• Published 4th Jul 2016
  • 354 Views, 5 Comments

Radiarc- Unbroken - Rtrotten

Why did you do what you did; why did you kill her? After her death, her friend goes on a mission to find out what led to her death.

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The Recovery

Twilight cradled Spike close to her body while sitting in his room on his bed as they both wept into each other's embrace, "Oh Spike I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you, I know how you felt for her."

Twilight wrapped her wings around spike as he continued to cry, "Why would any pony do such a thing to a different pony, I can't understand why it would have to happen to her."

Twilight slowly let go of Spike as she stepped down off of his bed, "Her funeral is in about twenty minutes, will you be able to come?"

Spike looked down at the multicoloured bed sheets as he shook his head, "I don't know if I will go its like she is still here, I don't want her to leave Twilight and I feel if I go she will leave forever."

Twilight looked back towards the door, "If you change your mind it is going to be held at her boutique here in town, make sure to wear your suit." Twilight left the room with tears running from her slightly bloodshot eyes, as the door shut Spike hopped down of his bed and onto the carpet below. He slowly approached a very unused closet full of different articles of clothing. Spike pulled down a small black suit with a white shirt and red tie. Stuck onto the inside of the closet was a small picture of Rarity and himself sitting together drinking tea, he stroked it as he closed the doors of the closet. He walked over to his bed where he placed the suit and then over to the window.

The clouds were gray and dark, letting in little streams of light, "Rainbow Dash must be at the funeral too, she hasn't cleared out the clouds." He looked into his own reflection's eyes as it slowly shifted into an image of Rarity. Spike looked up for a second with a smile but it quickly left his face, "You're not real, your not here and I yet I can't leave you."

The image of Rarity's face looked confused, "Spike are you alright, what is wrong?"

Spike looked at the Rarity in the reflection, "Rarity how are you talking, you are dead and not here."

The Rarity smiled, "Silly spike turn around." Spike slowly turned around to where he came face to face with a see through Rarity.

Spike fell backward into the window as he looked around for something to defend himself with, "A-a-are you a ghost."

Rarity looked at herself, at her hooves, at her mane, "I don't think so, why?"

Spike picked up a half eaten crystal and pointed the sharp edge at her, "I can see through you and your dead, you can't be here."

Rarity looked confused, "Would you like me to leave spiky wikey?"

Spike slowly lowered the crystal, "No you can stay just promise me one thing."

Rarity looked concerned as she quickly came to spike's side, "Anything, what is it?"

Spike looked up at Rarity with tears still in his eyes, "Promise me you won't leave me if I go to your funeral."

Rarity looked down at Spike with a comforting smile, "Oh Spike I would never leave and in fact, I'll come with you."

Spike looked out the window towards the boutique with a small smile, "Ok let me.." When he turned around again the Rarity was gone.

"Is there any pony else who wants to say anything before we finish," Celesta softly said.

A small voice came from behind, "I would." Every pony turned around and saw spike walking towards the casket. As Spike slowly walked down the aisle of ponies, wearing mostly black clothing, sitting in different seats he noticed that Rarity was standing behind the casket of her own body. Her face was shocked at what she saw. Twilight got up from her seat to walk with Spike as he passed her. Once at the casket he looked up at Twilight then Celestia then back down at Rarity's corpse, "I'm sorry that I wasn't here to listen to everypony else I got busy talking to you."

The Rarity looked down at Spike from the other side, "You do realise that they can't see me right?"

Spike looked at the Rartity, "I know that I just wanted to say that I'm going to miss you."

The Rarity looked past Spike and at everypony behind him that were starting to murmur, "Spike stop talking to me your making others think you're crazy."

Spkie looked up at the Rarity, "But you're here somehow even though they can't see you." The Rarity hit her head with a hoof.

Twilight looked down at Spike, "Are you feeling alright?"

Spike looked at Twilight and saw Rarity fade away again, "Yes I'm alright but like I said she is still here, at least to me." Twilight walked back to her seat where an empty spot next to her sat. Spike sat down and watched as the massive black rectangular box was lowered into the ground. As the casket faded from their eyesight the clouds began to release their contents onto the ground and everything present. Every pony began to get up and leave except for Rarity's Family, her best friends, and the princesses.

Luna took a step forward away from her sister, "I'm am deeply sorry for your loss if you are interested I can guide your dreams tonight and help with the sorrows that you are feeling." In almost unison everypony nodded at looked between each other to recognize their choices. Luna knelt down to Spike, "Are you sure that you don't want help." Spike nodded as he wiped a tear from his eye.