• Published 24th Jun 2012
  • 1,238 Views, 29 Comments

Love and wubs - PhantomDred

A story about a pegasus in Ponyville who finds love but gives another despair.

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Chapter Seven What's a TARDIS? Part I

This chapter is dedicated to one of the best Television shows ever, Doctor Who. It will be weird, you have been warned.

Chapter Seven: What’s a TARDIS? (Part I)

Vinyl prodded you to get up “Train….leave…nine minutes…eighteen seconds” she yawned. “Vinyl, are you okay? What’s with the grammatical errors in your speech” you said getting up and stretching before grabbing your bag and rushing out the door with Vinyl “Yes, I’m fine love just tired.” She said as the both of you crashed into a box that appeared in front of you. “See now Doctor, you don’t even know where we are…” A feminine voice said as a door opened on the box “River I do too know where we are, just not when…” He stared at you “OH, hello there would you happen to know what year it is?”
"Oh who cares about the year I’m more concerned with why you brought us here, although it’s a step up from that place with the talking squirrels, that one with the glasses kept asking me for medication and had some kind of stigmata with his eye." he stared at River. "Yes... quite... anyway... it appears we’ve landed in the wrong place sadly, we are nowhere near Ponyville."
You looked at them curiously and then remembered that’s where you were headed, these people are obviously strange and make no sense but it seemed a far better idea to go with these strangers than the horrifying possibility of having to ride a train back to Ponyville."Um, were headed that way too, do you think you could take us to Ponyville with you?" you asked sincerely hoping and praying that they would take you "Oh of course they’ll take us" vinyl said very matter- of-factly. "Were headed the same way and it’s not that much of an inconvenience for them and I’m sure they will have plenty of sympathy for your fear of trains." she said this walking into the blue box, you followed behind slowly before figuring you’d follow her anywhere especially away from a train.
"Wow... Talk about bigger on the inside" you stated regarding all the amazing gadgets inside, many of them looked incredibly familiar yet out of place all the same doing things you couldn’t really begin to understand. "Oh hush silly, it’s clearly the outside is cloaked to resemble something that wouldn’t seem out of place otherwise people would freak out, though it must be broken because though it doesn’t seem as odd as an alien space ship it is certainly not something of this era" The Doctor just stares in awe for a moment at her understanding then in slight resentment mumbling something about enjoying the bigger on the inside bit.
"Yes well anyway let’s get going we’ve got places to be love" River said to The Doctor, they both start working the strange devices in the center of the room lost in their own world as they made countless adjustments and the blue box seemed to make a strange whooshing noise, when it stopped they slowed down and eventually stopped with it."What exactly just happened and what is this thing I’ve never seen a machine like this." you said. "This device is a type 40 TARDIS, that stands for Time And Relative Dimension In Space, we just flew from Canterlot to Ponyville, any more questions darling?" said River very politely. "no, I think that about covers it..."
"Aww, poor dear seems confused I’m sorry about that" she said as she pushed the 'TARDIS' doors open "and remember love, this is how you open it, honestly, don’t you ever read the sign on the front that says pull to open, they open outwards not in." the doctor stared for a moment before replying "They’re my doors and ill open them however I please woman." The moment you got out of the TARDIS you threw up, feeling immensely sick, River and The Doctor laughed and even Vinyl chuckled though she did so while checking to see if you were alright, always ever concerned about your safety, she took you to the place you now shared and made sure you got a shower which admittedly helped you feel a lot better when you got out she had made you something to eat, it was very good, she was cleaning up after you had both eaten brunch and you heard a knock at the door, wondering who it was you decided to get it since Vinyl was otherwise occupied, you’d have been helping if you weren’t still a little dizzy and worried about dropping or breaking things.
The face was strange and silvery, it was a metallic earth pony with a strange teardrop like thing below its right eye, instead of an introduction from its mechanical voice all you heard was "You will allow yourself to become assimilated toCyberponies or be deleted" deciding that neither option sounded particularly enticing you promptly invent a third option and take it, slamming the door shut in its face.
You quickly race to Vinyl and explain that the two of you have to go. She seems confused but when she sees your serious you both rush off flying as far and as fast as possible from the house noticing more and more of these ponies on the ground, the two of you quickly spot the blue box and knock hard on the doors quickly, it apparently was now in Las Pegasus, River quickly opened the door rushing the two you in "We need to leave now, Doctor" she said. "I NEED TIME" he yelled "Time..Something a time lord has too much of.."

The TARDIS quickly begins whooshing off again as the engines apparently begin taking you somewhere else again triggering another sick feeling in your stomach. This time thankfully Vinyl has found you a bucket to throw up in, though you don’t know what happens to it after you’ve thrown up as you slightly space out during the whole puking episode. River and The Doctor are arguing about something but you can’t quite understand it and as the engines finally stop river opens the doors outwards. Seeming to smile brightly making a point of emphasizing the gesture much to the dismay of The Doctor who begins mumbling again, you’re greeted by Haru and Wille surprisingly enough.

"Doctor, we have a situation." says Wille standing right in front of the door. "If you can talk in English why in the world were you only talking in Swedish before Wille" you ask astounded. Vinyl thankfully seems to catch on, "Well obviously the alien space-time craft has a translation matrix that translates different languages into things each person near it can understand otherwise it would be very difficult to communicate with people." "Oh..." you say not understanding a word of it, she seems to understand your intense confusion at her words without the help of the translator matrix.
"There are Cyberponies invading all over Equestria we simply cannot handle the influx of them, their main forces seem to be focusing on Ponyville and when they capture that we suspect they will head for Canterlot next, we don’t know what to do thank Celestia you're here."You just stare and decide to not say anything. "They have also renamed Equestria Mordor for some odd reason. We must head there immediately." he finishes. "FOOLS! One doesn’t simply walk into Mordor." Pinke Pie states in a very cheery matter-of-fact way."
"PINKIE WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" you stare wide-eyed having broken your silence momentarily as if that was the strangest thing you’ve seen so far. "Oh that’s obvious, silly, I work here, what did you think I did, work for the Cakes? You’re such a silly sometimes sketch" she says as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. "Yep, I’m a proud employee of Torchwhoof kicking alien butt working with The Doctor and..." Haru quickly covers her mouth "Hush Pinkie, that’s classified."“Okay” she said as brightly and cheerfully as had become the norm for her, she was truly a strange pony if ever there were one, you thank Celestia that there was only one Pinkie, for if there were ever more you fear that they would be an even greater threat than the Cyberponies facing the beautiful land of Equestria right now.
You are given a small ‘tour’ if you can call it that around Torchwhoof and find that its quite pleasant and were there not such a danger to all of Equestria you'd be completely shocked and in total awe at just how amazing this place seemed to be, you began to wonder as they discussed the details you could already discern about the Cyberponies just who built this and why nobody had heard of it as it seems certain Vinyl had never been here and you can’t imagine a place this cool that she hadn't ever been to.
When you arrived to what seemed like a control room where a bunch of ponies had some kind of strange headset in their ears you saw a view screen of a map of Equestria and you imagined that the areas shaded in red had to be the places taken over by the cyber ponies. Truly a fearsome opponent they were not to be trifled with. Haru began to explain no doubt this was because it would be too complicated to translate Wille speaking in Swedish even if it wasa beautiful language. “The Cyber Ponies seek to assimilate everypony they possibly can and delete anypony they cannot assimilate, they are a clear threat to us and if they finish taking over Ponyville, Canterlot is next and we will not be able to withstand such fearsome opponents. We must stop them before they remove all beauty from Equestria, or our beloved home will surely fall, I have carefully studied them and their numbers are far too great for us to take on, we would need an army, unfortunately we have nowhere near their numbers, we would be quickly be overwhelmed by them. Doctor you surely must have an idea here.”
“Nope, I'm at a loss as well, they have far too many numbers to simply take out with an army you would need creatures with intense magical power, in large numbers, but we don’t have such a large number of available ponies that we could confront them.” Truly this type of war was not The Doctor’s forte, which was rather unfortunate, the whole fate of Equestria riding on him and all of that, but then he replied. “But look at this, all of us here, ponies all gathered here devoted to protecting this beautiful land of Equestria, surely between all the minds here we can find a solution, they don’t seem to have taken over the indigenous species in Equestria only the ponies surely there has to be someone we can call on and cooperate with, there’s just so much potential here for us not to succeed, we have creativity and difference and were alive I mean how amazing as that? Between all of us we have to be able to come to a conclusion I mean look at us all, if we can’t do it then surely nopony can right?”
Was this The Doctor? A pony capable of inspiring the masses to hope even in such a terrible situation where everyone was on the brink of death, how was he so calm in this situation? Doesn’t he realize the impending doom? Surely he must… No wait… He definitely realized the doom, he's…excited? Is this a game to him, just who is this pony, so full of contradictions and quirks, and just what has he been through that would prepare him for things such as this, dozens of questions about this man circled around in your mind causing you to black out. Your last thoughts involved wondering why he seemed so familiar, it was as if you had a lot in common with him, maybe he’s just as lonely as you were before you finally found Vinyl, sadly this wasn’t a good time to think or even to hold onto that thought, being blacked out destroyed your ability to continue such a train of thought and realize anything happening around you.


YOU WILL BE ASSIMILATED! Seriously, I love Doctor Who and Chad wrote this chapter since I was away for the past few days and I must say, it’s well done. But, I thank him and the next part chapter will be coming up very soon.