• Published 21st Sep 2016
  • 762 Views, 26 Comments

The beauty of Paris - Bronycommander

You maybe asking youself, what's a unicorn filly doing in Paris? It's kind of a long story

  • ...

Chapter 9 Search and Rescue

Chapter 9: Search and Rescue

Franz couldn’t rest. He couldn’t rest until he was sure that Sweetie Belle and Marie were safe The Germans never suspected that he and Heinz were fighting with the Resistance. But both knew that someone tipped the Gestapo about Kessler.

Franz was leaning against a wall. “Franz…you look exhausted, my friend. I think you need to get some rest.” Sean looked at him.

“I can’t. Not until they are safe.” He was worried.

“We taped into the Gestapos private telephone service. Veronique’s arrest is certain to draw attention. I and Bryman are sure wherever she is, that your friends are here too.”

“You sure?”

“Sure like a four leaf clover.”

A Citizen gave him a note. ”Sean, listen carefully, I have uncovered the information we seek, and more. Find me. Speak to no one else. Trust no one. But your two Germans can come too if they can. Bryman.”

“Sounds like we have found them. Let’s go.” Franz followed Sean in the sewer.

“Why does it always have to be the sewer?” Sean wondered.

“Delvin, Franz… Are you certain you weren’t followed?”

“I won’t make this mistake again.”

“I have found Veronique and the friends of Heinz and Franz.”

“Where?” Franz asked with hope.

“The Germans are using the Palace of Justice as a detention center for the political prisoners… they…”

“Spit it out, Yosef.”

"They were been sentenced to death.”

“Oh no. How long do we have?”

“We must leave now. I heard that your buddy Heinz was stationed there.”

“That’s right. I was transferred too.”

“I already informed him about the Situation. Sean, you have to take the more complicated way.”

"And that is?” “There is no way…”

Franz couldn’t hear their conversation anymore as he already left the sewer for the Palace.

Sweetie Belle was separated from the others and brought into an interrogation room.

A Terror officer walked in. “Your cooperation has been noted. We managed to capture an important member of the resistance. But now, you have no further use for us.”

"But-but you’re promised that you wouldn’t harm me or my friends!”

"We’re promised you nothing. Bring her back to the prisoners for execution. I will do this myself.”

“Yes, Sir!”

Heinz was waiting for Sean. Bryman had informed him that he would come with a zeppelin. “Ah finally!” Heinz was glad to see Sean.

“How’s the situation?”

“They are about to execute them! Hurry, get down the stairs. From there, you can shoot the Executioner.”

They ran the stairs down. Sean stealth killed a SS sniper and took his rifle. “You have only one shot, so make this count.” Heinz gave Franz a sign that he and Sean were in position.

Sweetie Belle was scared to death and so were Jules and Lily. Her parents tried to comfort them as good as they could. They were all in a cell with other political prisoners. A Soldier walked to the gate. “Please, we’re innocent! We do not know anything about the resistance!” Eva begged.

“Shh! Keep your mouth shut and follow me if you want to life.”

“Franz? Is that you?” Marie was surprised.

“Yes mon ami. I get you out of here. Just let me open the gate.”

But as he opened it, a terror officer came. “Thanks for opening the gate for me. You three! Come with me!” He pointed at Marie, Eva and Tom. They were restrained and brought to Veronique and a man Franz didn’t know. Come on, hurry up. Franz thought as the officer walked behind the men. Then Heinz gave a thumb up from the top of the building.

This is my fault! I never wanted to bring them into this! Sweetie Belle looked in horror when Marie, Eva and Tom were brought away.

“Prisoner number 72169. Henri Durante. Found guilty of spying. The penalty is death!” The officer executed him. Marie was next. “Prisoner number 48310. Marie Belmont. Found guilty of treachery.” Then there was a shot. The officer fell to the ground.

A whistle was blown. Franz opened the gate. The captured resistance fighters brought the Children to safety behind some crates. Tom was not a Soldier but he was in a gun club once. He grabbed an MP40 from a killed Soldier to defend his Family and friends.

Franz helped him. But the Soldiers killed all resistance fighters until only them and Veronique were left. For a second it looked like they were going to die, but then an MG killed the Soldiers. Veronique was surprised to see Sean. “Sean? What are you doing here?”

“Thank me later.” An armed Bauer broke through the gate. “Get up in front! I’ll take the back!” Sean manned the MG on the back of the truck. The others entered the back too. “Bryman! Let’s move!”

Tom, Sean, Franz and Heinz shot the Soldiers that tried to stop them. “Here they come.”

They had to defend the truck from armed Sturmwagen and armed ZP-750. There was an engine sound. “Listen! I hear airplanes!” Marie looked at the sky.

“We’re being tracked from the air!” Sean shot a plane down.

“Step on it, Bryman!”

“What do you think I’m doing!” he responded to Sean.

“Roadblock up ahead!”

“I’m on it!” Sean shot the gas tank of a Bauer truck that was blocking the road with two armed Sturmwagen. The explosion cleared the street. “Now! Drive through!” Just when the truck was rolling again Sean commented, “Jesus, I think we just used up the last of our luck,” as Gestapo cruisers were joining the pursuit.

“Faster! Get us out of here!” Marie held Sweetie Belle as good as she could.

“I’m going as fast as I can!”

On the country side, the engine died down. “Why aren’t we moving?” Franz was lucky to kill the pilot of a plane causing it to crash.

“I don’t know! The engine has stalled! I can’t get it started!”

“You picked a good parking spot!” Heinz commented.

“Move over! I’ll do it!” Veronique took care of the problem.

“Hey! What are you…? How did you do that?”

“A little trick Jules taught me.”

“That’s just grand… Now let’s get out of here!” Tom shot also a plane down.

The Truck was rolling again. But the Germans seem to have endless waves of planes and cars. “Keep them off us!” The truck is coming apart!”

"Shut up and drive!” Sean shouted.

Bryman drove the truck into an alley. “We should stop here and split up,” Bryman suggested.

“I’ll get them to the catacombs. Ditch the truck and meet up later.”

"Thank you. You four saved all our lives…” Eva was grateful.

“You showed a lot of courage, buddy.” Heinz was proud.

“I guess we are even now, ja? Go! I will find you later.” Bryman drove away.

Sweetie Belle covered her ears. “Is it finally over?”

“Yes, my dear. Let’s get some rest.” Marie scooped the filly in her arms.

In the catacombs, the kids tried to rest with her parents. They overheard a conversation between Luc and Sean. “I’ve come to warn you. Somebody’s been talking to the Krauts, Luc. You need to call off this crazy plan before it’s too late.”

“It’s already too late! There won’t be another chance like this one. We must see it through, no matter what the cost.”

“You’re gambling with other people’s lives.”

“We have been gambling from the beginning. Are you coming?” Luc asked before he walked away.

Author's Note:

Mission sucessful! I wonder if this plan is working. And even on Easy, the part where you had to defend the truck was hard!