong, but not bitter. She had drank plenty of things in her life, but never before truly taken the time to savor any kind of drink. For once, she could take a moment and not rush through things. Heh...A good cup of coffee... I don't know what's real anymore...

“How is it, miss?” the waiter asked curiously, as if he hoped for some approval.

Aria tried to hide the fact that she actually liked what she was drinking, “Eh, it's okay.”

The waiter let out a sigh of relief, “Finally got that blend right. I was kinda nervous at first. I've been trying to make sure it comes out just right, and it hasn't really worked till now.”

Aria's eyes widened, “Wait, you made this?”

The waiter joked to her, “Well, no miss, the coffee company did that. I just brewed it my own way.”

Aria seemed a little disappointed, “So I was a guinea pig for your experiment?”

The waiter however shook his head at her, almost embarrassed, “No miss, not at all! I just- well don't tell my boss, but the coffee machine here is awful. And seeing you come in here looking all down and out, well- I thought you could use something a little nicer than the usual stuff.”

Celestia smite me, he's trying to be nice. Aria groaned inside. Either that or he's hitting on me, and that's even worse. Aria didn't take lightly to kindness, especially from a stranger. Usually that meant that the person showing kindness wanted something in return. “Alright, how much does it cost?”

“Well that there's the best part!” the waiter smiled slightly, his face still obscured, “You got the coffee from me instead of this place, so it don't cost ya anything.”

Aria let out a slight unsure laugh, “No seriously, how much?”

The waiter's smile faded, “Seriously miss, it costs nothing.”

Aria refused to believe someone would be generous, especially to her.“Everything costs something. How much? What do you want? Money? My name? A date? What do I owe you?”

The young man leaned closer, his voice was stern, but calm. “Miss, it don't cost a thing. I gave it to you because I wanted to. You can drink it, or you can throw it at me. But it's still gonna be no charge.”

“Whisper!” A voice called from the kitchen, “You're up in two minutes! Better get a move on!”

The waiter looked over, and saw that the previous performer had finished their music session. “I gotta go miss, but I meant what I said. Enjoy your coffee.” Despite the subtle tone of voice the waiter had, there seemed to be a slight coldness to his words.

Aria was unsure what to think as the hooded figure walked away. It don't cost a thing? Really? Pfft, liar... You want something from me... Everyone wants something from someone... Maybe she was right about him, but she couldn't be sure, not yet. And if I'm wrong... Well, then that kid is stupid... What good is kindness to anybody? It only tells people that you're up for grabs, so they can throw you around and make you do what they want... I don't need kindness... I don't want it... Her thoughts echoed the common feelings of bitterness in her heart, but all she could do was stare at that cup of coffee. He didn't ask for anything, not even my name... She very well could have been wrong about this strange person, but it only made her wonder- What does he want from me then?

Author's Note:

This is my first time uploading to this site, I hope my material is decent. I apologize if anything seems rushed and disorderly, and I hope the next chapters will develop the characters better. Maybe I'm just being too self conscious about it, but I hope you all like!

I would appreciate any constructive criticism. Please don't just say "It's good" or "it sucks". Please let me know what you liked, and what you didn't like, it will help me develop later chapters.

I'm honestly worried that I failed to capture the Dazzlings personalities right, but hopefully that will get better with time. Enjoy guys and gals!

Comments ( 1 )

I really like the premise of this particular story, and I think you nailed the Dazzlings' personalities. I would like to see where this story goes, even if it is a first attempt.:twilightsmile:

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