• Published 23rd Jun 2012
  • 1,444 Views, 33 Comments

The Epic of Twilight - AlicornPriest

You know what we need more of? Ponies in epic verse! Enjoy a ponyfic in the style of the Odyssey!

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The Torment of Night-Part 1

Create, O Muse, the story I must tell,
of heroines and ponies of that world
which they, three tribes, did name Equestria.
O Epic Verse, the Muse of Poetry,
fill me complete with all that must be told.
And thus, though I have neither ink nor quill,
shall I, with modern typing, write this tale
of friendship, magic, and the journey long
of Twilight Sparkle and her merry band
of friends. So shall I write, and may the ones
who wrote this story once before find joy
in this, my undertaking. Grant me strength,
and let the world be told of it. Let all
who hear it take to heart its message true.

One thousand years ago, when all was still
and Discord roamed the face of this fair world,
two alicorns, with horns of holy light
and wings of softest cloud, did seize control
of that fair country, taking back the throne
from that mad god, and so they freed the ones
who suffered greatly under his regime.
The elder of the two, Celestia,
was Princess over Light and Sun and Day.
While Luna, her dear sister, kept the Night
and watched over the ponies as they slept.
However, as the many years had passed,
kind Luna felt the blow of Saturn rain
upon her toil. She saw the ponies live
and dance amid the rays of that fair sun
which did her sister rule, yet when arose
her silv’ry moon, not one remained to see
her constant work, her star-bedazzled sky.
And so did she grow jealous of the one
who held all of the love her subjects gave.
Her envy grew, until, as it is told,
she took on that dread Power, which none Name,
for it is drawn from Tartarus’ pit.
She took it and became the Night Mare Moon,
the monster queen of darkness and unrest.
She fought against her sister. For one day,
the moon eclipsed the sun, and all was lost.
Celestia could not, with conscience giv’n,
defeat the one that Luna had become.
She used the mystic weapons of our time,
the Elements which we call Harmony.
She took up Kindness, Magic, Loyalty.
She wielded Laughter, Generosity,
and Honesty, and with these precious Six,
she banished Night Mare Moon to her domain,
that beauteous orb, and there she ever rests
and waits to be released, to once again
bring hate upon the sister who, to her,
betrayed her, broke her trust, and stole the hearts
of them, Equestria’s fair citizens.
Celestia, though grieving and bereft,
took on the powers Luna had supplied
and kept both Sun and Moon within their spheres.

So read the student of Celestia,
sage Twilight Sparkle, master of the art
of magic, keeper of the library
of Canterlot. She wondered at the way
that Luna had so fallen from her grace
and turned into that monster of the past.
So too she marveled at those mystic tools,
the Elements of Harmony, and she
desired to find the meaning of their ways.
With that, she raced to her dominion, where
she hoped the answers would be close at hoof.
As Twilight galloped, met she Twinkleshine,
a fellow student of her magic school,
who wished to add sage Twilight to her fold,
invite her to Moondancer’s birthday bash,
and give release to her unending toil.
Yet Twilight, ever faithful, could not stay,
for she considered this most high of need.
With added haste she left sweet Twinkleshine
and hurried on to greater tasks at hand.
The library of Canterlot, the house
of all known information, was her aim.
She called for her assistant, who, as may
be mentioned in the legends, was a beast,
a dragon, though a child yet. And thus
was named he Spike, the ever-constant one.
He aided her, wise Twilight, in her work.
And now, as she commanded, he began
to search for any tomes which might give her
some insight to the creature, Night Mare Moon.
The first, as she expected, was that book
which housed the many prophecies of her,
the clever Clover, wizard to the King
and friend to Princess Platinum. So was found
but little in that tome on those six Jewels.
However, as she turned to Night Mare Moon,
she found more pressing news that stilled her heart
and led her soon to fear the safety of
the many ponies of Equestria.
The entry stated in no terms unsure
that Night Mare Moon would find her true release
upon the thousandth year, when all the stars
would aid in her escape. And then would she,
with powers fully gained, take back the night
and bring about a night eternal. This
did Twilight fear, for by her perfect count
was this the very year. So she prepared
a missive of her dread, and spoke it out
to Spike, the ever-vigilant, who put
his quill to scroll and wrote it down for her.
And with the magic of his fiery breath,
he cast the letter to the dancing winds,
where it would go at once to she, the one
who ruled Equestria with grace
and honor, kind Princess Celestia.
Sage Twilight had no qualms that she,
the Princess, could not dare to take this news
without the need to be prepared for this
invasion. Yet, a note returned. And Spike
did read it, and it said, “My student dear,
though I do trust you with any affair,
know this: you must refrain from being so aloof!
Set down your books for but a day, and join
the citizens of Ponyville. They are
preparing for my visit, for I shall
be celebrating with them this, the day
known as the Summer Solstice. What say you
to aiding in their work? You shall be known
as supervisor to them. I also must
bestow upon you yet another task.
Make you some friends! This is most paramount.”

Sage Twilight was alarmed. Could she not know
that this concerned the fate of all the world?
And what could be the meaning of that part,
the final task, which she proclaimed most high?
In those days, Twilight had no need for friends.
She had not one companion of her own,
save her own brother, dearest to her heart,
and Spike the dragon, always at her side.
She made her way to Ponyville, where she
went with anticipation to her place
of residence in Ponyville, the tree
there hollowed out into a library.
However, as she went, she came upon
the maiden Pinkie Pie, the jubilant,
who suddenly, though Twilight sought to join
in conversation, vanished in a blur.
This would be but the first of those who she
would meet as friends. So Twilight made
her way to the first place upon her list
which made enumeration of her tasks
to do e’er she could study for the threat
which loomed upon her mind. This place was called
Sweet Apple Acres, home of the second friend
of Twilight’s, Applejack, most strong and brave,
who welcomed her at once to her abode.
It chanced to be upon that day when all
of Applejack’s relations came to be
at home, Sweet Apple Acres. So it was
that Twilight faithful met all of the kin
of Applejack, who asked her but to stay.
She wished to leave, but Apple Bloom, the child
most young of Apple blood, did weep at once
to see her go. So Twilight did remain
among the Apples, so that she could taste
the wondrous food which they would soon supply
upon the celebration. And it was good,
so good that it near made her sick to eat
it all. Yet further tasks remained, so she
continued on her way. And as she left,
brave Applejack considered Twilight kin.

The next requirement upon her list
was weather; for, as all the ponies know,
the pegasi of that fair land must work
to shape the clouds and bend them to their will.
And Rainbow Dash, the swiftest one of all,
was made in charge of keeping careful eye
on all the clouds of Ponyville. But there
fair Twilight laughed, for there were many clouds
yet hanging in the sky that she did see.
She could not find this worker, Rainbow Dash,
who seemed, to her, most lenient in her job.
At once appeared swift Rainbow Dash, who then,
with watchless eye, did soon collide with our
protagonist. And Twilight thus was thrown
into the mud. Dash laughed at this mistake
and set at once to clean the mud from her.
This worked, though it did ruin Twilight’s mane,
its stripes and patterns thrown to disarray.
This did good Twilight more or less ignore,
for she had far more weighty tasks to see.
She asked swift Rainbow Dash, “Wherefore these clouds
still sit within our sky? Are you unsure
of this, your task? The sky must be unblocked
with ugly clouds which mar the rising sun.”
And Rainbow Dash, the queen of flying, said
without a fear, “I need not do it yet.
I must away to practice even more.
The Wonderbolts are coming here, and I
must show my talent to them if I wish
to join them someday.” Then did Twilight grin,
for she was sly, and knew just how to bring
true motivation to this Rainbow’s mind.
“How could they choose a pegasus like you,
who toils not, nor keeps the sky with vim
and vigor?” This so angered Rainbow Dash,
she flew at once, and in the fastest space
of half-score seconds, cleared the sky at once.
So Twilight was impressed. And Rainbow saw
that Twilight, sage of sages, was a fine
and worthy friend. And off she flew once more,
to further practice tricks. And Twilight left.

The pony next gave Twilight some relief,
for she was of the tribe of unicorns,
like she herself. This unicorn had name
of Rarity, the pure and beautiful.
On seeing her, Spike fell at once into
that state which lovely Venus calls to mind.
He preened his scales and praised her pulchritude.
As she, this avatar of beauty, worked along,
most studious Twilight measured all she did.
This Rarity performed a simple goal,
though perfect for herself. The tapestries
and decorations of the hallowed hall
were placed by her, and surely it was right.
For Rarity, the marvellous and poised,
was absolute in measuring details.
As Twilight neared, she said, “I see that you
are far more focused here than Rainbow Dash
outside. Why, you have nigh completed this,
the decorations of this spacious hall!”
And Rarity replied in dulcet tones,
“I thank thee, Twilight Sparkle, for your praise.
But what is this? It seems you have a need.
What happened to your mane? At any rate,
come quick with me, and I will mend it straight.”
And so they went to Carousel Boutique,
the home and workplace of sweet Rarity.
In seconds she had done her artist’s work
and soon restored the humble Twilight’s mane.
Amid the store were clothes, which Rarity,
without a hesitation, insisted that
sage Twilight try on each and every one.
The best she chose, and made to size it right,
it being that famed saddle in the Vault
named this, “The Bearer’s First True Gift.” And so,
as Twilight wore it, she told to Rarity
her purpose and her former place of home.
At this, the lovely Rarity was shocked,
for she had great desire to live there
among the greatest people of that time
in Canterlot, the City of the Gods.
So this she saw, and knew that Twilight kept
the same high standards. Thus did she decide
to be a friend to Twilight. And though she went
to change the First True Gift, the studious mare
did leave at once to seek the final task.

And so she went to find dear Fluttershy,
the sweet and loving keeper of the land,
who watched o’er all the animals at home.
She trained the birds to sing, the wolves to hunt.
She fed them, tended them, and kept them safe.
And Twilight came to find her, as she worked
with chorus full of birds to sing the song,
the anthem of the nation, which would call
the noble Princess out to greet the dawn.
But Twilight, ever confident and strong,
mistook the pegasus for one more brave
and spoke with strident tone and energy.
So cowered Fluttershy, afraid to speak,
til she perchanced to see the dragon Spike
and quelled her fear. She talked with him
and learned about the dragon’s history.
Poor Twilight, much annoyed, arrived at home.
She asked of Fluttershy if they could but
recuperate a bit alone inside.
And Fluttershy, now truly unafraid,
considered Twilight Sparkle her new friend.

Thus Twilight met the friends who would, in time,
bring harmony to all Equestria.
She thought that now, within her new abode,
she’d have the peace to study Night Mare Moon.
Alas, ‘twas not to be. Droll Pinkie Pie
had organized a party in the tree
that now surprised her. She was forced once more
to meet more ponies. How could she study now
with such a noisy party in her midst?
So Pinkie Pie, the joyful, said to her,

I saw you enter, feeling blue.

I knew that meant you must be new!

‘Cause I know everyone ‘round here,

so that was why I screamed in fear!

If you are new, then this, I bet,

you haven’t any friends quite yet.

So that made me so very sad,

but then a new thought made me glad!

I’ll throw a party, huge and loud,

invite the town, there’ll be a crowd!

You’ll meet them all, and in the end,

you’ll make lots and lots of friends!
But Twilight, feeling angry and annoyed,
took leave of the festivities, and moped.
She could not study with such pounding noise.
The time was gone. What progress had she made?
She’d met a host of ponies, but they all
to her seemed mad, all searching for new friends.
But Night Mare Moon was still a mystery.
So far, no answer seemed to be prepared.
Anon, she looked out to the starry sky
and saw four stars that went a patterned trail.
The stars were spinning, curling towards the moon.
They followed ever nearer. Twilight knew
that this, the sign, must be the Night Mare’s sign.
What little time had been was fading fast.
The sun was set to rise, and all was lost.

Dear Twilight, ever thoughtful, went at once
to that large hall which Rarity had set.
The ponies gathered, eager and naïve
of all the danger that would soon arrive.
The Mayor of the town began her speech,
to state the introductions for the one
who raised the sun and kept the ponies safe,
Celestia, the Princess of them all.
Yet Twilight saw, amid the cheering crowd,
the stars align, the Mare’s dark symbol fade,
and knew at once that all had come to pass.
The anthem played, the curtain pulled, but not
a sign of her, the Princess, could be found.
The crowd began to fear. What had become
of her, Celestia, that she would not
be present? Soon, the answer showed its face.
A cloud of smoke, as purple and as dark
as blackest night, expanded on the stage.
It coalesced. The Night Mare had arrived!
She spoke, her tone as bitter as her heart,
her voice as black as night, “Welcome to all.
It has been far too long since I have seen
your faces. Don’t you know who I am now?
I am your queen, the Mistress of the Night!
Your precious sun is gone. This world is mine.
Or do you not think I am fit to rule?
Who knows my name? Who keeps my soul alive?”
And Twilight spoke, “I do. I know your name.
Your name is Night Mare Moon.” At this, she fell
to silence. “So,” said she, “it seems not all
have left me to the past. Do you know, too,
why I am here?” But Twilight would not say,
such fear she felt. So Night Mare Moon began,
“Remember this, the day you thought would be
a day of joy. I make it one of fear.
Enjoy what little happiness you have,
for there shall be no more under my rule.
There shall not be a light, nor sun, nor day.
This day to celebrate the sun is dead.
From now until the end of all of time,
the night is mine! It shall be evermore!”

And thus completes the first of these recounts.
Fare well, for, if the Muses treat me right,
I shall return to tell the end anew.
Fear not, for all shall be repaired in Chapter Two.
The Elements shall take their rightful place,
the Bearers shall express them, one by one,
the Night Mare Moon be vanquished, and the night
be brought forth into glorious day once more.