• Published 24th Sep 2016
  • 374 Views, 4 Comments

Blue Light - Rafrpt

This is about a Colt, his name is Blue Light and this is his life story.

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Prologue: A New Beginning

Author's Note:

Hi everyone my name is Luke, now this is my first fanfiction so I hope you like it. I am the author obviously and the editor is Janet Cain. If there is a mistake than please say it in the comments.
Brohoof /)(\

Prologue: A New Beginning

Hi my name is Luke I am 22 years old, I have pale skin, strawberry blonde hair, grey eyes a little beard. No one believes that I can become a god but I will show them...I will show them all! This isn't really for ME to prove to them that I will become a god, it is for all people in this world to be happy without any depression. This world is terrible. So many bad things in this world like Alcohol, smoking, drugs, violence, bullying, destroying the environment, too much sugar, fatty food, too much salt, murdering people, diseases and a lot more. It is going to be impossible to become a god without being ageless, so I need to find a way to become ageless but I know I will find a way, just as long I never give up.


"Yea I finally made my wings and attach it to my bone structure, I can't what to fly but I have to wait until I get use to it before I can start flying. Oooooooooo but I can't wait I been dreaming all my life to fly but I have to wait".


"Yea I am ready to start practising flying. I can't wait to fly without falling".


"YEA, I am finally able to stay in the sky. Just feeling the air brush across my face... this is AWESOME! I am going to do this every day, my first dream has came true.


"I DID IT, I eventually did it! All these years I finally did it, I have made a formula that can make me ageless and it will make me back to the age of 21 years old. I will keep track of how long I have lived for but I will have to inject the formula every 50 years. But I can do that and now I have to make myself as powerful as a god".


"Muahahahaha I've done it, I am as powerful as a god. sorry I wanted to do that! This world has changed a lot and I have tried to help along with my progress. It has gotten bad and now I am powerful enough I can now save this world from destruction".


"Well, I think I can leave this world now. All my subjects are happy. I have completed another one of my dreams and it seems like they can handle themselves. So I am going to leave and make a world but not any world-a world with magic. I shall spread the magic all around the planet and just let it do its thing and see what happens and have lots of adventures. But what creatures should I make? Ummmmm I know what horses, wait, no even better, ponies but I think I will design the ponies different. Maybe with lots of colours and make them look cute as hell, yes, that's what I'm going to do. I think I will make mystical creatures too and I will be their god and if spirits are watching me and saying 'why is he talking to himself'. Well I like doing that but I am not going to talk out loud when there are people around, I will think it in my head".


"Well, making a planet with the solar system is so hard especially when it's hard to breathe with only limited oxygen. Every time I need more oxygen I will have to open a portal to earth and gather oxygen for me. Thankfully, I can survive with some oxygen for a few years before running out and that also, thanks to my magic and to some other parts I put in me but when I do complete it, what will I call the planet. Ummmmm maybe something the same as power, ummmmm *click* I know I shall call the planet Equis because Equis is run by EFMD what stands by European Foundation Management Development".


"Finally, I did it I made Equis, so I been thinking of what to call my self since every God has a name. So I think I will call my self Paradox, Pretty cool name Huh. Now, I need to make the form of the creatures and see what they are going to do."


"Huh, what's this, it seems that the magic is combining with the creatures of Equis. This is going to make it more interesting. Can't wait to see what happens next".


"Oh what's this? It's a forest and it has dangerous mythical creatures but there are three specific creatures that I am interested in. It's form is not solid and has a lot of magic, I have to keep an eye on these three".


"The creatures I have been keeping an eye on have now been causing trouble and freezing the ponies so I need to stop them, I know what to call them I shall call them Windigos. If I don't stop them they will make an internal snow. That means I have to go down to Equis" I went to where they are. There were ponies running, screaming and fighting against each other, probably a war. It seems some are oblivious about what is going on but some are aware and are running and screaming but to no success and then I came in and used my magic. I put a lot of my magic into a large beam and put a solid spell on the Windigos and shot the beam straight to the first Windigo. It was a direct hit and pushed him back but it had no effect and the one I hit looked at me with daggers in his eyes and roared at me. He started to come at me and the other Windigos did the same and then they shot a icy breathe directly at me but I used my magic to disappear and reappear right behind them and shot multiple beams at them all and pushed them back but it still had no effect. "They aren't getting harmed so what should I do ummmmm *click* I know what to do, I am going to put a curse on them but what kind of curse should I do. ummmm the Windigos get stronger when there are a lot of arguments so I should do a opposite curse so the curse should make the Windigos weaken when all the ponies work together. This is going to work. I just need to cast the curse and make all the ponies work together. the Windigos won't just stand there so I have to use my magic to make them still but it want last forever but I think it will last long enough. Let's make this happen". I said while I dodged the Windigo's attacks, I then started casting the curse and after I cast the curse I then turned and looked at the ponies. When I looked at the ponies, the rest of them had stopped fighting and looked at me. I can see they were scared and feared the Windigos and also me, probably because they don't know what I am. I am powerful and big. I have to convince them to work together instead of fighting back. I guess that I will ask them what they are fighting about first. "hey you ponies, what are you fighting about?" They seemed as though they didn't want to say anything, but one walked up and started to talk but in a scared tone.

"Um w-we are f-fighting for l-land"and he went quickly back in the crowd.

Well, I guess I could tell them the danger they are in, that they can't stop the Windigos. So I'll tell them the only way to defeat the Windigos is to stop fighting and make a agreement to stop this war and work together but, I know this war will start again in the future. But after the Windigos are weak I will banished them to Tartarus but if there is too much disagreement and a big war can make the Windigos come back. I hope they will remember this day and work together to put the Windigos back to Tartarus. Since I banished them to Tartarus it should put them back to Tartarus after they are weak. "Everypony listen up, I know you are scared but you are all in big danger. If you don't stop fighting this war you will all be frozen and you can't kill the Windigos. They are not solid but you can still stop them. All you need to do is to stop this fighting and make a agreement to stop this war and work together because the Windigos are getting the strength from all this war and arguing. The Windigos weakness is working together." They looked unsure of what I said was true and just feared me. Well this is not going well.

One pony spoke up "um when I threw a spear at one, it went straight through it. So I know he isn't lying about that and the Windigos, I think that's how you say it, well the Windigos are freezing us so I think we should give it a shot or we will be frozen." They all looked worried but they decided to do it, so they all made a agreement to stop this war and work together.

"Its working it's weakening them, now just a little longer" I am not too sure how much longer I can keep them back but they are now weakened enough. I started to use a spell that will banished them to Tartarus. After I banished them to Tartarus I heard the ponies cheering and stomping their hoof's and one asked a question.

"Who are you?"

And I replied "I want to tell you who I am but I will tell you my species, I am a human" and then I used my magic to teleport away before I went out of Equis.


"What the hell, somepony is drawing what I look like and writing some things about me. Well, I guess I don't mind ponies doing that but I think next time I will make a disguise as a pony so it is easier to communicate to ponies."


I said "Darn there is so much chaos, the earth ponies are cold, pegasi are hungry, unicorns are cold and hungry and they are all arguing. At this rate the Windigos will be set free." After thinking for a while, 2 Unicorns, 2 Pegasus, 2 earth ponies are looking for a land. When they all looked for land they found the same land as the others and then they started arguing, then the Windigos were set free. The Windigos was already week so it took them a pit to freeze the three ponies but three of them grouped up. They all came together and it was enough to put the Windigos back to Tartarus. After that they all decided to share the land and call it Equestria. I said "well I didn't need to help. That's good that they can take care of themselves."


"Ok I have finished designing my disguise. Ok now I just need to use my magic to look like my design". I used my magic and made me look like my design "what should I call my self ummmmmmm *click* I know, I will call my self Star Swirled". I went in Equis and used my magic to make a books, quills, ink and started writing magic spells and theories in the books so it would help in the future. Also, in one book I wrote a book about Paradox being the god of Equis that created life on Equis. I then used my magic and made multiples of copies of my books and then used my magic and teleported them in libraries all around Equis. I then want to towns sharing my knowledge, magic and helping ponies for about a year now but then I decided to go to a city. When I was in the city I heard a sound in a alley way and I went down there and saw a mare up against the wall and a stallion looking at her and touching. I went up to them and see what's going on, it seems the stallion is sexually assaulting the mare. The mare is crying. I felt my anger boiling So I said "hey you!" The stallion turned his head around.

The stallion said, "mind your own business and get lost".

I said "you are sexually assaulting that mare, so I won't go away."

The stallion said "oh yea and what are you going to do about that."

I said "this" I used a paralysing spell to paralyse the stallion and then I walked to the mare and asked "are you all right?" She lunged at me then grabbed me and cried on my shoulder. I said "there, there its ok, you are safe now".

"Th-th-thank y-you s-so much" she sobbed.

Then I said "its ok I am just glad you are ok. Where do you live? I will take you down there." After we got to her house, she asked me if I could take her in the house. So I did. I put her on the couch and I was about to go out but before I could she asked If I could stay. So I did. After a bit of time went past, she was a lot better and she gave me a drink. I looked at her clock and it said 3:54pm. I said "I never caught your name."

She said "my name is Grace."

I said "that's a nice name."

Grace said "what's your name"

I said "Star Swirl".

Grace said "that's a nice name. Where have I heard that name before?"

I said "I am well known". I said before Grace spoke again "I better be going now."

She said "do you have to go? I would like you to stay for dinner to say thanks for what you did".

I said "it was no problem, I wouldn't won't to bother you"

Grace said "nonsense I insist that you stay for dinner".

I said "ok" I was going to say something else but the sound of clicking of a door was heard.

"Honey, I'm home" the unknown voice came into the kitchen with two fillies. When he came in he just stood there staring at me.

I wonder wh… I was snapped out of my thoughts when

he said "oh my gosh, it's STAR SWIRL".

I said "oh so you know me."

He said "of course I know you, you're known throughout Equestria, so many know you, you are so skilled with magic and powerful. Who doesn't know you?"

I said "oh so I have became that popular"

Grace said "oh, so that's where I heard that name before. You talked about him a lot".

He said "so what are you here for if I might say".

I said "well your wife was being um can you please take your fillies away from this conversation, I don't think it would be good to let them hear what I am going to say".

He said "Celestia, Luna please go and play"

Celestia and Luna said "ok" and went off.

Ooooooo they are so cute, I said " well your wife was being sexual assaulted but I came in and stopped him.

He said "Oh my gosh thank you so much for saving my wife."

I said "It was no problem, I am just glad your wife is ok".

He said "well I would like if you could stay for dinner, to say thanks"

I said "your wife already said that, so, yes I will stay for dinner. Thank you and may I ask what is your name".

He said "my name is Dusk"

I said "nice to meet you Dusk."

He said "it is a pleasure to meet you too".

I talked about my adventures until it was dinner time. When we were eating I decided to ask the fillies a question. I said "excuse me Celestia, Luna, but I was wondering, what are your goals in life"

Celestia said, "I want to help and protect ponies all over Equestria."

Luna said "same here." They said that with determination.

I thought for a moment and decided that there needs to be a ruler other than me because they need a ruler that was born in their world. So how should I make them into rulers, after thinking for a while I thought of a idea. Yes that's it, I will make them into mythical creatures, called Alicorns. But, I need to stop the gravitation in the sun and moon so they can rise and lower the sun and moon. But I need to wait until they can do it but I need to see if they would want to have this responsibility. I said "excuse me Grace, Dusk, can I talk to the fillies alone."

Dusk said "certainly"

I took the fillies in the Lounge room. I said "I can make your dream come true, to help and protect ponies all over Equestria but you will gain more magic then any pony in Equestria. But with great power comes great responsibility, you will gain wings and you will live to a age of 100,000 years old. You will go through hard times in your life too, so do you want this, it is up to you to decide". The fillies thought for a bit

then Celestia said with excitement "I want this, I want to help and protect ponies"

then Luna said with excitement "I want this too".

I said "than let's start, I want to surprise your parents, it will take a lot of my magic, this will make you feel tingly so don't be surprised".

The fillies said "ok"

I then put a light blocking spell around the room so the parents won't see the spell light because this spell is going to be bright. After that I started to make the transformation spell, it was hard but I was able to do it, the spell faded. Whoa, that nearly took all my magic, it will take a while to get all my magic back. I said "it is done."

The fillies looked at themselves and then they both squealed with happiness and said "thank you so much".

I said "no worries, now let use show your parents."

The fillies said "ok" and went to the dinner table. When they got to their parents,

Grace said "what did you talk about, I heard a squeal".

I said "fillies show them why." The fillies showed there wings to their mum and dad. The parents were shocked to see wings on the fillies. The parents looked at me with confusion. I said "they wanted to help and protect ponies all over Equestria so I decided to transform them into Alicorns. Alicorns are a mythical creature that has both a horn and wings and has more magic than any pony in Equestria. But they do eventually die like normal ponies, so I decided to make them able to live for 100,000 years instead of dying of old age, if you are wondering, Alicorns are the same species as ponies. Alicorns can raise and set the sun and moon" Grace and Dusk were speechless.

Then Dusk said "it is a honour but why our fillies?"

I said "well your fillies have potential. I will be staying longer then I expected because I will start their training first thing in the morning so they can raise and set the sun and moon".

Grace said "well, looks like you will be living in our house until Celestia and Luna are able to raise and set the sun and moon, is that right?".

I said "yes, so I will be living in this house for about 15 years"

Grace said "are you sure? You look old and not able to stay alive for 15 years".

I said "can you all keep a very big secret?"

They all looked at me and Grace said "Yes. And what about you Dusk, Celestia and Luna, will you keep a secret?"

Dusk, Celestia and Luna said "yes."

I said "well, I don't die of old age, I only die if I want to die."

Celestia and Luna said "that is so cool".

I said "it might sound cool but trust me when I say it is a burden."

Luna said "really why".

I said "because when you live longer than a pony you will see your friends, family and so many ponies die so if you want to back out now then I can change you back".

The fillies looked at me with determination and said "no, we won't back down now."

I smiled and I said "your training will start tomorrow". Dusk said "oh, my gosh Star Swirl is staying in my house".


I said "well, you both have grown up so quickly but I will put a magic spell all over Equestria to make a Alicorn when a pony does a very good deed. It will gather magic and the magic will cling to the pony. But you princesses have to put the magic in them, you can not tell any pony of how it works. Ok"

they both nodded, Luna said "but may we ask you why".

I said "because if you think a pony is worthy then you can make them into a Alicorn. Now I will be leaving now".

Luna said "we understand"

I said my last goodbyes to Grace, Dusk, Celestia, Luna and we went our separate ways.


"Huh dragons, what the hell, they are singing? And it's looks like the dragons are draining the ponies powers from them, it is making havoc and if I don't stop them, they will free the Windigos. Umm what is making them drain the ponies magic, ummmm. Oh, what I see some magic going in those necklaces around the dragons neck. What should I do ummmmm *click* I know, I will banish them to a dimension where there is no magic. It will make the necklaces weak but not forever. I can see that there is a type of magic that can stop them in the future in the dimension so that's what I am going to do". I put my disguise on and went to where the dragons are. When I got there one of the dragons spoke first.

"Oh look who it is, it's Star Swirl."

Then I spoke "and you are?"

Then the same dragon spoke "my name is Adagio Dazzle and the one to my right is Aria Blaze and the one to my left is Sonata Dusk".

Then I spoke "well, I am going to stop you three."

Then Adagio spoke "oh and how do you think you are going to stop us?"

Then I spoke "you will find out soon enough."

Adagio spoke "we'll see about that, come on you two let's do this".

They came at me and shot fire at me but I quickly dodged their attacks. Then I started to do the spell and banish them but it was going to take a bit of time to complete the spell. While I dodged their attack they changed their attacks to a sound attack but I dodged the attacks. It was complete and then I released the spell "be banished for your crimes"

and they said "NOOOOO".

They were banished and I teleported away before I went out of Equis.


I said "I am proud of Celestia and Luna, they have created a castle and are now rulers of Equestria, I can't wait To see what they will do in the future".


I said "looks like there is a Crystal Empire, that is so COOL".


I said "Great! Looks like a crystal pony is using what looks like dark magic that is corrupting his mind." After thinking for a while, the princesses went and battled the one that they called Sombra. The princesses fought Sombra and eventually the princesses were winning but before they could defeat King Sombra he took the crystal ponies With the Crystal Empire with him. I said "I didn't expect King Sombra to take the crystal ponies With the Crystal Empire with him".


I said "there are 6 crystals in a crystal tree and in the Everfree forest under ground but there is a powerful magic in the crystals that is for some reason familiar ummmm I have to keep an eye on those".


I said "Oh looks like the princesses have found the the crystal tree and they are interested about what the crystals are. The princesses have now started working on figuring out what the crystals can do".


I said "looks like the princesses have figured out what the crystals can do, apparently the crystals have elements, the elements are kindness, honesty, loyalty, laughter, generosity and magic. The crystals can only be used if a pony or ponies have the elements within them. When all the elements are activated they can take the evil away but they don't kill them".


I said "a Draconequus. But they are only a myth. But a actual Draconequus who calls himself Discord is right here causing chaos. They say that Draconequus have god-like powers and if they become blinded by power they will be stripped of their magic. This chaos isn't strong enough to bring the Windigos back because the ponies are being mind controlled because of that there is not much chaos because they have no idea on what's going on". I said "looks like the princesses are at it again but they brought the elements of harmony and were about to use it. I wonder how it will affect a Draconequus. Ok, I didn't think it would turn him into stone. Oh well, at least the ponies are back to normal".


I looked down at the location of where the two sisters' castle was. I said "Luna don't do this. Celestia please use the elements of harmony to bring her back. What? Why would the elements of harmony banish her to the moon? It doesn't make sense, Luna I hope when you come back you will come back to us as Luna".


I said "I think this world is capable of handling itself, so I am going to retire of being God and start a new life, a new beginning on Equestria. I will take my memories away and start as a new-born colt, I think I will make myself have blue fur, light and dark blue spiky strip mane & tail, blue eyes and be a Pegasus".

Comments ( 4 )

It is going to take a pit to post the first chapter because I am crating 4 character's information then typing chapter 1. Also if there is a mistake or have a opinion please comment below. So I hope you in joy this prologue
Brohoof /) (\

The concept is interesting but your prologue rough and does not flow properly.

Your story is in first person so you do not need to use I said when he is describing events from afar. ex:

I said "I think this world is capable of handling itself, so I am going to retire of being God and start a new life, a new beginning on Equestria. I will take my memories away and start as a new-born colt, I think I will make myself have blue fur, light and dark blue spiky strip mane & tail, blue eyes and be a Pegasus".

It is done, the world is now capable of handling itself. I have decided to retire from playing God, after so many millennia my spirit and body have grown weary, yearning for something I can not have.

I began to build up my magic for my final spell, I have decided to begin anew, my memories erased and without my power. I think I shall be a Pegasus. Yes a Pegasus that sounds nice... The spell released, my vision was blinded be a bright light as my mind went blank.

Above is a rough example of how I would reword one of your sections to make more interesting to read.

As mentioned I love your concept but you prologue needs rewording or people are going to end up skipping the rest of you story since they do not enjoy the fist chapter they have read.

If you are looking for help or an editor/pre-reader send me a pm. I would be more that happy to help.

7591478 ok thanks but I don't know how to pm people, you see it's my first time doing this thing and what is a pm, I feel dum not knowing what a pm is.

7591720 A "PM" is a personal message. to send a PM hover your mouse over of a user's name -> In the information screen that pops up select the envelope Icon -> Screen for making a Personal message will pop up. write what you want and hit send.

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