• Published 10th Sep 2016
  • 900 Views, 10 Comments

Fluttershy's Secret - RainbowDasher21

Fluttershy always found it hard in school. But now, she's in high-school, as well as together with her long-time friend - Rainbow Dash. But, if everyone finds out about their relationship, Fluttershy's bullying could become far, FAR worse.....

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Chapter 1: School Time For Fluttershy

“I think I've been having these feelings towards you for a long time. I never knew what they were... Not until that night when I, when I yelled at you. And when I saw you and your wings, I just couldn’t live with myself knowing I did it to a pony I loved. I think it really clicked, on that very night, that I liked you as more than a friend.”

Fluttershy couldn't believe the words that had came out of Dash's mouth at that moment. Ever since they were fillies, Rainbow Dash - actually felt attracted to her? This whole time? Fluttershy didn't know what to say, but, luckily for her - she didn't need to say any more. Before she realized it, their faces were literally a few centimeters apart. Then, from out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash closed the gap, as she pressed her lips onto the timid mare's soft and gentle lips. A small part of Shy's mind was laughing, as she could hear the future-Wonderbolt moaning lightly, clearly enjoying the kiss.

For Fluttershy, it felt like every negative energy that was in her was gone, replaced with never-ending feelings of love, joy, peace and happiness. To Fluttershy, Rainbow's lips were sweeter, than any candy, cake or ice cream, all at once. Even more refreshing than a cold glass of water on a hot day. Neither of them had noticed how lost they were in this first kiss of theirs, until Dash began to pull away. Shy gave a small grunt, really wanting to try and stay connected, but Dash soon jumped out of her seat, flying and doing as many tricks as possible, while exclaiming that this kiss was her "BEST. KISS. EVER!"


After that first kiss, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash started dating. It had been a whole year since her 'incident' with her wings. Fluttershy truly regretted doing that now... In one sense anyway. On one hoof, it had brought her and Dash closer than ever before, leading to the moment she had always dreamed of being in. On the other hoof though, it had put her through an agonizing amount of pain, pain she wished she'd never have to feel again. But, she had received the help she needed for her mental state. She felt better now, and because her friends would always be there for her - especially Dash, she knew that she wouldn't need to put herself in that situation again.....


It was a bright and sunny day in Ponyville. The sun shined through the open window of a cottage. The cottage was located near the edge of the Everfree Forest. Inside it lived a very shy and timid pony. *BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!* The alarm clock bellowed out in the bedroom. Fluttershy lay in her big, soft and warm bed, snoring very quietly. Her ears twitched slightly as the alarm clock went off. She reached a hoof over to the right side of the bed, but she was too far away. With a small grunt, she rolled over from the left side of the bed over to the right, to reach the bed-side cabinet on the right. Once she got close enough, with her eyes still closed, she reached over to find the 'SNOOZE' button. As her hoof gently tapped the button, the alarm stopped beeping. A small smile formed on her little yellow face. She rolled back into the middle of her bed. Shy let out a big, happy sigh. To her, it was a loud sigh. But to any other pony, it would of been like a mouse squeaking.

Fluttershy slowly tried to open her eyes, but there was so much sleep holding her eyelids down, that they simply refused to open. She blinked in vain a few times, before tiredly wiping at them with her hooves. She stared at the ceiling for a moment, imagining that her special pony was standing over her. Her smile grew at the thought of Rainbow Dash being there with her. 'If only Rainbow Dash were here...' Fluttershy thought happily to herself. She could imagine it now - Rainbow stood on top of her, either nibbling her or tickling her until she died of laughter. Fluttershy giggled to herself at the thought. She knew Dash could be a real teaser at times. But, she could tell in her eyes, that Dash seemed to enjoy it. Even before they started dating, Fluttershy seemed to notice how Rainbow enjoyed 'pulling her tail'. She had also seemed to flirt with her a lot, calling Fluttershy her 'sweet little filly', among other pet-like names. Her favourite nick-name, though, was 'Flutters'. Fluttershy found it cute, and even enjoyed being called it. Of course, Shy had come up with her own nick-name for the future-Wonderbolt - Dashie. Rainbow blushed slightly when being called that, but there was nothing to see to say that she hated the name. Her embarrassment was probably out of finding it adorable, or something like that.

Before she even knew it, Flutters' wings began to flutter up with excitement. However, she soon began to notice and shook her head quickly, but not too quickly as to avoid a headache. She gently and slowly pushed her wings back down, as she tried to clear her head of her long-time crush. 'Come on Flutters, you can think about her later,' she thought to herself, 'you got stuff to do right now.' She looked at the alarm, and noticed that the time was 6.50am. Fluttershy's eyes widened, as her jaw dropped.

"Oh my gosh! I'm running late!" Fluttershy said softly to herself, in a panicked tone. She quickly pulled the covers off of her and sat down on the right side of her bed, while she neatly pulled the covers back up to the pillows. If there was anything you could say about Fluttershy, other than how she was timid and easily embarrassed, it was that she was extremely tidy. A Pegasus who cleaned at all was a rare find, let alone one like Fluttershy.

With a small jump, Fluttershy got off of her bed, and finished arranging her bed in the way she always left it when she wasn't sleeping in it. Luckily for her, Angel had decided to sleep in his house last night. It was a good thing for Shy, since she was pretty sure that she must have active in her sleep last night. Fluttershy stepped into her bathroom, and looked in the mirror. She let out a small gasp, then blushed slightly. Her mane was everywhere, a few strands of it going in all directions. Overall, it was a complete mess. 'O-oh dear, wha-what did I dream last night?' Fluttershy thought to herself, as she grabbed a hair comb from one of the cabinets below the sink. She put one hoof on her hair, and brushed it slowly, as she looked up at the ceiling, thinking to herself. She closed her eyes, trying to remember her dream from last night.

The dream

Then, a smile began to grow across her small, meek face. The memories flooded back in, as she dreamt that her and Dash were running around on some clouds, playing tag. They were smiling and laughing, and just simply enjoying each other's company. It made Fluttershy happy, because it was just like the old days when they played together in flight school. Suddenly. Rainbow lunged into her and they began to roll down a small hill (obviously made from clouds, since they were in Cloudsdale). As they finished rolling down the hill, they just stayed where they lay, looking into each other's eyes.

"You look beautiful, you know that right?" Rainbow Dash exclaimed in a calm voice. Fluttershy looked at her with big eyes, blushing like a rose. She hid behind her large, pink mane as she began to get really embarrassed. Dash noticed this, and just giggled. She put a reassuring hoof on her friend's left-shoulder.

"Come on Shy, you don't need to be shy here," Dash explained to her in a soothing tone, "It's just us here." A quiet laugh came from behind Shy's mane. She slowly brushed it away from her face, as she faced the cyan Pegasus once more.

"You... you r-really think... that, I'm b-b-beautiful?" Fluttershy asked quietly. Dash gave a big nod, clearly meaning yes.

"You're not just beautiful Flutters, you're stunning." The cyan Pegasus was not holding her words back. Fluttershy could begin to see a small red blush starting to form on Dash's usually bright light blue face. Soon, the rainbow-maned Pegasus burst into laughter. Fluttershy just lay where she was, as Dash laid on her back, looking like she was having a laughing fit. Once she began to calm down, she spoke again.

"I'm not really one to be all sappy, am I?" Dash asked. Fluttershy shook her head. "Well, I guess that because it's you, I can make an exception with myself..." Rainbow put a hoof on Fluttershy's face, as she looked her right in the eyes.

Fluttershy tried to speak, but all she could manage was "I...." Dash decided to speak up.

"Let's face it Shy - we were made for each other, and that's how I want it to be." Fluttershy looked like she was about to cry, but Dash used her spare hoof to wipe away any stray tears which may have snuck their way out.

"I... I love you. Dashie." Fluttershy spoke softly. Dash smiled even more.

"I love you too Flutters." With that, Dash pulled Fluttershy in closer, so they could share a passionate kiss together...

Back to reality

There was a small repetitive tapping on one of Fluttershy's hind legs. She suddenly snapped out of her daydream and looked down behind her. There, she saw a very angry Angel Bunny, kicking his owner's back legs. Fluttershy turned her whole body around to face the white rabbit, while Angel stayed where he was - crossing his arms and tapping his foot.

"Oh, hello Angel!" Fluttershy squeaked happily, picking up the unhappy bunny in her hooves and hugging him. The bunny tried to wriggle and squirm out of the yellow pony's hooves, but Fluttershy was one strong hugger. In the end, he gave up. After what felt to him like an hour, Fluttershy finally put Angel back down.

"Sorry I haven't gotten you anything for breakfast yet Angel," Fluttershy explained "But mommy's gotta get ready for her first day of school!" Angel didn't seem impressed still, but he nodded anyway. Fluttershy rubbed his head gently. "I'll get you some food when I come down, alright?" He gave another nod, and hopped down the stairs. She smiled, then looked back at herself in the mirror. Her mane was now much neater than it had been when she first got out of bed. She left the brush on the sink and went back into her bedroom, closing the door. Fluttershy opened a cupboard in her room. She looked for her school uniform.

"Hmmm, not this one." Shy muttered to herself. She closed the first cupboard and walked over to the second one. She opened it, and there stood a brand-new school uniform, all clean and hung up.

"Aha! Found it." Fluttershy squealed quietly to herself, as she picked up the uniform from it's hanger and placed it on her bed. She closed the cupboard door and faced her uniform. Shy looked at it for a moment, hesitating to put it on. 'Oh dear, w-what if I look u-u-ugly in this? And -p-people l-l-laugh at me?' Fluttershy thought to herself, feeling her body shake slightly. Suddenly, she shook her head and snapped out of her daze.

"Come on Fluttershy, you'll be alright," she told herself, trying to make herself feel motivated "You gotta think positively about yourself. Besides, you have your friends to help you out if you need them." Fluttershy nodded to herself, and picked up her uniform. She first grabbed her small white socks. Shy sat down on the left side of her bed, and began to pull on her left sock over her back hoof. Once that sock was on, she put on the other one on. She looked at the alarm clock and noticed it said 7.00am. Fluttershy sighed to herself. She had planned to get up at 6:30 and be ready by 6:45, but she must have overslept the alarm for 20 minutes. That would make sense, since back when Rainbow had stayed with her the night after she got Fluttershy from the hospital (as Dash had to do her usual weather pony duties), the cyan mare barely even heard the alarm it was so quiet.

Fluttershy got up and looked into a draw nearby her cupboards. She opened up the top one, and there lay a folded stack of underwear. The school allowed girls to wear either trousers or skirts, but Shy had decided with a skirt. She picked up a pair - they were light-pink and were laced at the top.

"Well... this, uh... may be a t-tad embarrassing for me....." Fluttershy said softly, "But, I need to... do this." Shy slowly pulled them on, then quickly skipped back to the left side of her bed to pick up her skirt. Her wings came out gradually, as she made herself hover in the air. She carefully stepped into the dress, then pulled it up to her tummy. Fluttershy quickly closed her underwear drawer before she forgot. She calmly turned to the bed and picked up her shirt. She quickly undid the buttons. 'Ok, here goes.' Fluttershy thought as she pulled the sky-blue shirt over her head and incredibly large mane.

Once she pulled down the shirt, she redid the buttons up. Before she forgot it, she went back into the second cupboard and pulled out a turquoise-blue cardigan. Her shirt was short-sleeve, and since Shy was the type that could probably get cold very easily, she figured it would be best to take it with her. She put her front-legs through the sleeves of the cardigan, but left the zip open. She quickly scooted back into the sink, giving her mane another quick brush, before putting the hairbrush back into the cupboard below the sink. Fluttershy stared at herself in the mirror, admiring her cute look.

"Heh... m-maybe I don't, look so bad," Fluttershy admitted to herself, seeing how not only formal, but how excellent she looked in the uniform. She did a little twirl, and her beautiful pink mane gracefully followed.

"Perhaps Mom was right... Maybe... maybe I do have g-good looks..." Fluttershy spoke to herself in the mirror. She smiled in the mirror one more time, before leaving the bathroom and closing the door. She also closed her bedroom door. 'Right, time to go downstairs.' Fluttershy thought to herself, making her way to the stairs. She felt a lump in one of the pockets of her cardigan.

"Hmmm?" Fluttershy mumbled to herself, reaching into the pocket. She felt a strange, soft item touch her hoof. Her hoof quickly jolted out in fear, as she was worried that perhaps a animal or something may have gotten stuck in the pocket and suffocated or something. The thought of this scared Fluttershy. She slowly reached her hoof inside the pocket again, and was surprised to pull out a tie. Fluttershy looked at the tie with a puzzled look. Suddenly, the thought struck her. 'Of course! I have to wear a tie.' Fluttershy thought.

However, a sad look then took the timid mare's face. She stared down at the tie in her hooves, pouting slightly. "Bu-but I can't put them on." Shy said sadly. She put it back in her pocket. Her mum would probably help her with that.

Fluttershy continued trotting down the stairs, as she saw an even-angrier Angel kicking the leg of the living room table, then holding his foot in pain after. Shy gave a disapproving shake of her head, as she sighed to herself. Suddenly, all of her animals came out of their houses, waiting happily to greet their owner as she came down the stairs. As soon as Shy reached the bottom step, they all ran over to her, making their usual animal noises. Fluttershy giggled, as they all hugged her.

"Hehe, it's great to see you all too." Fluttershy told the animals as they continued to cling to her. Angel, however, just watched her. Fluttershy looked at him as he gave some sort of sign language to her to say 'I'm hungry, get me something'. Fluttershy giggled again, before trying to walk away from her owner-loving pets. "Sorry guys, but, Mommy's gotta get your food ready." She explained to them, as they one-by-one let go of her.

They all nodded in agreement by their owner's words, and then went back by their houses - waiting eagerly for their food. "Angel, can you help me please?" The shy pony asked sweetly. The impatient rabbit shook his head no. Shy seemed hurt by that. "Please.... for me?" Fluttershy begged, but the bunny was clearly more thinking about his own stomach rather than everyone else. Fluttershy suddenly had a sneaky plan. A small evil smile grew upon her usual timid face. "Now now Angel, d-don't me make use...." the bunny stared as the yellow pony leaned towards his face.

"...the stare." Fluttershy grinned at him menacingly. The bunny shook in fear at the thought of that. He hated the stare. He nodded probably around a hundred miles an hour, as he suddenly dashed into the kitchen and began going through the cupboards. Shy closed her eyes and smiled, but this time - it was a happy one. 'Yay,' Fluttershy thought to herself. "Thanks Angel." She said, walking into the kitchen to help him get the food. "I'll promise to make you something in return." She reminded him, as he gave her a smile. Seeing this rabbit smile wasn't very common.

The two of them both filled the food dishes with food and put water in the water dishes. The animals happily had their breakfast, while Fluttershy quickly whipped up a quick salad full of carrots for her bunny. "I... I think you deserve this now." Fluttershy exclaimed to him, rubbing his head. He pretended to like it, just so he wouldn't get the stare.

The happy yellow mare smiled with her eyes closed as Angel scoffed down the salad. He seemed slightly-less grumpy now. As Fluttershy turned around to face Angel, she lowered her head down to eye level with him. "Now Angel, you're gonna have to look after the place while, while I'm away at s-school." Fluttershy explained, still nervous about the day. Angel looked at her blankly for a moment, before giving an agreeing nod. Fluttershy burst into a big smile, grabbing Angel and squeezing him in her arms.

"Oh, oh thank you Angel! Thanks so much!" Fluttershy squeaked, while the bunny tried to escape being suffocated by the hug. Fluttershy noticed him squirming, so she began to put less strength into her hug. "Sorry Angel, guess Mommy doesn't know her own strength." Fluttershy apoligised, while Angel rolled his eyes. Once she pla ed him back on the ground, he went back to his house to relax. Fluttershy trotted out of the kitchen and walked to the front door of her cottage, grabbing her school bag from the hook it was hung on. The bag was a pale-ish yellow, similar to her fur. Also, her cutie mark was present on the front, along with a name label which read: Fluttershy's Bag. She put her (messenger styled) school bag around her neck. She undid the Velcro-straps of her new black shoes with her teeth, then stepped her back hooves into them and used a front hoof to strap them back up.

"O-ok. I'm, uh, going now... then." Fluttershy muttered, feeling slightly sad. The animals all came up to her with one last hug, before they went back to their houses again. "Hehe, I'll miss you all too." Fluttershy replied to them, giving them a toothy smile. Grabbing her house keys, she unlocked the door. She put a hoof on the handle, and pulled it open.

Before she made another step, she took one last look at her house and her animal friends. They all waved to her, even Angel, who was actually smiling for once. This made Fluttershy feel happy inside. "Ok, I'll s-see you all, uh... when-whenever I can." Shy told the pets. Angel made a sign to say 'Go on, just go already', although it wasn't in a nasty way. She beamed a final smile at them all, before slowly walking out of her cottage. "Bye everyone!" She exclaimed estatically, feeling her wings fluttering slightly. Shy didn't know whether it was out of just being happy, or if a certain blue pony had somehow find her way into her thoughts again. The animals waved goodbye to their owner, as she stepped out of the building, and closed the door. Locking the cottage back up, so that no one could break in - Fluttershy began to skip towards Ponyville.


It wasn't a too far walk through Ponyville to get to her destination. Fluttershy had just kept walking at a pace which was comfortable for her, but also quick enough so that she wouldn't be late for school. The train was leaving at 8.10am. The journey would be around 20-25 minutes long, which would be fine. School began at 8.45am, so she would have 10 minutes to spare.

A few ponies she knew would say hi to her as she walked past, and she'd kindly give them a warm welcome back. Not a lot of ponies were impolite, but Fluttershy was about the most politest pony you would ever meet. Fluttershy walked with a skip still in her step, as she hummed a tune quietly to herself. The song she was humming was Can't Stop The Feeling by Justin Ponylake. Fluttershy had had the song stuck in her head the last few days, so it was no stranger to her wonderful angel-like vocal chords.

"Hmmm...hmmm...dance...keep dancing..." Fluttershy mumbled to herself, with her eyes closed and a big toothy smile on her face. Her walk was slowly turning into a dance as she continued to make the journey to her mom's house. As she danced like there was no tomorrow, Shy had already made her way into the town centre of Ponyville. A few ponies took a quick glance at the happy yellow mare, but most ponies just ignored her, as they were focused on what they were doing.

Fluttershy continued singing the pre-chorus quietly to herself, as she made it clear to every pony that she was in a good mood. Now, she was up to the chorus, where she got to her favourite part.

"I can't stop the feeling!" Fluttershy squeaked, as her eyes opened for a split second. After she finished the chorus, she continued just humming the tune again. Until she felt her nose bounce off of something. "Oof." Fluttershy groaned softly as she rubbed her nose. She blinked a few times, before opening her eyes properly to see what she had walked into. She opened her eyes, and looked straight in front of her. She noticed a large beige thing stood in front of her.

"Huh?" Fluttershy meekly muttered, as she stared up above. She had just walked into the back of somepony's house. She quickly looked behind her, to notice how far she had walked from her house. Suddenly remembering what she was doing before she had walked into the house, she laughed to herself, blushing slightly.

"Oh dear, w-what was I thinking?" Fluttershy said, giving her nose another rub. She looked to the right of her, and slowly nodded as she turned to walk in that direction. Fluttershy noticed that some ponies were walking near her. She quickly hid her face behind her mane, to block the blushing in her face from being seen. Luckily for Shy though, none of them stared at her. Once they were behind her, she flipped her mane back away from her face. She walked slowly as her blush slowly began to fade. To avoid walking into something else, Fluttershy decided to try and stop thinking about the song. Unfortunately though, as soon as she managed to get the song to drift away from her mind, another thing instantly flew into her thoughts. A certain rainbow-mane, cyan coloured mare.

Fluttershy felt herself getting all giddy as thoughts of her and Dash together tried to make her wings flutter open. Poor Flutters bit her lip hard, as she tried to her best to keep her wings down. She stopped where she was, and hid her face from view again. Shaking the flashy Pegasus from her thoughts proved harder than the song.

"O-ohhhhhh, D-daaash...." Fluttershy cooed to herself, as she tried her best to think of something else. Her blush came back, even redder than before. Her dream from earlier was coming back again, but it seemed to be doing anything but go away. Fluttershy started to walk again, picking her pace up a bit, to try and get away from all the people around as soon as possible. She moved her mane a little, to allow her to just about see where she was going.

Her heartbeat grew quicker as she found herself beginning to hyperventilate. Shy was getting worried that everypony may be watching her, so she hid behind a rose bush to try and calm herself down. "C-come on Shy, you... you need to c-c... calm down." Fluttershy told herself, as she tried desperately to shake her fast-flying thoughts away. She started by taking deep breaths.

After around 1 minute, Fluttershy began to calm down. Her heartbeat slowed down, and the tingling feelings in her wings stopped. Her blush was still present, but Dash was slowly flying away from her head. "Ok, think... of something e-else." Fluttershy said quietly. Within that moment, the cyan mare was gone from her thoughts, and were instead replaced by thoughts about riding on a merry-go-round with Pinkie Pie, the pink party pony. Shy giggled, as she imagined Pinkie laughing in glee at the speed. However, riding a fast ride only made an image of Rainbow Dash pop into her head. Shy leisurely shook her head as the image faded.

"Come on Fluttershy, st-stay stroooong." Fluttershy stuttered, as she slowly rose from her sat-down position by the rose bush near her. Fluttershy put her bag back around her neck (as she had took it off and put it on the floor while she was sat down). Fluttershy began walking again, as her blush finally disappeared. She flipped her mane away from her face again, so that she could see clearly.


Within a few minutes of walking and greeting people who passed by and said 'hello', Fluttershy got to the front door of a house she recognised. It was the house her parents lived in. "Yes." Fluttershy whispered, as a burst of happiness overcame her. She had finally arrived at her destination. Fluttershy stared at the house for a few moments more, until she began to make a few, uneasy steps towards the door. Once she was stood right in front of the door, she stared at it.

"Ok, here we go..." Fluttershy told herself, as she knocked a couple of times on the door. She waited for a response. For a few seconds, nothing happened. Then, all of a sudden, the door gently creaked open. Fluttershy's eyes widened, as she saw a hoof holding the door. She moved her head slightly, to try and see who it was.

"H-he-hello?" The pony behind the door asked gingerly.

Author's Note:

Hello everyone! This is my very first MLP FIM fanfic! I decided to have the first four paragraphs of the chapter going back on events of Chapter 13 in The Queen Baby's "Ponies In Love" story since the events of this story loosely follow on from said chapter of said story.

Originally, I had an idea of having Fluttershy interacting with her parents and then her & Dash getting to School all in the same chapter, but I didn't wanna make my very first chapter too lengthy. Instead, these events will be in the second chapter of my story - The First Day (which was originally gonna be the title of this chapter).

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter, and that you will stick around for more in the near-future!