• Published 23rd Jun 2012
  • 771 Views, 4 Comments

Angelic Weeping - S. K. RyDer

Ponies dissapear, FoxTrot and The Doctor must help.

  • ...


The Prince trotted though his vineyard, ears twitching. His stride was brisk, yet deliberate. And enough to knock his eyepod loose.

“Tahnzen Niex.” He cursed, sliding it back into place. His vision distorted, then cleared.

When FoxTrot came to his destination, he knocked.




“I’m here!” Whooves flung his door open, eyes dim and couldy. “What do you want, your highness?”

“May I come in?” FoxTrot looked around, “I think what I need to tell you can’t be heard by outside ears.”

Without waiting for a reply, FoxTrot trotted past the stallion, slipping him the letter as he went past. I got this letter
from Caddy. You know, the Princess of Love?”

Whooves sighed, “And what’s it got to do with me?”

“Read it and weep.” Skorpeon pulled the cloak off, throwing it on the back of Whooves’ couch.

After a moment, Whooves handed it back. “What’s it to do with me?” he repeated.

Skorpeon sighed, “You know what the opposing force could be, right?”

“I have no idea.” Whooves answered shakily.

“And yet, there one is. A perfect scenario that happened to you, actually.” He turned, locking eyes with Whooves, “And
you know PRECISELY what is out there.”

Whooves sighed, “I seriously have no idea what you are talking about.”

“And there’s one behind you.” Skorpeon smiled when the stallion jumped, casting a fearful, and unwavering, glance
behind him.

“Don’t deny it.” Skorpeon called, “I know who you are and what you are.”

Whooves glared at him, “I am just a simple pony. A simple, beige-with-brown-hair, unemployed, single, and loyal

“But you weren’t always, now were you?” Skorpeon cocked his head, “How long ago did you come here?”

“I’ve lived here my whole live.”

“Then why does it sound like you’re from the north?”

“A lot of planet have a north.”

Skorpeon cackled when Whooves automatically answered. The beige stallion’s cheeks flushed. “How do you know,
assuming the fact that your little theory based on fiction is actually real?”

Skorpeon grinned, “When I came in, saying you had two shadows. I was creating the second with my Control over the
shadows. Then, when I ‘helped’ you with that bright light, I took a diagnostics of your vital signs. And guess what?” Skorpeon
placed a paw on Whooves’ chest. “Two hearts. You also told me what ‘they’ were. Later, when I came in talking about city
plans and I slammed my hooves in your doorway? That black liquid. That was a kind of…” Skorpeon struggled for the word,
“Sonar.. if you will, trying to find alien technology. And guess what? I sensed an object that was bigger on the inside.

“Then, when I first came in, when I asked you what you could hear, I had Yvonne march around. Your face drained of
all blood when you heard her walk.

“You’re The Doctor, aren’t you?”

Whooves held a hoof up, “What about when you crashed through my skylight?”

Skorpeon made an apologetic face, “That was an accident. Wasn’t trying to do anything. Just crashed. Now answer my

Whooves sighed. “Fine. I am The Doctor.”

Skorpeon smiled, “And how did you end up here in Equestria?”

“It’s a long story.” The Doctor shook his head.

“I’ve got a while.” Skorpeon faked a look at his watch, “I’ve got all the time in the world.”

The Doctor sighed again, “Fine…”

“I don’t want to go.” He said, the memories of his friends still burning in his head. A tear fell from his eye. “I don’t want to

Suddenly, he racked his own body with pure light and energy. He felt as if the flesh was being stripped from his bones,
then duct-taped back on with a dull knife.

He gave an uncontrollable gasp before his face vanished in the Huon Energy that continued into the TARDIS’ control

He saw flames erupt out of the corner of his eye before they vanished too. A faint acrid smell of smoke hit his nose.

Then he vanished.

The Doctor stirred. His head hurt.

He blinked. “Eyes still work.” He said after a moment. He stood, “Well. That was a bit more painful than ever. Still,” he stretched, feeling a bit different than his stretches before. “New body, new rules, and new attributes.” He sighed, “But I guess
that can wait.” The Doctor opened the door to the TARDIS. He had entirely forgotten the damage his Regeneration caused.

“This doesn’t look like London.” He shook his head, the Ood-song still ringing in his ears. “Dosen’t even look like
England. More like--”

“Hold taght there, little sister!” A peculiar accent struck the Time Lord’s ears. “And watch where yer leadin’ the cattle!
Keep ‘em away from the gates!”

“Cattle.” The Doctor racked his brain, “Ah HAH! Cattle! Spoken by southern-american humans! Earth! Hello! And by the
lack of buildings and such, I guess I’m somewhere in the early seventeenth century!”

He took off at a breaking run, not noticing the different gait he took to.

The Doctor stopped dead. There, in a clearing were three horsed. No riders. But they were corralling the cattle nonetheless.

He smiled, “Now isn’t that something! Humans teaching their horses to corral the cattle for them! Brilliant!”

“Watch it Brother! There’s one loose!” The Doctor looked around for the source, but there was no one there. Just the
horses. But yet a big red one led a straying cow back into formation.

“Hang on.” He moved forward, noticing a hat perched on one of the horses head. And if he wasn’t mistaken, there
looked to be a bow tied in another’s hair.

“Now that’s..” He coughed, “A bit strange.” He trotted into the clearing, warranting the attention of the three horses who
finally got the cows in a circle. He took no notice until he heard a voice.

“Can ah help ya?” He looked toward the direction, but there was just the orange pony with the hat on its head.

“And where are you?” The Doctor muttered under his breath. “Why aren’t you showing yourself.”

“Ah said, can ah help ya?”

If The Doctor had been looking away, he would have broken his neck turning it back to the voice.

But he wasn’t. He was looking at the horse. As such, he saw the horses lips move. He felt the blood rush form his face,
and he fell backwards, spread eagle on his back.

“Is he all right?” The Doctor slipped back into consciousness.. “We was just finishing the corrallin’ when he comes from
the bushes. Ah ask him if ah could help him, and he just up and falls over.”

“Well, he’s fine.” A male’s voice reached him, “Banged his head a bit on a rock, but he’ll be fine.”

“Is that where all the blood came from?”

“His head? Yes.”

The Doctor cracked his eyes open. There, with his back turned to him, stood a Fox. Not like Foxes from this planet, but
like those that resided upon New Earth in New Savannah, alongside the Catkind.

“Will he be alright?”

“Why don’t you ask him yourself? He’s awake now.” The fox turned back around, displaying his mis-matched eyes.

“Ugh. Where am I?”

“Sweet Apple Acres.” the orange horse from before trotted up, setting her hooves on the podium he was on.

The Doctor started, but before he could say something, he found his tongue bound.

“Home to Ponyville’s finest Cider-makers and Apple Preserves. And we even sell some special--”

“That’s nice.” The shock wore off at the horse’s vocal abilities, “But I mean other things. Country, planet. Year

“And you know the rest.” The Doctor finished, “When you first break to me that I’m a pony, and tell me that my Screwdriver
must have gone missing.”

“Yeah.” Skorpeon held back a laugh as he remembered the look on the stallion’s face when those words fell from his mouth.

“This is Apple Jack, and I’m Skorpeon. And you’re a pony.”

“Still, why do you need my help?” The Doctor stood, “I can’t combat anything alien or superstitious without the
technology unique to the TARDIS, which disappeared from the place I had left it. And my Screwdriver with it. I don’t have any
of my technology.”

Skorpeon looked at him, “If your TARDIS vanished, then what’s that in your basement?”

“My trench coat.” He said, “All the pockets on it are like that.”


“So, I can’t help you. And, actually.” The Doctor trotted towards the door, “Since you’ve been nothing but a nuisance to
me the past few weeks to me, I have no choice but to—HEY!”

The Doctor yelped as he felt himself being ripped from the floor and forced into the air. He looked at a black substance
binding him spread-eagle.

“What are the Royal Guards going to do?” Skorpeon asked, keeping the malice in his voice out, “I am the Prince of
Shadows. They’ll not arrest me.”

“Still, you’ve been breaking into my house.” The Doctor struggled against his bonds, “Even though I’m not from here, I
still think it rude to barge in unannounced.”

Skorpeon sighed, “Look, Whooves,” he leaned in with his element, pressing the stallion against the wall, “Ponies are
vanishing. Not even the Princesses can find where they're off to. And now, there are reports and letters written from the
past. Ponies saying goodbye to their loved ones before they're even born! Ponies who died the day they vanished! And
you’re the only one who can help me find out who is responsible for these murders!”

The Doctor gave a look of concern. “And if I don’t?”

Skorpeon rolled his eyes, “You’re The Doctor. You can’t stand to see the innocent in any sort of peril.”

The Doctor yelped as his hold vanished. “Fine. I think I know what could be taking them.”

Skorpeon leaned forward. “What?”

“Weeping Angels.”