• Published 14th Jun 2016
  • 592 Views, 18 Comments

Orphaned Dream - Lise

Scootaloo is not an orphan! She just has strange dreams. Oh, and she doesn't know a thing about herself.

  • ...

Broken Sleep (raw unedited)

"I found you at last!" the storm cloud lunged forward shattering the sky. How? Scootaloo watched her wings being torn to shreds. It was so sudden that she didn't even feel it; no pain, no loss, just confusion as she watched her feathers float away in slow motion. This was supposed to be the most traumatic experience nice of her life, and yet all she could think about, falling to the ground, was And I just learned to fly an hour ago...

"Aw!" Scootaloo shouted. Waking on the floor never was a fun experience. For one thing the pain was far more memorable. "Damn it" she whispered through her teeth. Everything seemed to be in place: her room, her bed, even her wings... her annoyingly small wings. At least, this time I didn't get eaten by monster trees. She stood up and slowly went to the window.

Four nights, fifteen nightmares. This had to be some sort of record. It started Sunday. First she would have the most amazing dreams—being a Wonderbolt, the greatest hero of Equestria, Rainbow Dash's little sister—only to end up losing it all and painfully killed. The worst part was that after she woke up, the whole experience would repeat time and time and time again until it was finally morning. If this is puberty, I hate it! Scootaloo opened the window and climbed on the sill.

So tired... The filly yawned as she relaxed her head against the side of frame. Maybe, I'll talk to Luna about this... The fresh night air felt nice in her mane. Calm and relaxing, it almost made her feel she were flying. And the moonlight was so soft. Just like a cloud bed.

"Hello, Essence," a nearby voice said.

"Mmm, hello," Scootaloo murmured softly, flapping her wings half-asleep. She could sense the sweet smell of ozone mixed with honey.

"You've grown," the voice continued, moving closer. "So much like your mother."

"Mmhmm." Scootaloo cracked an eye open. The silhouette of a stallion was standing there, a few steps outside her house. "Huh?" The shock hit her like a jolt of adrenalin, lifting her to her hooves. "Who are you?" What are you doing here?

The stallion just shook his head, as if the question didn't matter. Under normal circumstances, Scootaloo would throw the nearest thing at him, or shut the window and run like Tartarus. Yet, her body refused to cooperate. She just stood there, frozen as a statue.

"And forgotten everything," the stallion sighed in disappointment. "I should have come sooner."

What the hay is going on? Who is this pony? And why can't I move? Scootaloo tried to force herself to tear herself away. She couldn't. Every muscle in her body belt as if had been cast in iron chains.

A nightmare! she thought. It has to be a nightmare! That would make so much sense. And still, every sense was screaming it was real.

"Let's go, Essence." The silhouette reached for her. "We're wasting time."

"No!" The word burst out of her mouth. The stallion seemed taken aback, his foreleg freezing in place. "I'm not going anywhere!" A blink later the stallion was gone, and Scoots found she was curled up on the window sill.

"Another dream," she grumbled, fighting her eyelids open. "Why can't—"

"Scootaloo!" A loud yell came from downstairs. "Breakfast is ready! Hurry up or you'll be late for school again!"

Wonderful... Scootaloo tried to get back to sleep, her instinct to avoid school stronger than any amount of nightmares. The smell of fresh waffles and butterspice made that impossible. As much as she tried she couldn't keep her eyes shut, or fight the gathering saliva in her mouth.

Fine, you win! She jumped to the floor. Yawning, she stretched, then, one eye open, went in the general direction of the door. A poster with Rainbow Dash hung there, declaring "Do your morning stretches!" in large red letters. Scootaloo did her best to ignore it. Even a poster hadn't been able to get her into the habit of morning exercises.

"Please don't use up the shower cloud, Orange," Scootaloo's mother said the moment the filly's door creaked open. Moooom! Not that nickname! I mean, it was cute when I was a filly, but I'm all grown up now! Still, shower was a good idea. Hopefully, there would be some hot water left. Her father had the nasty habit of using it up after returning from his night shift.

Dragging herself groggily into the bathroom, Scootaloo went into the shower cabin and kicked the lower part of the cloud with her hind legs. Icy cold water poured onto her, causing both eyes to pop open.

"Daaad!" she yelled, shivering as the water drenched her mane. "You used up all the hot water again!" Scootaloo had lost count how many times she had been subjected to this. And, unlike what they taught at school, after so many times she still hadn't got used to to the experience. All it did was make her feel cold, grouchy and annoyed. I bet Rainbow Dash has hot water. She quickly shampooed her mane and wings, racing with the quickly shrinking cloud. Need to finish fast! by the time she was done only a quarter of the original cloud remained. Still, better than nothing.

And of course the towels are gone! Usually, Scootaloo would be shouting her head off by now. Instead, however, she just sighed deeply, shook off the water best she could, and went down to the kitchen.

"Morning, Orange!" her mother greeted her with a smile. "Enjoy your breakfast. It'll be a beautiful day today."

"You'd know. You're the one writing up all the weather schedules," Scootaloo mumbled under her breath. "Will dad come? Or is he sleeping again?" A wing smacked her on the back of the head. Despite all their support and care her parents were strict, her mother especially. Bad language and lack of disrespect would not be tolerated. "Sorry." The filly took her seat. "I... it won't happen again."

"That's good." Her mother placed a stack of steaming waffles. "Now eat up."

The food was delicious, as usual, but for some reason, Scootaloo didn't feel hungry all of a sudden. Her stomach had curled up, and there was the nagging feeling that something was wrong. Across the table, Silver Lining was cleaning the dishes, as she did every morning. Next to her, the clock on the fridge ticked loudly, its hands shaped like pegasus wings. The calendar stirred gently by the window, weather icons drawn on. By all accounts it was just another morning, yet something was off.

"Anything wrong, Orange?" Silver Lining asked. "You've barely touched your breakfast."

"Uh?" Scootaloo blinked. Strange. I thought I had finished at least half of it. "I didn't sleep too well." She pushed the plate away.

"Nightmares again?" her mother's voice rang with concern. "You're having them far too often. Maybe we should go to see a doct—"

"It's just a bunch of stupid nightmares, Mom," Scootaloo cut her off. "Princess Luna will help if they get really bad."

"You mustn't rely on the princess for everything." Silver Lining frowned. "And it's not good for you. As a growing pegasus you must get plenty of sleep."

"Some pegasus I am." Scootaloo looked down. "I better be going or I'll be late for school." She slipped out of the chair. Without a word, she grabbed her saddlebag, rushed to fetch her scooter and was off.

Why can't I kick this feeling? She wondered, deciding her scooter through Pincylille. It's as if something terrible is about to happen. Like a pack of Timberwolves attacking school, or...

"Am I in a dream?" She suddenly stopped. It didn't feel like a dream. Her surroundings looked real, she could feel slight pain in her rump from the time she fell off her bed, the street signs didn't have weird letters on them...

If you think you are in a dream check your hooves, Scootaloo remembered reading somewhere. Hooves are difficult for the subconscious brain to recreate, so there usually appear with flaws. Often an additional hoof is present, attached to one of the others.

The filly glanced at her forehooves. Everything seemed in order there. Maybe she was overthinking things? Just because she had problems sleeping didn't mean that—

"At least you've not completely helpless," an amber stallion said in front of her. He didn't have wings, yet his features were remarkably pegasus-like. One thing was for sure — he wasn't a Ponyville local. No pony that old was lacking a cutie-mark. "Time to go, Essence."

"Huh? What?" Scootaloo stepped back. All this seemed awkwardly familiar. "I don't know you, so no way in—"

"Your dreams are getting worse, aren't they?" he cut her off. "You've been having nightmares for a week. Each time you end up dead. Have your feathers started falling off?"

"Falling off?" A wave of dread passed through the filly's body. He's no idea what he's talking about! She took a step back. He's just some crazy pony trying to scare me!

"You found a few feathers in your bed two nights ago." The stallion pointed at her wings. "You didn't tell anypony and hid them at the bottom of your desk drawer." How did you know? Scootaloo took a step back. I'm sure I hid them! "You'll lose them all if you don't pick up your game."

"Wha?" Fear pierced Scootaloo like a bolt of lightning. Loser all her feathers? That was the worst thing that could happen to a unicorn! Please. Let this be a sick joke! She looked at her wing. As if on cue, two of her feathers fell off, floating gently to the ground. "No..."

The filly checked her other wing. The feathers there were in even worse condition, colorless and withered, as if they had been dead for days. How didn't anymore notice this before? How didn't I notice them? Scootaloo's head suddenly felt heavy. She took a step back to regain her balance. the filly would have probably lost consciousness altogether, if she hadn't happened to notice it—her back right leg had two hooves.

"Two hooves," she said quietly, her mind close gong to the realization. "Two hooves!" she turned around looking the amber stallion right in the eye. "This isn't real! You're a dream!"

"Still using tricks," he frowned. "They won't keep you safe for long."

"You wish! When I tell Princess Lina, she'll—"

"You think a stupid alicorn can do much?" the stallion snorted. "You really have been gone for too long. She might have given herself that absurd title, but she's just a visitor in the dreamscape. She wouldn't be able to find you if her hooves were tied to your head!" Scootaloo arched a brow, trying to visualize the image. Nope, too weird. "And even if she did, it wouldn't help," he went on. "You'll keep on having nightmares and losing feathers until there's nothing of you left in either world."

"How do I know you're not the one sending me nightmares?" The filly stood up to him.

"How do you know I am?" The stallion shrugged. "Either way you are running out of time. Trust me, or don't, it's up to you. I'm not going to save you anymore."

"You haven't saved me once!"

"Who do you think took care of the nightmares?" he snapped. "Your alicorn princess? You?! You can barely walk in dreams!"

"Oh yea—" Scootaloo's muzzle froze mid-word.

"Worse than a caterpillar!" The stallion spat on the ground. "The sooner you realize that, the better. Only this time I won't be there to help you out." A single stomp on the ground and his colour faded away, replaced by misty white. "If want my help you'll have to find me. If you can." He stomped his hood again. Ponyville shattered.

"Huh!" Scootaloo's head shot up. Across the table her parents looked at her with concern. I'm still here? But it seemed so real... The kitchen was just as she remembered it. Looking down, she could even see her plate with a half-eaten waffle inside. Could any of this be trusted, though?

"Is everything alright, dear?" Her father asked. "You seemed—"

"Just remembered I might have a test today," Scootaloo lied. She didn't want to talk about her nightmares, and especially not the stallion. At best they'd think it was puberty acting up. At worst, they'd take her to a hospital. "I might have skipped a few lessons." Worst defense ever, yet at least it'll keep them off the right track. Parents always freak out about school.

"Oh," Night Rider said, taking a sip of tea. He didn't seem bothered at all. Maybe it's all the night shifts, Scootaloo thought. "I'm sure you'll do great. And remember, if there's anything you'd like to ask or share, your mother and I are always here for you."

"Yeah, I know." Scootaloo took another bit of her waffle. No way I'm telling you my feathers are falling off. That would be gross!

"As long as you know, Orange," her mother chirped in. "We're sorry we don't get to spend as much time with you as we'd—"

"No worries, Mom." The filly forced a smile. "I'm love you both. It's just—"That I'm freaking out like heck right now!"—that this is a complicated time for me. I'd rather..." She paused. That last sentence might have been a wrong turn. "I better get going. Don't want to be late again."

She finished what was left of her breakfast, then endured the obligatory kiss on the forehead. Talk about embarrassing. At least there were no talks this time. Just a quick "goodbye and take care," and Scootaloo was on her way to school... again. Thankfully, nothing unusual happened. That didn't keep her from glancing at her wings every minutes, on one occasion almost crashing into Mare Mayor as a result. Maybe this is puberty? the filly considered. It was possible that everypony went through this. Her friends would know. At least she could trust them with her secret. All but the falling feather's of course.

School was measured in blinking. Five blinks for Scootaloo to get the courage to knock on the door and come up with an excuse. Three, for Cheerilee to sigh at the excuse and tell her to go to her desk. Two for the class to laugh at her. Ten to whisper a few words to Sweete Belle and Apple Bloom. Another four for Cheerilee to cough, displeased. Then seven hundred blinks to endure till lunch recess. Finally, ten blinks to be sure that everyone except her friends had left the classroom.

"Ya doing okay, Scootaloo?" Apple Bloom asked. "Ya've been looking mighty sad all mornin'."

"Yes, did you break your scooter again?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"What do you mean again?" Scootaloo frowned. How did that even come up? "Ans I wasn't sad... Was I?"

"Yep," Apple Bloom said, while Sweetie nodded beside her. "Ya were sitting all quiet like, blinkin' all mornin'. Even Diamond Tiara went all 'what's with Scootaloo today?'"

Have to tell them. They'll understand! "Sorry, girls. Just trouble sleeping lately." Scootaloo, you coward! "Say, have you been having any weird dreams lately?"

"Weird? How weird?" Apple Bloom looked at the ceiling. "Ah was dreaming Ah was left in charge of the farm, but then the barn ran away and Ah had to lasso it back. That seem weird?" She turned back to Scootaloo.

"Err, a bit." The pegasus stared at her friend. Last time I ask you that question. "Sweetie?"

"Umm." The unicorn's face turned all red. "No, no interesting dreams here. Not for weeks. Months! Not in months!" She smiled guiltily, sweat forming on her forehead.

"So none of you had any nightmares?" Scootaloo ignored her. "Being changed by clouds or devoured by trees?" Both shook their heads. So much for that idea. Whatever it is, only I'm affected.

"Scoots, maybe it's because of..." Sweetie Belle started hesitantly. "Because of you know what?" she whispered as she moved closer. Scootaloo arched a brow. "Your wings." An even fainter whisper came through.

"Really, Sweetie?" Way to make me feel way worse Belle! "We've been through this! I know I'll never get to fly, so I—"

"Not that." The unicorn pulled Scootaloo's wing with her magic. "That."

Scootaloo turned white. One of her feathers was wilting. Dry and drained of colour, it stood among the others like a broken branch. The pegasus' heart stopped. A dream. She desperately started checking her hooves. Just another dream!

"Err, Scootaloo?" Sweetie Belle took a few steps back. "What are you doing?"

"Just a dream!" Scootaloo glanced at the nearest book, then flipped the page. "Just a dream!" Im not losing my feathers! I am not! She kept turning the pages to and fro, but nothing changed. The text was exactly the same morning geography nonsense they had gone through the entire morning.

"Scootal—" Apple Bloom began, but Scootaloo pushed her out of the way, dashing for the door.

He said it was related to dreams, thoughts raced though her mind. Or did I come up with that? At this point it was impossible to tell. The only thing she knew for certain that he mentioned nightmares and her loosing her feathers. There was nopony she could go to regarding her plumage loss, yet there was one who knew dreams.

"Hey, watch it!" some pony yell, as Scootaloo nearly dashed through him. Even without her scooter, she was a force to be reckoned with.

The near-accident didn't even cause her to flinch. Speeding on, she went straight for the castle. Spike, Princess Twilight, I hope you are there! Scootaloo banged on the door, lacking breath to even call out. Please open. She paused to catch her breath. There was no telling how much time she had left. A quick look at her wing revealed that the tip of another feather had started to lose colour. Anither? In five minutes?!

"Princess!" Scootaloo croaked, still gasping for air. "Please open—"

Her wish was instantly fulfilled. The door opened, causing to lose balance, plopping on the floor, right in front of Twilight's hooves.

"Hello, Scootaloo," the alicorn smiled, politeness mixed with confusion. "Nice of you to drop by."

Please not with the puns. Scootaloo groaned on the inside. "Is Spike here?" She jumped to her hooves eagerly. "Can I see him?"

"Calm down." Twilight levitated the filly back. "Spike is on business in Canterlot." Scootaloo's ears drooped. "But surely I can help you if there's anything," Twilight quickly added. "I am quite knowledgable in a vast number of areas and—"

"Nightmares," Scootaloo said firmly.

"Nightmares?" Twilight twisted her lip as she thought. "Nightmares," she repeated sagely. "Not exactly my area of expertise, but that's what libraries are for!"

A flash of her harm and the two were instantly transported there. The experience made Scootaloo slightly nauseous. Is all teleportation like this? She leaned against the nearest bookshelf for support.

"So, what exactly did you wish to o now about Nightmares?" Twilight began surrounding herself with books. "History? Definitions? Reasons? The Mare in the Moon?"

"How can I talk with Nightmares?" The filly jumped to the side, avoiding a large Rome that levitated its way to Twilight.

"Talking to Nightmares? Interesting that you would mention that." Twilight moved the mass of the books aside, levitating one open. "I remember Lina sharing a fascinating account about beings in the dreamscape. Dream Ponies, they were called." Pages flipped wildly. "I don't remember if they were nightmares or if they lived among nightmares. I really must ask her again next time I see her... Ah, here we go! It is speculated that there is a tribe of ponies that lives in the dream world. Unlike other ponies, they cannot enter the material world and can only communicate with other ponies in their dreams. Hmm. It's a bit unclear who's exactly dreaming."

Communicate in dreams? That sounded frighteningly similar to what the strange stallion had done. Both times Scootaloo had spoken to him she had been asleep. Maybe, if she tries a third time he would appear as well? Yet he had said she'd have to find him on her own.

"Can I borrow that book, Princess Twilight?" Scootaloo asked eagerly.

"Please, don't start with the Princess thing," the alicorn said annoyed. "And of course you could borrow the—"

"Thanks, Twilight!" Scootaloo grabbed the book and rushed out of the library. Sorry, but I don't have any time She glanced at her wing. Three feathers had wilted. I must get in the dream world and find that dream pony. How, thought? She couldn't get home, or to the CMC clubhouse. The girls would probably go there right after school. Carousel Boutique and Sweet Apple Acres were also out of the question. Sugarcube Corners was too noisy...

Her uncertainty growing with every step, Scootaloo stopped running. She needed a moment to think. I could go to Fluttershy's cottage, she mused, sitting on the ground to get some rest. But knowing how she'd react, I'm not sure. She is a pegasus, and good with animals, so she might be able to help me. I think.

"Don't count on it," the amber stallion said beside her. "She's as clueless as the rest."

"You?!" Scootaloo felt her mane stand on end. "How are you here? Are you supposed to..." she stopped. Slowly she opened the book she had borrowed from Twilight. The pages were blank. "I'm dreaming, aren't I?"

"You don't need tricks to tell you that," the stallion sighed deeply. "What am I going to do with you? Nearly of age and still clueless. I'm sorry Essence."

"I'm not clueless!" Scootaloo pouted. "And don't act as if you know everything!"

"If you think it's an act." He shrugged.

"Just tell me what's wrong me with so I fix it and get home!" I still don't trust you! For all I know you could still be the one causing my feather loss! "My parents are probably worried, and—"

"Your parents are dead." Never before had Scootaloo heard something as significant be said in such a dismissive fashion. Falling silent, she looked at the stallion expectantly. "Your parents, your real parents were killed by the nightmares, Essence. Those who you think are your parents, are nothing more than a couple that adopted you outside the dreamworld."

"But..." Scootaloo felt a lump form in her throat. "That can't be possible! You are making this up! You don't know what you're talking about!"

"I know perfectly well what I'm saying." He shook his body. Large transparent wings grew out of his sides. They were bigger than any wings Scootaloo had seen. "I know because I brought you here, Essence. Just as I promised your mother... and my sister."