• Published 27th Aug 2016
  • 756 Views, 7 Comments

A Canterlot Wedding rewrite - Lilly likes stories

Do I know combat magic? Why don't I use it to kick some changeling flank??

  • ...

The Twilight Laser Beam

A Canterlot Wedding rewrite

Chapter 2: The Twilight Laser Beam

Luna stared into her bedroom mirror. "You were born to be evil Luna!" Her reflection shouted. "Why did you let that stupid purple unicorn defeat you and me?!" "Look, Nightmare, can you just mind your own business!" Luna yelled.

"HOW DARE YOU CALL ME STUPID!!! YOU WANT TO SEE HOW MUCH I KNOW? I'M PRETTY MUCH SMARTER THAN YOU ARE YOU DUMMY!!!!!!!" Said or yelled the voice that came bellowing through the glass door with silver curtains.

"Y-you see her!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Luna said puzzled. "Yes I can see that bag of dirt!" Twilight replied. "Oh shut up Twilight" Nightmare Moon replied.

"How did you come here, how dare you remind Luna of her terrible past!!!" Twilight yelled, feeling the tears behind her eyes.

"You may look pretty but you sure are annoying!" The black mare with electric blue mane

"Guards! Bring me some salted popcorn!" Luna demanded.

"Seriously Nightmare Moon you do not want to experience my Twilight laser" She threatened.

"bring it on filly" Nightmare replied.

Twilight shot a blinding magenta blast from her sharp horn..

Nightmare Moon exclaimed.

"Ooooh that hurts, maybe you're not that bad... I won't be surprised if you became an alicorn. You could be the princess of Magic? Or the princess of Friendship? Twilight Sparkle The Princess Of Friendship! Yep that goes well"
"Guards more popcorn!!" Luna interrupted, "Nightmare I think it's time to see Celestia again.."

"Please just let me go!" Cadence pleaded.

"Sorry hon you can't get away that easily" Chrysalis cackled

"Twilight will come to save me... And Shining will um, eat crisps on the sofa and get really fat!" Cadence snorted.

"Sorry, that sounded more serious in my head".

"Ok dear now since you have settled in tell me everything about Shining Armour and Twilight Sparkle..."

Author's Note:

Ooooooooh! I left you at a cliffhanger there! Please put down the chairs that you are planning to throw at me. I'll try to get the next chapter quickly.....