• Published 14th Aug 2016
  • 793 Views, 11 Comments

Ponytale [OLD] - Sonic Gamer

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Ch. 7 Waterfall Part 1

The human continued on her quest to the surface, and Zany decided to join her.

“Isn’t this great, human?” Zany said. “We’re on a grand adventure, together!” He then started singing:

“I can’t believe it, I made a friend

Who likes me

Even though our date

Wasn’t that great!

My style and charm

Have won over a human

Who likes chocolate milk and cotton candy

I think this must be fate!

When I tell Rainbow Dash

Wait I probably shouldn’t do that

She’ll be mad, she might have,

And then throw, a cow.”

Then Zany’s phone starts ringing. “Oh, uh…” He then continued singing in a lower tone:

“I’m sorry, human,

That was my phone ringing…

Uh oh, that would be her

Calling right now.”

He then stopped, and said, “I’ve gotta take this, I’m sorry! I’ll be right back! Probably!”

“OK, see you!” the human replied. She then continued on the trail, alone. She then ran into a pegasus colt without a cutie mark.

“Hiya!” the colt said. “Did you ditch your parents, too? Man, I don’t blame you!”

You didn’t even let me answer, the human thought.

“They say Rainbow Dash is in the area. She’s my mom’s honorary sister, and I don’t see her very often. But she’s just the coolest wonderbolt ever! I wanna be like her when I grow up. And, my mom is such a jerk for saying I can’t leave the house!”

“And you are?”

“Oh sorry! I didn’t introduce myself! I’m Lightning Blitz! My mom was 13 when when she was pregnant with me. Weird, huh? It’s a bit of a long story. But enough about me, what’s your name?”

“My name is…”

“Oh, oh, that’s her! That’s her over there!” The both of them hid in tall grass to spy on Rainbow Dash.

“He usually picks up on the first or second call,” Rainbow Dash said, referring to Zany. She wore winter gear, and her face was covered by goggles, and a winter mask. She also had a cyborganic wing. “What’s going on with him?”

Zany then showed up. “H-hi, Rainbow Dash!” he said. “Sorry I’m late, I had, uh, errands to run! Now regarding to the human I told you about earlier…”

“Did you fight her?”

“Ah yes, I did. I fought her valiantly!”

“Did you capture her?”

“Well…” Zany hesitated for a few seconds or so, and then he confessed. “No.”

Rainbow Dash then got furious. “WHAT!”

“I tried very hard to, Rainbow Dash! You gotta believe me! It’s just, y’know, things come up, things change. Y’know how it is, right?”

“Ugh, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself.”

“Or, y’know, with help from a royal guard, in training.”

“I’ll rip out her soul myself, and break her little bones!”

“Now now, that’s a bit overkill, don’t you think? And you don’t need to destroy her. You see, I’ve been thinking about it, and… Well, I have something to say.”

“But with her soul, we can go home. We will win this battle.”

“I… I understand, it’s just…”

“We’ll breach the surface world, and destroy the human scum! And if you have a problem with that, maybe the Royal Guard isn’t for you.”

“What? B-but I… I…” Zany then sighed, and said, “I’ll help, Rainbow Dash, anyway I can.”

“Good, I knew I can count on my favorite godson. Now hop to it.”

“Yes, Rainbow Dash.” Zany then wandered off.

“You hear me, human?! It’s hunting season, and I don’t miss my catch!” Rainbow Dash then went off into the forest to search for the human.

When Rainbow Dash was gone, both the Human and Lightning Blitz went out of hiding. “Wow, isn’t she awesome?!” Lightning said. “Well, she’s usually not like this, but the war got to her head. But still, she’s really awesome!” Lightning then ran ahead, and the human continued on the trail.

As the human was walking down the trail, she eventually got a phone call from Zany. “Hello! This is Zany!” he started.

“Wait, how did you get this number?” the human asked.

“It was easy. I was simply just put in random numbers until I got the right one! So… what are you wearing…? I’m... asking for my godmother. She thought she saw you wearing a dusty tutu. Is it true? Are you wearing one?”

The human was wearing a dusty tutu. She found it somewhere in Waterfall. She only put it on because it would increase her defense. “You’re not gonna back stab me, are you?”

“What? No! Why would I do that to my new friend? Just tell me.”

“OK, yes. I am wearing a tutu.”

“OK, got it. Bye!” Zany then hung up, and the human continued on trail.

She then encountered the echo flowers that Screwball told her about. She stayed silent, and listened to what they were saying. It was just a passing conversation between two ponies.

Here’s what they said:

“A long time ago, ponies would whisper their wishes to the stars. If you hoped with all your heart, your wish would come true. Now, all we have are these sparkling stones on the ceiling…”

“Thousands of ponies wishing together can’t be wrong! The king will prove that.”

“C’mon sis! Make a wish!”

“I wish my sister and I will see the real stars someday…”

“Ah… seems my horoscope is the same as last week’s…”

The human then continued on. She was walking a bridge, when suddenly, a spear landed right in front of her! She then found Rainbow Dash, and ran away. Rainbow Dash chased her down while throwing more spears at her. The human found some more tall grass, and hid in it. But Rainbow Dash followed her into the grass. She tried to reach for the human, but she instead grabbed Lightning Blitz. “Lightning?” she said.

“Heh heh, hi Aunt Rainbow Dash,” Lightning replied. “How’s your hunt for that human?”

Rainbow Dash put down Lightning, and walked away.

“Hey wait! We don’t see each other very often! Oh well.” He then turned to the human, and said, “Wow, I can’t believe it! I finally met her again after all these years! Too bad it didn’t last long. Oh well, we’ll try to catch her again. We might even get to watch her fight the human.” He then ran off again.

The human then continued on the trail. She then found some more echo follows. They were the voices of the same ponies from before. Here’s what they said:

“So? Don’t you have any wishes to make?”

“... hmmm, just one, but… It’s kind of stupid.”

The human then got another phone call from Zany. “Hello! This is Zany again! Remember when I asked you about clothes? Well, my godmother… her opinion of you is very… murdery. But I bet you knew that already! And because of that I told her what you told me you were wearing a dusty tutu!”

“You what?!” the human replied.

“Because I knew, of course… after a suspicious question… you would obviously change your clothes! You’re such a smart cookie!”

“I didn’t change my clothes.”

“Oh, really? Well, if Rainbow Dash isn’t around, then now would be a good time. No betrayal anywhere, right? Well, see you later!” Zany then hanged up, and the human continued on the trail.

The passing conversation being repeated by the echo flowers continued. Here’s what they said:

“Don’t say that! Come on. I promise I won’t laugh.”

The human then eventually ended up in a cave with a body of water by the human’s side. She then met a giant sea monster with orange hair and a mustache, and freaked out.

“Whoa whoa whoa!” the sea monster said. “I mean you no harm. Let me introduce myself, my name is Steven Magnet.”

“Oh, nice to meet you,” the human replied. “How come you’re down here? You’re not a pony.”

“Well one day, I came to visit my friends, but it took me until it was too late that I remembered that anything can get in, but nothing can get out without a powerful soul."

“You have friends here?”

“Sure do, Rarity was generous enough to give me her tail to complete my beautiful mustache when a puff of black smoke cut it off, and my closest friend, Cranky. He finally married the jenny of her dreams, Matilda. And their kids call me Uncle Steven, I never felt so loved.”

“Wow, quite the family.”

“I know, I know! Well, it was nice meeting you. See you later!” Steven then swam away.

“He seems nice.” The human then continued on the trail. When she got out of the cave, it started to rain. Luckily, she found a bin full of umbrellas. She took one, and continued on. She then ran into Lightning Blitz again. “Oh, hello again Lightning.”

“Oh, hello again,” Lightning replied. “I didn’t think it was gonna rain, so I didn’t bother getting an umbrella. Can we share yours?”

“Sure, come here.”

“Thanks,” Lightning got underneath the human’s umbrella, and they continued on the trail. “Man, Rainbow Dash is sooooooo cool. She beats up bad guys and NEVER loses. If I was a human, I would wet the bed every night knowing she was gonna beat me up! Ha ha!”

“Really? You don’t say.” the human said with a nervous smile.

As the continued on the trail, they went past an echo flower beyond their reach. “So, one time. We had a school project where we had to take care of a flower. The king volunteered to donate his own flowers. He ended up coming to school and teaching the class about responsibility and stuff. That got me thinking… How COOL would it be if Rainbow Dash came to school!? She could beat up ALL of the teachers!!”

“Why the hell would she that?”

“Yeah, you’re right, she’s too cool to beat up an innocent pony.”

As they were walking, the human found a castle in the distance. “Does that castle belong to the king?”

“Of course it does. Did Sin’s toxin get to you, or something?”

“Who’s Sin?”

“I’m joking, he’s a villain in a JRPG I played.”

“Oh, ha ha.”

It eventually stopped raining, and the human and Lightning found a steep ledge. “This ledge is too steep.” Lightning said.

“Can’t you just fly to the top?” said the human.

“I’m still learning how to fly. Here, I’ll give you a boost.”

“OK.” The human got onto Lightning’s shoulders, and climbed over him. She was then on top of the ledge. “Here, I’ll pull you up.”

“I can’t jump that high. Don’t worry, I’ll find away up there. See you on the other side!” Lightning then ran off.

The human continued on. She was then on another wooden bridge. Then, blue spots started glowing on the bridge, and suddenly, spears sprouted out of them. The human then spotted Rainbow Dash.

“I got you this time, bitch!” Rainbow Dash shouted.

“Oh crap!” The human then ran, trying to avoid Rainbow’s spears.

“Hold still you little brat!”

Eventually, the human ran into a dead end, and was cornered by Rainbow Dash. Rainbow Dash then used her spears to break the bridge, causing the human to fall.

When the human landed, she became unconscious and started hearing voices. Here’s what they said:

“It sounds like it came from over here. Oh! You’ve fallen down, haven’t you? Are you OK? Here, get up.”

“Hi, my name’s Chara.”

“Chara, huh? That’s a nice name. My name is…”

The human then woke up on a bed of flowers. “Huh, deja vu,” said the human. She then sniffed the air. “Bleh, it smells like garbage down here!” As she continued on, she finds piles of garbage. “Oh, that makes sense.” She eventually finds a way out of the dump. When she walked right past a dummy, it came to life.

With an evil laugh, he said in a redneck accent, “Too intimidated to fight me, huh!? I’m a ghost that lives inside a DUMMY. One of my cousins used to live inside one too. Until YOU CAME ALONG! When you talked to him, he thought he was in for a nice chat… But the things you SAID…! Horrible. Shocking! UNBELIEVABLE! It spooked him right out of his dummy! HUMAN! I’ll scare your soul out of your body!” He then engaged the human in a fight.

“Whoa, OK. Let’s be reasonable.”

“Futile. Futile! FUTILE!” The dummy had some smaller dummies throw some projectiles at the human. The human dodged them, and had the projectiles hit the dummy. “OWWWW, you DUMMIES! Watch where you’re aiming your magic attacks!” He paused for a moment. “Hey! You! Forget I said anything about magic!!!”

The human tired talking to the dummy, but he wouldn’t listen.

“I’ll defeat you and take your soul!” The dummies threw their magical attacks at the human again, but the human dodged them again, and they hit the dummy… again.

The human tried sparing the dummy, but the dummy wouldn’t accept her mercy.

“I’ll use your soul to cross the barrier!” And it keeps going, the smaller dummies attack, the human dodges, the bigger dummy gets hit. “I’ll stand in the window of a fancy store!” Magic attacks, dodged, hits the dummy. Now the dummy was hopping mad. “THEN EVERYTHING I WANT WILL BE MINE!” Magic attacks, dodged, hits the dummy. “Huh? Yeah, I guess that’ll avenge my cousin.” Magic attacks, dodged, hits the dummy. “What was his name again?” Magic attacks, dodged, hits the dummy. “Whatever. Whatever! WHATEVER!” Magic attacks, dodged, hits the dummy. “Foolish. Foolish! FOOLISH!” Magic attacks, dodged, hits the dummy. You’re probably getting tired of this, so let’s just cut to the chase. “Hey you guys!” The smaller dummies are gathered together. “Dummies. Dummies! DUMMIES! Remember when I said NOT to hit me? Well… FAILURES! YOU’RE ALL FIRED! YOU’RE ALL BEING REPLACED!!!” They then left. “Hahaha. Hahaha! HAHAHA! Now you’ll see my true power: Relying on ponies that aren’t garbage! DUMMY BOTS! MAGIC MISSILE!” Then, the robots shot missiles at the human, but again, she dodged them, and they hit the dummy. Let’s just cut to the chase. They kept doing it until the dummy had enough. N… no way, he thought, These guys are even WORSE than the other guys! “Who cares? Who cares!? WHO CARES!!? I DON’T NEED FRIENDS!!!” He then took out a knife. “I’VE GOT KNIVES!!!” He threw the knife, but missed. “I’m… Out of knives. BUT IT DOESN’T MATTER! YOU CAN’T HURT ME AND I CAN’T HURT YOU! YOU’LL BE STUCK FIGHTING ME. Forever. FOREVER!!!!” He then laughed like a maniac until someone called his name.

“Braeburn!” That female redneck voice sounded familiar. It was that ghost that the human met in the Ruins.

“Oh, hey there Applejack. How’s it going?”

“Don’t you ‘How’s it going?’ me. That’s my friend you’re trying to kill!”

“Your friend? But she’s a human! She even said awful stuff to one of our cousins!”

“So what? That’s no reason to kill her! Besides, she isn’t like the other humans. Now leave her alone!”

“Alright.” Braeburn then left.

“Sorry about my cousin Braeburn, he hasn’t really been himself ever since one of your kind killed him, and now he possesses one of Rarity’s clothing dummies. He actually used to be so cheerful and optimistic. Well, a lot of ponies down here haven’t really been themselves ever since we got trapped down here.”

“Well, I sure wish I can meet that Braeburn.” the human said.

“And here’s something funny.”

Braeburn overheard, and said, “Please don’t tell her.”

“Everypony thinks he’s gay even though he isn’t.”


“Sorry cuz.”

Braeburn walked away.

“Well, it was nice seeing you again, Applejack.” the human said.

“Same. Well, see ya later.” Applejack then floated away, and the human continued on the trail, exiting the dump.