• Published 20th Sep 2016
  • 3,071 Views, 153 Comments

Final Reign - Lise

Prince Blueblood, Tyrant of Equestria, has a final talk with his would-be assassin.

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Shattered Laughter

The staircase narrowed as we went further up. When I first had Auntie moved from the dungeon I had spent weeks making sure the tower was escape proof. Such a waste waste of time and effort. Celestia wasn't going out, and nopony would want to go in.

"Your soldiers are, like, mega unhappy," Pinkie Pie said behind me. Even after I'd told her the truth she couldn't remain silent for more than twenty seconds. "Maybe let them have a party every week?" I wasn't sure what was worse—her keeping hope, or her trying to share it with me. Ten minutes ago she had tried to kill me... and had come dangerously close to succeeding.

Celestia's door, cast in enchanted gold, loomed before me. Only three ponies were allowed through: Fancy Pants, myself, and what remained of Raven. It was a shame that my best efforts couldn't stop Raven from withering away. Maybe she really was linked to Celestia?

Two silent guards rested on either side of the door. As we approached, their horns glowed with a menacing light.

"Move," I whispered. The living statues obeyed. With a flash of my own horn, I opened the door. "Are you sure?" I looked at Pinkie Pie. Already, I could feel her anguish—she was smart enough to know she could have won the battle, yet too caring to steal Equestria’s hope for survival. The sentimental side of me tried to rationalize having her locked up, or even letting her go under surveillance. It would never happen. She was too much of a threat.

"Uh-huh," she nodded, her mane as flat as a sheet.

"Suit yourself." I shrugged. Sympathy wasn't a luxury I could afford too often.

The Element of Laughter entered the room. I didn't follow right away. Unlike Pinkie, I had been here more times than I wished. A year ago I'd come every evening. Now, I could hardly force myself to do so once per month.

"Is she drinking whiskey?!" Pinkie Pie said with such indignation that I almost hopped in place. Instantly, I looked at the bed. Auntie was lying there, half-covered in a blanket, her breathing almost non-existent. Seconds later I saw it—a half full glass of whiskey resting a few steps away on the floor.

"No, that's Fancy's." I shook my head with a dry chuckle. "He's... been using it a lot these last—" I stopped. Had she just made me laugh? The experience had become so alien that for a moment I was terrified what might follow. "How did you do that?" I felt myself shiver. Of all the Elements, she was the most terrifying. Who would have guessed?

"That's all I am." She looked at me as if it were the simplest thing in the world. "So Celestia's colourless, huh?" Pinkie Pie moved closer to the bed. It was impressive how she remained so calm. The first time I saw Auntie in that state, I wanted to vomit my guts out. It wasn't just her mane that had lost its colour. One day her very flesh had become transparent, revealing her bones.

"The curse affects everyone differently." I turned away. Auntie Celestia was turning invisible, and I hadn't been to Luna’s prison in over two years after she distorted herself into a puddle of fur and flesh. "You know what I'm going to do with you." A statement, not a question.

"Of course." She nodded. "Just because I'm smiling doesn't mean I'm stupid."

Yes, she was smiling, but even in this faint light I could see tears in the corners of her eyes. I wonder if she had known before she had tried to assassinate me? Not that it mattered at this point.

Pinkie rested her head on Celestia's chest. I so deeply wished I could find it peaceful or nice, or even serene. Instead, I saw it as grotesque.

"I just need a few minutes," Pinkie said, sensing my question.

"Take an hour." I could feel Auntie's disappointment. What would she think if she could see me now—squabbling for time after I'd killed half her Elements? How would she react if she knew the things I was about to do? The only way I could rationalize it with myself was that there was a chance I would succeed. No, I knew I would! All I needed was enough calm and raw magic and I'd make it worth all the suffering I'd subjected Equestria to.

"Do you want to be happy?" Pinkie Pie looked up. I frowned.

"Rarity tried that approach. It didn't work." Plus, I had McIntosh now. Even as we marched into the abyss he would remain by my side. And he’d always love me.

"I can hear her heart," Pinkie changed the subject. "It's beaten twice just now. I think she’s happy to see you."

"You're imagining things—"

"I'll give you my laughter," she said all of a sudden, making me forget my own thoughts. "If it helps Equestria I'll do it."

"You can't." If there was a way I could extract the Elements I would have done it by now. Twilight and I had both worked on this during the first few years. Auntie had also tried to help, the few times she was able to speak. It had taken us half a year to give up.

"Of course you can't, silly." She waved her hoof in false amusement. "Only I can do that."

"If you're trying to—"

"Discord took my laughter once." Determination shone in her eyes. "And so did Starlight. But each took part. If I give you my Element and my cutie mark at the same time, you'll be able to have it." I just stared at her, not so much because I hadn't thought of that, but because she offered it. "Just promise me one thing." Pinkie Pie stood in front of me. "Sprinkle my laughter over Equestria. Everypony deserves to be happy, if only for a moment."

Damn the stupid sentimentality. "Pinkie." I placed my wing on her shoulder. "I promise."

"Pinkie Promise?" She winked, forcing herself to laugh.

"Pinkie Promise." I smiled.

That was all it took. The sound of my voice hadn't stopped echoing when the mare before me changed to dust. I watched her crumble away before my very eyes, her lips moving in a final "I'll miss you" as the specks of laughter hit the floor like pink sugar. I dared not move out of fear I'd crush some of them. For a full minute I just stood there, looking at the room my strength lacking. It was tempting to take some happiness for myself, licking it off the very floor, yet I resisted. Focusing my magic, I gathered every speck of laughter from the ground, lifting it into a sphere in the air.

"Oh, here you are, old boy." I heard Fancy's voice behind me. He smelled of alcohol. "This is slightly embarrassing, but I think I might have left my glass here."

"You did," I said coldly. "Try not to in future."

"Quite, quite." He glanced at the pink sphere levitating in the room. "Well, I best leave you to your business, shall I? Cheerio—"

"Fancy." I stopped him. "Get a pegasus carriage ready. I want you to deliver a message for me."

"Hmm, why yes, certainly." He paused.

"Go to Chrysalis." I'm so sorry, Pinkie. It's for the greater good. "Tell her I have something she wants and am willing to make a trade."

As I said it, a single tear rolled down Celestia’s cheek.