• Published 27th Jun 2012
  • 1,981 Views, 41 Comments

Two Sides of the Same Coin - Minute Trapping

Caramel and Toffee are really the same pony.

  • ...

Chapter 3

"Oh?" asked Twilight Sparkle, her curiosity clearly piqued. "What's that?"

"Could we talk inside? I don't really want anypony else eavesdropping." said Caramel, glancing around.

Intrigued, Twilight opened the door further and motioned for him to enter. "What is it?" She magically grabbed hold of Flower's Freaky Foliage Facts and returned it to its shelf, simultaneously checking it off as returned in her records. She turned back to Caramel. "Is something wrong? are you in trouble?

Caramel prepared to release the bombshell. Breathing in deeply, he said "I need your help with something. Can you keep a secret?"

Twilight nodded. "'Losing a friend's trust is the fastest way to lose a friend.'" She paused, nervously glancing about as if expecting something that did not occur. After a pause, she continued. "What is it that you need my help with?"

"I need your magic." he started. He told her about the hoops his parents had had to jump through, about the years of deception, about his inability to hold down a romantic connection, about his constant fear of the spotlight. As he continued, Twilight's eyes widened and Caramel felt a weight lift from his shoulders. Finally, his story caught up to the present day. "…and as luck would have it, it happened again while I was in the tub! I told Zecora, and she said to try magic, so of course I thought of the Element of Magic. So I came here and told you that I needed your help, and you looked at me like I was crazy, and then I realized my story had caught up to the present so I'm shutting up now.

"This is a joke, isn't it?" Twilight asked incredulously. "You're saying you're really your sister?"

"I'm dead serious, Twilight. You can ask Zecora if you don't believe me." Caramel said indignantly.

"If I remember correctly, you said she didn't actually see you change. How can I be sure this isn't some sort of elaborate joke?"

"Last year, 'Toffee' came to y…" he trailed off, realizing any fact he could give her could just as easily have been "told to him by his sister". "Actually, you know what, never mind. I know I've pulled some schemes in the past, but just humor me."

"Okay…" said Twilight, "I trust you." Her horn lit up, and she donned an expression of deep concentration. After a few minutes, she blinked and looked confused. "Well, I did a scan, and there aren't any spells on you, and no sort of markers for shapeshifting. When did you say this started again?"

"It's been going on my whole life" came the response.

"I see…" Twilight's horn lit up again. "Everything seems normal, though. XY, standard testosterone levels," her eyes glanced downwards, "appropriate reproductive organs. Are you sure this isn't… wait a second. Your Y chromosome is showing some instability."

"Well, yeah." said Caramel impatiently. "Nurse Redheart figured that out before I was born. That's kind of why I came here in the first place."

"But you didn't tell me it was genetic!" said Twilight, exasperated.

"You didn't ask. Is that important?"

Twilight sighed. "Yes, it's important. If it had just been a shapeshifting spell, I could've reversed it easily, but my magic isn't anywhere near strong enough to change somepony on the genetic level." After she saw Caramel's head slump, she continued. "…but Celestia's might be. I’ll tell her we’ll be stopping by.” she said as she levitated a quill and scroll and jotted down a quick letter. “Spike, could you send a letter?”

Spike bounded down the stairs, and after catching his breath in a whiff of green fire sent it off on its way.

“Thank you, Twilight. I’ll come back tom-” he was interrupted by a burp from the dragon, who read the response aloud.

“‘Twilight, I look forward to seeing you again, as well as your friend. Please both come as soon as is convenient, and I will see what I can do. Signed, Princess Celestia.’ Can I go back to sleep now?”

Twilight nodded. “Caramel, is it okay if we go now?”

“Yeah,” nodded Caramel, a hint of discomfort in his tone, “we might as well.”

Twilight nodded, and they headed out the door, Twilight struggling at first to keep up with Caramel’s eager pace. After several minutes, they arrived at the gates of Canterlot.

“Here we are. You can follow me to the Royal Palace.” Twilight announced.

“Yeah, I guess.” said Caramel, following behind.

“Is something wrong?” asked Twilight picking up on Caramel’s discomfort. “The princess is a really nice pony; you don’t have to be nervous.

Caramel shook his head. “No, I’m fine.” he said as they headed down Mane Street. “Let’s go.”

When they arrived at the gates of the palace, one of the guards smiled. “Hey, Twilight. Bringing a guest?” Twilight nodded. “Go right on in. The princess is in the throne room; I’m sure the princess will be happy to see you.”

Twilight thanked the guards, and entered the grandiose castle. Celestia was in fact in the throne room. She smiled at Twilight and Caramel and motioned for them to come in. “Hello, Twilight. Hello, Caramel. To what do I owe the occasion?”

Caramel stepped forward. “I have to tell you something, first. Can you keep a secret?”

“Of course.”

"I… Toffee is really me." said Caramel, apprehensive of what the response would be for years of fraud and lying to authorities.