• Published 23rd Jun 2012
  • 1,355 Views, 18 Comments

The Adventures Of Vinyl Scratch And Octavia Auditor - NeonVibeBrony

What Happens When Two Totally Different People Are Mixed Into The Same Fate?

  • ...

A Friend In Need

Vinyl opened the door as fast as she could, upon hearing the crash, and trotted to the next door over. Half way there, three darkly colored horses in black leather jackets came out of the room. The one at the head, a dark green pony with a light grey mane, was carrying something as he and his friends trotted down the hall. It looked to be an instrument. 'I think it’s a harp!' Vinyl thought to herself. She got to the door and knocked on it.

"Hello? Anyone in there?" Vinyl yelled.

"Go away, you monsters!" Yelled a mare’s voice. The pony’s voice sounded calm, but also at the same time frightened and sad.

"Um, I live in the room across from your’s. When I heard a loud noise, I rushed in to make sure everything was ok." said Vinyl. Suddenly, the doorknob began to twist, and the door slowly creaked open to show a mint green unicorn with mint and white hair. Vinyl walked in, to see a table smashed in the middle of the floor. "Oh no! What happened here? Are you alright?" Said Vinyl.

"Oh, those thugs came in here and trashed the table . . . and they took something very important to me…" Said the mint-colored unicorn, whose name Vinyl Scratch still did not know. "What could of possibly meant so much to you? I saw them carrying something on there way out though. Was that it?" questioned Vinyl.

"It was . . . a lyre, a lyre that my father gave to me before he passed. That was back when I was just a little filly. He knew that unicorns were usually the type to play musical instruments. So when he asked me if I wanted to play music, it was only a slight surprise to him when I asked to play the lyre. He always had faith in me against all odds. I really need to get it back!" the mint green unicorn said. Vinyl was amazed by the story. She took on a very serious face.

"That's just . . . horrible! I'm going to make sure you get your lyre back, at all costs!" She said this while pumping her hoof in the air. "By the way, what is your name?" asked Vinyl.

"Lyra." said the pony. "Lyra Heartstrings".


Vinyl returned to her room, to find Octavia standing on her back hooves, facing the closest while placing her violin and cello in their respective corners, upright and neat.

"Ah, there you are Vinyl. Where did you run off to?" asked Octavia in her usual voice, calm and pleasant.

"I heard a large crash from the room across the hall, and people yelling. So of course I went to check it out. You gotta hear this!" replied vinyl scratch, eager to tell her story. "When I was on my way to the room, three ponies ran out in leather jackets, one was carrying an instrument!" Vinyl said.

"How is wearing leather jackets and carrying an instrument in a music school a bad thing?" responded Octavia, a little confused by her statement.

"Because it wasn't their’s! They took it from Lyra Heartstrings, the pony next door." Vinyl exclaimed. Octavia looked at her with caution.

"I . . . I can’t believe it? Why would someone steal a lyre?" Octavia asked.

"I don't know yet but I intend to find out and I’m going to look for them as soon as I get a chance!" Vinyl said, stomping her hoof on the ground once.

"You what!? You couldn't possibly be looking for trouble on the first day?" Octavia said in an astonished voice.

"I have to. The lyre . . . It was her fathers. It’s the only connection to her father before he passed. Her lyre the only thing that gives her faith as a musician. Because he had faith in her, Octavia." said Vinyl, in a calm voice, one she did not use often.

"My cello . . . mother . . ." Octavia whispered to herself.

"What was that, Octavia?" said Vinyl, her ears perking up.

"Oh . . . nothing, Vinyl. Except . . ." Octavia stopped. "I'm coming with you. I know how it feels to have such a . . . sentimental . . . piece. To have it taken from you, is to have a part of you taken. We must get it back. For Lyra." Octavia said, a serious look on her face.


They both trotted back to Lyra's room. Vinyl knocked on the door with her right hoof.

"May we come in, Lyra?"

"Oh, sure!" responded the mint coloured unicorn from behind the door. Vinyl trotted in, followed by Octavia.

"Who is your friend, Vinyl?" asked Lyra.

"Oh, this is-” Vinyl was cut off.

“Octavia. Octavia Auditor.” Vinyl’s roommate replied.

"That is a beautiful name, miss Octavia. What do you do here at this school?" asked Lyra, turning to Octavia.

"I am a cello player. I also play the violin quite often." Replied Octavia. Lyra's face lit up on hearing this.

"You’re an earth pony that plays instruments?!" Lyra said in excitement.

"Oh, yes! I plan to join the-"

"Join the Canterlot Symphony Orchestra!" They would both said at the same time while smiling at each other, a new-found friendship forming.

"Sorry to break the moment, girls. But we have another problem we are here about." Said Vinyl, leaning on the wall, her arms crossed.

"Oh, right. Sorry." Octavia and Lyra said simultaneously. They smiled at each other once more, then turn to the DJ.

"What’s the plan, Vinyl?" Octavia asked.

"First. Lyra, who were those ponies?" Vinyl asked the unicorn next-door.

"Oh . . ." She turned away "They were a gang of ponies called the Race-Horses. The leader, the one who took my lyre, his name is Greengun. He’s a Earth pony, by the way. His two friends’ names are Ravenfeet and Crowcut."

"Do you know where they might be?" Asked Octavia.

"They usually hang out at the edge of the Everfree forest, and mess around with the stuff they steal from ponies" Lyra replied.

"Then we will go there after school tomorrow." Vinyl said, stomping her hoof on the ground with determination.


Vinyl and Octavia walked out of the room, toward their own. Vinyl sat down on her bed, and started to mess with her sound board. Octavia walked over to her bag, and took out a toothbrush and toothpaste.

"I'm going to go freshen up before we sleep, alright?" Octavia said as she walked out the door.

"Sure, I’ll come along with you." Said Vinyl. She walked over to her pack on the bed, and took out her own blue and white striped toothbrush. The two roomies walked down the hall towards the restroom, opened the door, and walked over to the sink. Octavia began to brush her teeth, layering the bristles of the brush in thick paste.

"Oh darn! I forgot my toothpaste . . ." Vinyl said with a frown.

"Oh no. If you would like, you could always use mine." Octavia nudged the tube of paste and the cap towards Vinyl.

"Thanks a bunch." Vinyl said, grabbing the paste, and starting to lay it on her own toothbrush.

"It really is my pleasure, Vinyl." Octavia said with a smile. As they finished, they began to walk to there room. They said nothing as they trotted down the hallway, both pondering that day’s events. They entered their room and got into bed, Vinyl turned to Octavia.

"Ya know Octavia, you’re not the snooty up-tight mare I thought you were. You’re actually pretty cool!" Vinyl said with a smile.

"Same with you, Vinyl. You are definitely not the annoying, oblivious unicorn I thought you where going to be . . . you are thought-full as well as one brilliant friend." Octavia said, returning the smile to Vinyl. They lay there heads down, turned off the lights and both unicorn and Earth pony slowly drifted off to sleep.