• Published 24th Aug 2016
  • 2,925 Views, 139 Comments

Yu-Gi-Oh! EQG - Bahamut0

Duel monsters in the EQG universe, with my own yugioh OC.

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The Legendary Dragon

He was dreaming. In his dream he saw the creature that seemed ever-present each time he drifted into sleep. It was one of the most legendary creatures in duel monsters, a monster long thought to have only three existing copies. The blue eyes white dragon. Ever since Pegasus decided to put the card back in production, everyone had the chance to wield the power of the legendary dragon. He was just lucky when the pack he opened contained three of them. As he finished reminiscing about his favorite card, the boy was snapped back into his dream. However, this dream was different from the ones that came before. Normally the skies were clear, but now a storm was raging and lightning and thunder split the sky! As the lightning flashed, he could make out two figures. One was his blue eyes white dragon! And the other looked like a dragon, but it had five heads sprouting from it's body! The five-headed beast then let loose a fearsome roar and was about to attack! Then, the boy heard a mysterious voice go off in his head.

"Burst....Burst! Burst!", the voice cried out! Burst looked to see where the voice was coming from, and saw that it was coming from blue eyes himself!

Burst Stream woke up with a start! Catching his breath from his vivid dream, he got up and changed into his day clothes. "No sense trying to sleep any longer, might as well get ready.", he muttered. After he was dressed, he paused and went over to his deck and pulled out his copies of blue eyes white dragon. "Strangest dream I've had about you guys yet.", he thought out loud. Putting that thought aside, Burst Stream put his deck in his pocket, 'I owe Rainbow Dash a rematch today. No better time to test out some of my new cards!', he thought to himself as he went downstairs to eat breakfast.

"Good morning Burst!", his mom greeted him once he was at the table.

"Mornin' Mom!", Burst said as he began eating.

"I put your duel disk near your pack because of that rematch you have with your friend you told me about yesterday"

"Thanks Mom!", Burst said as he finished eating, "Hey Mom?"


"Why did you name me after the attack of my favorite monster?"

"Well, I suppose it's because you look like a human version of the blue eyes white dragon. Snowy white hair, that blue tint your skin has to it, and your eyes seem to glow just like the burst stream attack.", she said with a fond smile.

Burst Stream just blushed in response as he hugged her goodbye and left for school. He put his duel disk in his backpack, and headed for the bus stop. Once he was on board, his friend Flash Sentry took note of his duel disk peeking out of his pack.

"Hey Burst! I'm guessing you've got a duel today?", Flash greeted him.

"Yep. Rainbow wants another go at me. What about you? You bring your deck?", Burst asked.

Flash sighed, "Afraid not. Left it at home."

"Sorry to hear that man. Maybe next time?"

"Thanks. And good luck against Rainbow! Word has it she's got a new crystal beast deck, and she's eager to bust out her Rainbow Dragon.", Flash warned him.

"Don't worry about me, I've got a few new surprises up my sleeve", Burst said with a smile as he anticipated the duel that was to come.

Author's Note:

It's time to duel! Burst Stream is my yugioh OC that I made up while building my own blue eyes white dragon deck. Next chapter, get ready for the first duel of the story!