• Published 23rd Nov 2016
  • 997 Views, 3 Comments

The Luna Logs - Blackjack MKV

Fallout Equestria sidefic. Who says being at ground zero of a balefire bomb can kill you?

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Chapter 1: Week One, the Prologue

Day One:

Somehow, I survived. It seems most didn't, but I was lucky enough to land on this... I'm not actually sure what it is. It feels kind of slimy, but at least I seem to mostly be safe. This blue slime also seems to be edible, although nasty. I just keep telling myself it tastes like blue Jello.

This slime island is somehow floating far up in the sky, despite normal physics and in defiance of all known magic. I'm stuck on it, but with time I can probably get down somehow. Maybe teleportation? The rest of the world seems mostly reminiscent of our prior world, although there have obviously been some necromantic effects as evidenced by an odd bipedal skeleton I spotted in the distance.

Looking off in the distance, I can see fragments of what used to be our city and others. It seems that whatever caused this wasn't nearly as kind to the cities as it was to the residents. I can see many other survivors below, just as confused as I am.

Despite this, I am confident that we will survive, we will rebuild, and we will adapt! From the ashes we will rise, just like my sister's phoenix!

Enter Project Adaptation.

-Princess Luna


Day Two:

THE MOON MOVED WITHOUT MY SUMMONINGS. I can no longer control it! No matter what technique I apply, it doesn't respond! The sun and moon swap places at a rate reminiscent of Discord's rule! Every 20 minutes, the cycle restarts! What's more is that it's unbalanced! Daytime sticks around for 10 minutes, and night lasts for 7, with the sunset and sunrise both taking 1 and 1/2 minutes each! It's completely nonsensical! I've been trying every tactic I can think of to make it move, or at least respond, but with no luck! I even tried making an eclipse, something I haven't done in centuries, but even though I could feel the sun's heat as if it had moved, the moon didn't seem to respond at all! I need to find Twilight or another one of the wizards. Maybe one of them could help me figure it out, right?!

Well, on the bright side, my wings seem to be healing up nicely. While the cartilage and bone were mostly untouched by the sudden, seemingly unstable teleportation, the feathers took a beating. My subjects below have begun building a wooden staircase to get up to me, so I can get down since flying is still out of the question. I may be up here for awhile. During the last dark phase(I refuse to call that short, disobedient thing a night), something happened. I'm not sure what, but while I was dreamwalking a number of the doors signifying active dreams suddenly disappeared. I'm also noticing there doesn't seem to be as many of my subjects down below as before, although it could just be my perception as I can only make out my subjects as little multicolored spots from here. I tossed some slime down, waving frantically to get their attention, but I don't think anyone noticed.

I also ran across an interesting little creature up here. When I went into my dreamwalking trance, I was the only living thing up here. When I came out though, there was a little translucent blue... thing. It looked and felt like slime, but could hop around by itself. And, as evidenced by it nomming on my tail when I emerged from said trance, can also get hungry. Or maybe playful, I'm not quite sure which. Regardless, I have decided to name it Miril. He(Or possibly she? How can you tell with living slimeballs?) keeps me company. Although, I do need to figure out what he eats. He keeps trying to eat my tail and mane, and even though he can't, he keeps getting slime all over in the process. When you have an ethereal, flowing mane, try to imagine how bad it looks covered in slime! IT LOOKS LIKE A RIVER OF STARRY SLIME. NOT CUTE.

At any rate, I can't really do much until I get down somehow. Still, I'm going to keep trying to figure out why the moon didn't respond to me. I created it and I'm magically bound to it! WHY WON'T IT MOVE?!

On another note, I am going to go by my internal clock while writing these entries. Even though the moon here ignores me and moves far faster than it should, my internal clock seems to be going at the same speed it normally does, even though it is dependent on the moon's movement.

-Princess Luna


Day Three:

Today I spent some time looking down upon my little ponies trying to see how they are doing. They seem to be getting along alright, although many seemed to be armed. That can't bode well. They've also constructed a large, rectangular wall around their settlement, which keeps with the theme of impending danger. I also noticed one pony that I haven't seen before, as they stopped and stared at the island. I know most everyone in Equestria, but I don't recognize them. Perhaps they are from this world? Maybe we aren't as alone as we thought! At any rate, I didn't see them for very long, but they rushed into a wooden and stone tower in a hurry. They seemed to have a silver or gray mane, which is rather rare in Equestria, lending more proof to my theory that they didn't come with us from home.

Miril and I have been getting along splendidly up here. I finally figured out what he eats. He seems to like the leaves off of one of the odd slime trees up here, but he doesn't seem to be able to reach them by himself. I've been picking them off and giving them to him, and he seems to enjoy them a lot. As I write this, he is actively munching on a few them with some interesting squelching sounds. 'Eating' seems to mean 'Shove the whole thing into your body and dissolve it', but aside from being a little odd, he's still kinda cute.

-Princess Luna


Day Four:

Today i kept looking around trying to spot other ponies like the odd one I saw yesterday, but to no avail. That pony seems to be rather unique. I haven't seen them lately though, so it is not entirely out of the question that I may just be seeing things from boredom. Probably not from lack of food or water, since I don't require those to survive, but the fact remains I haven't seen them since they rushed inside that building.

I've also been idly constructing little models from the slime here. I found that if you bake it somehow, it hardens similar to clay. I've been using a spell to magnify the sun's light, but a conventional oven would probably work. I started trying to do one of Celly, but I couldn't do her justice with such unrefined materials, so I gave up. Instead, I made a certain irritating chimera. I personally think the clay makes for a flattering look for him, since his real face isn't any better. I wonder if he is still stuck in stone? Personally, I really hope so. If he got loose, it would spell trouble for everyone involved. I really hope he isn't here with us...

-Princess Luna


Day Five:

So, today I woke up to an interesting sight. I stood up. I stretched. I checked on Miril, who was happily sleeping still. I think. It's kinda hard to tell without eyes. Notwithstanding the minor debate that went on in my head, I trotted over to the edge of the island to check on my happy little citizens. Imagine my surprise when I see a wooden platform being built underneath the island! I can't tell what it is for though. It is a pretty big base, so either whatever they're building uses a extremely large foundation, or needs extra stability. At any rate, they work pretty fast. I wouldn't be surprised if it's done by tomorrow, whatever it may be. Ponies are rather industrious little creatures.

Something amusing that I saw today as well involved Miril. Late afternoon, I was sculpting a little bit out of boredom while watching the settlement below. I took a break for a moment, and looked to see how Miril was getting along. I was so proud to see him gnawing on Discord's ugly face! I think we will get along juuuust fine.

-Princess Luna


Day Six:

I had the weirdest dream last night, the likes of which I haven't had in ages. I can hardly remember what it was, although there were some features that stuck out to me. I remember seeing light glint off of a dark pink color, almost a dark purple. There was alternating flashes of light and darkness throughout the dream. There was some... silhouette? Shadow? I'm not sure what it was. It seemed to have more mass than just darkness, but didn't seem to have as much as any normal object or being. The only thing I remember with clarity is a pair of glowing dark purple eyes. Overall, I believe this is where some of the younger fillies might say that 'the jimmies have been thoroughly rustled', whatever that is supposed to mean. It's probably nothing, but I still plan on keeping my guard up. This place is too unfamiliar to count out anything, even other dreamwalkers.

I checked on the civilians' progress in building the wooden structure, and I think they are building a staircase to help me down! It seems I may be more loved than I thought. I guess they did see me flailing about, trying to get their attention. Still haven't seen the odd pony yet. I think they were just me hallucinating from either boredom or possibly something in the slime. It has not precisely been the most entertaining place to be up here recently. It got bad enough that today I caught myself contemplating tossing Miril off the side of the island. He bounces, as one might expect, so I was ever so slightly tempted to see if he'd bounce back up. He'd be okay, but since I'd be alone if he didn't make it back up, I decided not to. Plus, most sentient beings think it is rude to throw one another off the side of high up places, so I'd rather not be intentionally offensive.

-Princess Luna


Day Seven:

I was bouncing all day from excitement, and the staircase kept getting closer! I spent most of the day just staring down at the village from my little island, and wishing the staircase would be finished already. Eventually, it got close enough I just couldn't wait anymore, and I grabbed Miril and jumped for it. My back legs slipped on the slime as I jumped, tilting my arc of travel ever so slightly. I made it, but I didn't land it as well as I might have. I instinctively tried to balance myself by using my wings, but since they aren't exactly functional right now, that didn't work. Long story short, I fell down most of the staircase before catching myself, much to my subjects' horror. Alicorn resiliency can make up for a lot, but that still hurt. I trotted down the remaining ten steps or so, doing my best to ignore the barely suppressed laughter and shock caused by my overexcited leap of freedom.

I quickly assessed the small village, noting a large house, that tower the one odd pony ran into, and the guards posted about. I walked up to one of the guards and inquired both as to where I might find whoever was in charge, and whom lives in the tower. As I thought, the larger building was the town hall, and the tower belonged to one who goes by the name of Winter. I decided I'd go converse with those in charge, and walked over to the door. The guards tried to object on principle of me not having an appointment, although I don't hold it against them. They were just doing their job. I solved that problem by picking them up and moving them to the side about twenty feet before dropping them. I opened the door, and entered the Town Hall.

Author's Note:

Hey, Blackjack here!
For those of you who find problems with spelling, grammar, or other similar issues within my story, please let me know! I'd love to fix them. Although, there are some seeming inconsistencies within my story that are meant to be there, so if I reply by saying "Intentional", that's why. Please don't get offended. Ideas are also welcome!

Comments ( 3 )

This is pretty funky. I like it.

Comment posted by Cipher Splash deleted Apr 5th, 2017

I can't wait for the story to continue.

Also Cipher, you can stick that Character where the sun don't shine. Honestly, any author that would add your character, has so few brain cells that I could count them on one hand.

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