• Published 2nd Aug 2016
  • 307 Views, 2 Comments

Fi in FiM - Lunara

The immortal gaurdian Fi takes a involuntary visit to Equestria.

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Chapter 1


Fi watched as Link, her master, slowly slid the Master Sword into its stone. The sword beckoned to her, and she merged with it, and went into a deep sleep with the sword.

Fi was awoken by a sense of someone entering the chamber. It was the first time she had awoken in... She checked her data. A few years? Or a hundred of them? She couldn't tell. But in any case, why would someone enter the chamber now? Whoever it was but their hands on the swords pommel, and began pulling. If she had possessed an actual form, she would have snorted or rolled her eyes. Only one of the Goddess’s chosen could wield the Master Sword. She waited for the pulling to cease, for the person to give up, but it did not. Ever so slowly, the sword began to pull free of its resting place. She couldn’t believe it. Why would the Goddess have chosen another hero? Fi didn’t know, but decided it would be best to greet her new master. She began to cast the spell to let her come out of the sword. Right as she completed the spell, whoever it was who was holding the Master Sword cast a spell as well, and Fi found herself.. ripped from the sword, and all she knew was pain, and darkness.

Chapter 1

Fi opened her eyes to a white light glaring down. She groaned, rubbing her head. She paused. Since when could she rub her head? She was in a white room, surrounded by odd metal rods, tubes, and devices that she did not recognize. She looked around more, only to see the door at the far side of the room open.

The creature that walked in was… Odd, to say the least. Its eyes were huge, big and sparkly, it stood on four legs, its head was too big to serve any practical purpose, and it bared resemblance to a young horse, except for the horn in the middle of its forehead. Fi blinked a few times, unsure of what she was seeing. Compiling data. She thought, watching the creature warily.Analyzing… Female adult. Close to twenty years. Not a horse, though the bone structures are similar.Fi snapped out of her ‘analyzing’ as the creature spoke. “You’re awake!”

Fi added the data from the creature’s speech to her growing pile. “Yes.” She replied, shakily. Her voice still sounded the same, which she was glad of. Her voice was one of her greatest assets. She was not speaking the creature’s language, but as with all beings, it could understand her anyway, without even realizing it.

Fi sat up, then realized something was wrong. She was not floating. She looked down at her arms. Or, more correctly, what used to be her arms. In their place was now long hooves, as well as her legs. She began to hyperventilate, which was odd. She had never shown emotion in her life, nor tiredness, both of which she had done. Analyzing.. I am the same creature she is, with minor differences... The creature walked forward and tapped Fi on the head, or something..

“Stop using magic! It’s bad for you to strain yourself, especially with your injuries.” She scolded, looking and sounding very motherly.

“Right..” Fi muttered, then opened her eyes wide in shock at what the thing had just said. I do not sustain injuries. Analyzing.. Broken leg, along with a twisted ankle, and several minor cuts and bruises... She found her head being tapped again. “I said no!” she said, looking less motherly now, and more like a guard yelling at a prisoner. Fi did not like that analogy.

“Where am I?” Fi asked her.

“Ponyville hospital.”

Ponyville. It is logical to accept that she, along with me, are ‘ponies’.

“Are you a magic addict or are you just trying to annoy me?” growled the female pony.

“I am neither. I am using magic to help me, and it does not aggravate my injuries.”

The pony nodded. “Alright then.” She picked up a syringe from a nearby table and approached Fi. “This might sting a little, but-“

Fi screamed. Loudly. The pony dropped the needle in shock. She is approaching me with a odd looking dagger. What have I done? Analyzing... Nothing. This creature has attacked me for no reason, and therefore must be psycho. Escape is a very good idea.

Fi opened her, well, muzzle, and began to sing a soft, sad melody from the dawn of Hyrule. The pony froze in her tracks, slowly leaning back until she was on her haunches. Fi stood up, shakily, and began to walk on her four legs towards the door, until she noticed something familiar laying in the table. Her old leggings and cloak, except her leggings had been turned into four cute little socks. Shrugging, she pulled the five items on with quite a bit of difficulty, due to her having to use her teeth while singing. Fi moved to the door, and tried to walk through it as she had used to.
Rubbing her now bruised head, she glared at the door, unsure how to open it. Tentatively, she reached out with a tiny ounce of magic and moved the handle with it. Her eyes widened. Accessing the world of Arcana had never been so easy. She crept out the door, still singing. Anyone she crossed paths with immediately sat down with a far away look in their eyes.

She wandered around the white building, stopping everyone near her in their tracks. She walked into another white room, much larger than the others, filled with many benches and chairs, and a couple of desks. She reached the door to the outside with little problem. She walked outside and stopped singing, running into a nearby grove before they could find her.

Her voice had been enchanted by the Goddess to possess its own type of magic. Her voice was similar to a siren’s song, except hers was good by nature. It, paired with another magical instrument, could open a gate to the Spirit Realm. The other two capabilities were an enchanting spell which would freeze everybody near her, as well as protect them from harm, keeping it from being a weapon. The other was not one she had used often. It was not so much a spell as it was a prayer, a soothing melody used to help carry the souls of the dead to the afterlife by appealing to the Goddess.

She sighed. She missed being able to have a normal voice sometimes, to be able to sing without everybody freezing. But she knew her purpose was for good, and that helped.
Beginning full analysis... In her mind, Fi could see herself clearly. She was a tall blue pony with wings and a horn, also known as an alicorn. Her hair was the exact same color as she was, sky blue, in its original upside-down tulip shape. Underneath her violet cloak, on both of her flanks, there was an image of the Master Sword. The cloak split at the back, revealing a tail that was also sky blue, and seemed to move without the presence of wind. Her wings, though blue, were tipped with a purple color like on her cloak.

I should find a way back to my sword. Fi thought, sitting down. Scanning for ways home. . . Nothing... She moved closer to the town, and used a small bit of magic from her horn to enhance her hearing.

She spent a few hours listening to the ponies in the town until she had enough data to work with.Analyzing… Alicorns seem to be nonexistent in this town, save me and one other. Their god or religion of choice seem to revolve around Luna and Celestia, which probably represent the moon and the sun. This is a small town, and there is a large town up on that mountain. There are pegasi, unicorns, earth ponies, and alicorns. Only the unicorns have access to magic. I seem to be more powerful in magic than most unicorns here, and from watching the pegasi, it would seem that I can fly. Commencing flight in 3, 2, 1...

Fi slowly flapped her wings, clumsily at first, but remembered seeing the Loftwings do it back home, and used that data to recalibrate her movements. She lifted into the air gracefully and began flying towards the giant gem tree castle, where the resident alicorn was rumored to live.

Author's Note:

My first story! I really have no idea what I'm doing, so I'd love feedback on this. Thanks for reading!
Also, I know the powers of Fi's voice did not do that in the game, but they never said it couldn't, so... Ha! And no, I don't have plans for Link himself to appear in this story.