• Published 23rd Jun 2012
  • 835 Views, 7 Comments

Over the counter happiness - kagynski87

A sad pony who's life is flipped by a filly Teen due to language

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Chp.3 Lunch Break Adventures

Apple Jack's cheeks turned as read as the apples she sold and I could barely contain my laughter. I never thought I would stoop so low to laugh at perverted jokes.

"Why would you ever think that?" I asked Apple Bloom, still trying to hold down my smile.

"Well don't doctors have to do that to check to see if your healthy n' stuff" she said still not understanding what she said before hand. Apple Jack's cheeks looked hot enough to boil water on them and she pulled her hat over her face.

"Apple Bloom I think all this work has gone to your head. Why don't you head down home back on the farm, I'm sure Granny Smith will need your help with something" AJ said loosing some tint in her cheeks.


"No buts Missy, run along now" Apple Bloom groaned and she threw her apron on the ground and walked off. I turned to look at AJ but she looked away.

"Your sister didn't embarrass you that bad did she?" I asked her she turned to me and said

"What? No of course not. Hehe, you know how kids are" She said, her cheeks returning to the rosy color they were before.

"AJ relax, Everything is on a professional level" I tried to reassure her but I probably made it worse.

"Don't you have some diseases to cure or something?" She asked, probably just to get rid of me.

"Nope, It's my lunch break. Now can I have the apple that I payed for, I'm kind of hungry" My stomach let out a roar and she handed me the apple. She turned away to go and haggle another customer. So instead of causing more harm I just simply walked away and ate my apple which got stuck in my teeth(Don't you just hate that?) so I was picking at the skin in my teeth the entire way back to the hospital. I didn't want my patients to think that I didn't take care of my dental hygiene.

I was back in the hospital for all about two minutes when a couple of EMT's arrived with an orange colored filly who's coat was stained with some blood. I ran up to see what was going on.

"What happened" I asked one of the EMT's there.

"She was on her scooter when she crashed and received an open fracture on her wing. (Doctor speak for the bone went through the skin).

"Get her into my room, I'll patch her up" The EMT's brought her in and sat her down on the table. "You guys can leave us, after all you two are still on call (Ready at moments notice. They don't have to stay unless a serious emergency is at hand). Her wing was still bleeding, but not as bad due to the clotting that has already taken place.

"Alright sweetie, I have to put the bone back into your skin. This is going to hurt" I told her and she simply nodded and she looked away from what I was about to do. I grabbed on to the bone and I shoved it back into place. She screamed and fainted.