• Published 19th Jun 2016
  • 989 Views, 41 Comments

Building a New Family - Kix

The girls are continuing to adjust to their new situation and continue to struggle with the idea of forgivness. In the mean time, plans for the duo are being drawn out without their knowledge.

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Chapter Eight; All Hallow's Eve pt 1- Lily

Author's Note:

So very sorry how long it took for this chapter to be posted, it was a nightmare to work on. This was meant to be a Halloween special , but between work and the problems I have had with this chapter overall has led to the extended delay.

Anywho, I hope you guys enjoy it and hopefully I got over the issues with this chapter and the next will come out fairly easily.

“Hi Lily, how have you been?” Before I can brace myself I find myself surrounded by three somewhat familiar kids, though I can’t seem to really place them. I must have met them for only a short time, plus I had other things going on.

“I don’t think she remembers us.” The girl says, sounding a bit upset at my lack of an enthusiastic greeting, or maybe it’s the fact I forgot her name along with names of her friends or brothers. As I am surrounded I notice the tensing in Moonshade’s body as she keeps her distance while Sunset and Rarity watch with smiles while talking amongst themselves. Even the two teenage boys in the distance are whispering to each other, one of them blushing a little as he looks in Moon’s direction.

I hope she doesn’t catch you staring at her like that, whoever you are. Before anything else happens Luna breaks up the gathering. “I’m sorry you three, but we are in a hurry. Maybe next time you can spend more time chatting with Lily.” Her words only bring the trio to grumble and pout as they head back to the teens.

As I watch the kids I notice Chrysalis possibly frowning somewhat as Fire whispers something in her ear, though I only got a fleeting glimpse as she puts her hand on my shoulder. “Alright, kiddo. An ideas on what kind of costume you want?”

As we step inside the store, both myself and Moony pause. I don’t know about her, but I cannot remember the last time I went trick or treating or wore a costume that didn’t involve- No, can’t think of that, I… I won’t think of… that. Not right now. “No, not really.”

“Well darling, I have an idea for you, along with Moonshade in regards to costumes, even though I would have prefered to have made one myself.” As we walk down the aisles Rarity is frowning somewhat as she eyes the racks of premade costumes.

With a smile I pat the fashion thinking girl gently on the shoulder. “It’s ok, Rarity. If you’re still around next year I’ll gladly let you create me a costume.” My attention is drawn away from her and towards a couple costumes. The one that has caught my eye is red along the shoulders and stomach, with a darker red along the chest and includes a very high collar. The sleeves are a black mesh. The mid thigh length skirt is black and crumpled a bit. There is a cape like piece that hangs from the back that matches the skirt. Completing the ensemble is a pair of black stockings and knee high boots.

“I never pegged you for a vamp girl, Lily. But then again, I never thought you would be a biker chick, either.” Sunset says with a smile as she comes up behind me, looking over the same costume.

“Well, I am not sure about it, Lily. I mean, it looks so… tacky and dark and it certainly does not suite your coloration, darling. Are you sure you would not prefer one of the cuter costumes further back?” Rarity cringes a bit at the sight of the costume after giving it a quick glance.

“Yes, I like it alot. Now, let’s see if there is one my size and see if I can try it on.” Sunset walks off towards another end of the store, saying something about finding some good props, leaving me with a reluctant Rarity who helps me find one that looks just small enough for me, grumbling in an uncharacteristic manner. I wonder which choice Moon will choose, or what Luna is gonna have her do if she doesn’t choose.

Looking around the place, I notice most of the people in here are younger kids, either in small gangs or alone, commenting and going over various costumes. Thankfully there are changing rooms and one is available as we get there. Sitting guard outside the cobwebbed and decorated rooms is a human skeleton dressed as a pirate while a ghost circles us on the ceiling. As we get close enough, the skeleton actually moves, his eyes light up, and he actually speaks, though what he is saying I can’t tell due to my surprised scream.

“Calm down, darling. It is a prop, have you not- I guess you would not have seen stuff like this, if what I heard about your parents is true. This will be your first time actually celebrating Halloween, will it not?”

“Y- yea, it will be my first, at least, the first one I will be able to remember.” A tear rolls slowly down my cheek as my words are sorrowful and spoken with a couple sniffles. More tears threaten to follow suit, but I can barely hold them back. “Just… just wondering, what is it you guys do for Halloween? Do you have any special parties or something?”

Rarity offers me a piece of cloth and a friendly smile as she recognizes my attempt to change the subject. “Usually Pinkie has something set up, as she normally does. You are in for a major treat, because her parties are very festive and fun. Now, we should not waste too much time and leave the others waiting, this room is available for you to try it on.”

Alone in the room, I smile while imagining what the party would be like as I start to undress. However, as I get ready to change I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror, and for some reason, I can’t help but look back at my reflection.

My mostly exposed body doesn’t show any of the bruises from my past, those having been healed a while ago, though the doctors say I’m still underweight. But the eyes… staring back at me I can see all the pain, hurt, fear and anger I have become familiar with. As I continue to stare at my reflection I can hear the tiny voice in the back of my mind, it’s words matching what I’m seeing. Someone who is hopeless, lost, unlovable, unwanted and weak.

Caught off guard by these thoughts I try to fight back with positive ones, even using more recent memories, like when Chrysalis and Rainbow Dash went dirt biking with me. Unfortunately, these countermeasures are taken too late, and I can feel myself starting to become trapped in a whirlpool.

A touch to my shoulder, light and hesitant it seems, snaps me out of my negative thoughts along with making me jump. “Are you alright, darling? You have been in here for a good ten minutes or so without answering me.” As Rarity brings me back to ground I begin to notice the wet streaks on my face. With another sniffle I again take the offered hanky and dry off the tears.

“Just… had a negative reaction to seeing my own reflection. Sorry for worrying you, Rarity.” Putting the cloth away I begin to pick up the costume pieces, though my hands and body are still shaking.

Putting her hand on mine, she stops me from putting it on while at the same time turning me back to face the mirror. “Before we get to that, Lily, what was it that you saw in the mirror, and please, don’t hold back.”

“I… I see a weak, pathetic girl who… who is unwanted, unneeded and… unloved. A girl who should just… give up on a lot of things, like finding a loving family or friends.”

Before I can lower my head, Rarity keeps me looking in the mirror, and I can actually see her smiling. “It is a shame you see that, Lily. Because I see a beautiful girl who is worthy of all the love and affection she deserves and then some. One who, despite her hard past is full of kindness. Can you see her, standing there in the mirror?”

What is she talking about? Is she… is she just being… nice to me? Not wanting to look at her directly I glance at her reflection, and what I can see has me stunned a little. I can’t see anything in her expression that says she is lying. With a deep breath I only partially succeed at calming myself down. Looking back at my reflection, I partially see what Rarity sees in my reflection. “Not to the same extent as you seem to, but I do see it a little.”

“Good. Now, let us get you into this costume and see how it fits, the others are getting a bit nervous.” With a smile she helps me into the outfit, getting the zippers I can’t reach or showing me how to properly put certain items on.

In almost no time it seems I’m fully dressed with Rarity fussing over the smallest detail, remarking how it fits. It seems to take hours as she does whatever it is she does, muttering the whole time.

“Well Darling, I may not fully approve of your choice of costume, but it does look good and seems to properly fit you.” With her approval I carefully strip the costume off and get dressed in my usual clothes. “What do you think Moonshade will choose? And if she does not, what do you think Luna is going to choose to have her do?”

“Honestly, I don’t know. Despite my past… experiences with costumes I am looking forward to this. Moonshade, however doesn’t share my views on this.” As expected, Moonshade is wearing her usual scowl as we approach, seems Sunset joined them after getting a pair of fake extended canines and fake blood.

As Chrysalis joins Rarity and I in the shortest line I grin while glancing at Luna and Moonshade. “So, Moonshade, have you made your mind up yet what you want to do?”

“Yea, I’d like to stay in my room for the night.” Moonshade just stands there, her arms folded and her expression is one of seriousness.

“If you must insist on that, then I insist you accept your punishment.” With a wicked grin Luna walks off, and before she returns the line has moved till we are checking out.

“WHAT? NO! NO WAY AM I WEARING THAT!” Curiously I turn, just like everyone else must have done, to see what the commotion is all about. While I can only see her back, I can only guess at Moon’s expression as the costume that was chosen is revealed.

I don’t see what is wrong with it, personally. Luna is holding up a cartoonish looking penguin costume and smiling. “Well, this is one of two punishments you can choose. Either wear this but stay home, or pick out your own costume and escort the Crusaders for the night. And if you still insist, then I am going to have no choice but have you wear this AND go out with the Crusaders.”

“Fine. I hate you for forcing me to do this, mom.” I can’t help but chuckle as the blue skinned woman pats Moon on the shoulder and smiles, probably reacting to the scowl that must be on my friend’s face before she storms off.

“Well, I have no idea which will be more interesting, the costume she chooses or watching her try to keep those three in check for tonight.” Sunset smiles as she watches the scene while standing behind me. Chrysalis is standing on my right and smirks, which is the first time I noticed a shopping bag in her right hand.

Catching me looking at the bag she laughs while musing up my hair. Soon Moonshade returns and is not happy as the costume she seems to have chosen is military themed. “Did you make sure that it fit you properly?” An unhappy growl only answers the onyx skinned woman’s question. “Rarity, go with her and make sure the costume fits properly.”

As they return Moonshade seems even more upset and is muttering curses under her breath while Rarity even seems upset over something. My guess, they got into an argument over the first costume or some other costume Rarity thought would look good.

The new costume, which is now black and includes bits of red, crimson and black lace along with shiny boots that remind me of those seen on a pirate have me raise an eyebrow as the fashionable teen carries it. Sunset must also have noticed the change in expression on the alabaster girl and frowns as she waits with me by one of the doors. After Moon’s costume is bought the tension, especially between her and Rarity is easily felt, making me thankful I get to ride with Chrysalis while Luna is stuck with those two and Sunset.

The next couple of days go by in their usual, boring, monotonous way. Celestia or Luna fix breakfast, shower and then go to work while me and Moonshade are stuck at the dining room table doing our work. More like, I am stuck but by lunchtime she is already finished.

On the day of Halloween it was decided that the girls would meet us at Celestia’s early via text message, though I had to relay it to Moonshade due to her being secretive with her phone number, besides Luna, Celestia, Chrysalis and one or two other adults the only ones who have her number is myself and Sunset, but that only came after we had to promise not to give it to anyone else.

Once I’m done with my homework for the day I actually rush into our room with excitement while Moonshade seems to sulk and plod behind me. “Come on, Moony. Aren’t you excited for tonight?”

“No, why should I be? You remember all those costumes we were forced to wear, I hate the idea of wearing mine, how it looks and this holiday overall.” I shake my head at her comment, knowing I’m not going to change her mind.

As the door is closed behind her I immediately begin to strip and get ready for a shower, grabbing only a clean pair of bra and panties. “Think you can lay out my costume for me so it’ll be ready when I get out? Then after you finish your shower I’ll need help with a few pieces of my costume and I can help you into yours.”

Before she can protest I leave the room in a hurry, smiling as I slink into the bathroom, not noticing Luna approaching until she cries out in surprise and disappointment as the door is slammed shut on her.

I am so excited for tonight I end up rushing through my shower, and I’m sure Rarity would freak out at how poorly I let my hair dry, only blow drying it for a few minutes before using a towel. After a quick brush of my teeth and getting into the clean underwear I hurry back into the room.

“Why are you so excited about doing this?” Moonshade just levels me with a look that screams of betrayal as I put on my costume.

“Why? Because I know you can sense this is a fresh start for us, and sharing in this experience with those other girls, including your cousin, could help us. Plus, it sounds fun.” Despite her attitude Moonshade does help me out when I need it. Looking in the full length mirror I’m glad I chose this costume despite Rarity’s protests, I look good in it. Might not like how short the skirt is, or how tight it feels, but I like it. Maybe I can have Rarity make something similar for me next year.

Opening up the bag with the props, which I promised myself I wouldn’t look at until now, makes me squeal as I pull out the items. Soon, lining my desk is some specialized makeup to lighten my skin, which Rarity said she’ll apply, some high quality fake blood packs, a pair of high end acrylic fang extensions for my canines and a pair of earrings with blood drop style rubies. A choker of red velvet and black lace with a silver pentagram and a ruby blood drop in the center lay next to a pair of wristbands. The wristbands are also red velvet and black lace attached to a ring with a silver pentagram and a ruby blood drop.The jewelry finishes the accessories and have to be put on after Rarity finishes the makeup.

Smiling, I open the fangs and with some difficulty I get them attached and placed properly. I barely notice Moonshade leaving the room, still dressed. As I wait for her I can’t help but stare at my new fangs or play with them with my tongue. “I vant to suck your bluud.” I can’t help but try the line out, practicing my vampiric accent and also getting used to talking with the attachments.

I’m so caught up in my practicing and just basically admiring myself I didn’t realize Moon has returned. “What, are you going to turn into one of those egomaniacal villains who can be easily defeated by a mirror? If so, let me know now. Plus, I thought vampires don’t have a reflection.”

I don’t know if it’s her attempt at humor, or just plain making fun of me, but I’m glad she seemed to have relaxed some. Turning around to face her I notice that her expression and stance is as neutral as her tone of voice, not giving me any clues as to how she meant her comments to be taken.

Unlike me, she decided to take her costume into the bathroom with her and dressed in there. The jacket looks like some kind of black velvet with extended shoulders and goes down to the bottom of her ribs, as it looks the jacket was meant to purposefully stay open, exposing a black halter top like shirt with dark red skulls and crossbones. The pants look to be made of the same material as the jacket, but is mostly plain except for the red belt with the skull and crossbones design for the buckle, as it sits the belt slopes some instead of laying straight. She looks very unhappy and I guess it has to do with how much of her stomach is exposed, I wonder how Rarity got her to wear something like this. “I’m planning on enslaving the world and I could use a strong minion to accomplish this, will you be my first, or shall I suck you dry right now?”

I don’t know if it was my accent, or my humor but finally she does manage to laugh and smile, even if it was fleeting. “Your accent is horrible, you know that, right?” Once she’s sitting on her bed she slips her boots on, offering the barest of smiles.

“Hey, she actually made a joke, or tried to. I thought you would be miss crabby the whole day.” The accessories for her costume, which are laying out on her bed include a red bandana with black skulls, red leather armbands, a fake cutlass which is currently placed inside her belt and finally a bandolier with a pair of crossed pistols. There is very little makeup to go with hers, and I’m not too surprised she opted not to include a matching hat.

“Har har, very funny.” Before I can retort Sunset sends us a text, letting us know her and the others are on their way and will be here in about fifteen minutes.

“Just try to enjoy yourself, okay. I will let you in on a secret, those three girls you are going to be with have taken an interest in you it seems.” A groan answers me as she flops lifelessly onto her bed.

With a giggle I head into the living room, waiting for the girls to arrive while engaging in small talk with Celestia, who is dressed in a black body suit with white, plastic armor plates on her arms, legs and chest as a matching helmet rests on the table next to a holstered firearm.

Soon the others arrive and I barely have time to greet them all in the flurry. Sunset is dressed as an angel, complete with wings and a halo while Twilight resembles what one could guess a wizard. Applejack looks like a scarecrow, complete with hay coming of of her clothes. Rainbow Dash is dressed up as some kind of soccer player, Rarity is surprisingly dressed down and looks like what one would think of when it comes to country bumpkins. Fluttershy is wearing something that gives her the general appearance of a bear with Pinkie Pie dressed as a clown.

Following behind them are three girls Moonshade is going to be with, though I guess Luna and Chrysalis will be joining them as well. The trio are dressed as superheros, though which ones I have no idea. They must have coordinated their costumes with Luna and Chrysalis, cause the two adults are dressed up as supervillains.

Before the others could get comfy and start chatting me up Rarity takes me by the hand and ushers me into my room to get my makeup on. “Are you ready for tonight,darling?”

“Definitely, can’t wait.” As the fashion forward teen goes to work lightening my face and neck I can’t help but grin as I watch her via the mirror. As she moves on to the fake blood her reaction to the fluid brings out a giggle, which earns me a nasty look before she applies it while complaining to herself about how messy and uncouth this part of the costume is.

“I still cannot believe you have chosen this type of costume. Worse, why did you agree with Sunset about including the fake blood? You know this stuff can stain clothes and is just… creepy.”

With a smile I examine the transformation I have underwent in the mirror, pleased with my new look. “If it makes you feel better, Rarity, I promise next time you need a live model, I’ll do it. How does that sound?” I have been wondering what it would be like helping Rarity out with something like that, to be honest.

With one last look in the mirror I get out of the chair and head back to the living room with the other teen following behind me. “Oh that would be magnificent… IDEA!” It seems she has lost herself in thought, which I could only shake my head at as I enter the room, noticing that Moonshade is seated on the couch and surrounded by the Crusaders. The older teens are standing around chatting with Celestia, Luna and Chrysalis standing in front of the door.

“Okay girls, before we unleash you twelve onto society, we have some ground rules to go over.” Celestia’s mention of ground rules draws a round of groans and complaints from the majority of the group. “Rule 1…”