• Published 8th Jul 2016
  • 795 Views, 21 Comments

Brony Minds - Neawt Da Pigeon

What do you do when the mane six appear one day and start living with you? Is it a blessing or the start of something catastrophic?

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Unexpected Guests

"Get up! Get up!", I heard Twilight Sparkle say faintly. I had been having an awesome dream about the Mane six and their land of Equestria. I guess my dream was still lingering a little and I was grateful for it.

I felt the covers get yanked off me and I sat bolt upright in bed because the cold air had awoken me fully. I expected to see my mother standing with my covers and telling me to get ready for school. However, I was staring at a purple pastel pony.

"Where am I, and who are you?" Twilight said.

I had to be hallucinating because I was conversing with Twilight Sparkle, a talking pony from a television show. There was no one else in my room and she had my covers on the floor in front of her. No trick of the mind could do that. So does that mean that she is real and this is actually happening?!

"My name is uh... Milo", I managed to get out. "And you are in the small town of St. George". I doubt she would know where that is, practically no one knows where it is. She is also a pony that should not exist, so places and towns shouldn't even matter right now.

"Where is that exactly Milo?" Twilight asked with a look of suspicion in her eyes.

"The southernmost part of the state of Utah, in America" I answered. How can this possibly be? Not only am I seeing Twilight, I am having a conversation with her! Definitely not my mind playing tricks.

I shivered a little. "Can I have my covers back? It’s kind of cold in here."

I saw her horn light up and my covers flew through the air back to me. I wrapped myself inside of them and tried to warm up again. Today was starting off earlier than I would like but I do get to talk to Twilight sparkle.

Twilight spoke again, "I am Twilight Sparkle and I am a Princess in the land of Equestria". "Nice to meet you Twilight” I responded, trying to stay calm. "I am aware that I am in the human world because I have been here before, but not where we are now and not still as a pony."

"OK then. Can I ask why you are in my bedroom exactly?". "My friends and are were exploring ruins in the Everfree forest and we then appeared in your house because of some ancient lingering magic"

I now knew some stray Equestrian magic had brought them to my world, but where were the rest of the Mane six? Wait wait wait, Equestria isn't real and now somehow through weird science or magic or whatever the Mane six are now in my world? This was way weird and crazy but also way awesome! If this is real, then what else could happen today?

"Twilight I can help you, but can I get dressed first? This is a little awkward, and cold"

"Oh yeah. I'm sorry where are my manners" she apologized. She started walking out my bedroom door and said, "We will continue this conversation when you are ready".

She used her magic to shut the door behind her. I looked over at my clock and it was 5:00 AM. OK I've got time to figure out what’s going on and talk to the mane six.

I rushed over to my closet and threw some shorts and a t-shirt on. Although it was cool in my room, it will be boiling outside later thanks to my family's decision to live in a desert.

I took a few deep breaths to steady my frazzled nerves. This is the craziest thing that has ever happened to me but it is also something I have secretly always wanted to happen. I didn't know if I was crazy or if it was reality, but either way this was way cool and I was just going to go with it. Finally ready I opened my bedroom door and stepped out.

In the recreation "Toy Room" room that was connected to my room I found Twilight and the other members of the Mane six conversing quietly so I wouldn't hear. When they saw me enter they stopped talking and turned to face me.

Standing up I was double their height so I sat cross legged on the floor so we could have a normal conversation. Well as normal as it can be when you are talking to pastel ponies who shouldn't exist.

"As I said before I am Twilight sparkle" Twilight began, “and this is Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Apple jack. They are the friends I was exploring the ruins with".

"Hello everypony" I said. "We all have a lot of questions for each other so let’s get this party started"

"I love parties!!!! Let’s not waste any time! we need balloons a DJ and most importantly CAKE!!" yelled Pinkie Pie enthusiastically.

"Shhhh" I told her, "There are other people in this house sleeping and who knows how my family would react to seeing you all". After all I was a closet Brony and no one in my family knew I watched the show. My family would go crazy and they would alert authorities who would lock up the Mane six and dissect them and stuff. I really didn't want that to happen.

"He's right Darling, everypony needs their beauty sleep" Rarity chided in.

"Let’s get down to business" I said. "You all got here because of some ancient magic in some ruins right?"

"Correct" Twilight concluded.

"So can’t you come up with a counter spell or something?" I asked. I really wanted to help them out, but I also didn't want them to leave right away. There were too many things I wanted to ask them and show them, but those things would have to wait until we solved the problem of them getting back home.

"That won’t work because I have no idea what actual spell was used to send us here" She explained. "I will have to create a new spell that creates a link to our world from here that lets me adjust for time, dimensional shift, paradox avoi..."

Rainbow Dash shoved a hoof in Twilight's mouth and said, "That's Twilight for yes, but it will take a while"

"Yay then we will have time for a party!" Pinkie exclaimed as she bounced in excitement.

"I hope it doesn't take too long Twilight, because my animals will be worried about me and I’ll be worried about them" said quietly.

"And big Mac will need my help on the farm since apple-bucking season is only a week away" Apple Jack chimed in.

"Alrighty then. you can all stay here with me." I said as I bubbled with excitement. "You can all stay in my room but you need to stay out of sight of any other humans Ok?"

"Ok" they all responded back.

"Let me be a good host and get all of your accommodations in order."

I led the way back to my bedroom and realized it was quite a dirty teenage-boy mess. I quickly grabbed all of my dirty laundry and shoved it into the hamper. My other stuff I shoved under the bed to be dealt with later.

With floor space now available I grabbed some extra blankets and folded them down to make some mattresses. I then got some pillows and a few other blankets and finished the makeshift beds.

"Here is where you guys can sleep and lounge while Twilight works" I explained.

I then showed Twilight to my desk and got out some paper and pencils and pens.

"Twilight use these to write down whatever you need to and these cabinets have books on things you might find useful. There are also books to read for entertainment" I said. From previous episodes of MLP I know all of the Mane six enjoy reading, even Rainbow Dash.

"I have school most days so I will be gone from early in the morning till about late afternoon so try and stay hidden and out of trouble while I’ll be gone ok?"

Right then my stomach made a loud gurgling noise. "Uh... does anypony else want to get some food?"

"Yes that would be oh so kind of you Milo" Rarity spoke for the group.

I led them out of my room, through the Toy Room, and down the hall to the kitchen. all of their hooves made clacking sounds on the tile floor, but for the most part they were fairly quiet. It’s a good thing no one else in my family has to get up for school besides my youngest two siblings, who thankfully sleep like rocks.

I went into my pantry and got out some oat bran cereal. It would be close enough. I left the pantry and got seven bowls out of the cabinets and filled them all with cereal. I placed one in front of each pony then grabbed my own to silence my wailing stomach.

"Ah darling, can we have some silverware please" I heard Rarity ask.

I looked up from my own bowl to see Rarity and Twilight waiting patiently for something to eat with. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy were using their forelegs to lift the bowls to their mouths and eat like lazy teenage guys (I speak from experience). Of course my stupid mistake of thinking they would eat like a pet would since they obviously could use magic. I need to be more mindful of how they are intelligent and needed to be treated like any other intelligent being needs to be treated.

"Sure" I answered. I turned around and grabbed two spoons out of the silverware drawer.

I held out the spoons and magical aura surrounded each one and levitated towards the respective unicorns.

With everypony satisfied and eating I could turn my attention back to my own food that was waiting to be devoured. I ate quickly so I could continue to talk to them while they ate.

I finished and I washed my bowl in the sink. I looked down to see the ponies had finished eating, so I took their dishes and washed them as well. I motioned for them to follow me back to my room so we could work out the finer details of our arrangement, and so that someone wouldn't accidentally run into one of them by accident. When we reached my room I quietly closed the door then sat down.

"Ok so as I said before these are your temporary beds. Also any food you need you can have, just make sure that you aren't seen when getting it." I said.

Each pony then found the bed they wanted. Ok that's good that they are all settled. What are they going to do if they want to stretch their legs and move around or get some air while I’m gone, what then? Hmm....Idea ding ding ding!!!

I turned and opened my bedroom window. "If you get bored go outside and fly and do whatever your heart desires" I proclaimed, as I was quite proud of my solution and grateful I lived in a one story house.

"Twilight do you know any invisibility spells?"

"I do Milo...Oh I see" Twilight said as she caught onto my idea. "If we need to go anywhere I can just make us invisible and then danger will be significantly lessened".

"Yep" I exclaimed.

Just then my door opened and I looked up at my mom who was looking around my room in utter shock and disbelief. I am so screwed now.

Author's Note:

My first story. I hope you like it. Let me know what you think i can do better or any other feedback, i really appreciate it. Also sorry for the misspellings and typos and stuff, i will fix them all with my next chapter release.