• Published 12th Jul 2016
  • 288 Views, 0 Comments

Elements of Unity: Inspiration - GlitteringAristacrat

Glittering Aristocrat wears many hats - ambassador, writer, and historian just to name a few. So when challenged to writer her life story, she ends up writing not just her own life story, but the stories of everypony she has ever known.

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All of Equestria knows of the royal sisters; of their rise and Luna’s fall. Equestria has thrived under Celestia’s benevolent rule for over a thousand years. History, however, has hidden the existence of their brothers.

Oh, you could find out about them, about their deeds and exploits. Ask any pegasus and they will immediately laud glory on Commander Firefly, the founder of the wonderbolts. Question the right librarian and you would learn that the Canterlot library was founded by the unicorn known as Card Catalogue. Somewhere in the Canterlot parks, there is a statue dedicated to Mountain Mover, the earth pony who founded the city before Luna was banished and Celestia chose to move the capitol.

Few ponies know that they were brothers, triplets no less, born between Celestia and Luna. Even fewer knew what they represented, the backbone they formed behind Celestia's rule, especially after Luna rebelled. Despite all of their exploits, there is only one glass window dedicated to them in the royal palace, and few understand what it means, for it was of their greatest defeat, not a victory.

Unlike the sisters, the brothers were not immortal. Though their lives were long, they did come to an end, and they left Celestia behind to rule Equestria alone.

But that very year a common mare gave birth to triplets: a unicorn, a pegasus, an earth pony. When these three grew up they took on the duties the brothers left behind. When they died another set of triplets were born, and so on and so forth to this very day. Some generations have been mares, although stallions have been by far the more frequent. They became known as Unity. Individually, they were called Inspiration, Motivation, and Dedication.

Each has their role in Equestrian society. Inspiration, always the unicorn, is chief advisor to Celestia herself, a diplomat to our neighbors, a teacher at the academy, and contributor to the knowledge and arts. Motivation, the pegasus, has frequently stood as the captain of the wonderbolts, a teacher at the flight school, and is always the one to press forward with the new, daring exploits. Dedication, the quiet, steady earth pony has founded nearly every city and town in Equestria and sees that every farm, factory, and store runs efficiently.

How do I know this? It is true that I, the Arista, am privy to many forgotten facts and dangerous secrets. However, this is one that is far more personal than any other, for I am none other than Inspiration herself. Now, at last, I shall tell my own story - not only with permission from but at the very request of Princess Celestia herself. The secrets that Unity has guarded have at last come to light, been dealt with, and laid to rest.

It is with joy that I received the commission from the princesses to finally tell my own story and the stories of the Unity that came before us, but it is with great trepidation that I set my pen against the page. It is easy to hide behind words, and I’ve worked hard to shroud myself in mystery. Now I must peel it all away and stand against the page in strong, black ink as I reveal my darkest moments along with my triumphs.

My sisters have also received similar requests from the princesses; that their stories might be told. They are not ones for the pen, however, and I do not know if they will fulfill.

Ah, my sisters. Can you travel across Equestria and find three ponies more unlike than the three of us? Catstich and Lilly Feathers are similar enough in appearance, both with pink coats and blue manes and tails, though Catstich is a trifle darker. Most people who know both of them know that they are sisters, it is hard for them to deny it. I, on the other hoof, am darker, with a fuchsia coat and dark purple mane and tail. Few know that I have sisters.

My sisters and I are native to the Foal Mountains; part of a tribe of ponies founded by Luna before her banishment as Nightmare Moon. Ours is an interesting history that I shall probably share over the course of this narrative.

Our mother is Grace Research. A beautiful unicorn who was among the first of our tribe to attend Celestia’s school, and who even taught there for a time, before she married our father, the son of the head coach at Cloudsdale’s flight school - another interesting story for another occasion.

The Everfree forest wasn’t far from our home, for our village had been founded for the sole purpose of being ready to rally to Luna’s aid upon her return to Equestria. Most ponies didn’t dare venture into the treacherous woods. My sisters and I, even from a young age, preferred those dangers to the strange looks that the others would give us. You see, we were a little strange, and didn’t like following the segregation rules that are leftover insanity from the wars. I shall get into the war and said laws later in this narrative.

Our favorite part of the Everfree was the Castle of the Two Sisters, a magical place full of old books filled with knowledge and stories of days gone by. Oh, the hours I would spend pouring over those old books. Oh, the hours I would spend now if I had more time on my hooves. Stories are magic, my magic. I wish I had more time these days.

Lilly was more interested in exploring the trap doors - she was an adventurous filly who loved knowing the quickest escape route. What I never could understand, though, was Catstich’s fascination with the tapestries, which she claimed was her sole reason for accompanying us.

If you want my honest opinion, I think she just wanted to keep an eye on us. She never trusted us to stay out of trouble. I have no idea why.

It was on one such visit to the old castle that my sisters and I met Princess Celestia for the first time.


She was waiting in the throne room when my sisters and I arrived that day. At first, the three of us just stood there in shock, staring at her. We weren’t used to meeting with anyone here - least of all someone so big and bright.

I was the first to recover and realize who it was since I was the one who paid the most attention to mother’s stories of her time at the Academy. “Princess Celestia!” I cried, rushing forward, but then I remembered my manners and gave her my best bow. “We are honored! Except this is your castle, isn’t it? We’re so sorry if we’re trespassing! Should we go?”

I heard a snort from Catstitch. She never did care much about royalty. It doesn’t help that the ponies in our village don’t care much about Celestia, preferring her sister, and this was before Luna returned and disappointed everyone by not establishing herself as Sole Ruler of Equestria.

“Dear child,” said the Princess, bending forward and touching my horn with her own. An electric shock ran through me as I felt the echoes of her power. Somehow, it felt familiar. “You must be Glitter. I was just speaking with your mother, and have come to see you for myself.”

“Oh? Are you going to take me to the Academy? I know I’m still a bit young yet, but I’m smart!” Oh, how I had always wanted to attend the Academy - from Mother’s stories, I thought that it must be the most magical place in Equestria. All of the learning, all of the magic, all of the ideas, and most of all, all of the other unicorns who also spent their time in the study.

“In time, child.” The Princess turned her gaze to my two sisters. “I came to see all three of you. It’s time that you learn who you are, and the responsibility you carry. You are part of a long line in a secret order.”

“Really?” I asked. “That’s better than a story!”

Had I known where my life would lead as Inspiration, I might have rethought that exclamation. Then again, maybe not. This is my story - judge for yourself.

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