• Published 16th Sep 2016
  • 1,382 Views, 16 Comments

Meta in Equestria - Rezas

Well.. I warned him we shouldn't of bought that stuff... now we gotta deal with being in Equestria, let's see what kinda trouble we can get into.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Author's Note:

So, new story I made with Shadowshild612, hope you guys like it!

I stomped ‘aggressively’ through the convention to hide how nervous I was inwardly, this being my first convention, me in a costume that looked exactly like the Meta from RvB, but without the brute-shot, because I didn’t want to risk it.

While my suit looked like the Meta, I had made a view… specifications otherwise, having made multiple covered slots where I would put in A.I. fragment chips that, if were real, would allow them to do what Church did for Carolina in the second to last season… but not much else.

I looked around for my friend, having told them what I was going to do and waiting inpatiently, tapping my foot with my armoured arms crossed.

“Boo!” My friend Popo yelled sneaking up behind me. I simply growled threateningly, glaring at him through my helmet.

“Sorry man, took me a while to get my costume together.” He was wearing a pair of Draconic wings, and on bits of his body were patches of what was supposed to be dragon skin. He has black hair, is six foot tall and his costume was colored like space.

I tilted my head slightly, asking him what the hell he was silently.

“This is my DND character Popo, yes I named him after myself. He was a normal human but got in an accident with a Dragonborn, his ancient elvish friends saved him and froze him in time for 700 years to heal.” Popo said. “He also has a pet snow leopard with wings.”

I growled a little, but nodded in acceptance, turning to the convention and started to go further in, looking in the booths for something to buy. Popo walked up next to me before running to a booth with a snow leopard with wings next to it.

“Cool!” He said excitedly.

I growled, holding my hand in front of his chest and looking at the brute shot next to the snow leopard, incredibly suspicious.

“Hello my friends.” The man said. I glared at the man through my mask, wary since he looked like a certain merchant I had read about recently.

“What’s wrong dude?” Popo asked me.

I growled a little, before using sign language to tell him that I thought this was the merchant from the stories Popo had introduced me to recently.

“Oh come on man, those are just stories.” Popo said.

I was very suspicious, but grumbled and pointed at the two items, asking the merchant how much they were.

“Ten dollars, and fifteen for the leopard.” He said.

I blinked at the surprisingly cheap price, before grunting and moving a compartment in my armour, giving the merchant twenty five dollars.

“And this is for your friend.” The merchant said, handing Popo a katana sword.

“Cool.” Popo said picking up the leopard.

I picked up the brute shot, aiming it at the Merchant, finger on the trigger and ready to fire, waiting for something to happen to us.

“D-dude!?” Popo said.

I let out a menacing growl, still tense as I suddenly felt tired, looking a Popo and seeing him stumbling, I quickly aimed back at the merchant and fired as we fell asleep.

I woke up in what appeared to be a forest, growling to myself as I got up, noticing my Brute Shot nearby, I picked it up, and, since I knew this would happen, I just put it on my back, it sticking on like I expected.

I saw Popo asleep nearby, walking over and kicking him in the side lightly to wake him, crossing my arms as I looked down at him.

“I’m an idiot.” He said.

I tried to agree with him, but it just came out as growls, so I nodded, holding a hand down to help him up. He took it and got up, a low growl was heard as the snow leopard we bought started walking towards us, now alive.

I tensed, preparing myself to fight the leopard if needed.

“Blizzard down!” Popo yelled automatically covering his mouth, the leopard purred and jumped on his shoulder, somehow not knocking him down.

I relaxed, before looking around and using sign language at Popo, suggesting we try to find civilization soon.

He nods. “Blizzard fly up and look for a town.” The snow leopard nods and does so, and after a few minutes popo says. “Three miles south.”

I nodded, looking at the sky for a couple seconds to find out which way was south before heading in said direction, not bothering to wait for Popo to catch up to me. He catches up on Blizzard, the snow leopard being bigger than him.

“Are we where I think?” He asked. I was about to answer, but a couple of wooden wolves came out of the bush, one jumping at me was his answer. I was not amused, simply slamming a closed fist onto the wolves face, splintering the wooden construct with the Metas strength. Popo punches the other one and grabs his sword, spinning and twirling as it glows red hot and he slashes the wolf making it burst into flames.

I rolled to dodge a second wolf, grabbing it’s tail as it flew past me and spinning, throwing it into the final wolf and shattering both.

“Great, we're in equestria.” Popo said as blizzard licked his hand.

I simply shrugged, figuring we could be in a worse situation, continuing my walk towards civilization.

“I'm sorry dude, it's my fault we're here.” He said riding blizzard again.

I shrugged, signing to him that I wasn’t exactly having the best life anyway, so I didn’t really care.

“It's still my fault, and if you didn't care why'd you point the gun at the merchant?” He asked me.

I shrugged again, signing to him that, while I didn’t care what happened to me, I was pretty sure that he still had a life to live back on earth.

He looked down and began to cry a little. “You remember my Girlfriend?” I nodded, signing that I saw her at the convention.

“She had… just broken up with me…” He said crying. “She was cheating on me… in all honesty I was debating on killing myself.”

I growled, inwardly wishing I had socked the person while I had the chance, about to sign something, but we exited the bushes, finally at civilization.

“The castle of the two sisters…?” Popo said confused. I shrugged, walking closer, noticing two guards at the gates, my size intimidating them a little.

“Halt! What do you want!?” A guard yelled at us. I growled at the loud guard, leaning over him menacingly.

“Easy man.” Po said grabbing my shoulder. “We need the princesses help.”

“V-very w-well.” The guard said terrified, leading us to the throne room. I growled, but leaned back, taking a couple breaths to calm myself, following the guard as we were lead to the princesses. We arrived just in time to see Luna transforming into nightmare moon.

I pulled my brute shot out, taking a couple of pot shots at the corrupted alicorn.

“No! Don't hurt her!” Celestia yelled. I growled, ignoring the white alicorn as I charged the corrupted one.

“Dude come on!” Po yelled running after me, drawing his sword. The corrupted alicorn shot a blast of magic at me which I rolled to avoid,shooting another couple shots from my brute shot.

“Come on man!!” Po yelled running at the alicorn, and punching her.

“No please!!” Celestia yelled.

Seeing the corrupted alicorn about to shoot Celesita with another blast, I slid in front of it, tanking the blast as it overloaded my shield. I growled, sliding back from the force of the blast.

“I'm sorry Luna!” Celestia yelled crying as she used the elements, catching me and Po in the blast. While Luna was sent to the Moon, we were trapped in stone.