• Published 7th Oct 2016
  • 9,423 Views, 209 Comments

Mother Nightmare - SnowCrystal802

16-yr-old Twilight has been held in a stasis spell for a millennia. Since her mother was banished from Equestria. What happens when she comes back?

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Twilight fluttered her good wing as Fluttershy set the broken one. Rainbow was still going on about her rescue. Twilight glared at her as they started to walk again. Rainbow continued to boast and Twilight had had enough.

"YES, Rainbow, I was there. And I'm very grateful but..." A massive creature landed in front of them, it's scorpion tail flicking back and forth in irritation. The manticore snarled as the girls stopped.

"A manticore!" As the large animal stood on it's hind legs and roared, it's paws spreading wide. Fluttershy gave him a gentle look as she noticed his left paw pad. The largest pad was red and looked slightly swollen. Twilight instantly declared that they had to get past him. Rarity kicked him in the face but was quick to run when the large beast roared at her and messed her hair. Fluttershy watched as Applejack ran past her. She whispered a quiet 'wait' as her friend jumped on the manticore's neck. She was quickly thrown off and flew right past Rainbow.

"All yours, partner." Rainbow saluted and began to spin around their foe. Only to have the massive creature's stinger slam into her.

"RAINBOW!" She slid to a stop and moaned, placing her hooves under her chest and slowly standing up. Twilight pawed at the ground and snorted. They charged the manticore only for Fluttershy to plant herself between them.

"WAAAIT!!!" The girls slid to a stop as to avoid hitting Fluttershy. The yellow mare smiled and turned towards the manticore. He pulled his good paw back to strike Fluttershy, growling. However, oblivious to her friends flinching, she stuck to her nature.
"It's okay." She gently nuzzled the manticore's sore paw and, with a pained, upset look, he presented the sore pad. With a long thorn sticking out of it.

"Oh, you poor, poor little baby. Now this might hurt for just a second." Ignoring Rainbow's comment, she leaned forward and bit down on the thorn. With a light poink, it came free. The manticore roared and picked her up. The girls panicked cries were cut short when the large animal started licking her and purring. Twilight smiled and led the girls past him. When Fluttershy rejoined them, her hair was slicked back.

"How did you know about the thorn?"

"I didn't. Sometimes we all just need to be shown a little kindness."

A few hours had passed and they had reached the old castle. It had been an interesting journey, with evil trees and a melodramatic river-dragon. But they got through and were now faced with another conundrum. The bridge was out and while Fluttershy and Rainbow could fly, the other four could not, with Twilight's wing being broken. The lavender princess was talking with Rarity when the ground below her forelegs vanished. She vaulted forewords, scrambling at the broken bridge. Her tail jerked as Rainbow pulled her backwards.

"What's with you and falling off cliffs, today?" Twilight stood up, sending her a playful glare. Pinkie sighed, her voice sad.

"Now what!?" Rainbow spread and wiggled her wings, giving the pink Earth pony a smug smile. She shot down and grabbed the bridge ropes before flying over the canyon. Twilight sat down and smiled as her and her new friends started talking. however, after nearly ten minutes, Twilight turned around and called for her friend. Her ears flattened and she whimpered, alerting her friends, at the sight of three dark Wonderbolts. Their outfits were all shades of black and dark purple while they themselves were dark gray with purple manes. The mare was flying around Rainbow and obviously making her feel excited. Rainbow flipped and gave a shout before flying towards the rope. The mare shot over and snarled at Rainbow.

"Oh, no. Rainbow!" The mare turned towards them and her yellow lenses blazed, summoning a dense, enchanted fog between the girls and their friend. Another minute passed with them trying to call their friend. Suddenly, Rainbow came shooting through the fog, dispelling it with the fixed bridge behind her. She touched down and stood on her hind legs with her forelegs held in the air in front of her and her wings spread behind her. She placed her hooves on the ground and grinned. The girls started foreword with Rainbow promising to never leave them hanging.

"Come on. Mom and Celestia kept the Elements in near the throne room."

"Good thing you used to live here." Twilight nodded and turned down a hallway. Her tail swished as they walked looking around in sadness at her old home.

"There used to be a small village around the castle and it was enchanted to not be ravaged by the weather. What happened to them?"

"There was a massive quake around here a while back. It nearly toppled half of Ponyville and the old village, since the wood was practically nothing but rot, was destroyed." Twilight pinned her ears back and looked down at Rainbow's words. Soon, they reached the throne room and Rarity squealed in delight upon seeing the old tapestries. The girls had to drag her away to continue searching. When they found the room, however, Twilight was horrified.

"There's only five and they're STONES!!" On each of the five stones was a picture of a gemstone. Fluttershy and Rainbow flew up and grabbed one each while Twilight levitated the others down. As she inspected each one, the girls looked around. Rainbow glanced out the window, a feeling of unease settling in the pit of her stomach. A movement on the far wall caught her eye and she turned. The brick wall was pulsing and rippling, a faint glow and pulsating warble coming from the wall. Her ears pinned back, she flew down to the wall. The bright, silvery glow turned an inky blue. She started to tremble as the inside started to swirl and the outer ring started to pulsate faster.

"Uh... Twilight?" The lavender Alicorn looked up and her eyes widened. She grabbed the stones and pulled Rainbow over, wrapping a shield around them. A shiver ran through the stones and there was an outpouring in heat. Suddenly there was a loud boom and a dark blue, purple and black bird flew out of the rift. An ear-shattering shriek ripped out of the bird's throat. It had a long, flowing crest of vibrant silver, ice blue and pale green feathers on it's head and thick feathers. The birds plumage was mainly dark blue with purple, silver and black speckling. However, while bird wings were normally feathered, this bird's wings only had feathers over the top of the wings, along the leading edge. The bird's wings were actually akin to dragon wings. It's eyes were dark green with glowing, dark blue pupils. The beak was a shimmering silver with an iridescent stripe down the beak and when it wasn't shrieking like a banshee but singing, it made the most beautiful warbling sound.

"A Crested Opal-Beak!" They all turned to Fluttershy in surprise.

"What, I know all about ancient, extinct species. It's not supposed to exist. They used to be night birds, basically the nighttime version of a phoenix." Twilight wasn't hearing the yellow mare as she stared at the beautiful bird. Or, more importantly, the white, heart-shaped mark on it's breast, rimmed with violet feathers.

"These birds were kept as pets by nobles and royalty. However, around the same time that Luna went bad, a bunch of them started to attack ponies on sight. Supposedly, they were commanded by that same bird and her owner." They all turned towards Twilight who was staring at the large bird. The bird was easily as tall as Twilight, with tail feathers about half her height. Twilight's eyes were locked on the beautiful animal, who was whirling around. Suddenly, the Element stones began to glow and crack, each a different colour while a deep magenta glow began form over Twilight. The bird touched down and turned towards them, it's glowing eyes dimming. Twilight stood up and walked towards the still bird. The girls stared at her in panic as she did so.

"Twilight, that bird was the ringleader of the attacks, according to legend! They only listen to their owners!" Fluttershy's desperate cries went unheeded as Twilight finally stood in front of the bird. She lifted a trembling hoof towards the magnificent plumage. Her best friend clacked her beak and ruffled her wings. The heart on her chest was ringed by tiny specks that formed patterns. The very patterns from which the bird had earned her name.

"Hello, Constellation. It's good to see you, old friend" The room went silent as they tried to process what they were hearing. Suddenly, the silence was broken by Rainbow's accusing shout.

"I KNEW YOU WEREN'T TRUSTWORHTY AFTER ALL!!!!" Twilight pinned her ears back in shock and hurt, with one thought running through her head. Uh oh. Applejack wacked Rainbow over the head and glared at her. Fluttershy had her hooves over her mouth while Pinkie and Rarity's mouths were both open in shock. Fluttershy shook her head and glared at her friend.
"How can you say such a thing?" As the girls stared to argue, Twilight noticed in shock and horror that Rainbow's energy ball was fading fast. That's not good.