• Published 6th Jul 2016
  • 263 Views, 0 Comments

Tuesday - mr_shimmer

Tolkien got it right with "It's a dangerous business stepping out your front door." But rather than dangerous it is more like life changing. Well finding a filly right outside my front door has really changed my life.

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I really need to calm down. I think I need to get a coffee addiction or something. That's what parents do to handle stress, right? That and hire babysits for days they can let loose, which I can’t exactly do myself. What if Lyra got her little green snout into my coffee. A young unicorn on coffee. Pumpkin Cake was enough trouble in Baby Cakes, without added caffeine. What can I do to calm myself without risking my little filly?

Okay, let’s take a break from that moron. Seriously, who has a dream about being torchered, is woken up by the subject of the interrogation; and thinks it is just stress? How will this moron survive without me?

Let’s apply some logic to this situation. Shortly after an alien element entered our life, we felt something poking around our head. The next time we fall asleep, this element just happens to be in close proximity while we fall asleep to a nightmare of us being torchered for information about this alien element. Further compound this is the mental intruder I detected shortly before we fell asleep. Finally, just after the interrogation failed, whether it was from us regaining control of our dream, or from the natural progression; the alien element wakes us up. Theory, this alien, or something relating to it, was in control of that dream for a while.

On the offhand that it was a relatively normal dream, let’s analyze it like a normal dream. We woke up, blackbagged. With your, and slightly mine, worries about being abducted by our own government, is somewhat understandable. And our first concern being of Lyra makes sense for our personal view on comprised assets. The moment we were blackbagged, we were comprised, the longer we can delay them, the less useful any intel we give will be. Our sarcasm is about right for our self image. As for our speech impediment, well, we will never really be over that won’t we? Our ‘tacky’ quoting could easily be reflective of our somewhat constant fear or forgetting them over the summer, which leads us to recite them under our breath whenever we take a walk. The rescue by joint American Armed forces may have been representing our indecision of where exactly to enlist. We may say National guard, but we can't choose between the guard or the reserves, let alone which one. As for Ms Dash’s mark of power insignia, well, you are a brony. All in all, it makes a very sensible dream, which in itself is it’s greatest disproof.

Where is the fuzzy dream logic. Mr business suit pulling out a laser rifle, ruining away through a hidden passage, and then all black escape helicopter, shooting back at us from a hanging rope, like a cliche riddled action movie? The lack of cognition, the slightly agreeable attitudes of the extras? Where is the sudden jedi that leads the charge to rescue you? The grotesque, disproportionate monsters out to get you? Our dreams don’t make so much sense! I will outright claim it, our dream was crafted, not formed naturally.

Oh look, the moron finally calmed down both himself and his filly. So what was his choice for calming down… No. No, even me, the heartless monster of the two of us sees this as a bad idea. You don’t bond with your young filly, by teaching her how to play video games with a xbox controller. While I would be fine with you teaching her weapon handling; as that is a valuable life skill, teaching a telekinetic how to play with a console is just cruel. A telekinetic, do you have any idea what this will do to her… wait, Hold that thought, I want to examine it… You deranged genius of a parent, you are letting her push herself in developing fine telekinetic skills, by introducing her to a game where that is the only way for her to play. I’d started to wonder what you were doing with your share of the brain cells.

Okay, this idea of mine may end up backfiring tremendously. Lyra, after minutes of learning from me badly explain the concept of minecraft, is becoming a much more active, and engaged. As in asking me endless questions. Such as can I do this with redstone. Can I make a machine to farm, or mine for me? I am so glad I brought my laptop so that I can search the wiki, while she plays on jonny’s console; as I am not a redstone genius. But once I made her a creative world, she has occupied herself building up a village into a city. I’m embarrassed to say, even if it is just to myself, that she is the better builder. The more visually stunning constructions, and the simply elegant designs. What she can do with these pixels is just amazing.

It is getting late, I should put her to bed. Uh, how am I gonna do that? Not to mention how guilty I feel for only feeding her some bread earlier, but I have no idea what would be healthy for her. On the show they eat grass, Daffodils, pretty much anything you can name with apples, and potentially that many miscellaneous sweets. Although I keep coming back to the fact that I don’t know that she came the show’s universe. That adorable filly’s intestines and other organs could maybe find apples toxic, let alone the fact that pretty much any food I can get access to has been processed, and therefore likely has chemicals she hasn’t been exposed to, in them.

But back to the topic, how am I going to get her to go to sleep, and where will that be?

“Zz, hnggth, ZZzz.”

“You could just fall asleep. That also works.” I mutter under my breath, as I carefully stand up from the recliner, and carefully move her to the now vacant seat. If I remember the game last week, Johnny keeps a blanket in here for late night games. I think he mentioned keeping it tucked underneath the couch. Ah ha, found it, and oh my, it is a nice wool blanket. And a few tucks, and now I’m all alone, in the world of the acting. I think I’ll plug in my laptop and play some violent game or another, after that dream, I know I need some stress relieve.

Or I could come up with some frustrating test chamber in Portal 2. Ooh, I like how I think. But what will the theme of this one be? Co-Op lasers. The most frustrating thing in the game! Hehe. I am so evil...

Author's Note:

Sorry folks, that was the last of what I had mapped out, any future updates are likely going to take a while longer, and quality may fail. On the other hoof, if any of you readers have suggestions, I implore you to voice them. Thank you for reading this fic, and I hope you have enjoyed it.