• Published 20th Jun 2012
  • 2,520 Views, 52 Comments

Broken Rainbows - AstonMartinLover

Rainbow Dash tries to regain lost skill after suffering a crippling injury

  • ...

A Warning

Chapter 2: A Warning

Rainbow Dash sat in her dressing room, practically bouncing in her seat.

The Wonderbolts first live performance of the year was today. Over in the corner was the flight suit. Her flight suit. Yes. Her very own Wonderbolt flight suit.

The moment had finally come. She was going to be a Wonderbolt.

She looked down at the old goggles. So small now. Built for a filly. She had outgrown them. Scootaloo had outgrown them. It saddened her that there was nopony to give it to.

There was a fear demon inside her. It was threatening to overcome her now. She continued bottling it up.

"Big day huh?"

Rainbow looked up. Thunderspark stood in the doorway. She smiled. "Yeah Sparky. This is pretty big."

Thunderspark smiled. "You ready?"

"I've been ready for a long time Sparky. Just...not sure I ever thought it would actually happen."

Thunderspark had been a key part of Rainbow's life. He had been the first to coin the name 'Rainbow Crash.' He had also been the first to ever threaten Rainbow's speed records, actually beating her once.

However his reign as the fastest pegasus alive was short lived. All Rainbow had to do was fire off a sonic rainboom to take it back.

Since then, they had finally started getting along, despite the occasional race/brawl. Thunderspark had quit the life of a racing pegasus a couple of years ago, meaning they didn't have to be at each other throats all the time. He was in the Equestrian air force now, and served Celestia faithfully.

He trotted into the dressing room. His eyes came to rest on the tiny pair of goggles.

"I remember those. You used to fly around flight camp wearing those things. Flying around like some big shot."

Rainbow smirked. "Yeah. I was a bit of a tool back then. But Sparky, I am a big shot now. Even you have to admit that."

Thunderspark laughed. "Sure. I guess this is pretty big. Figure I'll be putting on a Wonderbolts flight suit soon enough."

Rainbow snorted. "Fat chance."

They hugged awkwardly. They had once tried their hoof at a relationship. It hadn't worked out. Thunderspark had decided to friend zone Rainbow. Which she didn't much mind. Relationships took time away from important things, she figured.

"Just don't forget where home is, alright?"

Rainbow chuckled. "Spark, I'll always be a cloudpusher at heart."

Twilight and Applejack appeared at the door.

"You ready Rainbow Dash?"

Rainbow Dash began punching the air, getting the blood flowing.

"Born ready Twi." She replied, swishing her mane out of her face.

But everypony could see it. She was a nervous wreck. The demon of fear was showing itself.

She was starting to shake. Her legs were wobbling about and she seemed an imminent threat to fall over.

"Hey take it easy sugar cube. You're gonna have a heart attack." Applejack said, patting her friend on the back.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath. She took some more deep breaths. Her other friends came into the room.

"What's going on?" Fluttershy asked.

"She's losing her nerve a bit." Twilight said. "It's okay."

Rainbow shook her head angrily. "I'm not losing anything! I'm just..."

"Alright Bolts'! Mount up!" Spitfire shouted. "You ready Rainbow?"

"Yeah...b-b-born ready." Rainbow said, rapidly slipping her flight suit over her head. She had tried on this suit over a dozen times at home. Their it felt like a glove. But here, it was scratchy and tight, and gave her a headache.

"Okay. Okay. I got this." She slipped the flight mask on. "You guys should probably grab a seat. Box seats right?"

The others nodded. "Are you sure you're going to be alright?" Fluttershy asked.

Rainbow Dash could see the other Wonderbolts trotting towards the tunnel.

"Yeah fine." She darted out of the dressing room to join them.

Soarin noticed her loud panting. "You alright RD?"

"Oh yeah. Just a little...unforeseen...stage fright. It's cool."

Her friends waved to her, then went up the stairs into the box.

She waved at them as confidently as she could. She was alone now. The other Wonderbolts were strangers for the most part.

She turned to Soarin. "Okay, this was a really bad idea."

"What?" Soarin asked.

"This! This whole thing! This was a horrible idea! I'm not cut out for this..."

"Sure you are RD. You're a great flyer. Just go out there and...I don't know, fly."

"That's not helpful!" Rainbow Dash snapped.

Soarin sighed. "Okay look. I was nervous my first time too. Once you get out there, it'll get a lot easier. Trust me."

Rainbow looked at him and took another deep breath. She didn't believe a word he said. But she nodded.

"Alrighty. Let's do this."

There was a shot. The Wonderbolts flew out on to the field. Their signature flight music blasted through the speakers of the coliseum, causing the entire complex to vibrate.

Rainbow Dash sighed. She was the rookie. She had to be introduced separately. The spotlight would be on her. Rainbow had dreamed of this moment for years. But now, she was just about ready to tear off this suit, and fly back to Ponyville as fast as her wings could take her.

The others took their warm ups. Rainbow Dash tried shutting off her brain. It repeatedly went through all the ways she could screw up her routine.

"Nope. Nope. Shut up. I don't want to listen to you!" Rainbow told herself. One of the janitors gave her a strange look.

Suddenly the music changed. Thunderstruck blared through the building. Rainbow's flight music.

She heard cheering. The pony with the loudspeaker spoke now.

"And now welcoming the newest member of the Wonderbolts! The One! The Only! RAINBOW DASH!"

The spotlight shone brightly on Rainbow. She blinked at first. Fireworks shot off around her.

She looked at the crowd cheering maniacally. In this moment she forced down any fear or hesitation. She slid her goggles over her eyes and gave the crowd a confident smirk.

She began striking epic poses. Flexing her arms. Flexing her wings.

"Get flying Rainbow!" Spitfire shouted.

Rainbow reared back and lunged into the arena.

Step one: Flyby. Plus interaction.

She glided around the stadium, taking care to wave to the fans as she did. Cameras flashed all over. She was red cheeked underneath her suit.

Step two: Pump up the crowd

She activated the tiny microphone in her mask.

"How's everypony doing tonight?" She asked, her voice filling the stadium sound system.

The response was an incomprehensible cheer.

"You ready for a truly epic performance?" Rainbow asked, louder this time.

Another loud cheer. Now a chant started.

"Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!"

Rainbow was flattered. Thank Celestia for the suit, she thought. Nopony could see her turning red again.
She put her hoof to her ear.



"I can't hear you!" Rainbow replied, milking it for all it was worth.


Step 3: Obviously. Sonic Rainboom.

"Alright fillies and gentlecolts! I suggest you cover your ears for this part!" Rainbow shouted.

She turned off the microphone. Didn't want to blow out the speaker system.

Her music came back on. She looked up into the perfect night sky. The moon was the only illumination now. She saluted the moon, then began flying upward, towards it.

The audience watched in wonder, trying to keep an eye on the blue and yellow suited blur. She was just a dot now.

Rainbow looked down at the stadium. All those fans calling out her name. She was finally living the dream. She angled her head down and blasted towards the stadium center.

The ponies cheered as she came back into view. Rainbow smirked at the sonic bubble. She giggled as it became a cone. Then, with a great roar, a sonic rainboom exploded from her body.

The crowd was stunned into silence as the rainbow waves thundered over their heads. Rainbow Dash became a rainbow streak, blasting through the bottom of the stadium.

Princess Celestia herself still found it amazing, watching this fantastic display from high up in the arena seats.

Rainbow streaked around the outside of the arena before putting up her wings as airbrakes to gracefully slow herself.

She joined Spitfire and the others on the Wonderbolts private cloud.

"Nice job Dash. I think you may have impressed royalty."

Rainbow looked up at Celestia's cloud, then high hoofed the members of the group. "You know it!"

She looked down at the flight suit. "I'm impressed. Didn't tear off. Guess this is solid stuff."

"Designed that one specifically for you Dashie." Spitfire replied. "Nearly destroyed the wind tunnel testing it."

Dash laughed. "Of course. So what are we waiting for?"

Spitfire gestured towards the stadium center. "Thunderlane. He's still warming up."

Rainbow nodded. Thunderlane was indeed out stretching his wings, getting ready for the show. The crowd continued chanting her name. Fantastic.

"Hold up." Soarin said, interrupting Dash's blissful self celebration. "How can that be Thunderlane?"

Spitfire frowned. "Um...elaborate?"

"Thunderlane called in sick this morning."

Spitfire shrugged. "Well I guess he got over it."

Soarin looked at her and slowly shook his head. "He called it in just before we came out here."

Spitfire took off her mask. "Then who is that?"

Thunderlane floated up to where Princess Celestia was sitting. She arched an eyebrow, unsure of the Wonderbolt's intentions.

He pulled off his mask, revealing his brown coat and silver mane.

"That IS Thunderlane!" Spitfire confirmed.

Rainbow Dash pulled her mask off and squinted. Her heart skipped a beat. Her eyes widened. There was something painfully familiar about the appearance of that Pegasus.

"That's not Thunderlane."

Thunderlane's eyes suddenly turned blue. His coat seemed to disappear, replaced with a scaly black. A dagger like horn protruded from the creature's head. Her feathery wings dissolved away, replaced by clear, fly wings.

A changeling.

Before Dash could think, she was airborne.

"Goodbye good princess." The changeling hissed. It raised some kind of weapon. It began to glow green.

They royal guards raised their weapons. Too late.

"Princess! Get down!" Rainbow shouted. She crashed into the changeling, sending an errant shot off into the darkness.

They crashed down on the royal cloud. The changeling tried to get up. Rainbow bucked with her back legs, knocking it down again.

The royal guards came over, seizing the creature. It hissed and sputtered at them.

Princess Celestia rose. "What is your business here Changeling?"

The changeling laughed. "You cannot even imagine princess. Our leader is coming. Our queen...she brings an army. Equestria will burn to the ground. And WE will rise from the ashes." The creature began laughing hysterically.

"Take him away." Celestia ordered sternly. Rainbow Dash got up to her hooves.

"Are you alright Princess?"

"I am fine Rainbow Dash. Thank you." Celestia said, brushing herself off. "It was a brilliant performance by the way, Rainbow Dash. It's good to see you in a Wonderbolt uniform at last."

Rainbow blushed. "Thank you princess."

The crowd had gone dead silent. Princess Celestia turned to address them.

"Citizens of Equestria. This performance has been canceled."

There was a moan from the ponies in attendance. Celestia paused understandingly. These ponies had every right to be frustrated. Watching the Wonderbolt's was a once a year opportunity for most ponies.

Celestia cleared her throat and continued. "A threat has been made against this nation. A hostile army could very well be heading for our borders. I urge you all to go home and secure yourselves. Stock up on various necessities." She paused, swallowing hard, about to make a declaration that no leader ever wanted to make.

"My little ponies. We must prepare for the possibility of war."