• Published 22nd Jun 2012
  • 4,177 Views, 461 Comments

The Diary of Diddy Discord - DreamWings

Self explanitory really. It's a young Discord's Diary. 'Daddy asked him to write it.'

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A Royal Truth in Entry Thirty-Six

Diary, everything's gone wrong. I can't find my tablets anywhere and Silas swears he hasn't seen them. In fact it seems his have gone missing as well. This could mean big trouble for everypony-- big, BIG trouble. It's got even to the point I have to stress how big it is by using capital letters so it seems like I'm shouting on paper. That's seriously BIG trouble.

Silas hasn't been acting the same I swear. He's sweating a lot and has a nervous twitch. It must be the effect of losing his medicine that's doing it. We're so dependant on the stuff that when it's gone we don't know what to do with ourselves. I just don't know what to do. I would ask Mum and Uncle La Loo but they're busy with King Alicorn at the minute-- their royal guests are the only things that are important, never mind us lesser few. Because me and Silas don't mean anything compared to Princesses and their coltfriends.

No, that's an unfair thing for me to say. Lilac hasn't done anything to me; neither has Miamore. The only thing wrong with those two is that they can't seem to see the fun side of life at all. I haven't seen the fun side of life for a while-- I was trapped. We were trapped. Tia's still trapped... with him.

I wouldn't have noticed but Silas pointed it out. The looks-- the smiles-- the laughs-- oh yes, he knew what it was alright. Only I'm the silly one who wanted to see the good in everybody including him. But now I've seen that he's not changed at all from when we were younger. What was it that Silas had told me? A unicorn can't change its horn. Just like an pegasus cannot change its wings, and an earth pony cannot stop its-- earth? Whatever, you know what I mean Diary.

I saw him anyway, eventually. Out walking whilst Tia was away and busy with the visit. Silas had already seen him try to make a move on Rosen-- who was his crush, not Nocturn's. He sure has a habit of stealing everypony else's crush-- not that he's stolen mine or anything. No, he's just stolen my best friend's from me. One of them will never come back now... and the other, the boring yet lovely... beautiful... caring... always ready to go along with my jokes one is lost forever to him. But I will find a way to get her... I mean, them... back. He's not going to win this time-- tablets or no tablets.

Me and Silas did some scouting today to find out what he'd been up to. 16 MAREFRIEND'S. He has 16 MAREFRIEND'S. And he hadn't even told one of them about the others. He hasn't even told any of them what a donkey he really is... and how he's SUPPOSED to be dating a Princess right now-- a perfect, intelligent Princess who can't see him for what he really is and see that she really lo--likes me, not him (as a friend of course). It makes me so mad to think that I tried to give him a second chance after all he'd done to me in our foalhood. I tried to be the grown-up colt but he wouldn't let me with his prissy, 'I'm so much better than anypony else' manners'.

See, that's the great thing about the Land of Chaos. I wouldn't let things like this happen to anypony. Blankety wouldn't either. It might be better if that land was real and this one was just gone. Only my friends could live there with us. Loony would be the baby Princess just like from when we used to play our games and everypony would be happy. The most important thing would be that everypony would be happy-- because HE wouldn't be there to cause any damage.

And you know what, there wouldn't be any King Alicorn's either. It'd just be Blankety, the best ruler ever, above the rest of us. And I'd protect that legacy and him forever.

I don't want to live like this forever.

Sometimes I go down and look at the statue of Blankety in the garden-- and, you know what I think? I think of all the reasons I'd be happier like he is now. There's no troubles when you're stone. You're just there to be looked at and admired or despised. There's no in between and the best news is that you wouldn't be able to feel anything. You'd wake up rejuvenated and ready to put your plans into action. That's how to live-- to live forever encased in a blanket of stone.

But then I think of all the reasons Blankety didn't deserve to be there. How, even though his life would be shorter in the real world than in stone, he would have still had a REAL life, with REAL choices, and REAL friends and family. You can't get anything real there. And if you want to celebrate what you're doing right now you have to live life as if to remember that you're not trapped in stone. Candy floss and chocolate milkshakes can still be consumed and pleasured right to the end.

Even Tia used to agree when we were younger that being trapped as a statue would be the worst punishment ever-- nopony deserved that horror to fall upon them no matter what they'd done. Putting them into a statue would be as evil as locking somepony on the loneliness of the moon. It would just be unfair. That's why me and Loony made a pact to stop anypony EVER trying to do horrible things like that to anypony, no matter how tempting it may be sometimes.

Shame Tia wasn't listening when we made the pact. She'd sort of faded off and then ran off to find her oh-so-precious special somepony. That Traitor's not worth her time I'm telling you.

And what action am I taking you ask Diary? I'm doing what I can-- telling somepony. I know it's not my usual method but Silas and Rosen can back me up this time. Nocturn can't win.

But Diddy can.

Discord always wins in the end.

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