• Published 19th Jun 2012
  • 2,473 Views, 37 Comments

Pinkie's fun - StormShadow

The explanation of how Pinkie Pie created My Little Pony.

  • ...

The only chapter.

They think they know me. They don’t. Every day, I pretend, and pretend. All day long! Sometimes, it’s really fun. I like to pretend. It helps me escape, y’know? It helps me forget the fact I’m covered in bruises. It helps me forget the fact that “The most sacred part of me” (or so the bald guy on the TV says) has been violated by a man supposed to protect me. It helps me be free.

When I’m pretending, I don’t pretend to be me. I pretend to be someone- no, someTHING else. I become a form of my choice. I still don’t know the word for it. I’m little, you see. I’m smart, though. Super smart. I know all kinds of stuff. Like how much that white powder that goes in your nose is per baggy, and how much beer my daddy can drink before he turns into something else. I can count up to 100, (and trust me, I have to do this a LOT. It’s the only distraction I have when my daddy starts doing bad things to me. Things that make me feel icky afterwards.) and I know what cupcakes taste like!

That’s one thing I’d like to learn. How to bake. I’ve tried before, oh trust me, I have. I tried SUPER HARD, and I even put ICING on them! Of course, they weren’t so good. They fell apart when I put the icing on, and the inside was still goopy and gross. My daddy made me pay for that. He said “THAT ICING WAS EXPENSIVE! AND YOU WASTED IT!” Man, he sure gave me a whollop for that!

You probably think that I love my daddy, huh? I don’t. Oh no sir-ee Bob. I hate that man. He’s cruel, and bile. (I think that’s the right word.) He makes me eat anything he leaves over, and most of the time, it’s only the moldy crust from his bread. Every now and then, though, he’ll give me a treat. He’ll open my door, pick me up off the floor, and plop me into his special chair in the living room! Then he’ll look at me, and say “Pinkamena Diane Pie. You’re a worthless pile of (well, I can’t say what he says then. He smacks me if I do! Haha!) and I don’t know why I’m so nice to you, but I have a date tonight. You’re to stay RIGHT HERE, and if you’ve moved when I get home, you can expect to sleep out in the yard for the next WEEK!”

So, then, I haven’t got a choice, y’know? And most of the time, he’ll bring me something DELICIOUS! Like garlic bread, or left over spaghetti and meat balls! There’s ALWAYS a cupcake with it, though. Every single time! It’s pink, (my favorite color) and so creamy and delicious!
Whenever he brings me this stuff home, he often makes me wait in his room without my clothes on, and he takes pictures of me. He says it’s how he gets a lot of his money!
I’m just happy to help my daddy.

I go to school at the elementary. I’ve got LOTS of friends! Well, really, only 5 close ones. But they’re the best friends ANYONE could EVER ask for! EVER!

There’s Fiona Sterling, Tiffany Sampson, Arabelle Jackson, Rhylea Davids, and uh...hm....there’s another, but I can’t remember her name! She’s beautiful, though. Her name starts with an “R”....hm....

Let’s just call her RARITY! Y’know, ‘cause someone as positively BEAUTIFUL as her is SOOOO rare!

Fiona is really shy, and sometimes, I like her the best. She’s great with animals, and wants to be a vet when she grows up! Tiffany is SUUUUUPPPPPEEEEERRR smart! She knows EVERYTHING about EVERYTHING! Arabelle is a country hick, and I don’t really like her. All she does is work, work, work. It’s annoying, y’know? Anytime I want to laugh and play after school, she has to go straight home and work on her family’s farm! What a bore!

Rhylea is probably my FAVORITEST of my friends! She’s funny, and athletic, too! She pulls the BEST pranks, and is ALWAYS there for me! One time, though, she almost came in and saw my daddy on top of me. I told her to go away, though, and never come back! I couldn’t let her see my daddy like that! She needed to think he was absolutely fine...absolutely perfect....


Because...because everything IS perfect, right? Because everything is just oh-so-great! It’s all so fun ...Life’s a party...it...it really is...it’s....
Sometimes, though, I lose myself when I pretend. I have to be EXTRA careful! Because it’s just SO real! It’s like I REALLY see them in front of me! They’re so bright and colorful and positively BEAUTIFUL! Anyone would LOVE to be right there with them!


Anyways, let me tell you guys a secret. I’ve got a plan, y’see! I saw a video once in class where someone got “stabbed” and DIED! I don’t know what dying means, but apparently, you don’t come back! If someone else makes someone else die, it’s called “murder”! Apparently, it’s a big no-no. They say you “killed” them!

You wanna know my secret?

I think I’m going to “kill” my daddy!

It should be SOOOO fun!

Sure, it’ll be sad to say “Bye bye!” to him, but he’ll get to go somewhere else! Maybe even Paris!

Wanna know how I want to do it?

I want to do it like they did in that show. The man took a knife (my daddy has LOTS and LOTS of them in the kitchen!) and snuck all sneakily up behind the other guy! Then, he took the knife, and KABOOM! Stuck it right in his back! There was some red stuff that comes out of me, too, like whenever daddy broke my nose. It stopped, though. The red stuff. It stopped flowing out, and boy, was I happy! Because it sure had made it hard to breathe. And if I stop breathing, then my head starts hurting, and my eye sight goes all whacky-jacky. I have to breathe, then. It’s like my brain is yelling at me to! Stupid brain. Why can’t you let me see what happens...?

Anyways, I think I’m going to do it tonight! It’ll be SUPER fun, and I haven’t had any of that in SOOO long!


Daddy just got home! Yes, oh YES! Here he comes...I got the knife earlier while he was asleep on the couch. I had to be SUPER DUPER careful! Or else he’d wake up, and my whole plan would be ruined. I can’t let THAT happen, now CAN I?!

I’ve got the knife behind my back, now. I know he’ll open the door, so I get behind it. I’ve NEVER done THAT before! I also made a small bundle with my blanket to make it look like I’m sleeping! He’ll go over and check, then SURPRISE! I’ll stab him, and make the red stuff come out! It’ll be soooo funny!

BAM! He just opened the door! He’s walking over to my blankets...haha! You should see his big ugly face!

“PINKAMENA?!” he just screamed. He realizes I’m not there! Time to put this party in action!

I jump up and KABLAM! The knife goes RIGHT ON THROUGH! I had to push, though. It was kinda hard. It was like his back didn’t WANT the knife in there!

Oh boy, look at all this red stuff! It’s all OVER the place! And man, is he screaming, or WHAT? I bet the neighbors will hear him! Golly, he sure is happy to die!

Huh...I wonder what this feeling is? It’s kind of nice. I feel happy. I think my daddy is in pain, y’see. I think he doesn’t WANT to “die”! It’s making me smile! Oh man, I didn’t WANT to hurt him, only make him go away...but this is soooo much better!

He fell a few seconds ago. The knife was still in his back, and it went through! I can see it shining through the front of his shirt! THAT made me laugh even harder! Hahahaha! Look at him! He’s squirming like a worm! Ahaha!

Aw, now he’s looking straight at me! He’s asking for my help. I guess I SHOULD help him!

Then I hear something. It’s a voice, I think! It’s coming from the corner of the room, so I turn and look, but guess what?! No one’s there!
There it is again! I heard it! But...what did it say?

“Pinkie...don’t help him...he doesn’t need your help...”

I stared at the corner again, and then answered. “Doesn’t need my help? Are you sure?”

“Of course, Pinkie. You’ve helped enough. He’s dying, now!”

I look, and sure enough, he’s not breathing anymore, and his red stuff is all over the place! I started laughing then, and the voice laughed with me.

Hahaha! Wow, that sure was fun! And, I had a new friend! But...where was she?

“I’m over here, Pinkie Pie!”

“Why do you keep calling me Pinkie? My name’s PinkAMENA!” I explained to the voice, but I STILL couldn’t see ANYONE!

“Oh, I know. But in MY world, you’re PINKIE PIE! Well, I’m Pinkie Pie! But, we’re the same thing, y’know? I just look a little different, that’s all!”

I’m confused, though. Where is she? Where am I?

“Look! Behind you!”

I turn around and HOLY HECK! There’s me! In my mirror! It’s the me that I imagine when I play! I’ve got four legs, and they’re all on the ground!

“Wowzers! What ARE you?” I ask her.

“I’m a PONY, of course! I’m an Earth pony! My friends are Pegasi and Unicorns, though! I have Earth pony friends, too, but there are others!”

Wow! Unicorns and Pegasi? How NEAT!

“Can I meet them?!” I ask her.

She tells me I can! YES! I’m SOOO excited!

She tells me all I have to do is lie on the bed, close my eyes, and I’ll be right beside them! So, I do!

What’s that? I can feel something around me. I can’t move my arms anymore! What’s happening? I try to open my eyes, but when I do, all I can see are the bright colors of my friends in Ponyville that I’m used to. It’s like I have TWO bodies! I can feel my hooves, and my tail, and my mane, and my snout...and I can even shake them all about! But...but I can’t MOVE, it feels like! I can’t explain it! I try really hard. My tail shakes, my hooves clop on the ground, and then I start shaking. It’s like I’m being electrocuted! Ouchie! Then, BAM! Something falls on my head!

My body starts shaking again. Oh no! Something’s going to fall again!

I duck out of the way, and CRACK! A pot fell from the roof above! How COOL!

I stopped shaking, and went about my walk to go see Twilight Sparkle.

“Is she responding at all?” a nurse, with plastic gloves and mask, asked a doctor with a large syringe in his hand as she walked into the room.

“Well, I gave her two shots of adrenaline. She convulsed each time, and jerked her head. She yelped a little, and jumped, as if she was falling.”

“Still completely unresponsive to any questions, though, correct?”


The nurse checked something on her clipboard.

“I’m going to run some more tests. I’ll try to give her some medicine that will upset her stomach, but not permanently damage her. I’ll give her some test shots in varying parts of her body, to try and find a trigger spot.”

“Yes, doctor.”

At that moment, one of the girls (who was strapped in a strait jacket and laid up against a table) insane grins flitted across her face. She giggled, and the nurse jumped.

“Do you think she’ll ever recover?” the woman asked, placing a concerned hand across the child’s forehead.

“I can’t say. Don’t worry, though. She appears to be relatively happy, wherever the Hell she is. She grins constantly, and is always laughing.”

“Never talks though, does she?”

“Not to us.”

The doctor and the nurse left the room, shut off the light, and closed the door.

Pinkamena Diane Pie’s eyes glowed in the dark, and her grin never faded.

Comments ( 36 )

Hmm. Are you sure that writing stories in the dead of night is such a good idea? :applejackunsure:

I enjoyed it


I don't like you very much now.

I actually did enjoy this story. It's actually fairly accurate.(I've studied psychiatry for several years now) . Having PTSD would cause thoughts/actions of harming your tormenter, but she also seems to be at the age where she doesn't really understand what death is. Living in a constant fantasy was her way of coping, even though most children tend to do this...

Sorry, rambling... Lol. Anyways, very well done.

774437It's alright I'm just playin

Thanks. Because, you know, the number 1 thing I wanted to see before I went to bed was FUCKING SMILE DOG
I was trying to avoid that picture!!



You made me sneeze.

773725 Your comment needs about 20% more Jeff the Killer.

Oh my dear author. This was cute compared to what I could do :3

774650 Don't know what you mean broski, SMILE.DOG can be a pretty good looking chick.I mean, just look at that figure

I'm suprised of all this reception I'm getting over a dumb comment.:pinkiegasp:

773725(sarcastically)yes , because the thing everyone needs before bed is traumatic pictures before going to bed.:facehoof:

775603Just because some random person tell u do to something doesn't really mean u have to do it duh but if u want to be my guest

773725 i love you for posting these:pinkiehappy:

77567It went over me to post such a thing

775646No I avioded them beacause I saw what it said plus it wasn't done (the page)loading ,but when it did it scrolled up on its own.Sorry im just a bit grouchy due to my rude sis.:twilightblush:

775725 I updated my comment sleep well suckers!!

775733Okay......well goodnight to you too?

well, it's 11;45 and I'm officially too scared shitless to sleep, so I'm just gonna go read my little dashie and try to forget that.

not bad!

This was not very scary to me, unfortuantely. I really expected to be scared shitless, but relying only on squick, insanity, and abuse does not make some thing scary or frightening, at least for me. My expression barely changed the whole way through. Sorry, but I really think you could do better if you tried. maybe it'd be better if you weren't writing in the middle of the night. My advice is, if you wanna really scare people, think of one of your worst fears and write down something that makes you, personally want to huddle in a fetal position in a corner. Chances are, if it scares you that much, it'll scare a lot of other people, too. I look forward to seeing you improve. :twilightsmile:

no offense, but "You've all heard that "Creepypasta", right? Or. maybe you'd prefer it be called "hidden meaning." Well, whatever you want to call it, I lamented on it, and wrote a story. I don't care if you guys like it or not, I was up at 4:50 a.m with no Internet, and this happened."
I know what a creepypasta is, but I've never heard it be called "hidden meaning". are you referring to a specific creepy pasta?

Wowzers, I come back to see all these comments!

I'll just reply to yours, and answer a few others in here.

By "hidden meaning", I meant those conspiracy theories that sprout out for every cartoon. "Rugrats" was all Angelica's imagination, Ed Edd and Eddy is Limbo, y'know...crap like that.

To answer everyone else:

This wasn't meant to SCARE you. This was merely a fiction that I wrote because I realized that no one had actually gone into further detail to fully explain what happened with Pinkie being insane and creating all this. It wasn't supposed to give you nightmares, or make you not want to sleep. It was just an explanation and an exaggeration on that theory.

oh... Yeah, sadly, I've heard people mention them, but I can't find nearly any. I'm really interested in seeing Rugrats and maybe Phineas and Ferb (not sure if there even is a P&F one, though)

I'm not sure about that, either. I'll link you to the few that I know of:
E.E.&E: http://thecolligere.com/entertainment/television/ed-edd-and-eddy-overanalyzation
M.L.P: (Well, I can't find the EXACT theory. It's really just something mentioned because...NO ONE EVER WROTE A STORY ABOUT IT. *cough cough*. So, I found you another "theory" that I personally really enjoy.) http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Theory

There are loads more, just go to Google, and try "Cartoon conspiracy theories". Have fun!

personally, I think everyone makign a big deal of not being able to sleep after seeing those (comment #3) images are being dramatic. They're not very scary. the scariest on is the jump scare, and I was prepared for it. Though, I must say, the bedroom ghost is rather unnerving if you look at it too long

I found pinkie's theme song.
Watching you by the white tie affair. :pinkiecrazy:

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