• Published 1st Jun 2016
  • 502 Views, 14 Comments

Unbroken - ghast25gaming

Caleb, John, and Liz have an unusual friendship, to say the least. This friendship eventually leads them on an adventure they will never, ever forget.

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Chapter 1: Foreboding

“Oh crap, what do we do about this?”

Caleb Newson’s mind was in a complete rage at his friend, John Tychus, after he clumsily dropped his gift for their friend Elizabeth Oxton. John was entrusted with carrying their presents, while Caleb was carrying the cake for tomorrow’s mini celebration. The gift was a heavily detailed clay sculpture of Fluttershy, which took Caleb weeks to perfect every little detail, from the cutie mark to the hairstyle. To make matters worse, she would be getting them gifts too, since all three of them were, surprisingly, born on the same day at approximately the same time. Some might call it a coincidence, others say God, but either way, they were in trouble. The three of them were close friends, so something like this could go either good or bad. At the time though, they were expecting the worst. Caleb’s and John’s minds were scrambling to find a solution before disaster strikes.

“Well we can’t just leave it here! We need to clean this up and see if we can fix it.” John said, with a look of worry in his eyes.

“I don’t know if I can fix it in time, let alone fix it at all before she gets back. You shouldn’t have tried to carry everything in your hands! You should have used a fucking mini wagon or cart or SOMETHING! But no, you just had to drop it. I knew I should have been the one holding the gifts! Next time, you carry the cake, WITHOUT ANYTHING ELSE IN YOUR HANDS!!!” Caleb screamed.

“I know I screwed up, but yelling won’t fix anything. Let’s just try to get as many of the pieces as we can and take it home, we can call Liz saying we forgot to feed our dogs or something to get out of meeting her. It’s not the best plan, but it’s the only one we have” John said.

“Fine, but this argument isn’t over. We need to talk about your clumsiness after our birthday passes, but for now, just get the pieces and let’s get out of here.”

The two of them spent the next 4 minutes trying to find and collect the tiny pieces of the shattered sculpture. When they finally got all of them, they headed to Caleb’s house to talk and plan the birthday tomorrow.

“Looking at the pieces that we have, I should be able to fix it, but it will take a lot of time. I may have to pull an all-nighter if I want a present to give her “Caleb said.

“That’s good news to hear, although I’m sorry I dropped it in the first place. I’ll try to be more careful when carrying things, especially when it’s yours” John said, an apologetic tone in his voice.

“It’s ok, we just need to figure out who is best at what. I should have brought along a cart or something to put the gifts in” Caleb said.

“Agreed. Once we get into the swing of things, things could go a lot better th-”

Just then the phone rings, showing Liz’s caller ID on the miniature screen. John runs over to grab it and answers.

“Hey Liz, what’s up?

“Nothing much, did you guys pick up the cake from Baskin Robins?” Liz asks.

“Yeah we got it around 4:30-ish. We put it in the freezer in our garage to keep it cool for tomorrow” John answers.

“Ok, I can’t wait! See ya later!” Said Liz.

“See ya.” John hangs up

“Was that Liz?” Caleb Asked

“Yeah, she was only asking if we got the cake, nothing really special.”

“Ah ok. Well, this is going to take a lot longer than a couple of hours. I’m going to be late to bed trying to fix this thing. If I seem sluggish tomorrow, that’s probably why” Caleb said.

“Gotcha. Well, I’m going to head off, it’s getting late and I need my sleep for tomorrow. Hope you get it done soon!”

“Alright then, g’night” Caleb said.

As John walked out the door, he couldn’t help but notice his dark brown hair had turned a tad lighter. Maybe he got some hair dye, or it just got lighter 'cuz of age Caleb thought to himself. Yeah, probably just age. Caleb dismisses it with a shrug.

While he fixes the sculpture, he remembers the first time all three of them met together. It was two years ago, at Bronycon 2014. They were at the vendor stalls looking at some items when they started talking about the show. It eventually got to a point where they became good friends. Caleb smiled at the memory. I can’t wait to go to this year’s Bronycon with them. It would be nice if they were up to it, Caleb thought.
Caleb finished the sculpture around 11:45 and took one final look over it before he went to bed. He made sure that he covered up the cracks and that everything is sealed. Once he is satisfied, he goes to his bed, falling into sleep within a matter of minutes.

“Give it up Tyranius! Your rampage ends NOW, if you do not stop, we shall be forced to end you!” Celestia screamed at the monster before them.

“Oh please Celestia, spare me your empty promises. Your kind is too accustomed to 'peace' and 'friendship'. You and I both know you wouldn't follow up on a threat like that” The monster bellowed.

“ENOUGH!!! Everypony surround him and keep him contained in your magic, we must stop his path of destruction before Canterlot joins the list of destroyed cities! We must protect the refugees from those cities as well!” Celestia said to the other princesses beside her.

“Got it” Twilight said as the princesses and mane six all flew up into the air, ready to strike against the monster in front of them.

But the monster was ready for this, as he threw a punch that barely missed Twilight, but came around and hit Cadence, sending her to the ground.

“CADENCE!!!” Twilight screamed as her former foalsitter/sister-in-law was sent plummeting to the ground with a loud THUD. To her relief though, she got back up and joined back in quickly, but not with the same speed she had before.
At this time, Celestia and Luna were all firing magic blasts from their horn in an attempt to cripple or even make any sort of effect on the monster called Tyranius. Tyranius lashes out by swinging his arm around, knocking princess Luna and Twilight to the ground, dazed. Distracted by the blow made to her fellow princesses, Celestia slightly lowers her guard, allowing Tyranius to knock her to the ground as well. Princess Cadence flies down to protect the others while they recover. They all are still conscious, but are too hurt to fight much longer. The rest of the mane six stand ready beside Cadence to defend the other princesses

“Give it up princess Celestia, I have the power right here, right now to kill all four of you. I Will give you a choice: either die a slow, painful death, or watch as your precious capitol and all of the ponies inside are destroyed” Tyranius said, with a sense of triumph in his voice.

“We must use the spell, otherwise Equestria is doomed” Luna whispered.

“But if it backfires, who knows what will happen to Equestria!” Twilight whispered back, a look of worry in her eyes.

“But what will happen if we don’t try?” said Celestia.

“…Let’s do it then” said Luna and Twilight, almost in unison
Tyranius had grown impatient. “WELL? IF I DO NOT RECEIVE AN ANSWER, I GUESS IT WILL BE THE END OF YOU!!! Say goodbye to everything you ever loved and cherished!” Tyranius screamed at the ponies before him.

“NOW!!!” Celestia commanded as the four alicorns brought their horn together to summon the spell that would send this creature away. The magic started sputtering, and proceeded to explode in a big sphere of raw, uncontrolled magic due to the fact that the alicorns were too weak to keep it stable long enough for it to work.

Noticing that the alicorns had lost control of their magic, Tyranius took the chance that was presented to him. “Gah, Die!” Tyranius said as his fist started to come down on top of the princesses, but was blown back by the shockwave emitted by the out of control magic. The sphere started growing, sending powerful shockwaves outward until it exploded in a brilliant flash of light. And just like that, everything disappeared withing the blinding ball of magic.

“AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhh… Oh, it was just a nightmare” Caleb said as his body bolted out of bed the moment he woke up. That was a very strange nightmare though, he thought, as he had not had a nightmare that intense, let alone with the cast of MLP. The part of it that bugged him though, was the fact that it felt much more real than any other nightmare he has ever experienced. He gets out of bed and opens his laptop, hoping that playing some Overwatch will help ease his mind. As he puts on his headset and hears the opening menu theme of the game, he ponders about the dream. Well my memory of this is definitely not gonna be forgotten for a while. As that thought rolled through his mind, he wasn’t aware of how true that statement really was.

Author's Note:

It's time to let go of all of the ideas that people have put into my already-cramped head. I hope you guys like it, as it is my first fic i have spent actual time on. Let me know what you guys think in the comments, and i might continue this fic for longer than i had originally planned.

Thanks to Hoolle/Epiccookie/Aurora for the edits and nitpicks!

Edit: I changed some of the final paragraph to show some more thought by Caleb about the dream. I also changed their age from 25 to 21 because i just started reading Five Score/Four (great fic btw) and i realized that it would be too similar to mine.