• Published 4th Sep 2016
  • 662 Views, 15 Comments

Mare Do Well - Dodringo64

Strange things start happening in Ponyville when Twilight begins receiving messages from an unknown killer.

  • ...

The Beginning

Twilight was happy. There weren't any problems for here to solve, no evil monsters trying to destroy Equestria and her friends were off enjoying the day by themselves. Yes, Twilight could rest easy knowing nothing could go wrong today.

"Twilight, Twilight! Get over here quick, you are not going to believe this!" Spike yelled from another room. Twilight rushed over to her assistant.

"What is it, Spike?" Twilight asked.

"I just got a letter from Princess Celestia, apparently it's Cadence and Shining Armour's 5th anniversary, can you believe it!?" Twilight was just as surprised as Spike at the news. Had it really been that long already?

"Are we going, Twilight?" Twilight looked at Spike.

"Of course we're going! It's my brother's anniversary, let's just hope no Changelings attack us this time." Spike seemed to agree.

"I'll go and tell the girls, then. I think I might bring Starlight as well." Twilight then left the castle to go and tell her friends about the letter. Just then, Spike felt as if he was about to receive another message, what could they want now? Spike received another message and read it to himself.

"I hope nothing's gone wrong." Spike read through the letter. "Oh no!"

Twilight made her way to Sugarcube Corner to tell Pinkie Pie the good news.

"Hey, Pinkie! Where are you?" Twilight yelled. Suddenly, Pinkie appeared behind Twilight and gave her quite a fright.

"Hey, Twilight!" Pinkie yelled back behind her. Twilight seemed terrified.

"Pinkie, don't do that! Come here, I have something to tell you." Twilight took Pinkie to the back of the shop.

"What is it, Twilight?" Pinkie asked.

"It's my brother's 5th anniversary and we've been invited to the Crystal Empire to celebrate!" Pinkie didn't seem the least bit surprised. "Why aren't you excited?"

"Well, duh! It has been 5 years since we defeated the Changelings at Canterlot and they were married! Did you really not know this?" Twilight felt a little dumb for not noticing.

"Wait, so does everyone know? Rainbow, Fluttershy, Applejack and Rarity?" Pinkie Pie nodded in approval. "Well, I guess we should head off to the Crystal Empire, then."

"Wait a minute, Twilight. What about Starlight? Isn't she going?" Twilight had almost completely forgotten about Starlight. She really needed to focus today.

"I'll go and get her, you just focus on getting everyone else ready to leave. I'll be back shortly!" Twilight ran off to go and find Starlight.

"WILL DO, TWILIGHT!" Pinkie yelled even though Twilight was long gone.

Twilight found Starlight sat at the train station. Was she waiting for something?

"Starlight? Did you know about this as well!?" Twilight asked as she was walking towards her.

"Oh hey, Twilight. Know what? I was just taking a break, I'm not going anywhere." Twilight seemed relieved.

"Oh, that's good. So, Princess Cadence and my brother have their anniversary tomorrow and I was wondering if you wanted to join us, the others will be there too!" Starlight seemed pleased with the notion of getting to know her brother a little bit better.

"That sounds great, Twilight. When are we leaving?" Starlight asked.

"Right now, or as soon as Pinkie gets everyone over here. You wait here and I'll get everyone, including Spike." Starlight just sat back down as Twilight rushed off to get everyone.

Twilight made her way to Carousel Boutique when she noticed everyone heading down to the train station.

"Hey, wait up!" Twilight called out.

"Oh hey, Twilight!" Everyone said in unison.

"Are you heading to the train station, I need to go and get Spike, he should be with us to go the Crystal Empire."

"Where's Starlight?" asked Rainbow. Twilight pointed at the Train Station.

"She's waiting over there at the station. She seems to be fine, but something seems wrong." Twilight seemed concerned.

"Do you want us to go and wait with her?" Rarity offered.

"No, it's fine. I think she just needs time to rest, that's all. Come and get Spike with me, we'll be gone soon enough." Twilight didn't see any reason to pressure Starlight and thought it would be best to let her have a break.

"Alright then, let's go!" Rainbow dashed off towards the castle as fast as a bullet. The other five ponies just casually walked to the castle, the train wouldn't be arriving for another 30 minutes.

Once Twilight and her friends got into the castle, they noticed that Rainbow Dash and Spike both had very worried looks on them.

"What's wrong, Rainbow?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight, you need to see this. It's pretty crazy." Rainbow said, worryingly.

Spike walked up to Twilight. "Just after you left, I got another message. The only thing is, I don't think this one was from Princess Celestia, the handwriting is different."

Twilight seemed confused. Applejack spoke up. "Wait, isn't Celestia supposed to be the only one who can send messages through Spike?"

"I thought so too!? Spike, can I see the letter, please?" Twilight asked.

"Sure thing, Twilight." Spike seemed a little hesitant on showing Twilight. Why?

The letter read:

Hello, Twilight.

You're probably wondering who could possibly have sent this message since the Princess seems to be the only one who can do so. Don't think like that. I know you think you're safe inside your castle about to go to your brother's anniversary, but you're not safe. You'll never be safe again. I wouldn't even think about getting on that train today, who knows what might happen to your friend, Starlight Glimmer, if you do. Here's a tip, Princess. Being the Princess of Friendship does not give you the right to be happy. You were never supposed to be happy. I am going to make sure that you lose everything you ever loved.

"Wait, it doesn't say who wrote this. Who the hell wrote this, what are they talking about!?" Twilight seemed furious.

"So, what do we do? The letter said that if we leave for the crystal empire, something bad will happen to starlight!" Rainbow seemed just as confused and furious as Twilight.

"Rainbow, go and get Starlight, make sure she's okay. This is bad. They said being the Princess of Friendship doesn't give me the right to be happy, what did they mean by that?" Twilight asked.

Fluttershy seemed terrified. "This is really bad, isn't it?"

"Look, I think the bigger question is, Who in the hay sent that message if it wasn't Celestia!?" Applejack stated.

"That's true, I mean, they clearly have some kind of feud with Twilight? Do you know who it could be, Twilight?" Rarity asked.

"I don't have a clue, girls. They clearly have a problem with me, but I can't think of anyone who would threaten me like this. I just hope Rainbow comes back with Starlight soon." Twilight was concerned now, for her and her friends.

"I'm gonna go and get her, it shouldn't be taking this long." Applejack left to find Rainbow while the others stayed safe inside the castle.

Once Rainbow had left the castle, she immediately dashed off to get Starlight back. However, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed something quite familiar standing in the entrance to the Everfree Forest before it ran into the Forest.

"Mare Do Well?" Rainbow recognised the costume that had fooled her once before. She knew she had to get Starlight, but something felt really weird about that pony. Rainbow ran into the Everfree Forest after the Mare Do Well pony. It might be a long shot, but maybe this was the pony who sent the message to Twilight.

Rainbow hadn't got far before she heard some kind of strange noise. "Hello!? Who is this? Where are you?" Suddenly, even before Rainbow had the chance to react, The Mysterious Mare Do Well attacked her with some kind of blunt instrument that Rainbow was unable to identify before she was knocked unconscious. Rainbow's body was dragged deep into the Everfree Forest, far away from Ponyville.

When Rainbow woke up, she saw that she was tied up, hanging upside down from a tree. "Hey, what in the name of Celestia do you think you're doing!? Why are you doing this!?" She saw the Mare Do Well walking up to her, before pointing to her left. It was Starlight!

"Whoa, Starlight! What happened!?" Rainbow yelled.

"I don't know, Rainbow. One moment I was sitting on the bench at the station and the next, I was here, tied up with this thing. WHO ARE YOU!?" the Mare Do Well did not answer.

"HEY, are you the one who sent that message to Twilight!?" the Mare Do Well nodded slowly at the question.

"What message?" Starlight asked.

"Twilight received a letter from someone threatening her...and you!" Rainbow told her.

"Well, they've done that. Why won't it tell us it's name?" Starlight asked.

"It doesn't want us to know who it is." Rainbow said. the Mare Do Well nodded once again.

"Do you think it's going to kill us?" Starlight asked. She was really scared at this point...the Mare Do Well nodded.

"Wait, WHAT!? No, no, no! You can't!" Rainbow pleaded. the Mare Do Well pointed at Rainbow, then Starlight, then Rainbow again.

"No wait, please! Don't do this! I don't know what you want with Twilight but PLEASE don't kill us!" Starlight also pleaded. Both ponies were shaking, looking for any way to escape, but there was no way to get out of this. the Mare Do Well continued to point at Rainbow, then Starlight, and then Rainbow again, alternating between the two, before it finally stopped at one of the ponies...Rainbow Dash.

"Wait, NO! Please, don't! Think about this! If I wasn't tied up right now, I'd be kicking your butt right now." the Mare Do Well proceeded to take a knife from out of it's cape before slowly walking closer to Rainbow Dash.

"NO, NO, PLEASE! I'M BEGGING YOU!!" To Rainbow's surprise, the Mare Do Well came closer to Rainbow Dash and whispered something in her ear.

"Wait a minute, you're--" Before Rainbow could finish her sentence, the Mare Do Well proceeded to thrust the knife into Rainbow Dash's stomach multiple times, continuing to slice down her body until her entrails and everything inside Rainbow Dash spilled out onto the Everfree Forest. the Mare Do Well finished Rainbow by decapitating her head and holding it up to show Starlight before throwing it away into a pit.

"NO, RAINBOW!! WHAT IN THE NAME OF CELESTIA DID YOU DO!?" Starlight was crying and was distraught over what she had just witnessed. "Why did it have to choose Rainbow?" Starlight said before the Mare Do Well came up to her and struck her over the head, rendering her unconscious before fleeing deeper into the forest.