• Published 11th Jul 2016
  • 10,997 Views, 228 Comments

A Love Bug's Life - Autum Breeze

First I'm sick with a horrible cold, then I wake up in pain, in the body of a Changeling in the Everfree Forest. Great

  • ...

Chapter 5

Chapter 5


“Oh, that’s a nice hat,” I smile sweetly at the young filly, who is wearing a foam flat square on her head.

She smile and babbles, while I lift her in my magic and carried her over to a light-blue crib and lay her down.

“It’s nap time, though. So, go to sleep,” I flick a switch with my magic and a soothing lullaby starts.

I look around at all the sleeping foals in their cribs, my smile warming a little more when I see Rose and Medley next to each other in the same one, staying close.

Nodding, I creep out the nursery and quietly close the door.

“You’re amazing, Prism,” I turn to see Verity directly behind me, smiling, with a look of awe. “it’s like you can literally tell what they’re feeling.”

I smirk. “Just gifted, I guess.” Plus, being able to read their emotions helps too.

We both look through the window at the sleeping bodies, my eyes lingering on my own little ones for a brief moment.

“We’ve never had such a calm day before,” Verity says as we walk into the staff room. “Only a few tantrums today. How do you do it?”

I shrug. “I have a way with infants, I guess.”

“Whatever the case, before the last two months, I’m not sure how we ever got along without you, Prism,” says a mare with a yellow coat, red eyes and red hair with pale yellow streaks and a trio of red hearts, with the middle heart being bigger than the other two. She sips from her mug of tea.

I smile sheepishly, waving a hoof. “I think you’re over exaggerating a bit there, Scarlet Heart.”

“It’s especially hard with everypony getting ready for the Equestria Games,” Verity giggles. “I think even the foals can tell something big is happening.”

“Dandy Brush sure has a lot on her hooves,” I agree, sitting down and levitating over a mug of coffee for myself. “Getting Princess Cadance ready with the Ceremonial Headdress is going to be a big effort.” Especially since I know the events regarding that.

“I just hope the Games Inspector decides the Empire gets to host the games,” Verity lets a little bit of her nerves show. “I mean, she wouldn’t hold the fact Sombra was ruling over us and we’ve been gone a thousand years against us, will she?”

I shake my head. “I’m certain that The Welcoming Comity will do exactly what’s needed for us to end up hosting the games.”

Suddenly, I feel a twitch in the Hive Mind. I blink, frowning in confusion, before it turns to a stern frown.

“Prism?” Scarlet asks, noticing my expression.

“If you’ll excuse me, girls, there are two little fillies misbehaving that need to be put back to bed,” I say, getting up and opening the door.

At once, two little foals halt in mid-air, looking at us like a foal with their hoof caught in the cookie jar.

Medley is buzzing her little wings, while Rose is surrounded by her aura as she levitates herself.

“My word,” Scarlet gasps.

“How did you know…?” Verity looks to me.

I just snort, giving the two floating foals a very stern frown. “Let’s just say my foals and I had a connection most other ponies don’t.” I start marching towards them. “You two little devils better get back in there before I—”

There’s a flash and both foals are suddenly no longer there.

Scarlet and Verity start to panic, while I just rub my temples with a hoof.

“I’ll be back once I’ve got those two troublemakers,” I say, lighting my own her and teleporting away.


Foalish laughter rings out as several Crystal Ponies drop to the ground to avoid the dive-bombing terrors that are my daughters.

“You two, get back here this minute!” I call, flying after them. Thankfully, flying while disguised is trivial, as I can use my currently invisible wings and just lightly coat myself in my aura, making it look like I’m levitating myself.

I’ve been chasing the two of them for the last ten minutes as they’ve been flying around the Empire, doing whatever looks like fun, scaring the daylights out of many different ponies.

“Yipes!” a mare I recognize as the one Spike and Twilight talked to during the events of the premiere leaps out of the way, my little ones none the wiser.

“Sorry!” I call to her as I rush past, before narrowing my sights on my foals.

“Everypony just be on the lookout for the pony with the flower print luggage— GAH!”

My eyes widen as my foals bowl into none other than Twilight Sparkle. She lays sprawled out on the ground, my little ones laying atop her, cheering and waving their hooves around.

“I’m so, so, sorry, Twilight… Sparkle,” I say as I land, quickly reminding myself we haven’t ever met before, so just calling her “Twilight” would cause a bit of suspicion.

“Alright I’m,” the unicorn says in a daze as Applejack helps her up.

“Oh, they’re so adorable,” Fluttershy leans down, nuzzling Medley, who laughs and grabs her nose.

“These yer little ones, ma’am?” Applejack asks, before wearing a surprised expression and turns her head to see Rose sitting on her back, smiling.

I grin sheepishly. “Well, yes, they are. I’m afraid they got away from me.”

“Pretty energetic little tikes,” Rainbow Dash smirks, looking specifically at Medley.

Twilight shakes her head, looking closely at Rose, then Medley, before cocking an eyebrow. “Wait. These foals aren’t Crystal Ponies.” She looks to me.

I freeze for a moment, before taking an inward breath and look down, nodding. “They aren’t. I adopted them after I found them. They were here in the Empire and… well, we were all gone for a thousand years. Their parents aren’t exactly around anymore.” Well, the Changeling Queen is, but that’s not important right now.

“Oh, the poor things,” Fluttershy holds Medley close, to which she responds by snuggling into the yellow Pegasus’ fur.

Rose hops off Applejack’s back and I catch her in my magic, pulling her over and nuzzle her, which she returns.

The Apple mare smiles. “Well, looks like they love ya just fine, Miss…?”

“Oh, Prism,” I say, looking to her. I indicate to each of my daughters. “This is Rose Diamond and the little one hugging your friend is Medley.”

“Nice names,” Applejack nods, before glancing over to Dash and raising an eyebrow. “Somethin’ wrong, Dash?”

We all turn to see Dash is now wearing a puzzled frown as she looks between my foals… and I freeze up.

Shit! Dash’s seen both of them before. Rose doesn’t even have a different disguise from last time.

“It’s weird…” the cyan Pegasus says, looking from one foal to the other. “I… I can swear I’ve seen these two foals somewhere before.”

“Well, they do live in the Crystal Empire,” AJ shrugs as Fluttershy passes Medley back to me. “You probably caught a glimpse o’ them and Prism here back when we were saving the Empire from Sombra.”

I see an opening and I’m taking full advantage of it. “You mean when Spike the Brave and Glorious saved the Empire, yes?”

AJ looks to me, before getting a bored look and waves a hoof as she turns away. “Yeah… sure. Anyway, Prism was probably at the Crystal Fair with her foals and you saw them there.”

“Hmm. Maybe,” Dash says, looking suspiciously at my foals, both of whom are not helping the situation by reaching to her, remembering her from when we met outside the Everfree.

“My apologies,” I say, bowing. “I should really get back to work. I wouldn’t want to hold you all up from anything important you might be doing.”

“Important?” Dash asks, before her eyes widen in horror. “The Games Inspector! Let’s move it!”

With that, they all rush off in the direction of the train station.

I give a large sigh of relief, before giving a playfully stern look down at the two hugging my barrel. “You two could’ve seriously risked the timeline, you know.”

They both look up at me with blank expressions, not understanding.

I roll my eyes and smile, before levitating them onto my back. “Come on, let’s get back. After all that flying around, I think we all deserve a good rest, hmm?”

They answer by both giving big yawns and snuggling against my back.

I sigh, shaking my head, but smiling and start trotting back towards the day-care center. Now I just need to avoid interacting with the Mane 6 until Harshwhinny has given the all clear for the Empire to host the games and then I can relax.

Oh, mental note, see if I can help out a little with that.

Author's Note:

Okay, not quite how I wanted this to go, but it's the best i could do this week.

yesterday was hectic as my younger brother is getting engaged tomorrow and so we spent all yesterday preparing for it, getting our clothing for the event and what not.

now, this story will be taking a short break as i want to return to Twilight's Twinlight, at least for a few chapters, before continuing from where this chapter ends.

there will be a time skip, since i'm not really sure how much more i can do here. honestly, until Flurry Heart and Thorax come in during season 6, i think i'll be struggling a bit with thinking of different things for Prism to do.

anyway, hope you enjoyed this little fluff chapter that coinsided with Games Ponies Play and, til next time, later everypony