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Deeper we go

Listen to this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tWhUPlFnAe8

Wind Rider lay on the ground, pain coursing through his body. It was like an antagonizingly long needle covered in flaming poison was jabbed into his wings. Ow.

Now, most of the time, Wind Rider didn't feel this much pain. He had suffered worse cuts and sprains. The monster's teeth must have injected some sort of toxin into the wound. But, they had to keep moving if they were to save Rainbow Dash. Yet, Wind Rider couldn't move very fast with the pain in his wings. He needed some sort of medicine.

Fire Bolt looked at Wind Rider's cut open wing. The wound was deep, and she thought she could see the bone. She didn't know a spell that could heal the wound fast enough for them to continue soon. Looking around the room, Fire Bolt saw a small chest facing a dark corner. She grabbed the lit lantern and trotted over to it. Using a simple spell, she used her magic to open the chest. Inside was a note and a bottle labeled LAUDANUM.


It has come to my attention that a great leap forward in the technologies of medicine must be made! I have gathered information on herbs, blood, and everything else that could ever be possible to heal a pony. Let it be known that I, Ellis Jackson, will not rest until this potion is made. So far, I have a working title of “Laudanum”, but that will most likely be subject to change when the project is finally done, I will continue to document my findings, and eventually come up with the greatest invention of the 1800's. I will go down in history.

Fire Bolt set the note down, and grabbed the bottle of Laudanum. 'So it's supposed to heal someone who's injured?', she thought. 'Convenient'. Carrying the bottle over to Wind Rider, Fire Bolt quickly read the back. It said that for the potion to be activated, it must be ingested.

“Here, drink this,” she said to Wind Rider, levitating the bottle out in front of him.

“What is it?,” Wind Rider asked, confused.

“Laudanum, it's some potion that should heal your wounds”, Fire Bolt explained. Wind Rider looked back at the bottle, then back at her, and shrugged.

“What have I got to lose?”, he said before chugging down the bottle.

Wind Rider immediately started to feel the pain leave his body, and his wing afflictions began to mend themselves. The potion had worked.

“Wow”, said Wind Rider.

“Did it work?”, asked Fire Bolt.

“No, it made it worse”, replied Wind Rider, his voice filled with sarcasm.

Fire Bolt just rolled her eyes. Wind Rider stood up, and turned around, facing the doorway. The monster was still, silent. Almost as if it had vanished. Wind Rider grabbed a book, and threw it into the water. The monster immediately splashed over to the book, and remained there. Grabbing the lantern in his mouth, Wind Rider walked over to the edge of the doorway, and set down the lantern. He splashed the water right in front of him, and the water lurker swam right up to him and growled.

Wind Rider turned around and grabbed a chair. Carrying it over to the place where the monster was, he began smashing down on it. Blood splattered the walls. A small whimper was heard, and every thing went quiet.

Deciding to leave the chair fragment's where they were, Wind Rider turned to face Fire Bolt.

“Check around this room, there might be other things we can use before we continue”, he told her. Fire Bolt nodded, and walked over to the eastern corner of the room. Wind Rider checked the west corner. A small stack of shelves was pushed against the wall. On it was a small golden statue of a pony, kneeling down with a sword in it's hoof. “Stephano?” Wind Rider whispered. Yes, it was Stephano, the small statue his Wind Rider's father had given to him as he lay on his death bed. He picked it up, wrapping his hoof around it. “Allos Wind Rider', Wind Rider said in a mock prussian accent.

Fire Bolt turned around when she heard Wind Rider mutter something. She turned around to ee him talking to a gold statue.

“Wind Rider, What are you doing”, she asked.

Wind Rider quickly turned around and stuffed Stephano in one of his vests pouches.

“Nothing”, he said quickly, his eyes darting around the room.

“Well, I found some oil for the lantern, so we should keep going.”

Wind Rider nodded in agreement, and they both walked to the doorway, through the water and into another large room. A sign on the side read “Main hall”. “I got a bad feeling about this”, Wind Rider said to Fire Bolt, before both of them, carrying the lantern as their only souce of light in the dark room, ventured down the hallyway.

Author's note. Hey people. I finally got another chapter cranked out. I'm sorry that they're so short, but I don't have much free time to write around my house. But, I do my best. Comment's and criticism greatly valued. Thanks.