• Published 30th Jul 2016
  • 630 Views, 3 Comments

Paybak - RayDawn

A new band comes to CHS. Only they're a metal band. The members of the band? Gilda, an offensive jock, Garble, an aggressive metalhead, Starlight, a self absorbed feminist, Lightning Dust, an intense jock, and some albino guy who sleeps a lot.

  • ...


Pinkie Pie and Sunset had finished the tour and the group was in front of the Gymnasium. "Soooo? Did you get all of that?" Pinkie exclaimed.

The group conversed between themselves in whispers. Gilda said. "It went too quickly, I didn't get most of it."

Garble whispered. "Maybe if you paid attention you would've gotten it. I got it."

"Hey! I didn't get it either." Lightning Dust said.

"Gee, I wonder why?" Starlight said as she gave her a look.

"I got it just fine." Strings interrupted before Starlight and Lightning Dust got into one of their fights.

Starlight, Strings, and Garble shared a look and in unison said. "Dumb jocks."

"Watch you ton-" Gilda was cut off by Pinkie.

"So, did ya?" Pinkie smile threatened to reach her ears.

The group nodded, except Gilda who shook her head. Gilda looked at Lightning Dust. "I thought you said you didn't get it." Gilda nudged Lightning Dust while she spoke.

"Not going through that again." Lightning Dust retaliated with her own nudge and reply.

Pinkie grabbed Gilda's arm and dragged her away. Gilda whisper-shouted to Lightning Dust. "You traitor!" Then she was taken away around the corner.

"Can we take it a bit slower this time Pinkie?" Sunset asked.

"Sure! Hey Gilda?" Pinkie said as they went to the main entrance.

"What?" Gilda said a little too aggressively. Pinkie recoiled slightly, but not for long. "Sorry. Yeah?" Gilda then got more loose.

"Are we friends, yet?" Pinkie asked.

"No, why would be?" Gilda crossed her arms and looked away.

"Well, I just gave you a tour and friends do each other favors." Pinkie's hair deflated slightly.

"Yeah well friends also need a connection and trust." Gilda walked with them to the Chemistry Lab. Inside they saw Lightning Dust looking confused and the Teacher waking up Strings.

"Why was it so easy to befriend him?" Pinkie pointed at Strings.

"Maybe 'cause he's a hippy?" Gilda suggested.

"Wait he's a hippy?"

"Yeah, his parents introduced it to him." Gilda and them stepped away from the lab and down the hall.

Pinkie looked at Gilda. "What about your parents?"

Gilda stopped walking and she sunk into her body. "I don't wanna talk about it." Gilda crossed her arms.

"Why not? This is a safe space."

"Yeah, Pinkie and I would never judge you for that." Sunset interjected.

Gilda sighed. "Fine. I walked into this one, so I might as well walk through it. My parents are greedy business owners in Griffonstone. They never were home, so I got stuck with babysitters. I grew up barely seeing them and I never got the knack, as my mom would say, for business and all that math mumbo jumbo. Instead I got good at sports and at 16 my parents kicked me out for not following their footsteps. They never approved of me. I used my last amount of money and went to Trottingham. That's where I met Starlight and Strings after about three months of being homeless. They were a duet guitarist group, but they let me room with them on the condition that I learned Bass guitar with Strings. Been with them ever since."

"Wow." Pinkie stopped for a second. "At least you found some people who accepted you."

"Yeah. I've been homeless before and it's not a good experience." Sunset said as the group continued to walk.

"You know, I can relate to that. My parents didn't accept the party planning future I wanted and kicked me out. I decided to room with Maud, my sister, while she gets her Rock-torate." Pinkie said.

"Doesn't that make you mad?" Gilda almost growled.

"No. My friends help me to stay happy." Pinkie said. Gilda thought for a second. "Are we friends now?" Pinkie asked, breaking her train of thought.

"Why woul -" Gilda was then interrupted by Pinkie.

"We have a connection and you trusted me enough to tell me about your parents and I trusted you enough to tell you about mine." Pinkie explained.

"Me telling you about my parents was more of a-" Pinkie interrupted Gilda again.

"Please?!" Pinkie begged.

Gilda sighed. "You're not gonna stop until I say yes aren't you?"


In resignation Gilda said. "Fine, I'll be your friend." Gilda acted like it was a pain, but inside she was smiling.

Pinkie internally squealed. Two down, three more! Pinkie thought. "Now, I need to go to Home Ec with Rarity. Bye." Pinkie skipped away.

Gilda looked at Sunset. "Can you repeat the tour, bacon hair?"

Sunset face palmed. "My name is Sunset and sure."

"Thanks." Gilda paused. "Bacon hair. " Gilda chuckled to herself. "Hey, I never heard how you got to Canterlot."

Sunset then replied. "Well, that's a long story. You sure we have enough time?"

"Yeah." Gilda then deadpanned. "It'll take me forever to memorize the layout of this place."

Author's Note:

No one voted, so I defaulted to Gilda. If no one votes I'm just gonna go on to the character I want. Anyways, all criticism is welcomed if put in a constructive manner.